Selling Our Military



Secretary of State John Kerry has told us the cost of another war is irrelevant, Saudi Arabia is willing to pick up the tab for our Syrian war. Obama and Kerry must think this version of a no-cost war will appeal to the conservative base, whose primary analysis always includes the balance sheet.

However, the balance sheet for morality is included in the final analysis as well, and this particular ploy appears to be morally bankrupt.

Because of America’s self-defeating energy policy and Obama’s insistence that we must rely on $110/barrel Middle East Oil, presumably to lessen our effect on the Global Warming Hoax, we have enriched Saudi Arabia, beyond its wildest imagination with the dollars that once represented America’s former wealth. While America continues to hover between a recession and a depression, we listen to government and media breathlessly describe imperceptible signs of a turn around; yet, Saudi Sheiks in bathrobes continue to look for more creative ways to spend America’s former wealth.

Our compliant leadership, so willing to mold American policy to the whims of Saudi dictators, has now found the ultimate solution to having too much money: Proxy Wars. Yes, the once great proud military that fought to keep a semblance of freedom in the world, will now fight wars financed by the Saudis.

No longer must we worry about higher moral purpose, our military will become mercenaries, willing to take down bad men around the world or at least those bad men unfortunate enough to incur the wrath of Saudi Sheiks.

The American people will no longer be hindered with maintaining the financial burden of the world’s greatest military, that expense will become the responsibility of the Saudis. Of course, when the john pays the hooker, he expects to control the proceedings, that is the nature of prostitution.

In the world of prostitution, there is the pimp who sets things up for a percentage, the whore who sells her body and her dignity to exist, and the john, who expects some merriment for his money. It’s not hard to imagine our military being reduced to the level of a cheap whore, nor is it hard to visualize Obama and Kerry as pimps in a bordello, the Saudis have their money and they expect some bang for their bucks, but in this scenario, the Saudis are buying their whore with our money, how convenient.

However, it’s not hard to see what type of person sets up this splendor between the sheets or the measure of his morality. Our leadership is more than willing to sell the integrity and dignity to the highest bidder, are we willing to sell, that is the question.

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Skook, our liberal friends here still do not realize that when our Navy expends $40/gal of biofuel instead of $5/gal for petroleum fuel, it greatly reduces our military capacity to respond to actions that does affect our national security. I remember the liberals discussing the “military dividend” during the Clinton years. They supposedly saved so much funding by stripping the military of the capabilities to respond. Then when President Bush needed to increase the capabilities of the Military to meet 9/11 threats, the liberals berated him for spending so much money.

costs that are not usually thought about or through.

An armored division of the Army can use as much as 600,000 gallons of fuel a day. A tank like the M1 Abrams gets about .6 mpg, and a cargo vehicle like the M-1070 semi-trailer (designed to haul tanks) gets approximately 1.2 mpg.

n Army Humvee gets between 10 and 14 mpg, about the same as the commercially available Hummer. Fuel economy drops, however, when it’s off the freeway and navigating rocky Afghan terrain.

The C-17 Globemaster cargo plane has a payload 170,900 pounds. Even bigger, the C-5 Galaxy has a payload 270,000 pounds; fully loaded, it gets just .07 mpg.


nor is it hard to visualize Obama and Kerry as pimps in a bordello

Owwwe! Not an inviting impression you’re conjuring there, Skook. Still, it describes the situation rather accurately.

No one in the region really cares about Syrian deaths by whatever means – they didn’t care about the other 100,000 Syrian lives lost – and certainly, our MSM didn’t seem much phased. Suddenly, the MSM pretends “compassion?”

Syria is a pathway for pipelines to EU and world markets for gas from the South Pars – North Dome gas field, which is the largest gas field in the world. Iran and Qatar sit on it and syphon it. A pipeline through Iraq, and Syria is a pathway to the Mediterranean Sea for gas and oil from Iran or from Qatar.

Putin presently controls that pathway, and with help from Iran, he’s got a boot on Assad’s neck. Without Putin, Assad is fishfood. Muslim Shia / Sunni hostilities, are a distraction. Without gas/oil income, none of these regimes can survive. Saudis want to prevent future Iran/Russian control of pipe lines which will drain the South Pars – North Dome gas field. So, . . . . “Have Guns, Will Travel.”

Both Putin and Iran Mullahs cannot allow anyone else to control Syria. Such outcome would rattle their source of income and their own grip on power.

Oh, and France would love to see Assad brought to heel. That would reduce its dependence on Putin’s oil and gas. Putin’s been leveraging his asset in Europe and the EU welcomes anything America can do to diminish his oil/gas clout.

