GOP Rep. Jim Sensenbrenner pledges to fix Voting Rights Act in 2013
Rep. Jim Sensenbrenner (R-Wis.) said Monday that he will attempt to replace, by the end of the year, the portion of the Voting Rights Act that was struck down by the Supreme Court.
Sensenbrenner’s comments came Monday at an event hosted by the Republican National Committee, commemorating the March on Washington.
Sensenbrenner said he wants to fix the law so that it is immune to court challenges.
“The first thing we have to do is take the monkey wrench that the court threw in it, out of the Voting Rights Act, and then use that monkey wrench to be able to fix it so that it is alive, well, constitutional and impervious to another challenge that will be filed by the usual suspects,” Sensenbrenner said.
Taking the stage after Sensenbrenner, RNC Chairman Reince Priebus said, “I think Jim just made some news.”
The Supreme Court was correct to throw out the outdated, nearly 50 year old formula, Yet this idiot RINO wants to continue helping Democrats to steal votes with their corrupt vote stealing scams. The GOP needs a serious heavy duty colonic to get rid of these progressive, far-left RINOs.
last count 13 dead 12 wounded,
that’s a warzone
No Ditto, they don’t. Republicans want to win elections. Democrats want to win elections. Neither side gives a flying crap about anything else. You and I know this.
The “Voter ID” issue has allowed Republicans a niche to suppress voters under that false pretext. Again, I don’t really blame them as their objective is to win elections. Dems would likely do the same, just as they have through gerrymandering over the years-just as republicans are now using that very same gerrymandering to gain seats which in reality, is the only way they retained the House. Agree? No? I mean, Dems did get like 1,5 million more votes. But let me guess, in your avid allegiance to political punditry, you somehow missed that so I need to “prove” it as your fingers are much too tire to Google yourself, or, or something equally stupid.
Is it okay for either party to manipulate the system? Hell no it isn’t. But it’s understood that when seats are to be had, the gloves come off. What I’m saying is just don’t insult my intelligence, yours, or anyone else with some disingenuous argument that this was all about “Voter ID” or better yet “Republicans don’t want to suppress voters, they just want to make sure that only those eligible can vote” because that simply defies reality. Again, your kowtowing isn’t even arguable. It’s pure partisan ass kissing. Man up and be a big boy and admit it. You’re sounding rather ridiculous.
@Ronald J. Ward:
You don’t have to worry about that Ronald, can’t insult what isn’t there.
How any person can claim that requiring a person to have a valid photo ID is discriminating against Dimocrats is mysterious to me. That has to be assuming that Dimocrats are more stupid than Repubs or something. It assumes that Driver’s licensing favors Repubs because Dims are too dumb to know how to get a driver’s license.
Ronald, do you think your fellow Dims/Libs are enjoying you portraying them as too stupid to know how to get an ID? That Repubs just inherently know more about how to get a driver’s license. If I were a fellow Dim I’d tell you to speak for yourself, don’t blame the other Dims for your personal failures.
@Ronald J. Ward: I really like this statement:
So just who, other than those legally eligible to vote, would you like to have voting? Since only allowing legally eligible voters to vote defies reality, that infers that you have a goal of allowing those ‘not eligible’ to vote.
Your fellow Dims must love that argument.
@Redteam: Just so you understand Redteam, your rather “dim” wit disqualified you from being considered a conversationalist of reasonable intellect quite some time ago. Accordingly, I’m sure you don’t understand that but just a heads up as to why I’ll not respond to your future diatribes.
