Moral Equivalency In A Troubled Land



Surely no one doubts the validity of the claim that our major news sources are propaganda bureaus for the president. Such a suggestion a few decades ago would have been unthinkable, but these days, the only ones who refuse to admit the obvious are the unthinkable.

In our latest terrorist attack Americans are being asked to shoulder blame and guilt for the attack, and accept the premise that if we only listen to our Progressive leaders, such events will stop happening.

These same tenets of guilt are to be applied Obama’s pleas to forego the Second Amendment and the so-called Islamaphobia Americans associate with the Jihadists and their blood thirsty habits. If we accept Obama’s plans for America, these persistent evil doers will have no more reasons to commit work place violence and man-made disasters.

A major portion of the time devoted to the less than honorable trade of propaganda is spent writing moral equivalencies for the president. Thankfully, “The Bush did it” and “It’s Bush’s fault” and the enduring “I inherited a much worse situation than I expected,” excuses that have lost their cachet and even the most deluded Progressives seem to have grown tired of the over used refrains that sound so childlike.

Our Progressive propaganda machine has already begun the moral equivalency to lessen the trauma inflicted upon Obama and his amnesty or immigration policy by the homicidal maniacs, the brothers Tsarnaev. Essentially, the propagandists are trying to convince Americans that we aren’t welcoming foreigners with open arms and comforting them through their time of struggle. Welfare, food stamps, and cheap Obama phones to the tune of over hundred thousand in benefits are not really enough to keep down the rage that boils in the heart of potential terrorists; it is our fault for pushing them beyond a certain point, that makes them feel they need to kill and maim innocents, not to mention indirectly causing immeasurable harm to Obama’s image and legacy.

The New York Times has explained this phenomenon in detail through the efforts of Marcello Suarez-Orozco, dean of UCLA’s Graduate School of Education and Information Studies and Carola Suarez-Orocozco, a professor at the same university. Pointing their collective fingers at Americans, the blame shifts with the lead sentence.

“The alleged involvement of two ethnic Chechen brothers in the deadly attack at the Boston Marathon last week should prompt Americans to reflect on whether we do an adequate job assimilating immigrants who arrive in the United States as children or teenagers.”

Like Boxer the Horse in Orwell’s, “Animal Farm” who accepts guilt for crop failures and famine, but is doing the most to produce the crops, is mindlessly condemning himself to doing more work after being convinced by their leader Napoleon the pig that they must work harder to assure that their will be enough food for all of the animals. Of course Orwell portrayed the Russian people as Boxer and Stalin as Napoleon the pig, who never seems to suffer or miss a meal. Obama is more than happy to assume the role of Napoleon the pig and lecture us on how it is our responsibility to accept all interlopers who enter our country illegally. We must work harder to accept our new illegal immigrants and remember that he is always right. Living life on the high side is a perk of leadership we should ignore. We only need to adopt Boxer’s famous line to his bosses, “I must work harder” and remember “Napoleon is always right.” If he wants us to scrap the Second Amendment and be unarmed, we should be ready to give up our weapons.

If we have people in our country who yell out “Allahu Akbar” while they are killing, we can only conclude that we haven’t worked hard enough to welcome or assimilate these savage beasts into our homes.

Premier educations without the troublesome need to study or work will be helpful, and being hustled into positions of prestige and authority have done wonders for our president. Perhaps Tamerlan and Dzhokbar might have made decent politicians are even presidents now that records of educational achievements can be sealed and asking for verification is considered to be suspicious behavior.

Generals are only too willing to jump aboard the Obama propaganda train, after Major Hassan killed thirteen loyal American service people while screaming “Alahu Akbar”, General Casey, a man who is not distinguished by his intellect and wit, told us it could have been much worse:

“What happened at Fort Hood was a tragedy, but I believe it would be an even greater tragedy if our diversity becomes a casualty here.”

I am sure the families of those dead soldiers and those maimed by the bastard Major Hassan would go to pieces if they read of damage to this Progressive idea of diversity, a concept that no soldier has ever sworn to defend.

