America’s Shame And Embarrassment

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Yes, we elected a community organizer to the office of the Presidency, because people thought he’d pay their mortgage and put gas in their cars.

He is the same guy who wants to get tough with our most treasured citizens, the WWII vets. Those guys in their late 80s and early 90s who came to Washington to see the city that most represents the country they fought and died for and for some of them, it will be their last trip.


These warriors of America’s past disgust him, we know that. They are the valiant Americans who stood up to oppression and defeated an evil that was poised to blanket the world. They are America’s greatest living symbols of a once great beacon of freedom. He despises them and he will take this opportunity, when they merely want to visit the memorial built in their honor, to piss on their backs and on the America they represent, America before the Obama Revolution.

In his rush to send goons to keep our aged heroes from seeing a few rocks we had carved to commemorate the sacrifice of millions to preserve liberty and freedom, we as a people forget the night he went to bed early and turned his back on some more American heroes and left them to die in a shit hole called Benghazi.


He wasn’t acting out like a petulant narcissist that night, he just couldn’t be bothered, there was a fund raiser the next morning and his admiring celebrities were going to be there; besides, the men that killed the Americans, were the same ones he wanted to befriend, the ones who want to envelope the world with the evil known as fanatical Islam and the insanity of radical jihad, an evil that is similar in nature and just as oppressive as the evil, our WWII veterans met and destroyed.

Some Americans want to justify Obama’s anti-American behavior with lame excuses: he had a fund raiser in Vegas the next day and he wanted to look his best, but America knows the truth. The Americans in Benghazi and the WWII vets represent the old-America and President Obama doesn’t give a damn about the old America, the America he wants to fundamentally transform. Being concerned with America’s former greatness and it’s warriors of the past and present is foolishness and a waste of time to this president. He has different objectives and loyalties, and they have nothing in common with America’s greatness or honoring its heroes.


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My Brother was a combat infantryman in WW ll. He fought the Nazis through Europe. His outfit liberated Czechoslovakia at end of the war. They were than sent state side and trained for the invasion of the Japan mainland, fortunately we had a Man as president who had the wisdom and fortitude to end the war with Japan by dropping two A bombs . (They the Japanese leaders failed to get the message after the first one). My Brother’s unit went on to be one of the occupying forces in Japan destroying their military hardware. He came home and spoke little of the hell he had seen. He confided with me long, long after that little did he know that the day he left for the military would be a forever life changing experience. He passed on last year. He was a hero to me as I a eight year old kid watched him board a troop train in Binghamton NY. He is and always will be my hero. God Bless the WW ll veterans.

The tone deafness of Islamists who make negative photo ops right as Obama reaches out to befriend and arm them is missed by Obama.
That’s because Obama, too, is tone-deaf when it comes to awful juxtapositions.
Yes, he slept as poorly guarded Embassy officials were murdered.
Yes, he sent more guards to ”protect his photo-op of a closed Memorial” from the veterans who made the place possible.
Maybe Obama and the Islamists have more in common than tone deafness…..


you need to take the top photo and put a line under it:

Once before we were told a place was closed. It was called “NORMANDY.”

I cannot begin to express my disgust, my sadness for this great nation, or my disbelief that we have come to this crossroad… I just don’t possess the words.

@Scott in Oklahoma:

Well, gee, Scott. maybe Richard Wheeler will come on this thread to defend the shameful actions of the Democrats on this.

More GOP hypocrites, grandstanding on the backs of 2 million average Americans out of work and millions more being denied critical services. The GOP are nothing but scammers. They cut funding to the WW ll memorial then make a big show and fund it themselves all the while they are trying to de-fund the VA by $6 BILLION DOLLARS. Hypocrites! You don’t shut down the government and then selectively fund certain parks to gain the good graces of the populous.

Whle the GOP grandstands at the WW ll Memorial:
Paul Rand; VA Care End Eyed for 1.3 Million Vets

Republican lawmaker blames Obama and congressional Dems within minutes of Capitol shooting

Republican who voted to shut down government asks park ranger why part of government shut down

Watch RNC Chairman Reince Priebus Get The Smackdown

House GOPer: ‘I Need My Paycheck’ During Shutdown


Rand Paul, Mitch McConnell caught on hot mic talking shutdown strategy

Really now. Any questions?

I agree, it is shameful!! Wait until Americans learn what Obamacare is about and the shame will be even greater. So far it has been a disaster at best.

especially if OBAMA restrain the WARRIORS and warn them to cut their benefits and pay for their medical needs,
them to silence their prayers and replace A CHAPLAIN by an atheist who say,
they only need to be listen to ,they have enough with that,, no need for A MAN OF GOD,
he even cut the meals , no more evening hot meals for those who stay awayke to watch the enemies,
they are suppose to sleep while the enemies are creeping and kill them, or the afghans they trained kill them in the back,
yes those elder warriors have rights which are not valued as time went by, and a new generation endoctrinated to resent WAR AND BLAME IT ON THE ONE FOLLOWING ORDER THAT NOW KILL THEM, FOR FAILURE TO THINK HE KNOW HOW TO BE A COMMANDER ,

@This one: grandstands????