It would be great if someone could educate Mr. I-Make-A-Mess-Of-Everything on the immense advantage which would be provided America if he supported opening up oil fields and supported the pipelines from Canada.

@Skook: #4

A confrontation with Putin and Iran is way beyond the organizational skills of a Community Organizer.

In a nutshell, therein lies an overwhelming concern, or what should be the overwhelming concern, for a Nation weary of waging battles with no end, in a region little understood and never stable.

@James Raider: Do not leave out McLame and girlie goober

@James Raider: I think we would see a repeat of Seal Team 6 packed onto Chinooks – scenario over and over – and we are already ‘training’ AQ types in Jordan – huh? — how soon (probably has already happened) will some of our glorious “trainees” go Maj. Hassan on us .

Speaking of Maj. Hassan — do you all realize that it took less time for the US to win a 2 front war 12/1941 to 08/1945 >> 3 years nine mos – than it took to have the trial — huh? That SOB should have been summarily executed!

Help! . . . He’s flying home.

Why is the MSM pretending that there is confusion as to who the “good” guys are in Syria?
Why the pretense of confusion as to whom to support, and whose mollars should be removed with missiles?
Is this helping their illustrious statist leader as he heads home satisfied that he’s shamefully represented America from the G20 podium?
Is the MSM just stirring the waters on the conviction that this will help O. save face?
Is the MSM attempting to wipe that deep RED Line In The Sand from memory or divert our attention?

Skook, perhaps his fund-raising ability will wane after this absolutely deplorable show of incompetence.

So John Fkn Kerry is willing to pimp out our military. That from someone that should have been tried for treason and prosecuted for perjury, so Jonny boy just how much is an American soldiers life worth?

@Skook: #9

the celebrities are as dense as their fan base.

. . . Wonder if, when Hollywood and the Hamptons heard him claim that Congress would have to have to decide if it would “defend America’s security interests or not” in his G20 address, they know what Obama’s own delineation of the imminent Syrian threat to America’s security might be.

HE sure as hell has no idea. An Ego running-off at the mouth is a bear to pull back into the tent.

Obamanomics has been a colossal failure.
Once supportive Paul Krugman now FINALLY says that the five years of the Obama administration have been “years of tragic waste,” and that the nation’s economic policies during that time have been “an astonishing, horrifying failure.”
The only way Obama can get more money into his federal family budget is to whore out our military to the Arabs.

@Nan G: #12
LOL – A naive, and hateful RAT leaping hard and fast off the ship he’s been ‘skippering’ from the Shotgun Seat for 5 years.

This self-absorbed Nobel winner is swimming for the cover of “I wanted MORE stimulus and quantitative easing, in fact I wanted three times the amount the Bernanke delivered.” This loon, who like the until recently object of his admiration, Obama, has never run anything in his life. He’s never had responsibility for someone else’s paycheck. But, . . . he believes in debt. Astronomical Debt, and kick it down the road. Idiot.

@Nan G: #12
LOL – This self-absorbed, and hateful RAT is taking a gigantic leap off the ship he thinks is taking on too much water with no hope of remaining afloat.

He’s annoyed because the Bernank didn’t triple the amount of Quantitative Easing. His ignorant pea-brain is somehow convinced that this would have solved America’s continuing economic malaise. Let’s not nit-pick descriptives, and let’s ignore the fact that America is actually suffering through a long depression, with the government lying about things like unemployment and inflation rates.

For some reason, the cloud Krugman lives on, prevents him from understanding that the Bernank’s trillion dollar pump didn’t stimulate the economy, but allowed the banks to sit on the sidelines with better “capital” ratios. This guy’s about as useful an economist as Obama is a President, and he’s had as much experience understanding “business” and what fuels a successful society as has the object of his adoration. He was a cheerleader for 5 years while Obama railed against business and entrepreneurs. Nice. Genius way to stimulate an economy.

Krugman also reveres debt and the concept of kicking it down the road about as much as Obama adores his own reflection in the mirror.

He’s swimming for a distant shore, before the swirling waters created by this Admin’s ship, suck him down into the depths. Like Obama, this loon cannot admit his mistakes.

@James Raider: Without international support, we are in way over our heads. Can we fight a war against Syria, Iran, Russia and Al Qaeda. Plus, what if the nut jobs over in North Korea enter the war or if China decides to have some retribution against Japan or decides it need Lebensraum. Plus, when did our soldiers turn into mercenaries, ready to kill for the right price?