Moral Equivalency is in a state of suspended animation with the Gosnell murder case; even the rejects from Madison Avenue are having a hard time rationalizing the atrocities of Doctor Gosnell.

Those of us who have delivered or assisted with calves, foals, and human babies can become animated when describing a successful delivery and the sadness of a DOA, but Gosnel is a different type. He derived joy in death and mutilation.

You see, to enable the delivery of a baby during delivery, the “doctor” must crush the head to facilitate the delivery, but sometimes the best laid plans go awry and the baby is born alive. Fortunately, doctors are trained to think quickly and be resourceful. Doctor Gosnel, was no exception, to deal with live babies, he would cut through the spinal cord with scissors and suction out the brain with a vacuum pump, but during busy days at his charnel house of horrors, time was of the essence, and stories of babies swimming in toilets to keep from drowning were mentioned in whispers between employees. Doctor Gosnel in an effort to be creative, cut off hands and feet for a personal collection kept in jars. He also has literary or comic ability, since he joked about certain babies being big enough to hold his hand and walk around the block with him before he killed them.

When even the Obama propaganda machine can’t form a moral equivalency for the doctor, they decide to bury the story to keep the Abortion President from appearing with the blood, gore, and morbid mayhem of the abortion clinics on his white dress shirts and golfing shoes.

In the final analysis, the greatest moral equivalency fraud is being directly perpetrated by Holder and Obama. We are being told, the brothers Tsarnaev planned to bomb Times Square, but for those who look beyond the initial bleatings of our leaders, we must ask, “Why are we being spoon fed this obviously classified information and why hasn’t Dzhokhar been charged with this particular conspiracy?”

We must understand, the initial interrogation of Dzhokhar was to obtain crucial and vital intelligence of an enemy operative who is part of the forces waging Jihad or holy war against the United States a type of moral equivalency where time and the public safety is of the essence. Questions were being asked to obtain information like, who trained your brother, where in Deghastan did your brother get his training, or how did your brother find his trainers, information not needed in a trial, but critical to national defense.

There-in lies the great bugaboo for the Obama Administration and the law as defined by the Leftist Vision of the Law and why the unusual effort by Holder’s Justice Department to rush into federal court on Sunday evening to file charges against Dzhokhar. The great debate on whether Dzhokhar was a wartime enemy combatant or a hooligan was ended with the complaint. Like our Major Hassan, and his infamous “Work Place Violence” we are being shown that the Leftist Vision of the law works and that these instances of violence can be contained and dealt with through the courts. The Jihasist mass murderer of Fort Hood has indicated that he wants to plead guilty, but the Obama Administration refuses to award the victims of Fort Hood Purple Hearts because the move might prejudice the court against him in the extraordinary case of prosecuting a man who is willing to plead guilty.

The ruse is being played and we are being suckered in like fish to chum; Jihad is not an entity to wage war against, it is a criminal matter, national defense is just another example of American aggression.

Americans must accept that the system is working, according to Obama and Holder, and another case of an admitted terrorist will be prosecuted in a court of law presided over by the omnipotent Obama. Forget the vital intelligence that could have been gleaned before Dahokhar was read Miranda like an ordinary street thug and realized his information could be used to plea bargain with a battery of ACLU lawyers acting as intermediaries.

To keep the ruse afloat, the administration promotes the lie that a magistrate judge with serendipitous whimsy barged into a hospital room with arguably the tightest security detail in the world and Mirandized the terrorist, but realists know, no one was getting into that room without intervention from Obama and Holder, and the filing of the complaint is the action that vested the federal court with jurisdiction. Thus the move to get the terrorist into a position where he will no longer expose possible international Jihadist plans by being under the umbrella of the Bill of Rights and the intervention of a defense lawyer. Let there be no doubt, Obama and Holder made this decision of moral equivalency on their own.

