Moral Equivalency In A Troubled Land



Surely no one doubts the validity of the claim that our major news sources are propaganda bureaus for the president. Such a suggestion a few decades ago would have been unthinkable, but these days, the only ones who refuse to admit the obvious are the unthinkable.

In our latest terrorist attack Americans are being asked to shoulder blame and guilt for the attack, and accept the premise that if we only listen to our Progressive leaders, such events will stop happening.

These same tenets of guilt are to be applied Obama’s pleas to forego the Second Amendment and the so-called Islamaphobia Americans associate with the Jihadists and their blood thirsty habits. If we accept Obama’s plans for America, these persistent evil doers will have no more reasons to commit work place violence and man-made disasters.

A major portion of the time devoted to the less than honorable trade of propaganda is spent writing moral equivalencies for the president. Thankfully, “The Bush did it” and “It’s Bush’s fault” and the enduring “I inherited a much worse situation than I expected,” excuses that have lost their cachet and even the most deluded Progressives seem to have grown tired of the over used refrains that sound so childlike.

Our Progressive propaganda machine has already begun the moral equivalency to lessen the trauma inflicted upon Obama and his amnesty or immigration policy by the homicidal maniacs, the brothers Tsarnaev. Essentially, the propagandists are trying to convince Americans that we aren’t welcoming foreigners with open arms and comforting them through their time of struggle. Welfare, food stamps, and cheap Obama phones to the tune of over hundred thousand in benefits are not really enough to keep down the rage that boils in the heart of potential terrorists; it is our fault for pushing them beyond a certain point, that makes them feel they need to kill and maim innocents, not to mention indirectly causing immeasurable harm to Obama’s image and legacy.

The New York Times has explained this phenomenon in detail through the efforts of Marcello Suarez-Orozco, dean of UCLA’s Graduate School of Education and Information Studies and Carola Suarez-Orocozco, a professor at the same university. Pointing their collective fingers at Americans, the blame shifts with the lead sentence.

“The alleged involvement of two ethnic Chechen brothers in the deadly attack at the Boston Marathon last week should prompt Americans to reflect on whether we do an adequate job assimilating immigrants who arrive in the United States as children or teenagers.”

Like Boxer the Horse in Orwell’s, “Animal Farm” who accepts guilt for crop failures and famine, but is doing the most to produce the crops, is mindlessly condemning himself to doing more work after being convinced by their leader Napoleon the pig that they must work harder to assure that their will be enough food for all of the animals. Of course Orwell portrayed the Russian people as Boxer and Stalin as Napoleon the pig, who never seems to suffer or miss a meal. Obama is more than happy to assume the role of Napoleon the pig and lecture us on how it is our responsibility to accept all interlopers who enter our country illegally. We must work harder to accept our new illegal immigrants and remember that he is always right. Living life on the high side is a perk of leadership we should ignore. We only need to adopt Boxer’s famous line to his bosses, “I must work harder” and remember “Napoleon is always right.” If he wants us to scrap the Second Amendment and be unarmed, we should be ready to give up our weapons.

If we have people in our country who yell out “Allahu Akbar” while they are killing, we can only conclude that we haven’t worked hard enough to welcome or assimilate these savage beasts into our homes.

Premier educations without the troublesome need to study or work will be helpful, and being hustled into positions of prestige and authority have done wonders for our president. Perhaps Tamerlan and Dzhokbar might have made decent politicians are even presidents now that records of educational achievements can be sealed and asking for verification is considered to be suspicious behavior.

Generals are only too willing to jump aboard the Obama propaganda train, after Major Hassan killed thirteen loyal American service people while screaming “Alahu Akbar”, General Casey, a man who is not distinguished by his intellect and wit, told us it could have been much worse:

“What happened at Fort Hood was a tragedy, but I believe it would be an even greater tragedy if our diversity becomes a casualty here.”

I am sure the families of those dead soldiers and those maimed by the bastard Major Hassan would go to pieces if they read of damage to this Progressive idea of diversity, a concept that no soldier has ever sworn to defend.

Moral Equivalency is in a state of suspended animation with the Gosnell murder case; even the rejects from Madison Avenue are having a hard time rationalizing the atrocities of Doctor Gosnell.

Those of us who have delivered or assisted with calves, foals, and human babies can become animated when describing a successful delivery and the sadness of a DOA, but Gosnel is a different type. He derived joy in death and mutilation.