Some Republican members of Congress and a Democratic senator, Tom Harkin, D-Iowa were on site, blasting the federal government for fencing off the memorial.

@This one: Caught?
Sounded perfectly acceptable to me.
The media doesn’t do polling except to make Obama look good.
And Senators should talk strategy on EVERYTHING!
Notice the civility toward the opposition?
No ”traitors,” no ”extortionists,” no “commies?”
Maybe that’s what’s got you stumped.

Senator Chuck Schumer of New York told THE WEEKLY STANDARD following a noon press conference Thursday that in 1995 “it was a different world.” Why is that? “Because we have a Tea Party,” Schumer said without elaborating as he walked away.

“Many of us could argue while those might be important issues, and they are, what’s more important than millions of small businesses who undergird the entire economy of the United States?” Landrieu asked, flanked by a group of small business owners.

Landrieu said that “the Tea Party has to understand that they cannot hold government and our private partners–which are many from big companies like Boeing and Lockheed to small companies that are represented here–hostage over their inability to get a law that they don’t like amended.”

“It is my hope–my hope–that many brave men and women in the Republican party will stand up and close this Tea Party down,” Landrieu said.

Got that? According to those Democrat Mensa members, this whole government shut down thingie is because of the evil Tea Partiers.

Now I know why Schumer and Landrieu are elected officials; they are just too damn stupid to get a job in the private sector.

@retire05: But they refuse to address WHY we even have a TEA Party.
TEA stands for ”Taxed Enough Already.”
And all Schumer and Landrieu do is try to find NEW ways of taxing us all MORE!

@Nan G:

Chuckie Schumer is a certified idiot. Mary Landrieu is in office simply due to her last name which holds a lot of sway with Louisiana Democrats. But what do their statements tell you? They are scared to death that Americans no longer are buying hook, line and sinker, into their Socialist utopian promises. You don’t attack what you are not afraid of.

Landrieu is really worried about keeping her seat. Bobby Jindal has made some really great advances in Louisiana showing that conservative governments work better than the old style Huey Long type government that Louisiana has been plagued with for so long.
As far as Schumer is concerned; he’s pretty safe. Any state that is willing to even nominate someone like Bill De Blasio is beyond all hope for survival.

@Common Sense: So far Obamacare has ‘been a disaster?’ On it’s first day-yesterday- 10 million signed up. You’re goofy! Lol!

@This one:

10 million signed up

Hahahahahaha…..oh man, you have to be the worst troll evah!

this one is still an idiot asshole ,sorry i call them as i see em

@This one: On it’s first day-yesterday- 10 million signed up. You’re goofy! Lol!

Where are you getting your imaginary figures, This one?
Not The Weekly Standard which had a story about how Can’t Find Anyone Who Has Successfully Signed Up for Obamacare.

Not the WaPo which asks: Has anyone been able to sign up for ObamaCare through the Federal Exchanges yet?

Not the Washington Post which says: The White House says people have bought Obamacare. We haven’t Met any of Them Quite Yet.

Not Forbes which points out: Enrollment In Obamacare’s Federal Exchange, So Far is in the Single Digits.

Hearing voices in your head, This one?

@This one: Your A LIAR!! Show me verified statistics to support you claim!! I don’t believe wacho liberals just because they say stupid things. That’s how we got Obamacare!!

The liberals are so used to getting so much free stuff that they think that their freedom is free. When I first heard the phrase, “Freedom isn’t free”, I thought that it was a stupid thing to say. I got it for free. Within one of two days it finally hit me what it meant. It came free for me, but others paid a lot so I could have it for free.

For most liberals, it hasn’t hit them that their freedom has cost millions of people around the world their lives so that we can be born in a free country. They figure that as long as it is free to them, they don’t care who pays for it, or how much it costs. If they ever lose their freedom because of the USA being overthrown, THEN they will realize that the saying, “Freedom isn’t free”, isn’t such a stupid saying. I hope they don’t learn it that way.

…besides, the men that killed the Americans, were the same ones he wanted to befriend….

I have often thought of the SEAL that was on the roof using the laser to target the enemy where he wanted the rounds or bombs to go, and using the radio to try to contact any help that might be in the air. He was expecting help from others, not knowing that obama thought it was more important to get some sleep so he could raise more money. How much does a president have to raise for it to be worth letting Americans die? We only give obama credit for letting four people die, but he was willing to let them all die. If it wasn’t for the two ex SEALS who disobeyed orders not to engage the enemy, maybe they all would have died. One story said that at least 50-60 of the terrorists died. Our guys went down fighting.

Did our guys get recognized for what they did, or was this declared another case of work place violence? I haven’t heard of any award ceremonies, if there were any.