Randy must have forgotten taht the GOP ran Congress and sent theBills to be signed or vetoed. Clinton signed the Bills that were passed by the GOP
Your great economic minds seem to have forgotten that the REAL market for that gas is India/Chiba. Europe???? they do not need it as much as the emerging economies
Europe can do quite well with North African gas. You boys better go back to playing RISK

@Tired American: #14,

Without international support, we are in way over our heads.

There is no war in the offing – just a wild guess. 🙂

O. will slink away from the edge, lick his wounds, and bathe in the milk of the sycophants he’s been surrounded with by Jarrett in the W.H.

International support is non-existent. France, the initial EU cheerleader, is teetering on the edge of financial disaster with no capacity to repay its depts or make a dent in them. It has as much of a clue on how to create jobs as O. does. They and the EU would like competition to Putin’s gas, but it’s just not going to happen. About the only ones working the ‘prod stick’ are the religious fundamentalism distributors – the Saudis, and a neighbor or two.

By Tuesday’s teleprompter rendition of “My military this” and “My military that,” the Democrats in Congress will have discovered newfound affection in their constituencies, earned from flip-flopping and railing against missiles for Syria.

It’s going to be a cold winter. As Nan G points out above, the keepers of his light are jumping.

@James Raider: I was ready to start typing, but after reading your response, what was the point?

I just figured Krugman, Obama’s pudgy economic cheerleader for five years, is in an emergency CYA evasion syndrome. To maintain a semblance of credibility, he must distance himself from the inevitable fallout resulting from the most dynamic economy in the world, teetering on the verge of collapse.

He still blames Republicans and boasts that the country would have been much worse under their guidance, and with the RINOs in DC, he might be right abut this one factor.

He is running scared, like many Libs, it is now a matter of distancing themselves from Obama and his policies to survive the coming purge.

Maybe obama has a great idea. What a great way to make money for the USA. We could rent our military out to whoever will pay for it. It will no longer COST us to maintain the military. It will PAY us. We can even use our military equipment for advertising dollars.

@Skookum: #17
LOL, you know, I don’t recall any President looking so innept as what we witnessed these past couple of weeks. Even Carter’s bumbling didn’t include broadcasting plans and secrets to the enemy.

Hopefully it will be a long time before anyone with ZERO resumé gets elected to the Oval Office again. Unmitigated disaster as President, just when effective leadership is most needed, more than ever in our lifetimes. 8 years of damage, and statist entrenchment in the ranks of the vast gov. bureaucracy – witness NSA or IRS. Sigh.

In the meantime, Putin says he’ll replace whaever arms Obama hits in Syria, and will go one better if there’s an attack, and he’ll set Assad up with a missile shield. I’m sure Israel appreciates such looming materialization.

CNN’s take and best foot forward on this? = America and Russia have held fruitful talks. It’s become a comedy network.

@Skook: I disagree — they know exactly what they are doing — they ARE part of the cabal

Speaking of funding an American attack on Syria, is Samantha Power an idiot or what?
She actually thought that America saying that Assad had used chemical weapons against his people would cause either (or both) Russia and Iran to stop backing Assad!
How bad is THAT calculus?

“……[W]e thought perhaps a shared evidentiary base could convince Russia or Iran — itself a victim of Saddam Hussein’s monstrous chemical weapons attacks in 1987-1988 — to cast loose a regime that was gassing it’s people,” she said.

@James Raider: Nonsense. Pimps know what they are doing. To compare this bunch to pimps insults pimps everywhere.

costs for the Iraqi war was 10 billion (with a capital B) dollars a month. That is a lot of money.

Gen. David H. Petraeus, today:

“I strongly support congressional approval of President Obama’s request for authority to undertake military action against the Syrian regime of Bashar al Assad. Such action is necessary in order to deter future use of chemical weapons in Syria and to degrade the regime’s overall military capabilities.

“Failure of Congress to approve the president’s request would have serious ramifications not just in the Mideast but around the world. Military action against the Syrian regime is, thus, necessary not just to deter future use of chemical weapons in Syria and elsewhere, but also to ensure that Iran, North Korea and other would-be aggressors never underestimate the United States’ resolve to take necessary military action when other tools prove insufficient.”


