A Shot Across The Bow

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Cry ‘Havoc,’ and Let Slip the Dogs of War

These few words, give pause to all but the most dense, when leaders pound the drums of war and death. Only a few understand the real message, yet reading these words makes hardened warriors contemplate the utter horror of war.

A British Commander during the Middle Ages gave the order “Havoc” to unleash the full fury of his army and resort to pillage and chaos.


Shakespeare employed his artistry and referred to an army as ‘the dogs of war’ and it is not hard to imagine our beloved canine friends being out of control and committing acts of savagery.

There is more to the poem, Mark Anthony is contemplating the dire consequences of the assassination of Caesar, as we contemplate Obama’s attempt to depose al-Assad:

Blood and destruction shall be so in use

And dreadful objects so familiar 

That mothers shall but smile when they behold 

Their infants quarter’d with the hands of war; 

All pity choked with custom of fell deeds: 

And Caesar’s spirit, ranging for revenge,

With Ate by his side come hot from hell, 

Shall in these confines with a monarch’s voice 

Cry ‘Havoc,’ and let slip the dogs of war;

That this foul deed shall smell above the earth

With carrion men, groaning for burial.

While the ugliness and seriousness of war weighs heavily on the American people, our president is selling a bill of goods, a combination of patriotism and self-righteous indignation; essentially, we must kill tens of thousands of Syrian civilians because a few may have been gassed, by sending a shot across the bow of al-Assad.


While many ponder the meaning of a shot across the bow, they are willing to accept this archaic phrase with aplomb. It’s true, not that long ago, battle ships were wooden and cannons were aimed with Kentucky Windage, but the days when a shot across the bow, from of a ship with superior firepower, caused a ship to run up the white flag are now figments of a romantic imagination.

Yet, the Obama pom pom waving cheerleaders are giddy with glee at the prospect of a limited Obama War being won with a shot across the bow of al-Assad; a shot planned to tweak the noses of Putin and Ali Khamenei. While we debate going to a war against a country that has lost a hundred thousand by conventional means, we are livid over 1400 that may have been gassed. The Administration has used common sense to determine al-Assad is responsible, and the same common sense is being used to come up with another example of Obama Smart Diplomacy, an Obama War, complete with geriatric cheerleaders. Cheerleaders who perfect their cheers and become ecstatic over the prospect of sending young men to war, are not cheering on a war to avenge the lives of a few civilians, the stakes and reasons are much larger, perhaps as large as the quintessential narcissist’s ego.


During the last five years, with no fanfare or surprise, President Obama has managed to prove, once again, that Socialism doesn’t work. History’s list of self-indulgent and charismatic leaders who have lived the life of bourgeoisie elites while dictating a life of stoicism and suffering for their people grows longer and Obama won’t be the last.

Obama’s legacy of failure is a ligature around his neck. His legacy will be known for incompetence and failure in the objective history books of the future.

How better to counter this shadow of complete failure than to be known as a regime changer and liberator. It supposedly worked in Libya, if chaos is a measure of success, but when the president needed to respond to an emergency in that hotbed of Democracy, he let our ambassador and three other Americans die, while he slept. However, this is a fresh opportunity and like Socialism, this time, he plans on getting it right.


President Bashar al-Assad is a secular, Baathist dictator, who is an ally of both Iran and Russia. Obama can now overcome his reputation as a weakling blowhard by staring down these major strongmen by firing a shot over the bow. However, the shot over the bow was effective in the days of naval warfare when ships were made of wood and a warship warned of impending doom for a ship that was outgunned and outclassed. To ignore this single harmless shot across the bow, would mean being blown to Hell with cannons.

Normally, the captain of the inferior ship surrendered to avoid being sent to the bottom and certain death. It was a prudent decision under most circumstances.

Will Obama’s shot across the bow cause al-Assad to cower in fear when Russia’s only foreign Naval base is in Syria and with the support of Iran.

Obama’s court jester, John Kerry, is trying to convince a skeptical American public that he and Obama can make Iran cower in fear and abandon their nuclear weapon intentions or realize there will be “profound implications.” As recorded on Fox News:

“The fact is that if we act and if we act in concert, then Iran will know that this nation is capable of speaking with one voice on something like this, and that has serious, profound implications, I think, with respect to the potential of a confrontation over their nuclear program. That is one of the things that is at stake here.”

The, “One Voice,” Kerry speaks of must be that bi-partisanship that was so prominent during the wars with Iraq and Afghanistan, but this is another war, a self-righteous war, and it is imperative that we are behind our war mongering president.

Unfortunately, Iran has managed to avoid the profound implications of Obama diplomacy for five years. The promise of a shot across al-Assad’s bow has already resulted in threats of terror and revenge from Iran.

The days of wooden ships are over, no one will cower in fear of Obama’s threats, but like the proverbial scorned woman, the narcissist facing rejection is unpredictable and dangerous, and we fear his irresponsible and thoughtless actions as much or more than we fear Putin and Ali Khamenei.


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Of course Obama denies it, but some are saying he (and his inner circle) have over 50 plans for how to go about pin pricking Assad in Syria.
Obama had his own ”deck of cards” with regards drone kills, also, so there’s precedent to this story this time.
But it reminds me of LBJ who simply had to micromanage the Vietnam conflict.
His ideas probably cost us thousands of lives.
Some say it was so his cronies in the defense industry could sell more stuff to the government, but, whatever the reason.
Obama, like LBJ, is NO general.
He should really leave the strategy planning to such men…..if he hasn’t already FIRED all our best ones.

Does the Ofraud even realize the gravity of this, is wayyy bigger, and it’s implications, it’s impact are far more reaching, in a really bad way for the US, our Military then…Oh, I don’t know, ‘community organizing’?

And what makes it even worse? Is this may be more about ‘saving face’ than anything else at this point…what was going on at 100….1,400… 4,000….5,000… 15,000…95,000 … 100,000 Syrian deaths ago? Now 1,400 chemical deaths later… by ?Al Quida rebels? (I’m leaning to)…

Or, these deaths “could be” propaganda used by the poor rebels to lure in the U.S. into a ‘false war’ ?

Like hmm…the help us… United States help us “rebels” in Libya? A land that is now in utter chaos…go going Ofraud…

Seems Ofraud likes to ‘take out’ any leader dictator who has helped keep some sort of stability in a middle east region…

This is all very disturbing.