While a lucid honest person realizes the advantage of gathering intelligence from a terrorist, who is in a state of bewilderment and without the benefit of a lawyer telling him not to speak, information that can be beneficial if not critical to our national security. The Obama Administration will tell us the interrogation gathered with due process will be just as effective, if not better, but there are few of us who dwell in reality, who believe such claptrap. The gathering of intelligence is over.

We are led to believe the public-safety exception, as in pre-Miranda questioning, will yield the necessary information, questions like: Are there more bombs? Is your vehicle wired with explosives? Did your mommy potty train you correctly? Are supposed to insure the public safety until the threat is neutralized.

Unfortunately, the public-safety exception is a silly concept when dealing with the intensity of enemy combatant interrogation; yet, the moral equivalency continues by both the media and our Celebrity President.

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OK Bees. There are somewhere between 1.6 billion and 2.2 billion Muslims in the World. They are scattered over the entire World. I will agree with you that many of them do hate us. We cannot fight them all. So what is your plan?

There are APPROXIMATELY 192 countries in the world. Virtually all of them have Muslims. Every country that has Muslims has groups of them conspiring to do the United States harm. We cannot fight them all. So what is your plan?

There are approximately 20 million active-duty military personnel serving the countries of the World. Approximately 1.4-million of them serve the United States – the remaining 18.6-million serve foreign governments. We cannot fight them all. So what is your plan?

There are approximately 20-thousand nuclear bombs in the world – way more than the number needed to ruin the planet. So what is your plan?

You see terrorists everywhere. They ARE everywhere. So what is your plan?

You are complaining about airport body checks while the world is inching ever closer to self-destruction. Even the debate about whether Bush or Obama made the worse errors is moot (though still fun to discuss) because the real question is: Should we attempt to DELAY the final conflagration, or should we HASTEN it? It will come either way. The only thing you need to ask yourself is: Do you want to try to live out a full life, or are you ready to check out now? (If you answer “Now,” you are no different that the suicide bombers who are trying to help you get there.)

So what IS your plan?

George Wells
I see what you are playing with,
you give me a stupid arrogant answer because you don’t like to be corrected of your error
not mentioning why THE PRESIDENT BUSH went after SADDAM, and I SEE YOUR ANSWER,
What’s my plan? is that a question to ask me?
you should ask OBAMA,
SERIOUSLY< I'm getting to question your mindset and reasoning

@George Wells:

Should we attempt to DELAY the final conflagration, or should we HASTEN it? It will come either way.

If you know it is coming, what are you doing to prepare? Or are you hoping that the next generation will have to deal with a tyranny that you don’t want to?

Do you want to try to live out a full life, or are you ready to check out now?

So you assume the Islamists would win? Really? You have such little faith in the good people of ALL nations?

So what is YOUR plan?


it seem to have been corrected now,


No, Bees, it was not a trick or a “stupid, arrogant answer.” In fact, it was not an answer at all, it was a question. Read #104 again and tell me which numbers are false… or “stupid.” Add up the numbers. We are outnumbered in every category except nuclear weapons. Our options would seem to be severely limited.

Politicians won’t give you an honest answer because they need employment, so there is no point in asking Obama or any other politician “what is your plan?” I ask that question of YOU, because you complain about what politicians like Obama are doing. There is a saying: I don’t want complaints, I want solutions.” I am looking for solutions. I see none. Do you? (I reiterate, this is a friendly question.)

If there IS no solution, then what does it matter if one or another politician does a bad job with the problem?

re #106:

I am delighted that you do not dispute the figures presented in the first four paragraphs of #104. But then you said:

“So you assume the Islamists would win?”
Absolutely not. Run the numbers again. The only edge we have is nuclear, of which we control about half of the warheads, 40% of the megatons and 65% of the technology. When push comes to shove, we’ll use it. But NOBODY WILL WIN.