First, it is retired General Petreus. He is entitled to his opinion, just like the rest of us. Simply because a retired general who resigned from his administration position in disgrace for cheating on his wife feels we need to attack Syria – with no actual goal planned in initiating such an attack – does not make it a good idea.
The decision to attack another country should be based upon the actual merits of the proposed action and the expected outcomes, balanced against the costs both in US lives and dollars. A decision to go to war should not be made just because certain people think we should do it. I know that is what leftists do, because they are more worried about being politically correct than in doing what is right.
It doesn’t matter if McCain and Boehner want to attack Syria. It doesn’t matter if Petreus thinks we should attack Syria. We are capable of analyzing the purported justifications for sending our troops to war, and deciding for ourselves whether we agree or not.
What is laughable now is since Obama blustered and swaggered about how he was going to take Assad to the woodshed, he has backed down since he has been so ineffective at convincing the world at large or Americans at home that such an attack is justified. He has embarrased himself and brought great disdain upon the United States through his poorly planned posturing.

@Pete, #26:

The decision to attack another country should be based upon the actual merits of the proposed action and the expected outcomes, balanced against the costs both in US lives and dollars. A decision to go to war should not be made just because certain people think we should do it. I know that is what leftists do, because they are more worried about being politically correct than in doing what is right.

Have you calculated the eventual consequences for Israel, and all of the Middle East, of allowing the presence and actual use of chemical weapons by a client state of Iran to go unchallenged?

You don’t see how the threat of Syria’s chemical arsenal could effectively hold Israel and the United States at bay while Iran proceeds with its nuclear weapon program?

We are capable of analyzing the purported justifications for sending our troops to war, and deciding for ourselves whether we agree or not.

No one is presently talking about sending our troops to war. What is being considered are missile strikes calculated “to degrade the (Assad) regime’s overall military capabilities.” Let that moment pass, and we’re likely to be worrying about a far bigger problem later; one that will likely involve sending troops to war.

People on your side of the divide generally seemed to get this—right up until the point when it was Obama who was dealing with such a situation. Your obsession with Obama blinds you to everything.

@James Raider: #13

This self-absorbed Nobel winner….

I didn’t save the article, but it said that from the time he was first sworn in as president, to the deadline for the Nobel Peace Prize nominations, was only 11-12 day. Unless he did a lot of stuff as a senator, that is a very short time to accomplish enough stuff to EARN the prize.

He doesn’t know what the word EARN means. I don’t think he has ever had a full-time job in his life. I mean the kind where you have to be at a certain place at a certain time on a regular basis, or they fire you.

@enchanted: #24

costs for the Iraqi war was 10 billion (with a capital B) dollars a month.

Just like our factories produced war goods faster than the enemy could destroy them in other wars, I’ll bet our money printing presses can out print the amount we spend on THIS war. I just hope they don’t break down at the speed they will have to run to keep up.

“The only way Obama can get more money into his federal family budget is to whore out our military to the Arabs.”

This whole ‘thought process’, if that is what you want to call it, makes my skin crawl…I myself, as a US Citizen, who loves my country and our Military, would be vehemently opposed to anything of the sort… who comes up with this crap???

…does anyone, I mean ANYONE in this Washington DC even THINK?!?… – think about the repercussions of such a stupid move ?!? The FUTURE IMPACT on America ..of such a stupid move??

“Are we willing to sell” Oh HELL NO!!


Have you calculated the eventual consequences for Israel, and all of the Middle East, of allowing the presence and actual use of chemical weapons by a client state of Iran to go unchallenged?

I just don’t understand why you think Assad would use chemical weapons against Israel or our other allies. The intelligence appears to show that he used them because he thought he was about to lose Damascus to the rebels.
I’m not saying there shouldn’t be consequences for his actions, I just don’t think his actions rise to the level of our national interests or those of our allies. Show me just a shred of evidence that Assad is planning on using chemical weapons against the US or our allies and I’ll jump on the bandwagon.

@Aqua: The intelligence appears to show that he used them because he thought he was about to lose Damascus to the rebels.

Aqua, most are recognizing that, since Assad’s military has been regaining territory, it would be strategically stupid for Assad to use chemical weapons.

The use of CW is likely to be confirmed, however who used them is not. The only facts the intel… which is actually a bunch of locals YouTubes for the most part… shows is that:

1: The rockets (I believe it was four from an early CNN story) were fired from Assad held territory into rebel held territory.

2: That those firing the rockets were wearing Syrian military uniforms.

The problem is that most analysts agree that both sides have the capability of equipment, munitions and sarin to pull off the attack. They just captured AQ and three CW labs in business in Iraq, and the rebels caught with sarin said they were moving it to Syria. So we know that AQ has sarin manuf capabilities. Additionally, the rebels captured the Syrian military installation at Aleppo some time ago, and in the last month or two, the rebels in Ghouta (where the CW attack took place) put a YouTube up of Syrian rockets they captured from the 137th Syrian brigade.