You see, to enable the delivery of a baby during delivery, the “doctor” must crush the head to facilitate the delivery, but sometimes the best laid plans go awry and the baby is born alive. Fortunately, doctors are trained to think quickly and be resourceful. Doctor Gosnel, was no exception, to deal with live babies, he would cut through the spinal cord with scissors and suction out the brain with a vacuum pump, but during busy days at his charnel house of horrors, time was of the essence, and stories of babies swimming in toilets to keep from drowning were mentioned in whispers between employees. Doctor Gosnel in an effort to be creative, cut off hands and feet for a personal collection kept in jars. He also has literary or comic ability, since he joked about certain babies being big enough to hold his hand and walk around the block with him before he killed them.

When even the Obama propaganda machine can’t form a moral equivalency for the doctor, they decide to bury the story to keep the Abortion President from appearing with the blood, gore, and morbid mayhem of the abortion clinics on his white dress shirts and golfing shoes.

In the final analysis, the greatest moral equivalency fraud is being directly perpetrated by Holder and Obama. We are being told, the brothers Tsarnaev planned to bomb Times Square, but for those who look beyond the initial bleatings of our leaders, we must ask, “Why are we being spoon fed this obviously classified information and why hasn’t Dzhokhar been charged with this particular conspiracy?”

We must understand, the initial interrogation of Dzhokhar was to obtain crucial and vital intelligence of an enemy operative who is part of the forces waging Jihad or holy war against the United States a type of moral equivalency where time and the public safety is of the essence. Questions were being asked to obtain information like, who trained your brother, where in Deghastan did your brother get his training, or how did your brother find his trainers, information not needed in a trial, but critical to national defense.

There-in lies the great bugaboo for the Obama Administration and the law as defined by the Leftist Vision of the Law and why the unusual effort by Holder’s Justice Department to rush into federal court on Sunday evening to file charges against Dzhokhar. The great debate on whether Dzhokhar was a wartime enemy combatant or a hooligan was ended with the complaint. Like our Major Hassan, and his infamous “Work Place Violence” we are being shown that the Leftist Vision of the law works and that these instances of violence can be contained and dealt with through the courts. The Jihasist mass murderer of Fort Hood has indicated that he wants to plead guilty, but the Obama Administration refuses to award the victims of Fort Hood Purple Hearts because the move might prejudice the court against him in the extraordinary case of prosecuting a man who is willing to plead guilty.

The ruse is being played and we are being suckered in like fish to chum; Jihad is not an entity to wage war against, it is a criminal matter, national defense is just another example of American aggression.

Americans must accept that the system is working, according to Obama and Holder, and another case of an admitted terrorist will be prosecuted in a court of law presided over by the omnipotent Obama. Forget the vital intelligence that could have been gleaned before Dahokhar was read Miranda like an ordinary street thug and realized his information could be used to plea bargain with a battery of ACLU lawyers acting as intermediaries.

To keep the ruse afloat, the administration promotes the lie that a magistrate judge with serendipitous whimsy barged into a hospital room with arguably the tightest security detail in the world and Mirandized the terrorist, but realists know, no one was getting into that room without intervention from Obama and Holder, and the filing of the complaint is the action that vested the federal court with jurisdiction. Thus the move to get the terrorist into a position where he will no longer expose possible international Jihadist plans by being under the umbrella of the Bill of Rights and the intervention of a defense lawyer. Let there be no doubt, Obama and Holder made this decision of moral equivalency on their own.

While a lucid honest person realizes the advantage of gathering intelligence from a terrorist, who is in a state of bewilderment and without the benefit of a lawyer telling him not to speak, information that can be beneficial if not critical to our national security. The Obama Administration will tell us the interrogation gathered with due process will be just as effective, if not better, but there are few of us who dwell in reality, who believe such claptrap. The gathering of intelligence is over.

We are led to believe the public-safety exception, as in pre-Miranda questioning, will yield the necessary information, questions like: Are there more bombs? Is your vehicle wired with explosives? Did your mommy potty train you correctly? Are supposed to insure the public safety until the threat is neutralized.

Unfortunately, the public-safety exception is a silly concept when dealing with the intensity of enemy combatant interrogation; yet, the moral equivalency continues by both the media and our Celebrity President.

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We must seriously consider the fact that odumbo’s actions are deliberate and consistent with what he wrote in his autobiography ‘If the winds shift in an ugly direction, I stand with the muslims’.