Ronald J.Ward
I dare you to give us one comment without a dumb word to get the other head down,
meaning try to humiliate the other,
you are not a superior being , from what you brought so far,
it would be okay if you would loose that bad habit of thinking you are better than my friends here,
we can deal with all human, but those pompous one, who know it all ,
and show nothing as soon as they open their communication skills,
come again,
@Ronald J. Ward:
Which is exactly why Democrats want to enable vote fraud, as requiring someone who goes to the polls to have to show an ID that proves they are who they say they are, makes it more difficult for vote fraud to succeed. The vast majority of Americans want voter ID, (70-80% depending on which poll you check,) and that includes a majority of Democrats. Such laws only really stymie those committing vote fraud, as numerous Supreme Court decisions cases have agreed that it is not onerous for states to pass voter ID requirement, and the vast majority of citizens already have to show valid ID to buy such things as prescription, to pick up mail, for a vast number of ordinary business and governmental entitlements. The only voters an ID requirements stop, are identity thieves, fraudsters and other criminals from voting under another person’s name. Democrats have a very long history of using various forms of vote fraud to win elections, in fact the voting rights act was written to address Democrats who were using all manner of tricks to keep blacks and minorities from voting.
Don’t insult our intelligence with your vague rhetorical far-left talking point nonsense. Your obstinate refusal to accept a voter ID verification policy, in complete opposition with the majority of American citizens, can only mean that you want to insure that our election systems are unsecured so that votes can be stolen.
Why else would you want the dead to vote?
Why else block UN supported voter ID laws to secure elections?
Why else do CA Democrats want illegal immigrants as poll workers?
Why else do Democrat controlled election departments block observers?
Why else would you want people to be registered to vote in multiple states?
Why else would you want to make it possible for foreign nationals top vote?
Why else would you want to allow identity thieves to vote in another’s name?
Why else have Democrat poll workers voted multiple times in a single election?
Why else do Democrats support recall elections of Republicans but not Democrats?
Why else did Eric Holder think it was perfectly fine for Black Panthers to intimidate voters?
Why else have Democrats gotten “day passes for” felons and bussed them to the polls to vote illegally?
Why else did Democrats pass “motor voter” laws in some states that do not give DMV clerks the authority to verify that the person is eligible to vote?
Your false compassion is fooling no one. The only possible explanation to Democrats trying to block election reforms, is that dishonest Democrats like you want to retain the ability to steal elections by any means necessary .
@Ronald J. Ward: #36
My point was that more republicans (conservatives) apply for concealed carry permits than democrats (liberals), because most crimes are committed by liberals. Conservatives usually go out and get a job.
I don’t know anything about hat, and I don’t like to comment on things I don’t know about. They can still go to Hawaii, say they were born there, and they will get a live birth certificate. Who knows how many have?
I am against any restrictions to vote, except that you have to prove you are qualified. Many years ago in the south, you had to be a property owner to vote, because few blacks owned property at that time.
Show me examples of this and I will be on your side. I don’t belong to any party, so I don’t feel obligated to defend any of them.
You are sounding like the propaganda media now. Say it enough times and people might start to believe you. You haven’t answered any of the questions about the proven voter fraud that I and others have mentioned. Care to now?
Show me examples of this and I will be on your side. I don’t belong to any party, so I don’t feel obligated to defend any of them.
I don’t blindly defend or condemn anything. For some things it has taken me years to decide what to believe. I go by FACTS. Give me enough facts and I can be convinced of almost anything, even if I don’t want to be. Unfortunately, you ALWAYS are lacking in them. As the robot who called himself Johnny Five said, “I need input!”
One thing I have noticed is that conservatives usually answer questions they are asked. Liberals usually avoid questions they don’t want to answer. I noticed you answered SOME of the issues I brought up, but not all.
Should I be allowed to apply for a copy of YOUR birth certificate and get it without showing any ID? Should I be allowed to vote as many times as I can?
@Ditto: To demonstrate how utterly stupid your diatribe is, let’s start with that 1st question: “Why else would you want the dead to vote”. For starters, I don’t want them to. Secondly, they don’t as they’re, uh, like, dead. In the event that say, this dead person walked into the poll, his/her name was on the registrar, they signed to vote, voted, then, well voter ID requirement will, uh, make this phenomenon go away? Or, perhaps something equally stupid?
