(Left to right) Pfc. Cody J. Patterson, Sgt. Patrick C. Hawkins, 1st Lt. Jennifer M. Moreno and Special Agent Joseph M. Peters were killed by an improvised explosive device in Afghanistan on Sunday.
For those who believe the shutdown isn’t affecting anyone negatively….
This is just a quick post to give this story legs and attention. Please help if you can, and spread the word to others who may be of assistance.
Several Rangers have Fallen in combat during the shutdown. The Rangers’ families need your help. One such family is the Pattersons.
Due to the government shutdown and the denial of death benefits, PFC Cody Patterson’s family is under severe financial distress. The 75th Ranger Regiment is currently attempting to collect donations through the Ranger Assistance Fund.
Contributions can be made at the RAFs website at http://www.75thraf.org/ by clicking the “Donate Here” button.
Checks can be sent to:
The Ranger Assistance Fund
2733 Summerfield Pl.
Phenix City, AL 36867
– See more at: http://www.blackfive.net/main/2013/10/no-death-gratuity-benefits-for-families-of-fallen-rangers-help-now.html#sthash.921T1JtJ.dpuf
For more about Cody Patterson from the 3-75th, go to the BlackFive post.
In what veterans call an outrageous slight after the ultimate sacrifice, the shuttered federal government is withholding a $100,000 payment normally wired to relatives of fallen soldiers — including the families of five killed in Afghanistan over the weekend.
The payment, known as the death gratuity, is typically sent to families of the fallen within three days to help them cover funeral costs or travel to meet the flag-draped coffins of their loved ones.
“It is upsetting because my husband died for his country, and now his family is left to worry,” said Ashley Peters of Springfield, Mo., whose husband, Jeremy, was a special agent assigned to the Army’s 5th Military Police Battalion and was among the five killed. “My husband always said if something happened to him we would be taken care of.”
“I’m a stay-at-home mom, which is what my husband wanted,” she said. “He wanted me to take care of our son.”
Outrage over the lapse built Tuesday in both parties in Congress, among the relatives of the fallen and among veteran advocacy groups, which characterized it as an unacceptable breach of the country’s obligation to its volunteer military and their families.
Congresswoman Renee Ellmers on the House floor this morning:
“There is a great injustice being done to our service members and their families. We learned last night that five brave American service members were killed over the weekend in Afghanistan while selflessly protecting our country. Normally the loved ones of these fallen warriors receive assistance in the form of benefits to help them as they make final arrangements for burial and other necessary preparations. Yet as a direct result of the political gridlock here in Washington – and despite legislation passed in the House last week – service members and their families are no longer receiving their benefits. Despite the government shut down, our service members are still expected to go to war and we should be expected to keep our promise to these grieving families. I am working as we speak to right this wrong and I urge all of my colleagues to do the same.”
A former fetus, the “wordsmith from nantucket” was born in Phoenix, Arizona in 1968. Adopted at birth, wordsmith grew up a military brat. He achieved his B.A. in English from the University of California, Los Angeles (graduating in the top 97% of his class), where he also competed rings for the UCLA mens gymnastics team. The events of 9/11 woke him from his political slumber and malaise. Currently a personal trainer and gymnastics coach.
The wordsmith has never been to Nantucket.
The Hypocrisy comes in when the GOP votes against giving help to vets as soon as they come back from war by closing down VA hospitals and denying the vets the health care they so desperately need. But just say photo up and there they are all smiling and standing”tall” next to the old vets at the mall……Hypocrisy at it’s best!
Cruel House Republicans Vote to Cut Off Food for 170,000 Vets and 3.8 Million Americans
Rand cuts veterans;
Republican bill would kick 170,000 veterans off of food stamps
‘Just disgusting’: Outrage after shutdown delays payment for families of fallen
Shutdown holding up military, VA benefits
And the House (controlled by the GOP) bill to take care of this sits collecting dust on Harry Reid’s desk. Yeah, it’s all the Republicans fault. Maybe Reid should have started passing budgets all along like he’s supposed to. The military are pawns in the democrats games. This is not the Republican’s fault – but if it helps you sleep better at night blaming them, be my guest.