That statement is as clear a picture of his position as there is, and it is displayed daily by his actions.

If the fourth estate would do their job, this man would have been gone a long time ago.

“Moral equivalence is a form of equivocation often used in political debates. It seeks to draw comparisons between different, often unrelated things, to make a point that one is just as bad as the other or just as good as the other. It may be used to draw attention to an unrelated issue by comparing it to a well-known bad event, in an attempt to say one is as bad as the other. Or, it may be used in an attempt to claim one isn’t as bad as the other by comparison. Drawing a moral equivalence in this way is a logical fallacy.”

You seem to have itemized most of your concerns about this political system and lumped them all under this heading, regardless of whether they fit or not.

Assimilation of immigrants?
We don’t even try!
And what with our Leftist worship of “cultural equivalence,” they don’t either!
So, who are coming here and what do they believe?

More than three-quarters of Muslims in South Asia say chopping off hands of those accused of thievery is justified.
The majority also want death for ”apostates from Islam, homosexuals and fornicators” (well, the females anyway).
Over three-quarters of Muslims in the Middle East and North Africa, South Asia and Southeast Asia want Sharia at least over themselves, if not over their infidel neighbors.
More than four-fifths of the 38,000 Muslims interviewed in 39 countries said non-Muslims in their countries could practice their faith freely….as Dhimmis who pay them a penalty tax for this ”right.”
Three-quarters of respondents said abortion is morally wrong.
Across the Islamic world majorities from 74 percent in Lebanon to 96 percent in Malaysia said wives should always obey their husbands……or else Sharia will be enforced on them.

The Good News?
ONLY 40 percent support in the Palestinian territories, 39 percent in Afghanistan, 29 percent in Eygpt and 26 percent in Bangladesh support suicide bombing!
Think they won’t cough up a son per Mosque when asked for a jihadi?……think again!

Numbers from:

The Dhimmi Copts in Egypt paid a high price for living under Sharia for decades.
But every time a Muslim wanted more from them, the police stood aside and allowed it, whether it was a burned down business competitor, a kidnapped teenage girl, a looting from a Coptic home or anything at all.

What validity is there in the morality of a Liar? The truth of the Progressive Agenda is revealed by the ever more preposterous expectation that they will be believed as long as the lies are repeated often enough. The beam in the liberal eye is become a wall of ignorance; conservative citizens must remove each others mote and rely on themselves while the Jester King dances and prattles away into the night followed by his ignorant fawning minions. Keep yer (ethical) powder dry.

@Liberal1 (Objectivity): Also from a wiki:

In regard to C.S. Lewis’ “Abolition of Man”:
“The final chapter describes the ultimate consequences of this debunking: a distant future in which the values and morals of the majority are controlled by a small group who rule by a “perfect” understanding of psychology, and who in turn, being able to “see through” any system of morality that might induce them to act in a certain way, are ruled only by their own unreflected whims. In surrendering rational reflection on their own motivations, the controllers will no longer be recognizably human, the controlled will be robot-like, and the Abolition of Man will have been completed.”

Not sure if lib1 checks back on his troll pokes, but is so, the above is the primary reason I’ve opposed “liberal” thought in its current form. It’s only leading us to the abolition of humankind.

@bwax: If they and the RINO’s and the demoCommie leadership had done their jobs the SOB would have never even been nominated. Then we get C-S McLame who was too chicken to even say his middle name – some war hero!!

@Nathan Blue: Repeat after me: Obama is awesome!, Obama is awesome!

Oh and never forget — Barack Hussein Obama- mmm, mmmm, mmm! — corrected by me to: grunt, grunt, grunt!

@Budvarakbar: Heard a sixteen-year-old last night complaining about Superpacs and Mitt Romney, aka “Money Bags.”

Indoctrination complete . . .

Was wondering how long it would be until someone cherry picked the data from the Pew poll on The World’s Muslims. Unfortunately, it doesn’t do much for the meme that Muslims lend support to their own fundamentalists and instead shows that the vast majority of those polled do not wish to force Shariah on non Muslims, and support religious freedom.

I suggest you wander thru the report yourself, instead of clinging to some pundit’s summary.

Several important data sets from that poll of 38,000 Muslims. And you’ll see there are some predictable Muslim States that tend to stand out as being less flexible… but they are the minority.