Again, voter fraud is so incredibly minute that it isn’t a factor. You know this, I know this, the world knows it. So why do you pretend.
Laws implemented in this voter ID scam have nothing to do with voter ID. You know this, I know this, the world knows it. So why do you pretend.
Dead people don’t vote. You know this, I know this, the world knows it. So why do you pretend.
In response to the questions you ask specifically of me; “why do you you want people to be registered to vote in multiple states. Why else would you want to make it possible for foreign nationals top vote?
Why else would you want to allow identity thieves to vote in another’s(sic)name?” I don’t nor do I endorse that, nor have I ever. Why do you dishonestly impute opinions of me that I do not have. Is blatant dishonesty the only way you can convey your agenda? I never advocated such things. You and I know this. Realistically from any argumentative perspective, you are indeed a fraud. Surely you know this.
You’re joking right? Toying? Kinda like that Super Trooper movie where the cop says “meow”. I mean it seriously has to be that unless you didn’t follow what I wrote or you are simply god awful stupid? I’m trying to give you some wriggle room here so you pick.
@Ronald J. Ward: @Ronald J. Ward:
Just for the record, Mr. McDonald, you haven’t responded to my previous diatribes, obviously because you don’t have any answers and you hate having to admit that your whole ‘diatribe’ depends on your fellow Dims buying your argument that they are more stupid than Repubs because they can’t figure out how to get a valid ID and the Repubs have no problem getting them. I haven’t noticed a whole bunch of Dims jumping on board supporting your theory that the average dim is too dumb to figure out how to get a valid ID. good luck with that.
@Ronald J. Ward:
It’s such a minute deal but you still want Dims to be able to vote fraudulently? If it’s not doing much for you, why try to keep it going? Do fellow Dims claim to want to keep voter fraud in place? or is it just you?
“Dead people don’t vote. You know this, I know this, the world knows it. So why do you pretend.” If dead people don’t vote, why do you want them to not have an ID so they can’t be identified as dead. By requiring an ID, you could tell they were dead by looking at their photo? Do all Dims want dead people to be allowed to vote, or is it just you?
@Ronald J. Ward: #60
Stupid people don’t need facts. I do. So far you haven’t given any, unless you believe by just stating something that we are supposed to take it as fact. Let’s forget about all of the other stuff and tell us how you think a system could be set up so that only qualified voters can vote, and only be allowed to vote without showing an ID. I am assuming that you agree that only qualified people should vote, and only vote one.
@Ronald J. Ward:
Hate to burst your bubble but there have been many cases of vote fraud based on votes being cast in the name of a person who was deceased:
Many states try to cull their voting registry of the dead, but State Democrats and Holder’s justice department has been fighting it.
And so on… So as far as election records show, Dead people do vote. Of course we know that it is actually criminals who are pretending to be the dead in order to cheat the system. Democrats may claim that voter fraud is small, because they want to pretend that it isn’t going on when investigations all over the US continually find vote fraud is still very prevalent and has turned elections, (it often doesn’t have to require large numbers to steal an election). Now it is also true that there has been vote fraud committed by various politically aligned folk, but it is only the Democratic party that is fighting hard not to clean up voter rolls of dead people, those who have moved out of a state, and who continue to block voter ID. Clearly Democrats don’t want Republicans to suppress the dead vote.
