Secretary of State John Kerry has told us the cost of another war is irrelevant, Saudi Arabia is willing to pick up the tab for our Syrian war. Obama and Kerry must think this version of a no-cost war will appeal to the conservative base, whose primary analysis always includes the balance sheet.
However, the balance sheet for morality is included in the final analysis as well, and this particular ploy appears to be morally bankrupt.
Because of America’s self-defeating energy policy and Obama’s insistence that we must rely on $110/barrel Middle East Oil, presumably to lessen our effect on the Global Warming Hoax, we have enriched Saudi Arabia, beyond its wildest imagination with the dollars that once represented America’s former wealth. While America continues to hover between a recession and a depression, we listen to government and media breathlessly describe imperceptible signs of a turn around; yet, Saudi Sheiks in bathrobes continue to look for more creative ways to spend America’s former wealth.
Our compliant leadership, so willing to mold American policy to the whims of Saudi dictators, has now found the ultimate solution to having too much money: Proxy Wars. Yes, the once great proud military that fought to keep a semblance of freedom in the world, will now fight wars financed by the Saudis.
No longer must we worry about higher moral purpose, our military will become mercenaries, willing to take down bad men around the world or at least those bad men unfortunate enough to incur the wrath of Saudi Sheiks.
The American people will no longer be hindered with maintaining the financial burden of the world’s greatest military, that expense will become the responsibility of the Saudis. Of course, when the john pays the hooker, he expects to control the proceedings, that is the nature of prostitution.
In the world of prostitution, there is the pimp who sets things up for a percentage, the whore who sells her body and her dignity to exist, and the john, who expects some merriment for his money. It’s not hard to imagine our military being reduced to the level of a cheap whore, nor is it hard to visualize Obama and Kerry as pimps in a bordello, the Saudis have their money and they expect some bang for their bucks, but in this scenario, the Saudis are buying their whore with our money, how convenient.
However, it’s not hard to see what type of person sets up this splendor between the sheets or the measure of his morality. Our leadership is more than willing to sell the integrity and dignity to the highest bidder, are we willing to sell, that is the question.
A professional horseman for over 50 years, Skook continues to work with horses. Skook has finished an historical novel, Fifty Thousand Years, that traces a mitochondrial line of DNA from 50,000 years ago to the present. The story follows a line of courageous women, from the Ice Ages to the present, as they meet the challenges of survival with grit and creativity. These are not women who whimper of being victims, they meet the challenges of survival as women who use their abilities without excuses or remorse, these women are winners, they are our ancestors.
Fifty Thousand Years is available in paperback and e-book, it is getting great reviews. You can purchase a copy here; Visit me on Facebook.
@Richard Wheeler:
Are you now adding Yale to your resume, Richard?
There, fixed it for you
@retire05: w and his dad were Delta Kappa Epsilon at Yale. I was a DKE at Colgate. He was prez. of the House and be all accounts a great guy.
@retire05: #39
I guess we should look at obama’s time off like this: He is never really on duty. His puppeteers have to figure out what he is going to do and say. Remember when he was first elected, he didn’t contact some of the members of his cabinet for about two years, but he met with union, socialist, Muslim officials on a daily basis.
While his puppeteers are figuring that stuff out, obama has lots of free time, since he only has to read and do what was already prepared for him. Sometimes, he doesn’t even read a speech ahead of time. Remember when he read someone else’s speech and didn’t know it until he was told afterward? I don’t mind him enjoying his massive time off. I just wish he wouldn’t cost me so much money doing it.
@Redteam: #43
Whoever came up with the company logos on military stuff sure has a good sense of humor. If obama’s crew sees that picture, I’ll be they will look into it.