@Jolene: Jolene, perhaps the radical tea bagging faction of the lower chamber should understand that they don’t have the votes, support, or the authority to hold our country hostage simply because they despise ObamaCare which is a constitutional law that was enacted by both chambers of the Legislative Branch, signed by the Executive Branch, and upheld by the Judicial Branch.
If you refer back to the Schoolhouse Rock ditty “I’m Only a Bill”, you’d understand the baggers come up short on the proper protocol. The proper way is to take your case to the people who should they agree, would seat enough in power to vote accordingly. Now if you recall, Dems and Obama ran their campaign on a promise of heath care reform, took control, and delivered on that promise. And if you recall last Nov, the electorate returned Obama to the Oval Office while Republicans lost seats in both upper and lower chambers.
People are starting to get quite angry. And it’s not at Obama or Democrats.
@Ronald J. Ward:
What a disgusting little person you are.
@retire05: For what? Injecting facts?
Ronald J. Ward:
According to the poll, 63% of those questioned say they are angry at the Republicans for the way they have handled the shutdown.
“But the Democrats are not getting off scot-free. Fifty-seven percent of Americans are also angry at the way the Democrats are dealing with the shutdown. And a 53% majority say they are also angry at President Obama,” says CNN Polling Director Keating Holland. “It looks like there is more than enough blame to go around and both parties are being hurt by the shutdown.”
The CNN poll was conducted October 3-6 by ORC International, with 1,009 adults nationwide questioned by telephone. The survey’s overall sampling error is plus or minus three percentage points.
Given the constant drumbeat of “it’s the Republicans fault” – including your our comment “People are starting to get quite angry. And it’s not at Obama or Democrats” – a six point difference between the Republican and Democrat blame is quite surprising at its closeness.
@Ronald J. Ward:
No, for injecting farts.
Straight from the Blackfive link, you know, the ones who are actually trying to assist the families of the fallen which is a damn sight more than the lefty trolls here have probably done:
If one were to actually read the letter, they would find the death gratuity is clearly listed. If people are too lazy to read the letter or bill or too partisan to see or admit that it includes the death gratuity, that’s their problem.
CBSNBC say more blame Rebublicans.
LATIMES says the GOP’s losing ground.
Businessinsider list “A slew of polls from swing House of Representatives districts suggest that Republicans could be playing with fire”.
WashingtonPost says 25% approve of GOP handling of shutdown.
Fox News, Got that? Fox News finds GOP disapproval over shutdown is skyrocketing.
NationalJournal explains how GOP is hurting over shutdown.
The Hill says GOP could lose House over shutdown.
TalkingPointsMemo says 70% disapprove of GOP handling.
Reuters tells of GOP troubles over it.
Memeorandum list tons of examples.
Even CHARLES KRAUTHAMMER explains that it’s just really really dumb.
Where the hell should I stop?
RW, here’s a former Marine that still has his head on straight.
@Ronald J. Ward:
Why do you have to bring Gays into this?
A little respect please- you use this forum to harbor your petty political tirades… shame. I pray the families of the fallen are able to reunite with the bodies of their loved ones and lay them to rest. As a nation it is our sacred duty to assist in this final respect for such total sacrifice.
@Sgt. Eric Worthen: Concur.
Word #14 There it is—Thanks
@Sgt. Eric Worthen:
@Richard Wheeler:
Really? So you can ignore the fact that the very person you helped elect, who puts his feet on the Resolution Desk, is responsible for the necessity for private citizens to help the families of the fallen heroes?
These fallen deserve more from the Commander in Chief, and certainly deserve better from someone who uses “Semper Fi” as his tag line.
@This one: Wrong wrong wrong as usual dude!! Department of Justice did not allow benefits to be paid due to verbage of the resolution to pay the military. They said it was military but not families that are elgible during shutdown. Friggin laywers at the Dept of Justice!! Chew on that!!