@This one: #16
Maybe you don’t know how much 10 million is. That is why I always try to use the actual number in cases like this. Ten million is this many: 10,000,000. Nobody in California has signed up as of the 3rd. The headline for the link below says, “Enrollment In Obamacare’s Federal Exchange, So Far, May Only Be In ‘Single Digits’”

When the average person sees that their insurance rate will go up 50% to over 200%, they figure the $95 per year fine might be the way to go.

So, we have The Community Organizer, Pro Union guy saying that you can’t have folks shutting down a business. I guess he missed the Detroit and Hostess strikes.

@This one:

Clueless clown this one is a one way orifice. Must be off his meds..
However we have found ONE person who has successfully signed up for obamacare and now he’s a media star.

Chad Henderson Signed Up for Obamacare and Every… Single… Media Outlet Is on It!

From what I have gleaned there are those who have tried to sign up but when they get to the part where they have to give financial information they stop and quit. It”s at this time they realize they have to pay for this. They apparently thought it was going to be free. Suckers.

Sorry, Skook.
He wasn’t elected.
He collected more votes; the votes were stuffed in ballot boxes and had no connection (in many cases) to living voters. You can do that when you own the organizations which count the votes. This is the guy with 19,000,000 imaginary twitter followers. All 19,000,000 of them voted for him.
That is why Voter ID is the death knell for the Democrats. How can you steal an election without forged ballots?

@This one:

You really are either too ignorant to understand, or you are a shameless leftist propagandist…or perhaps both.

Reid and Obama are the ones who shut down the government, not the republicans who are trying to put a stop to the hyperpartisan political patronage of obamacare. The old leftist con game of “You can’t change what we’ve done, because it is the LAW!” isn’t going to work anymore, especially when real Americans are finally waking up to the fact that leftists never, ever abide by the rules they demand of conservatives.

Harry Reid is a despicable crook. Obama is an arrogant, incompetent buffoon with delusions of grandeur. If shutting down the government is so damned horrible, then why won’t the Senate vote on and pass the continuing resolutions – passed by the House – that fund all of the government except obamacare, especially when it is painfully obvious that the obamacare exchanges are woefully unprepared?
Reid and Obama, along with their syncophants in the media, are afraid to vote on the merits of obamacare separately because they know they will lose….that is why they refuse to allow a “clean” vote on a continuing resolution to fund all of government without obamacare included. This is the absolutely evil aspect of Reid’s disingenuous criminal handling of the federal budget, for which dimwits like you want to blame republicans for finally trying to stand up to the leftist chicanery. If obamacare is so bloody popular with the people, then why wouldn’t a separate vote on obamacare funding result in an outpouring of public support for those politicians who vote to fund it, and negative public opinion for those who vote openly to defund it? Why are you leftists always afraid of an open, fair vote?
Ask yourself, TO, in between kool-aid gulpings, why we have to keep voting on continuing budget resolutions like this in the first place. It is a Constitutional requirement for the Congress to pass a budget to send to the president, yet since Reid has been in control of the Senate and Obama in the Oval Office, the dems have not been interested in voting on and passing a budget. This is a criminal dereliction of duty for which Reid should be brought up on charges. The dems don’t want to have to vote on actual budget cuts at a time when we are hitting the debt ceiling yet again. Government has maxed out all its credit cards, but instead of the reasonable decision to start cutting up some of these cards, reducing spending and living within the budget, the dems scream we need to apply for more credit cards to keep spending beyond our national means.

@Skook: We got Moonbeam here in Cali signing a law allowing illegals to get a Drivers License!! It can’t get more stupid than that!!

The government if filled with libs who will commit fraud for the “cause” – and when the cultleader says “make life difficult for taxpayers,” or, “falsify vote totals,” or, “IRS, go collect the cash from those deadbeats who missed payments for my signature legislation,” . . . . the coolaid drinking zombies do as they’re told.

They don’t even realize what they’re doing and don’t know why they’re doing it. They just do it. The tipping point has been passed. There is no return.

The offshore bankers and the BIG money have won. America is now permanently an indentured species.

@Common Sense: #28

It can’t get more stupid than that!!

You greatly underestimate the democrats. Paraphrasing John Paul Jones, “We have not yet begun to show our stupidity!” When the propaganda media are on their side, they can say and do whatever they want, and their brainwashing buddies will back them up.

@Skook: #29
I remember when the motor voter program, or whatever it was called, was started. If I remember correctly, not long afterward some people’s pets were registered to vote.

@retire05: Retire, I doubt he will come around, he said he is taking the weekend off. He doesn’t believe his idol is hindering Vets visiting their Memorial.

@Mully: #24, turns out Henderson didn’t sign up, when he found out the cost, he didn’t buy.

In March of 1939, Czechoslovakia was occupied by Hitler’s National Socialists. Jews were stripped of all rights, property, and money. They were not allowed to work, use public transportation, or use the public parks.

Hmm……… Maybe the Narcissist in Chief has been studying his history.

Another thing obama did that Hitler did was to create his own emblem. They were the only two people who ever did this.

@Skook: A king can rule the people any way they want.