Dead people do vote. And often. I’d love to see the C(r)ook County IL voter registration rolls opened and verified. There really shouldn’t be anyone unfamiliar with Crook county politics in this country, as the current national regime stems completely from it. For those who might be unfamiliar with Illinois politics, Crook county is the most populous county in IL. There is only one county of the 102 counties in the state to secure an elected office in Illinois. And, that county would be, Crook. And, that’s how the last election in the past 12 years have gone. Decided by one county. One has to suspect that voter registration rolls are classified for reasons other than the privacy of the
citizensubjects. One also can’t help to suspect that when a person expires in Crook county, is probably when they become the most active, from a voter participation perspective. Think about it. The county clerk office processes offices all of the death and birth certificates, and all of the voter registrations in that county. The county clerk is also responsible for the selection and certification of the vote registration equipment. Hence the reason for Crook County selecting the most advanced voting equipment from what we first recognized in the late 90’s as Sequoia systems of Venezuela. Once a Hugo Chavez company. Yes the name(s) of the equipment vending company has changed like a chameleon, and Smartmatic was last seen listed as an international company. The Crook county clerk’s office has been headed by the same critter for 24 years. Surprise, surprise. I’ve not seen or heard from the clerk for quite a while. For all we know, he might also be dead. The art of Crook county politics has evolved substantially since 1960 when it was first discovered the voting habits of the dead. In 2006, with the debacle of the re-election of the Crook county board president, John D. Stroger, (believed to have been dead at the time of the re-election), Crook county had apparently evolved from dead people voting, to dead people holding office. It was like the movie: Dave. Living in Crook county through this period, it was easy to recall the 2002 primary campaign ads used by the incumbent Crook county board president, against his arch-nemesis, Forrest Claypool. The suspicious thing was the thrifty re-use of the exact same campaign ads used in 2002 primary. Not a single new ad was seen. How thrifty of that Democrat? Thrifty Democrat? Really? In the months preceding the primary, conspicuously absent were personal appearances by the candidate. The primary election day told the story. The powerful Crook county president John Stroger was handily re-elected. But, then a funny thing happened. On victory day, the day after the primary election, an unfortunate thing happened. We saw pictures of a gurney and bunches of men all around it, being moved around the grounds of the Loyola medical center, in Maywood. Allegedly, John Stroger had a serious stroke. But, he fortunately had just enough energy to pen a letter to the Crook county board that commended his son, Todd (“toddler” Stroger, (Mini-Me) to carry the torch. His alleged last written correspondence. The Crook county operation model has been very successful for Democrats everywhere. In Crook county, it’s very family oriented. Democrats have always been that way. Remember: It’s for the Children! In Illinois, only regal blue-blood will do, and offices are generally passed inside of the family Illinois legislature general assembly house speaker, is Michael Madigan. His resume` is Crook County. Coincidentally, Illinois attorney general of the state is the House Speaker’s daughter. Outside of that, the Fairy Nice governor, Pat Quinn, is also from the Crook County machine. A friend of the family. In the last election, I think he carried three counties. Of course, Crook was one of them. I don’t think there’s any danger of the IL AG looking into any voting issues in this state, now would there? Oh…By the way. The same machine system is what brought this Community Activist out of obscurity to be a state senator, then a US Senator (who BTW just voted present) to finally becoming POTUS. I doubt that there would be any federal investigations into potential Illinois voting abuse, as the regime has yet another Chicago appointee. Fast and furiously. Surprise. Surprise.batman
how interesting to know, and the family should be hiding
from those who want to have justice done
sooner or later, it will be so for all the years they have done it,
and there won’t be no pardon, by the people ,
there is always a time to pay,
and it will be expansive for them,
batman, since you have the correct spelling down so well, now you need to practice on Dimocrat. I use that spelling for obvious reasons.
@Ronald J. Ward:
For someone who insults other’s intelligence, you sure don’t demonstrate much of your own.
Your statement re: “But it’s understood that when seats are to be had, the gloves come off.” is a rationalization for voter fraud. Is that what you want? I realize that most voter fraud is done in the “liberal’s” cause, so you’re OK with that, but anyone who wants fair and accurate elections wants only eligible voters voting.
So what if it were true that there is minimal voting fraud? Do you want YOUR vote canceled out by a bogus one? Apparently so.
You sound like a typical liberal – milliwatt brainpower combined with megawatt ego. See if you can make an actual argument, or if you must stick to insulting your intellectual superiors.