Stats on whether they believe all should have freedom to practice their religion of choice:

Muslims concerned with Islamist/extremists.. and/or Christian extremists or both

Except in the predictable States, the low numbers of support for suicide bombings

Percentage of those who favor death for Muslims leaving Islam

Of particular interest is this section devoted to American Muslims, who are shown to be far more assimilated into multi-culture lifestyles than their global counterparts.

Wide paintbrushes tend to make for a messy portrait.

Hi Mata. In many of those countries you list..sharia law is already part of their legal system/courts/law (both directly and indirectly). If you live in one of those countries, regardless of your religion, you are already forced to be subject to it in that regard.

So, the poll that shows most muslim believe people should be free to practice their faith…doesn’t really reflect the fact that many of them simply expect that sharia (or whatever parts of it written into law) would already be followed.

I find the two later ones…a bit more enlightening. ie., that attacks against civilians in defense of Islam is ok, and the even higher percentages who believe that someone who leaves Islam should be killed. How can you square being free to practice your faith….but want to kill those who choose to leave or change theirs? I’m also very much aware of multiple attacks against Christians and Church’s. What are those based on?

And what exactly is a christian extremist? Do they go around hacking people up if they don’t become saved? Or is it that the “extreme” part is them professing their faith and beliefs? (ie. practicing their faith). The death penalty for conversion doesn’t just apply to those who convert…but to those who proselytize. And as far as I know….that comes from sharia law. That seems like a big circle to square up to me.

Liberal1 is entirely SUBJECTIVITY. To describe yourself as objective is entirely subjective on your part.

@Liberal1 (Objectivity):

You really are that vacuous, aren’t you? This was an excellent dissection of the inherent corruption that is the leftist worldview. Progressives really want that which is good in our constitutional republic and our Judeo-Christian moral underpinnings destroyed because such strong, principled positions block the progressives from gaining the tyrannical political control which they crave over the rest of us.


Taqqiyah. Look it up in the Koran and the Hadiths. This is the pronouncement that muslims are duty bound to deceive and to lie to non-muslims in order to gain advantage over non-muslims.

Look up what Mohammed, the so-called “perfect man” whom all are to emulate in their lives, says repeatedly in the Koran with regard to jihad and treatment of non-muslims.

So pardon me if I don’t get all warm and fuzzy over a Pew poll purporting to say that most muslims don’t want to enact jihad on us infidels. If the majority of muslims really felt the way the Pew Poll claims, then why do they put up with the alleged minority of jihadis causing the murderous mayhem around the world? Why do they riot all over the place over some cartoons of Big Mo? Why is it that in the modern world the only combination of religiously motivated death and destruction that occurs anywhere has a muslim group involved?

Islam is slavery. Islam is death. History does not lie.

Remember Somalia?
The poll didn’t even go there.
It is Dar al Harb, the realm, not of Islam, but of war.
In northern Somalia Islam reigns.
In southern Somalia there are/were many non-Muslims as well as many black-skinned Muslims.
So, somehow, the Islamist group al-Shabab rules over southern Somalia.
How do they treat their majority black brothers and non-Muslim citizens?
They ban delivery of food aid.
As a direct result 133,000 children under the age of 5 died last year in a country of 6.5 million people.
ALL of the industrial countries in the world combined during the same period, a population of 990 million, suffered only 65,000 under 5 year old’s deaths in the same period.
It isn’t that there isn’t food aid.
It is that some Muslims ( a small minority) don’t want food to get to blacks and non-Muslims….and it is in their power to make it so.

@Nan G: Remember Somalia?
The poll didn’t even go there.

Well yeah…
The poll didn’t even go to Iran…. surprise, surprise

Your point?

Somalia has a mostly Sunni population of about 10 million, but then, there hasn’t been a census since 1976 since they don’t even have a coagulated federation cobbled together. Only about 37% of them can even read or write. Iran has a population of about 79.85 mil, close as we can tell.

What’s the chances that Pew can get to those Iranians, or Somalians? Phone? Internet? Friendly door to door solicitation, perhaps? Not to mention, ’tis a bit hard to learn opinions from Muslims living under regime changes, or oppressive regimes.

Again, I ask… your point? Is this supposed to discount the 38,000 Muslims in other countries that *did* respond?