My plan? As in “For the World?”
I’m still looking for a solution, and I’m not convinced one exists. Since I am still looking, and asking, it should be obvious that I don’t have one.
Or did you mean “For myself?”
If I am wrong, then nothing happens. If I am correct, then nothing CAN be done to “prepare,” as what would follow would be unimaginably bad. A nuclear winter would cull about 99.9% of the World population. No point in packing extra clean sox.

George Wells
I’m not qualify to make plan, but I can tell if a plan made up is right or not,
and if no plan is wrong,
I see that you did not meant to be mean, but it’s not here that the plan should be discuss or shape
into a reality,
but we have the liberty to give opinion on right and wrong,
that’s what BLOG ARE FOR to judge on what the AUTHOR feed us with,
the subject and what we think of it,
in a debate of many different ideas and since we all are unique,
we have a better stand in reaching a right solution,
on a dillemma pose by the author,


Is anyone “qualified” to send other men to their death?

Maybe, maybe not. I would not presume to answer that over-loaded question. But on this site, “qualifications” are not weighed. Here a post is evaluated in terms of how good the ideas are, or how well they are presented. (Two different things.)

When I ask for a “plan,” it is because reading nothing but complaints gets tiresome.
Everybody on the “right” here agrees that:
Obama is to blame.
Obama is guilty of treason.
Obama should be impeached.
Obama is a Communist Socialist Marxist.
Obama is ruining the economy.
Obama Obama Obama.
That has been stated ad-nauseum. There is no need to endlessly repeat the same message. Once the complaint has been thoroughly expressed, the next step is to work on finding a solution to the problem you are complaining about. That is what I am asking for when I ask “What is your plan?”

If you can’t think of a plan, ask yourself: “Who CAN?” If NOBODY can come up with a good plan, what’s the point of complaining? If you don’t like what Obama’s doing, come up with something better and let everybody know what it is.
Or chill.

George Weller
I could give you a plan so fast that you would be turning your head around 3 times,
but it’s not for me to do it, I as well as you we don’t have no clout to be able to make things move,
it take the right elected people to move things and right now they are doing exactly it,
if it bother you to hear the OBAMA exposed mistakes, and some are impeachable,
you must be in the wrong place,
this is a CONSERVATIVE BLOG, and you are an OBAMA BLOB,
so you can take it or leave it, we did not go find you,
you came out of free will and you gave us a good time, you gave us your mindset in an intelligent way,
you kept your temper control, and we too,
it turn out to a fair exchange, don’t you think?
I did not blame you , and you cannot blame me, this place is free, and I love FLOPPING ACES
superior philosophy which come from CURT our owner and long time SHERIF,

I must repeat that news just came on my NEWSPAPER,
you remember the TUNISIAN YOUNG MAN caught with other in CANADA,
the federal CANADIAN government is dismissing the notion that a terror suspect
recently arrested in the UNITED STATES, enter from CANADA,
the TUNISIAN BORN MAN, could not have enter from CANADA,
JASON KENNEY IMMIGRATION MINISTER said , when we became aware of security concern,
he was back in TUNISIA and his study permit was not renew
AHMED ABASSI was arrested last month in the US and accused of planning an act of international terrorist, he is accused of having ties to one of the two men suspected of plotting an attack on
a passenger train in ONTARIO he has plead not guilty the ties to CANADA where being downplayed in OTTAWA, there has been allegations previously on the 9/11 link to CANADA which was false
US official said that ABASSI has travel from CANADA, false, to THE USA in mid march where he was arrested at JFK airport in april 22, the same day CANADIAN AUTHORITY arrested
ESSERGAHIER a MONTREAL resident and ABASSI charge with plotting to attack a VIA RAIL TRAIN,
ABASSI was pushing for a different plan that would contaminate the AIR OR WATER with BACTERIA
and KILL UP TO 100,000 people, ABASSI was a student in QUEBEC UNIVERSITY LAVAL
I stop here, but there is more, imagine how dangerous they are ,coldly planning to kill 100000 human,
so he did not cross the borders from CANADA, he came from TUNISIA