Obama: All This Reporting On NSA Scandal Is Just “Noise”

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Amusing….just amusing.

Obama 2007:


And today?

President Barack Obama privately derided the controversy over the blockbuster June 6 revelation of the National Security Agency’s far-reaching capabilities as “noise rather than something that’s real and meaningful,” said Education Secretary Arne Duncan.

What does he wish the media would pay attention to rather than that whole NSA “noise”?

Increasing internet to our schools.

Instead of showcasing the president’s June 6 speech about a new plan to boost Internet use in schools, the major media in the United States and abroad were focused on Snowden’s claims that the NSA was copying huge quantities of private, commercial and criminal emails from around the world.

“‘I remember him sort of saying, “It’s a shame that there’s going to be a focus on the noise rather than something that’s real and meaningful,’’’ Duncan said, according to an Aug. 13 report in the Washington Post.

“As Air Force One flew toward North Carolina that day, Obama lamented to his education secretary that one of the administration’s biggest ideas was going to be overtaken by other news,” said the Post.

Yup…that is some initiative there. It’s not like the kids of today don’t have enough social media, video games, and text messages. Books and real learning? Eh…who needs it.

NSA scooping up millions of records?

Just noise.


I can’t seem to help thinking that this is a classic sign of narcissism– whatever the narcissist wants, that is clearly the most important thing in the entire world, and these other things that you might think are important, well, that’s just something stupid for babies, isn’t it?

A new plan to boost internet use in schools. What the hell is this, 1996? This is what this brain trust thinks is a major policy initiative in education?

Oh, and his plan gets better, if that’s possible.

The school-Internet project, dubbed ConnectEd, is expected to cost roughly $5 billion. Obama wants to pay for the program by having the Federal Communications Commission raise taxes on cell-phone owners, without any agreement from Congress.Obama is pushing the controversial fund-raising scheme, according to the Washington Post, and told his staff that “We are here to do big things — and we can do this without Congress.”

I take my previous criticism back — that is real and meaningful, though not in the way he imagines.


But not shocking. Nothing this guy does shocks me anymore.

obama the narcissistic

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the NSA has been doing that and worse since 9/11. When Bush/Cheney were claiming that the POTUS had near unlimited power as a wartime POTUS I can not recall many objecting to that on this site. Of course the Supreme Court seemed to feel otherwise by their rulings against himhttp://www.csmonitor.com/USA/2009/0114/p11s01-usgn.html

And right on time, John jumps in with the blame Bush/blame Cheney crap… Sure glad he’s comfortable with The Regime…

What is the count?
At least four Generals and at least one Admiral have all been forced to retire/resign because Obama already had stuff on them should the occasion arise.
And, as each one was due to tell on Obama for dereliction in Benghazi, Afghansitan, Iraq or the ”War on Terror,”
each one was confronted by someone (hmmm….friend of Obama?) leaking incriminating emails to the press!
Where did the media get their leaks?
How did the leakers come by their information>
Who were those leakers?
Too bad the media is a echo-chamber for Obama because that would be a great story!

Obama found that bypassing law and getting sealed information was the only way HE could get elected…..so that’s what happened.
His ”dog whistle,” was heard by a willing and well-placed operative and the information miraculously appeared when needed.

What scares Obama is if anyone on the other side has as low of scruples as he, himself, does.
Now, all of a sudden (that’s he’s got all the goods he’ll ever need on everybody) he wants protections in place to prevent what he’s already benefited from.

Nan wrote:
“Obama found that bypassing law and getting sealed information was the only way HE could get elected…..so that’s what happened.”

He learned that lesson a long time ago, when he found a way to unseal cases sealed by Illinois judges in state court, that’s how he beat Ryan and ran unopposed. So why would anyone be surprised at the shit he’s done since then, at higher and higher levels?

But not shocking. Nothing this guy does shocks me anymore.

EVERYTHING this guy does is what I EXPECT of him now. His philosophy is, “If it’s bad for the country, let’s do it.”


Now that rodeo clown? There’s a real scandal.

@john: Could it be, John, that you don’t recall any objections to the original version of these provisons of the Patriot Act because, as originally intended, the data collecting was limited to conversations that had one end overseas? NOW, Mr. Rights-Protector collects ALL data. In addition to that, given the high level of trust we have in his word and integrity (IRS, F & F, etc, etc), there NEEDS to be outrage.