So the questions begging to be answered are:

1: Do the rebels possess Syrian military uniforms? Of course.

2: Did they have the ability to do this, or even to infiltrate the Syrian army? Of course

3: Do they have motivation? Absolutely… and Assad has none. Especially not by launching CW attacks so close to the Damascus population.

Israeli intel says that it’s possible this was a lower level rogue Syrian officer. If it’s not rebels, dressed up in Syrian military uniforms, who easily crossed into Syrian held territory wearing them, is it also possible that a Syrian rebel infiltrated the army and did this as another option?

The point remains that while CW were likely used, we still don’t know who did it since both sides are capable. And only one side has motivation to do so. Assad’s attention on his own civil war would be significantly diverted to defense against a US attack by his use, so why do it? He knows any time CW is used, he’s in the crosshairs. No strategic advantage. And for whatever anyone thinks of Assad, I don’t think he’s a blithering idiot

The other point is that if CW are used, the US has no authority to be the enforcer of the Chemical Weapons Convention, aided only by Qatar, Saudis and Turkey. Israel is still mixed and has no intention of lending military aid to any such attack. They know their involvement will be the catalyst for escalated war and focused attacks on them.

Western nations and the other CWC signatories condemn the use of CW, but they stop short at both military response, and specific fingerpointing at Assad since they recognized both sides have that capability.

I understand you don’t support US intervention, and I agree. I just disagree with the level of confidence you display at pointing to Assad as the culprit. I believe that jury is still out.

@Aqua, let me add a bit more fodder to ponder.

The British admit they’ve been shipping sodium fluoride to Syria, a key ingredient for sarin, for six years. The Germans merged with Syria’s Amrit Medical back in 2006 to manufacture cosmetics. They are one of the largest commercial enterprises in Syria.

Where is Amrit Medical located? Aleppo. Who controls Aleppo, and has for some time (including the Syrian military installation there)? The rebels.

Oddly enough, this isn’t much different when they were trying to claim Assad used chlorine CW a few months ago, when the rebels control Syria’s largest chlorine manuf plant.

@James Raider: Help! . . . He’s flying home.

So, now much urgency is there to this issue if he WASTES a 1/2 day PLAYING GOLF????

Obama today took time out from what the White House is billing as an intensive Syria resolution lobbying campaign to play golf.
He’s playing with a few of his usual group of junior staffers – Mike Brush, Marvin Nicholson, and Joe Paulsen.
It’s Obama’s 32nd time playing this year and the 143rd time of his presidency.

Obama Lobbying Congress From Sand Trap


Aqua, let me add a bit more fodder to ponder.

Well damn. I’ve heard some conspiracy stuff out there…Obama and the Saudis set this up…etc. But I haven’t heard this yet. I have to wonder, are the Germans in on all this? The claim an intercept from Hamas to the Iranian Embassy. Actually, it seems to be more than just a claim. Where does that fit in?

@Aqua, it’s not a conspiracy theory. Not sure where you get that from the information.

The German merger was genuinely producing cosmetics. However if that manuf plant came under the control of rebels when they seized Aleppo, I doubt they’d be producing cosmetics for women of Islam. (against their ideology anyway) But they’d sure have other uses for that plant’s supply of sodium fluoride.

@Nan G: That’s less than once every 11 days. Most golfers including Boehner play more than that. I don’t begrudge anyone, including the POTUS, at least one day a week off. Lets talk about those marathon vacations in Hawaii and Mass.

@Richard Wheeler:

That’s less than once every 11 days. Most golfers including Boehner play more than that.

#1, Boehner is not President, Obama is.

#2, I remember how the left moaned about Bush’s golf outings which totaled 24 in his first two years and ten months (less than once a month) at which point he never played another game for the rest of his eight years.
Obama played 24 games in (according to Politico) just 9 months and has racked up 143 times to hit the links since he has been President. You can do the math but that figures to be about six times the number of Bush’s link time.

Bush quit golf to honor those that were losing their lives in Iraq and Afghanistan. Isn’t it great that Obama doesn’t have to worry about that? Oh, wait, there’s still Afghanistan where our soldiers are being killed.

But no surprise you would try to defend Obama’s attitude that his job is part time. Perhaps he is just trying to relate to those Americans that can only find part time work. Those that are still in the work force, that is.