@retire05: Well said. America can agree on this one.
@Ronald J. Ward: O-blama’s approval DOWN to 37%, forgot that one eh??
@Sgt. Eric Worthen:
While I agree that is a noble position to have, that was not what the comment was about. The comment was about the fact that the Obama admin is doing all it can, in deliberately keeping death benefits payments from troops killed in military action, and someone that is ‘proud’ of his military service, RW, praising the actions of that C in C for doing this despicable thing.
Now, Mr Sgt. Eric Worthen, comment on that. Also tell us if you’re still a Sgt or are a former Sgt.
@Redteam: Be so kind as to point out WHERE I “praised the action of the C I C for doing this despicable thing,” As usual, you’re full of shit, and part of the problem not the solution.
Semper Fi
@Ronald J. Ward: Constitutional??? Please direct me to the section of the Constitution which authorizes the Congress to enact laws regarding health insurance. It is not in my list of enumerated powers. Promoting the general welfare cannot possibly be stretched this far.
Please direct me to the section of the Constitution which authorizes the Supreme Court to rewrite extant law, and turn a penalty into a tax.
Please direct me to the section of the Constitution which authorizes a President to alter extant law.
None of the three branches of the Federal Government are acting in acordance with the Constitution, which was once what Constitutional meant.
Now Constitutional means whatever you want, I guess.
The president has made known his contempt for our military on many occasions. The shutdown is an opportunity to flaunt his distaste for our people in uniform and pretend it is within the realm of reason and practicality; however, a real leader or a real statesman would do whatever is necessary to relieve the strain on the families of the fallen, not only is it the decent thing to do, but it would be a politically expedient move with a tremendous opportunity to create goodwill. Unfortunately, we have a petty, vindictive, little man for a president; punishing your enemies (opponents) to make a point, or using the IRS as a thug arm of the government makes sense to a man with a criminal type mind.
This behavior should not be shrugged off as “Just Politics”, this is a corrosive attitude that will bring America to its knees. Some will argue that this is his goal and it is becoming harder to deny with each passing week. If President Obama is allowed to finish this term, the America we once knew will be lost forever.
@Skook: Marine To Marine. You say “The President has made known his CONTEMPT for the military on many occasions.” I haven’t seen this. Examples please. Thanks
Semper Fi
@Richard Wheeler:
Oh My!
If you have to ask that question, then you wouldn’t understand the answer. You are really adrift.
@Redteam: I ask the question because I RESPECT Skooks opinion. I have no respect for yours .Do you have a response to my #20? You gonna let your lie stand pat?
@Richard Wheeler:
Of course 23 was addressed to someone else, not me. But then why would that surprise anyone.
You still don’t want to tell us why you agree with the C in C withholding death benefits, which are authorized, to the families of fallen warriors?
Note: I see where you edited it to #20 vs 23
@Redteam: Response to my #20 please. Where did I say I agree with the CIC withholding death benefits. I’m calling you a liar RT.
@Richard Wheeler:
Coming from you, that may be an honor.
@Richard Wheeler:
Where did you denounce, and slam, the CIC for withholding death benefits?
but just for the record RW, many of your comments are all about praise for your idol, I didn’t think you would want anyone to doubt your undying admiration, so why the phony pretense?
Why were the Marines disarmed during second inaugural parade. (bolts removed from rifles)
Why? Was it fear? No Marine likes to carry a rifle without a bolt and carrying a disabled weapon during a parade, this is an insult. Everyone knows they aren’t carrying ammunition. I doubt if this was an order initiated by the commandant. No, this order came about through paranoia at the upper most echelons. Perhaps when they march the next time, they will be in tennis shoes and gym shorts, since they could be hiding weapons in those dress uniforms.
@Skook: Good comments Skook, that’s typical actions on the part of our paranoid CinC. He wants to completely disarm our military, as a indication to the world that he is a ‘child of the world’ not an American. With all the publicity about the WWII memorial, Obama should have personally gone to the memorial to welcome them on that occasion. Now that would have been something someone could admire, but we don’t have to be concerned that this president ‘gives a damn’ as long as he can play golf and carry his mate on free taxpayer paid vacations.