Oh, wait… according to Pete, they all lied.

and cheap Obama phones

Honestly, Skook. It’s pretty pathetic to still be trotting out this thoroughly debunked racist Right Wing trope, but it’s your right as an American, of course. The rub is it’s apparent you don’t believe America citizens have rights if they have funny names, are Muslims, are on welfare, have “Obama phones” – did I get all the reasons? – so I don’t know why I even raise the topic with you. It’s clearly a waste of time.

PALESTINIANS are the most dangerous,
no wonder ISRAEL is watching them so much,
they have a bunch of KILLERS as neighbors,
I don’t know how they can be so PEACEFUL and give so much in research
to help the whole WORLD,
what would we do without ISRAEL,
but we can do without the KLLERS, and haters


Taqqiyah. Look it up in the Koran and the Hadiths.

Taqiyya is a Shia Islam tradition.

It’s always amusing when Islamophiles seek to “educate” others with the assumption that those who don’t share their perspective must somehow be ignorant of all the typical Islam-bashing talking points and selective Quranic quotes and interpretion of them by non-Arab speaking, non-practitioners of the religion they hate.

This is the pronouncement that muslims are duty bound to deceive and to lie to non-muslims in order to gain advantage over non-muslims.

There ya go. That’s one way of looking at it. Distortion much?

If the majority of muslims really felt the way the Pew Poll claims, then why do they put up with the alleged minority of jihadis causing the murderous mayhem around the world?

Why don’t you ask them why the al-Qaeda network and affiliated jihadis along with puritanical salafists and takfiris are responsible for slaughtering more Muslims than George W. Bush?


Oh, wait… according to Pete, they all lied.


DANGER! Your mind could be blown if you watch this video:

Heliofant I, Pet Goat II

If you do watch it, I’d be curious to know what you think it means.

Don’t assume it’s either left-leaning or right-leaning too quickly. You might think that at first, but by the time you get to minute 1:05 you’ll see that it’s neither. It’s . . . something else.


It looks like a progressives wet dream to me. First, it all started with Bush. Obama simply takes over Bush’s role as the puppet. Everything and everyone are mindless minions to the evil corporations who actually control everything and who are destroying the environment. And turning little helpless and peaceful dudes and dudettes into evil monsters as oil pollutes and ruins the beauty of the world and it’s progressive children. People turn on one another, there is war, and gnashing of teeth as the corporations pt one side against the other. But, then, the savior comes from SanFran bringing light, the stoned gender neutral cool surfer dude, surfing his boat..through the waters to show us the way to the light. As the ice melts (and polar bears die) and oil rigs pump in the background..Osama bin laden prays to the same sun/light God. As the sun comes up….the TVs evil talking heads (Fox) and corporate darkness that have taken over our hearts and minds begin to repel and scatter, and all the infrastructure, and corporate armies and bastions are destroyed by global warming as the earth is reborn…shed of it’s vermin and sickness.

That sound about right?

I don’t see FOX as a bad one that you see,
What I SEE IS ISLAMICS CARACKTERS ALL OVER, and the destruction of JESUS and the CROSS,and theFLAG
FOLLOWING ORDER from the UN ORGANIZATION, lead by the MUSLIM leader, and the EARTH burning around the WORLD
I see OBAMA looking at all this satisfied
to have achieved his AGENDA

it mean that, OBAMA want to distribute WEAPONS to ALQAEDA,

Obama said yesterday that he is “reconsidering” distributing arma to the Syrian rebels. That is because while the entrenched administration is MAYBE using chemical weapons on its own people, the rebels are, as you suggest, not good people either. Obama explained that he was “reluctant” to “complicate the situation.” He is not eager to arm Al-Qaeda.

The U.S. is in a lose-lose situation in Syria. We seem to think that we must always weigh in on the side that is fighting for freedom, but in Syria, “freedom” isn’t what the rebels are fighting for, other than freedom from the current regime. And we also think that we need to weigh in against the use of chemical, biological or nuclear weapons, so to the extent that we think they may have been used, we have to voice our disapproval. We have. But we’d be better off letting the Syrians kill themselves off without our help. We don’t have the money or the moral authority to be the World’s police. Ah, but no president want’s to appear weak. Even though Obama is “lame-duck,” he may still find appeal in the Bully image. For that matter, why really DID Bush go into Iraq? I’m not convinced that even HE knows for sure!


A campaign worker took it upon herself to falsely ascribe credit for her cell phone acquisition to the president in an effort to promote the reelection campaign. Impassioned with her support of the president and the acquisition of a cell phone, she was willing to repeat her misinformed opinions in front of a local news show in an effort to gain support for the president.