As to Obama’s tony vacations in Hawaii and Mass; well, remember how the left whined and moaned about Bush’s time in Crawford? Now what do we get from the left? Crickets.

@retire05: Bush was a Yale cheerleader and a lousy golfer. He enjoyed jogging, weight lifting and days off on the ranch. I’m sure his total leisure time compared to Obama. I say if it’s no more than a combined one day a week leave em alone. They’re human. Ronnie enjoyed weight lifting and long naps. Nobody worried about him over working.
IMO this is a non issue.

@Richard Wheeler: Obama has “maybe a 20 something handicap.”
Obama hit bad shots but it always seems once the round gets going he starts to play a little better.”
He’d score in the low hundreds….if he kept score.
A game where getting a 78 is BAD and Obama scores somewhere under 150!
Talk about a BAD golfer!
Quotes above from Norman-Ganin S. Asao, the head professional at Olomana Golf Links

Oh, and GWBush?
He had a 15 handicap ….when he played.
He also refused to take mulligans, which Obama is famous for.
So, imagine how bad Obama would be if he played by the rules!

@Richard Wheeler:

Bush was a Yale cheerleader and a lousy golfer.

At least he didn’t wear mom jeans, ride a girly looking bicycle and Bush, at least, knows how to pitch a baseball, not throwing it like a girl.


We can even use our military equipment for advertising dollars.

What a great idea Smorg. Imagine a country (city) where Americans won’t go because they consider it unsafe. That country could pay for commercials on the side of US Military trucks and tanks and Bombers saying that the US military has been hired to keep you safe.

(this is meant as a joke)

@Greg: #27

Have you calculated the eventual consequences for Israel, and all of the Middle East, of allowing the presence and actual use of chemical weapons by a client state of Iran to go unchallenged?

You don’t see how the threat of Syria’s chemical arsenal could effectively hold Israel and the United States at bay while Iran proceeds with its nuclear weapon program?

Such naive thinking… There is NO consequence to Israel for Syria to use chemical weapons inside Syria. Syria would not ””””’dare”””’ attack Israel because they want to continue to exist. Syria has felt the wrath of Israel before, they are not anxious to sample it again…

@Redteam, #44:

Such naive thinking… There is NO consequence to Israel for Syria to use chemical weapons inside Syria. Syria would not ””””’dare”””’ attack Israel because they want to continue to exist. Syria has felt the wrath of Israel before, they are not anxious to sample it again…


The problem with your logic is that Iran probably wouldn’t shed too many tears if Israel and Syria gassed and nuked one another out of existence. What’s important to Iran is how Syria’s WMDs can presently be used. It can be used to lock up important pieces on the chessboard while Iran strengthens its own position.

@Richard Wheeler: RW, I was the manager of a large manufacturing facility when I retired. I did not average one day a week off. And even on those days off, I still got calls and texts. If a person wants to be in charge of the United States, he should plan for no time off for the duration. Obama had no clue what was required, having never worked or been responsible for a single thing his entire life. I don’t think he’s entitled to rounds of golf or month long vacations.



The problem with your logic is that Iran probably wouldn’t shed too many tears if Israel and Syria gassed and nuked one another out of existence. What’s important to Iran is how Syria’s WMDs can presently be used. It can be used to lock up important pieces on the chessboard while Iran strengthens its own position.

How is that a problem? Why would anyone ‘think’ that Iran would shed a tear over the demise of Syria or Israel. Iran is working on Nukes, not CW and no one is going to interfere with them regardless of what Syria does with CW. This whole CW deal has only come up in the last month and Iran has been attempting to build nukes for many years.
Do you think that if the US shoots a Tomahawk cruise missile into an empty tent in the Syria desert that it is going to cause anyone to change what they are doing? That’s what Kerry and Potus are planning.

@Nan G: ” Refused to take mulligans.” Probably always putted out from 10 inches Never moved his ball to a preferred lie. Unlike Obama always played by the rules. Bullshit. Do you have ANY idea how foolish your comments sound?

Fact is my fraternity brother “drunken Deke “w” ” and BHO are pretty good athletes and were able to find some time to exercise while POTUS. I commend them.

@Richard Wheeler:
They were comments from golf pros who knew each man, RW.
I don’t play golf at all.

@Nan G: Nan Obvious you never played.
For the record 78 is a GOOD score for a weekend golfer
20 something handicap mid nineties to 103-105
15 handicap high 80’s
“a game where 78 is bad and Obama shoots somewhere under 15o” YOUR COMMENT.
Suggest you stick with your expertise. Blasting the