Next to families, communities are perhaps the single most important part of American life. Communities are made up of the places we shop, the churches we attend, and perhaps most importantly where we live. Aside from where we work, our homes are probably the places where we spend the most time. It’s at home where we typically can be most relaxed, where we can be ourselves, where we can feel comfortable, or at least usually have some level of control.
If you are like most Americans, your home, whether it’s an apartment you rent, a single family home you own or anything in between, is the single biggest expense you have and we usually take great care in figuring out where we want to live. Everything from the number of rooms to its proximity to your job to quality of the schools to the price all play a role. Another big part of the decision about where we live is the understanding that we are making a significant commitment, not only in terms of dollars, but in our time as well.
One of the great aspects of the American Dream has always been the notion that one of the benefits of hard work and becoming successful is that we give ourselves more options in terms of where we can live. We may have more income to spend on housing which may allow us to buy a bigger home or move to a nicer neighborhood. We may have more highly valued skills that expand the number of cities or states we can go for a job. Whatever it is, for most Americans a core element of the American Dream involves some element of housing. The ability to choose where we live, the communities we want to be a part of are integral to the concept of being American.
With the advent of the civil rights legislation of the 1960’s, many limitations of homeownership based on race were eliminated. As a result communities across the country became integrated as minorities found that they too could move anywhere they could afford to buy or rent.
That ability for anyone to live where they want, to live anywhere they can afford to purchase or rent is a core American freedom. While there is no “Freedom to live where you want…” enshrined in the US Constitution, that’s because the Founders understood that it was such a basic freedom that it didn’t need to be codified. Needing such a declaration would be the equivalent of needing one that says “The freedom to breath air is protected.” Some things are so basic that they simply don’t need to be stated. The freedom to live and raise our families where we choose has lasted for two centuries, but it may not last much longer.
If you are one of those homeowners or renters who has chosen to live in a good neighborhood, worked hard to move to a community with (relatively) good schools, if you’ve decided to move to a community where trees and green lawns are common, the Obama administration is coming after you. If you and your family struggled to leave behind the crime, deprivation and crumbling schools of the city for the relatively tranquil suburbs, don’t get too comfortable, the Obama administration is planning on sending you back to the future.
The Department of Housing and Urban Development, the people who inflicted the squalor and tragedy of public housing on citizens and communities for five decades, have decided that they are now not only qualified, but also have the power, to decide what your neighborhood and community should look like. That’s right, the Obama administration has decided that they have the power to decide what your community should look like from an economic, racial and ethnic makeup. Essentially they can decide who should live in your neighborhood. If you’ve moved into a neighborhood that only has single family homes they can force local authorities to zone for apartment buildings or high rise condos. If you’ve moved into a community that recognizes that owners tend to take better care of their properties and therefore limits rentals… too bad. If the citizens of your community choose not to rent to those using Section 8 vouchers for payment, too bad, the government can force them to do so. Essentially, the
government that gave us a failed education system, figured out how to make welfare pay more than work and loses billions of dollars annually on green
energy boondoggles now plans to manage our neighborhoods…
Our communities are the core of American life. They are where you spend the majority of your non working hours. They are where you are the most vulnerable – i.e. where you close your eyes and go to sleep. They are where you raise your children, send them to school and volunteer at their scouting functions. They are where you go to church and the Rotary. They are the anchor around which much of your life revolves. So the question is, for something that is so fundamentally important, who is better positioned to decide what your community should look like, some nameless cog in the machine of government sitting behind a desk in Washington or the people who live in the houses, mow the lawns, attend the churches, raise their families and pay the property taxes? If you said the latter, you must be one of those anti-government zealots who the Obama administration thinks is a threat to America. Welcome to your new neighborhood. Enjoy!
See author page
The liberals first destroyed the family and now are working on destroying the community. The next step is placing that chip in your head so the government can control everything.
One of the first things one notices when living in Utah is that the races of people is the same as everywhere else, BUT, the individuals of all of those races are very different (at least from CA).
Here’s the official demographic breakdown according to the US Census with Utah’s # 1st then the USA’s #:
White alone, percent, 2012 91.8% 77.9%
Black or African American alone, 2012 1.3% 13.1%
American Indian and Alaska Native alone, 2012 1.5% 1.2%
Asian alone, 2012 2.2% 5.1%
Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander alone, percent, 2012 1.0% 0.2%
Two or More Races, percent 2012 2.3% 2.4%
Hispanic or Latino, percent 2012 13.3% 16.9%
Now, for the major difference…..
Many of the minority members in Utah are people who met LDS missionaries, converted and married an LDS member and live here in Utah.
