It is 26 days before the summer solstice and global warming is again making itself felt(/sarc).
These are scenes from yesterday at Okemo Mountain Ludlow VT where we have had a place for more than two decades but have never seen anything like this. As we climbed in elevation the snow got became more intense.
From the town looking up the snowline is easily discernible.
Right now at our elevation it is 36 degrees. Last night it dropped to 29 degrees.
Fortunately there was shelter and comfort to be had at Harpoon Brewery in Windsor VT.
This is from yesterday

DrJohn has been a health care professional for more than 40 years. In addition to clinical practice he has done extensive research and has published widely with over 70 original articles and abstracts in the peer-reviewed literature. DrJohn is well known in his field and has lectured on every continent except for Antarctica. He has been married to the same wonderful lady for over 45 years and has three kids- two sons, both of whom are attorneys and one daughter who is in the field of education.
DrJohn was brought up with the concept that one can do well if one is prepared to work hard but nothing in life is guaranteed.
Except for liberals being foolish.
No, no, see, according to Warmist doctrine the snow is entirely consistent with extreme weather caused by climate change, the result of you, DrJohn, refusing to give up your own fossil fuels usage, not taking 2 minute showers, keeping your heat higher than 60, not replacing all your light bulbs with CFLs, using an ice maker in your fridge, using more than 2 sheets of TP, and not buying carbon credits. So, that snow is all your fault!
A warmer atmosphere causes more evaporation, leading to increased humidity. More moisture in the air means that rain and snow are stronger, and more likely to occur unseasonally. This isn’t rocket science, although it is climate science.
A warmer atmosphere means that snow falls in late May and a warmer atmosphere makes it colder in late May?
Amazing. Just amazing.
Would someone please check to make sure Warren’s straightjacket is secure.
@William Teach:
Ouch. 😉
@Warren: Yes, warm weather, not warm climate, allows more moisture to be held by the air, but it still takes cold air to allow the air to release the moisture. You are confusing climate science with weather science. Climate science spans 1000s of years while weather science is a small subset of climate science. Ignorant people tend to think only of their life time and ignore the past as well as cycles in the climate. a 100 year trend is not climate science when the cycle is 10,000 years.
algores chameleons, adaptable, quick thinking, able to con the connable. Yesterday it was overpopulation, then mass starvation, running out of fossil fuels, then more fossil fuels are found so fracking is bad, global cooling, then global warming, then climate change. Now wrap it up in more floods, more hurricanes, more tornadoes, more wild fires, the only common consistent thread with the proigs is their stupidity.
climbed mt okemo, it was wonderful.
why ask? you know the climate warming bugs must wear a straight jacket to look at you in the face and tell you the climate is warming while you stand on the snow over your knees shivering.
@Warren: So what you’re saying, Warren, is that the last glacial age was caused by too much warmth?
Do you Warmists even think about what you’re told, or do you just accept it thoughtlessly?
William Teach,
you’re a wizard
I like it,
I bet you they start those fires, to make themselves more credible,
just like us we ask GOD for snow to prove them wrong,
nice pictures what a trip that was I guess,
thank you
Thanks, Bees. We still had a great weekend. Today is quite lovely. Sunny and 50 degrees.
IT’s also the fault of those on STAMPS it take a lot of trees to make those millions of stamps for the POOR,
cutting too many bring the hot sun to cook the ground and set fires and destruction, not the climate
wouldn’t be easier to give the money instead of STAMPS?
the money you spend to make the STAMPS ,and distribute it, and retrieve it and destroy it,
and start again all over,
cut the waste all the other waste, there are more people working in GOVERNMENT then in public jobs
to halt the good administration of their BUSINESS, so to not
be able financially to hire more people needing jobs,