I have it hand it to you, this is a hilariously creative angle. So the woman in the video’s claim that she received a phone from Obama is “false” (agreed), yet the real promoters of her claims, the Right blogosphere, promoted that claim as fact, sending the video viral. I wonder why? And why do you and others continue to refer to an assistance program that pre-dates Obama as an “Obama phone”, and typically link it with other lowest common denominator welfare stereotypes? Hmmm. Are you that concerned that the President is receiving “credit” he doesn’t deserve, because this image in the video is so attractively enticing to all those highly educated blue state liberals who still believe they need to work to pay their cell phone bills?

With her passionate support for the president, she had the air time political operatives crave, was she successful? etc.

What airtime? Are you referring to all the Right Wing blogs that promoted the video as a sign of the scary black welfare Apocalypse to come if Obama was elected?

The Obama Phone Lady didn’t hurt the president, but she did contribute to his general policy of division within America. etc.

Yes, it’s the President’s fault that the Right chose to promote a misinformed ‘scary’ looking black woman as their signature Obama supporter, while simultaneously endorsing the misinformation: “Look out, Heartland! This is what happens when you elect one of them!” Is that message not divisive, I wonder? Do we really need to look back in the FA archives to see how this was initially presented, or should be accept your revisionism at face value?

Now, you must tell me where I have crossed some relative “red line” of racism by using the phrase, “cheap Obama phone.”

I didn’t say you crossed a line. You can say or write anything you want; likewise it’s within my rights to respond in kind to what you say and write. My response is you’re perpetuating a false claim and knowingly promoting a racist meme to get a few good old boy internet back slaps. Kind of beneath you, Skooks. There’s others here who were born to do that stuff.

your story remind me of how often OBAMA said it’s BUSH FAULT,
HE SAID IT SO MANY TIMES THAT THE STUDENTS start to say it and believe it, and vote for him,
do you think it was DIVISIVE enough? but there is more
remember when OBAMA BLAME THE CONGRESS for his own failure,
do you think it’s correct to do it?
can you keep on trusting a person in power who blame other for having screw up?
but there is more, remember when OBAMA blame the REPUBLICANS for his mistakes?
but there is more, do you remember when OBAMA blame Wall street for his own mistakes?
but there is more, do you remember when the CONSERVATIVES where blame for OBAMA errors?
do you think IT”S RIGHT TO DO THAT, stain another PARTY with bad mouth words
to advance his point?
I can think of many more, if it’s not enough to shut your dirty mouth,

George Wells
I think we should let them fix their problems and keep our MILITARY alive,
if they go there, they enter in a ring of destruction made specialy to bring them inside
and kill them, even if they are killed with it. they are glorified,
but no one care about our MILITARY, as we saw in the MAYDAY uprising fighting the BRAVES POLICE OFFICERS OF THE LAW, instead of listen and obey their orders,
those are definitely not on our side but on the other side of law,
same way they treat the MILITARY,
they are desensitize by the indoctrination of OBAMIST loyals who are every where,
soiling the ground of the PEOPLE’S LAND IN THIS AMERICA,

@ ilovebeeswarzone:

Friend, too much. Says only that you are too angry to think straight. Calm down.

You ARE right, thank you, about the Middle East and the propriety of our military involvement there-in. Good start.

But from there I would have you reflect on the right of any people to “self-determination” – the right to choose for themselves what type of government they shall have. Some people prefer a constitutional monarchy, while others decide that a socialist model fits their needs the best.

Iceland is often said to have held the first democratic assembly (a parliament) at the “Althing” (a geologic formation resembling a vast amphitheater) over a thousand years ago, and they have chosen (democratically) to evolve their government in the direction of socialism ever since. They have a Socialists’ Party and a Communist Party, but not a “Marxist Party,” and these things are not the same. As a people, they are quite content with their “democratic republic” (which is by our standards a nearly pure socialism) though all people cannot be pleased all of the time. Voter participation is in the neighborhood of 85%. At one point they had a king.

The point of the little trip to Iceland is to demonstrate that when everything works properly, the people decide for themselves how they shall be governed. “Of the people, by the people, for the people” is the ideal of self-government. So what is to be done when the people decide that they WANT more socialism? “Social Security” is a socialist construct, and the “People” want it. Medicare is a socialist construct, and the “People” want it. The USA is currently a “socialist republic,” made so by the fact that a majority of the people want it so.