Some of these are actually foreign born Africans, South and Central Americans, Asians.
Others are from other states in the USA.
But the attitude of such people is vastly different from those minorities in CA.
Our new condo complex spreads 48 units over 12 acres.
Many blended race families live here.
Obama can’t mess with Utah!
We even have a family that looks like his would have looked, had dad stayed with mom and they had two more children: A Kenyan husband, a blond wife, three beautiful and athletic children.
What Utah does not have are tons of folks on the dole.
Right next to a man begging for a handout (rare) is a shopping center filled with HELP WANTED signs.
The biggest impediment to Obama’s plan is that the government can’t seem to do ANYTHING.
They can’t secure the border.
They can’t make an arrest about Benghazi.
They can’t keep the IRS doing its job description.
They can’t keep guns away from mental cases.
They can’t even pass a budget.
They can bluster, and this is what they are doing here.
It’s all talk.
Words, just words, said Obama.
I think that’s all he is.
Obviously there are many people that believe the government should control every single aspect of our lives, as evidenced by the last two elections. Eventually, this conflict in beliefs will have end in order for our republic to survive; it won’t be pretty, in won’t be polite but it will be effective. I don’t pretend to know what form or substance it will take to get us back to the great republic we once were, but changes are coming. And I am confident the republic will stand; bruised, battered and scarred from the conflict but the Constitution will prevail.
the Department of Housing and Urban Development has proposed a new plan to change U.S. neighborhoods it says are racially imbalanced or are too tilted toward rich or poor, arguing the country’s housing policies have not been effective at creating the kind of integrated communities the agency had hoped for.
Just when you thought the Obama government could not be more intrusive, now they want to tell people where to live. This is exactly what our forefathers warned us about. Each day the government chips away at our autonomy and freedom. Though the process is slow, the net effect accumulates after years of progressive policies. The intrusions into our civil liberals have got to end.
The government uses the cover of affirmative active and equal opportunity to push their agenda. However, their agenda is helping no one other than themselves to gain power and place more people on the government doll. After reading the article, I have to ask: who will pay for the relocation and the cost of these homes/properties? Again, the taxpayer will be responsible for this intrusive governmental policy. If the government is able to tell people where to live, what’s next? Are they going to tell us who we live with? Or maybe he are friends are. Or better yet, who we marry. Imagine a government quota being formed for both same and opposite sex marriage. Imagine the government stepping into your marriage and saying, “Excuse me sir, you are not allowed to marry the bride. You now have to take the best man as your spouse to meet our quota”. The insanity can go on forever!
this is insane to integrates young blacks gangsta family, into a respectful neighborhood
where people feel secure with their neighbor what ever black or white, if they are respectful
it’s calling for trouble in a big way,
to change their location is the no fix remedy,
he has open the borders to anyone no care of who they are, and nobody want them as neighbors as long as they are classy enough to fit in that neighborhood,
Let’s see what else is probably coming…
Government testing children and then forcing them onto a results-mandated career path- for their own happiness, security, and fulfillment, of course.
To prevent interstate trafficking in “bad” things- drugs, guns, evil-thing-of-the-day, we will be required to get government permission to travel.
Welcome to the United Secure States of America, folks. The USSA.
I travel a lot, and last year was pulled over at a TSA checkpoint on I-26 in South Carolina. They asked a lot of questions and wanted to search my car. All they got my driver’s license, registration, and proof of insurance. And one statement, repeated about twenty times: “I want to talk to my lawyer.”
“Sir, what is your name?”
Pointing at my driver’s license in his hand, “I want to talk to my lawyer.”
“We need to search your car.”
Keys in my pocket. Doors locked. “I want to talk to my lawyer.”
No government agent needs to know where I’ve been, where I’m going, or how long I plan to be there. And unless they have adequate reason to believe that I am carrying something that I am not legally allowed to carry, no government agent “needs” to search my car.
Yes, I was there for much longer than the compliant people, but enough is already too much.
Besides, the two Highway Patrolmen were enjoying the show too much for me to quit.
LEOs are good people. TSA goons, not so much.
Seems to me, that these TSA agents should be at our borders stopping those illegals crossing over and asking them those questions. But no, we are experiencing Obama-bizzaro land, where it’s hassle law abiding citizens and let illegals (even the sexual predators,) go on about their business.
don’t forget that you where in a position of danger for your life,
AND WE THE PEOPLE cannot afford to lose TRUE AMERICANS,
to a bullet from thugs who’s work is their only aim to collect their earning,
because they have been bought, and cannot ever reclaim to be AMERICAN,
“I NEED to search your car”? WTF? On I-26, in South Carolina USA? You did the right thing Petercat, the only criticism I can think of is you didn’t get FOX News on the phone while you were there.