@Redteam: Is that an answer? I repeat RT. You are a liar.Wear it proudly if you like.
Skooks Parades I marched in troops were never armed and no mags carried. At times I believe firing pins removed. Bolts removed in 2012 parade? Seems overly protective.
RT says CIC “wants to completely disarm our military.” Bullshit
@Richard Wheeler:
So you don’t even know if that is an answer or not? Then why would it matter if you got one?
If my opinion is different than yours, I consider it an honor.
are you sure? and no mags carried.
Some things you are sure of, others you’re not? hmmm!!!!
True, so why did it happen?
Bullsh*t? a subject you are comfortable with.
@Redteam: I called you a liar based on a false statement you made in#19 and have not retracted. Pretty simple really. Wear it proudly if you like.
@Richard Wheeler:
RW, if everyone retracted the comments they make that are rhetoric and grandstanding, your name would disappear from the blog.
But I am happy for you to admit that you now think you can recognize a lie, I assume that means you won’t be listening to Obama anymore, unless you are drawn to liars. Anchors Aweigh!
Opening the barriers to the WWII Memorial was a PR event missed by our president. He could have “disarmed” many of his critics and created a tremendous amount of goodwill and shown our enemies he stands behind our military. Instead: he wires the barrycades, a big mistake, that will unleash negative sentiment among a population of millions who worship those heroes of the past. The man surrounds himself with small minded idiots and “Yes” people who tell him what he wants to hear. Be ready for for the beginning of radical discord and possibly worse for these stupid gestures that accomplished nothing positive for the president.
A Stupid Gestures That Accomplished Nothing, but to breed anger and disharmony among one of the largest demographics in America, the American vet.
Congrats to the Republicans and ‘the people’ for forcing the Dimocrats to capitulate to the Veterans and paying the death benefits, as they were required to do all along.
Don’t get happy too soon, Redteam. The bill still has to be approved by the Senate.
Even the Dims don’t have the cohones to turn it down.
You think not, Redteam? Harry Reid had the cajones to turn down funding for cancer research. You underestimate the evil of these people.
@retire05: I do admit, with these people, anything is possible. Ignorance has no bounds.
@Redteam: #10
Sounds like he actually expects Obama to obey the law. Where’s he been?
@Redteam, I couldn’t agree with you more about this being an engineered political move and yes, it is despicable…. this being said it does not get a grieving family their loved one back- I was suggesting that people work the problem rather than engage in verbal masturbation. To answer your second question, I was medically retired in 2010 after being combat disabled in 2008 while serving with the 101st Airborne at FOB Salerno Afghanistan. Hope that satisfies your curiosity.
@Eric Worthen:
I agree. Unfortunately Obama doesn’t seem to agree and is still doing all he can to make it as hard as he can on the families.
Sorry about your combat disability, and thanks for your service.
Just how many sides does Obama have to his mouth?
@Eric Worthen#44 – God Bless you and thank you for your service…I have contempt for a CIC who has such a disdain for our Military. I suspect he does not like them because deep down inside he is a weak person and has infinitely LESS courage and integrity then those of our Brave United States Military…there is no comparison…never will be…
I sincerely am sorry for your disability…
Jay Carney: “This piecemeal is a ‘gimmick’…really Jay??”
Yea, Conservatives are all about “Gimmicks” Jay…(sarc off)
I recently saw a program regarding the brain. How it collects and retains data. It seems there is truth to the FACT….if you tell a lie enough times “people” do see it as truth and begin to believe the LIE as TRUTH… Our CIC is the epitome of this…He believes his “own Lies” which he tells the American people, and his drones, like dominoes, they fall into line believing the same lies….they said this is very effective Propaganda and the Left proves this.
Sadly, this winds up with many people on the Left… LIVING a LIE… then find out it truly IS a lie way too late…you know like “Free Healthcare”….