We are also a “constitutional republic.” The founding fathers did their best to fashion a good constitution and they succeeded, but nothing lasts forever. If you are in the majority, you are in luck. If you are in the minority, better hope that the Supreme Court will protect you from the tyranny of the majority. That knife cuts both ways.

But “excrement” doesn’t cut it.

@Dc, #21:

It’s surprising how many different, highly detailed theories there are on line. Some are right/left political stuff. Some revolve around conspiracy theories about a hidden cabal—the Illuminati—that secretly manipulate governments and control the world. A lot of interpretations are religious. Some see the puppeteer’s hand as the hand of Satan, with the dollar sign on his ring representing the means he uses to control mankind. Some think it’s about the conflict between Islam and Christianity, and see the sleeper on the advancing boat as Christ, about to make a reappearance in the form of the Second Coming.

I think there’s a little bit of everything, but I lean toward the last interpretation. I think the guy on the boat is the Christ, or the Buddha, or some other symbol of spiritually awakened mankind at last transcending the material illusions of the world. Basically, leaving all of the bullshit behind.

I thought the puppeteer’s hand represented the corrupting influence of money. The television snake is the media, filling people’s heads with illusions and fears as a means to control them. The old woman in the prison tower represents the disempowerment of Woman and the repression of gentle, nurturing influences in favor of authoritarian male dominance. The young girl who’s confronting the tanks represents the young, fearless and idealistic, who always confront the established order and demand change, but who always get reined when they try it.

I thought the Christian/Islamic symbolism was interesting. Toward the end, all dogma is transcended. A whirling mystical Sufi rises from the ruin of the mosque. The figure that dances around the fire with the glowing cross on his chest is suddenly transformed. As the Sleepers awakens on his boat, church and mosque are both collapsing in the background.

Whatever the video’s message is, it certainly has the feel of “writing on the wall.” Maybe it’s just a mirror, that shows us whatever is in our own heads. I’m surprised it hasn’t had a lot more attention. Maybe it’s too much reality for people to process. That’s how I feel about the world, sometimes.

Heliofant I, Pet Goat II

George Wells
the choice of people work in small COUNTRIES,
but not in AMERICA which is the mirror of the FREE WORLD WHICH HAVE EYES ON THE USA
so to have a genocide of AMERICANS in the future, all replaced by other from a multiple COUNTRIES,
like the BABEL TOWER which had to be DISPERSE each in their SPACES, that is what we are getting here,
and it’s not our choice , it’s impose on the tolerant PEOPLE, you don’t hear no one asking THE PEOPLE
if it’s their wish, they impose their laws and like it or not you PEOPLE live with it,
THAT IS UNACCEPTABLE and you see the pressure mounting from unsatisfied PEOPLE


I think there’s a little bit of everything, but I lean toward the last interpretation. I think the guy on the boat is the Christ, or the Buddha, or some other symbol of spiritually awakened mankind at last transcending the material illusions of the world. Basically, leaving all of the bullshit behind.

The hippie dude on the boat, looks the way he does because it’s meant to project a certain interpretation of spirituality and message to it’s target audience. Those things are not things I can relate to. (too old). Everything in it, all the imagery, all coming from a similar mindset and POV. Taking your view here, then Osama Bin Laden is praying for the same change that Jesus/Buddha want to bring to the world (ie., it’s utter destruction to wipe the slate clean and free the masses from tyranny and influence of “economics”).

Like I said…it’s a progressives wet dream.


America WAS once upon a time “On Top.” WWII was our apple. But since then we have allowed ourselves to slip, and now more and more countries have nukes and the ability to ruin the world for everybody. We didn’t have the will to stay ahead of the rest, not far enough ahead to matter where it counts. We gave away our economy, lowered our borders and had a giddy party on cheap oil from Islam and cheap toys from China. Now the party’s over and there’s bills to pay. We will (essentially) print more money to pay them.

Are there unsatisfied people? Always, and some have guns and some of them will kill people. Some of the murderers will come from distant shores and some will be our own. If we can restrain ourselves, we’ll survive. If we can’t, the cockroaches will inherit the Earth.

In my view, more and more people seem to be viewing everything entirely through a political lens. The video is suggesting that politics is just another part of the hypnotic trance. It’s part of the control mechanism. It’s another way of narrowing down and standardizing perception. There are competing forces in the world that are trying to do that, to assert their own control over a sleeping humanity.