Going on vacation for a few days, play nice y’all.
More right wing fear, paranoia, whining, and nonsense that will never see the light of day. This essay from Vince is right up there with Obama is going to take your guns and Obama wants to know everything about your sex life.
The articles on this crazy website get crazier by the day. Good thing most Americans reject bullcrap like this.
Here’s the CDC’s actual doctor pamphlet:
Notice they question you about sex throughout your entire exam (even eye or heart exam) so you might ”open up later about things you were reluctant to discuss before.”
Now, recall a few years back, it was the CDC ”recommendation” of having women above age 45 pay for their own mammograms or forego them.
Had that recommendation been heeded and put into practice, it is estimated that an extra 55,000 women would have their breast cancers caught later than under present standards.
Pap smears used to be given to women of every age since cancers of the ovary, uterus and cervix can develop at any time in life.
But my doctor told me this year was my last covered pap!
And I am 64.
From now on I pay for it or I don’t get it.
CDC ”recommendations” become standard practice too fast.
The studies that prove these new cheaper practices wrong will take years while people die.
PS, I’m happy to see that 44 abortion clinics closed in 2013 aline.
More closing every month.
Our birth rate in the USA is below replacement rate.
@GaryMiller#5 – Yea, Ok, pal…you have been indoctrinated well…
Hey gary before you go off parroting your liberal/progressive right winger garbage, especially because we are not… perhaps it is “you” who should get your head out of your arse…
The next town over from where I live… the town wanted to build new town homes on a tract of land….BUT!! In order for the town to EVEN break ground to BUILD those 200 or so town homes, they were “required” (by law) to also include 150 homes for low income families.
So, exactly what are YOU talking about gary?
@Nan G:
Oh, the hypocrisy! And here I thought Democrats wanted the government to stay out of American’s bedrooms. If it has nothing to do with your treatment, perhaps patients should start informing their Chiropractor/Dentist/Cardiologist/etc, that their sex life is not relevant to their health problem, none of their damn business, and if they persist, they will file a sexual harassment and invasion of privacy lawsuit. Naming HHS, Kathleen Sebelius and Obama as co defendants.
@Gary Miller: Perhaps you’d feel more at home with your own kind. I’d suggest Mediaite or Politico. Although Politico seems to be getting to be a rather nasty place for you Lefties, people keep using facts. Sarah Palin 2016
Below from various sources. While Obama “consoles” (which means taking political shots at legal gun owners) abut the Navy base shootings, he is as usual completely silent as to the carnage in his home city. Now of course one should should be surprised at this. after all, having to first admit to the black on black carnage as well as then damning it would be against the agenda of our color blind leader.
“Three people were killed and 23 wounded in the latest spate of violence to hit Chicago.
Police say the park shootings stem from an on-going dispute between the Gangster Disciples and the Black P Stone Nation gang. Chicago Alderman Willie Cochran told the Chicago Sun-Times that police have talked to several people but had made no arrests.
“Senseless and brazen acts of violence have no place in Chicago and betray all that we stand for,” Mayor Rahm Emanuel said Friday. “The perpetrators of this crime will be brought to justice and prosecuted to the full extent of the law. I encourage everyone in the community to step forward with any information and everyone in Chicago to continue their individual efforts to build stronger communities where violence has no place.”
Being from Chicago, I am fed up not only with the cavalier attitude of our esteemed leader and his apparently brain dead wife as to the rampant violence there, but I also have to ask again where is the outrage from the so called black leaders? Their people are killing their people. The Mayor and the rest of the yoyos are crying this has to end. The mayor (choke, choke) says these people will be brought to justice.
Moron Alert! No one in the areas where gang activity is rampant (and this includes other cities) has the balls to go after the gang bangers! The cops in many cases are out armed. Their hands are tied by bullshit (Sorry bout the crassness) political correctness as well as no stomach to do whatever it takes to rid our streets of the scum that is the gangs. They operate openly and brazenly because they can.
This behavior has been ignored and thus approved by the powers that be. And heaven forbid the poor fellow that defends himself from this scum! He’ll go to jail long before the murders will!
The community organizer masquerading as a President is just another symptom of the degeneration of our cities and the poor (in this case the black) neighborhoods of this country. Instead of leadership, he and his wife ignore it! Until the Jesses, Sharptons and this sad excuse of a President and his loony tune followers decide to fight fire with fire, the carnage will continue. Cosby and others for years have warned of this and the leftists all berate those who leave the reservation. At what cost folks? At what cost?
as usual you touch the core of the problem, they get away with murder literally,