Most of the time we’re not really awake at all. We think we’re awake, but we’re more like sleepwalkers, moving through a world of collective illusions. What makes the Buddha or Christ different is that they woke up. They’re truly awake, eyes wide open, and the veil of illusion is gone. They see the world as it really is, and a lot more beyond that.

The rest of us continue on in our trances, imagining we’re awake, only occasionally hearing what they’re trying to say to us.

Heliofant I, Pet Goat II

YAWN oops I couldn’t resist
You had a good one there, I do like the IMAGE of we are asleep,
they put us to sleep forever,
there is important things to reset for AMERICA,
they are trying to change her forever and we thought it was only words,
but the are hard at it one step at the time,
I hope we are smart enough to know when to move the reset button back,
if we miss the date we’ll be to late, to return to when AMERICA WAS GLORIOUS AND HAPPY

George Wells
yes you said the right thing,very well indeed,
now we must seek the real solution if we have the guts to do it.


Greg, the whole idea that people are hypnotically controlled and programed by unseen powers in order to exploit them is targeted by everything in this animation, from scenery, to symbolism, etc…to characters…towards progressive ideals. Like I said…not for me.

@Dc, #37:

Greg, the whole idea that people are hypnotically controlled and programed by unseen powers in order to exploit them is targeted by everything in this animation, from scenery, to symbolism, etc…to characters…towards progressive ideals.

Toward progressive ideals? One of the first messages I picked up on was that there’s no real difference between Obama and Bush. I don’t think such a comparison is part of any progressive’s normal political script. I’ll drop the topic, though. This probably isn’t the place for such a discussion.

SO, who do you think are “THE UNSEEN POWER”?
where do they come from ?
who control them?
your view

@ilovebeeswarzone, #39:

There have always been plenty of people around who have skill at manipulating others, and who have no feelings of guilt about using that skill to take advantage. It stands to reason that some of them are much better at this than others. History is full of well-known examples, but I imagine there are others who band together and cooperate in taking advantage, out of public view. I don’t think the “unseen powers” are any more mysterious than that.

What is mysterious is that so much of the manipulation goes on without people realizing it’s happening. We’ve been conditioned to think that a lot of things are perfectly normal and unavoidable, when they really could be changed if we were all fully aware. War, for example. It’s like some sort of mass insanity, but each side always rationalizes why they have to participate—that it’s a noble, patriotic thing, that it’s all the other side’s fault, etc. Or the fact that there are children starving somewhere every day, when it would easily be within humanity’s power to keep that from happening.

It’s enough to make me think that much of humanity really must be in some kind of sleep—spiritual, or rational, or whatever. And that there are others who want that sleep to continue, because they can use it to control us.

That’s just my view. I think that’s what the video is about. It really caught my attention, because it isn’t something that gets said very often.

Then you don’t know many progressives. Just ask them. They are deeply disappointed that Obama adopted certain Bush policies…and even doubled and tripled down a few. (including exec power to execute kill orders on US citizens without warrant that would give Dick Chenney a hardon). There is no more corrupt political machine than Chicago. And his ties to lobbiest, etc…would make Scooter Libby and Karl Rove blush.

I think PEOPLE do realize what coolaid is given to them, this TOLERANT PEOPLE have learned for many generations to RESPECT THEIR PRESIDENT obey the laws imposed to them even bad laws,
they always had a PRESIDENT who bad or good had love of AMERICA, THE CONSTITUTION,
THE PEOPLE base that fact for generations,
but now they are facing A LEADERSHIP ANTI AMERICAN, and it took them apart
and confuse, one part to uninforme to know the difference and to perceive the future
follow the LEADER religiously like a CULT which was impose by the MEDIAS getting rich out of selling the PARTY OF DESTRUCTION.
the other PART have perceive from the BEGINNING and dread the consequences,
dread the action to be taken the only one to get rid of the danger imminent of the near future,
they know the CONSEQUENCES, they know THE PRICE to pay, each expect the other to start the action which is delayed
and push to the future until……………..??????????????????????
by a long shot,
some thing he said lately at the opening of his library,
HE SAID: I NEVER SOLD MYSELF, his love for AMERICA remained till he was done,

You’d be interested to learn that economist F. A. Hayek agreed with you about politics not being the best way to look at or solve most problems.
In his The Road to Serfdom Hayek wrote that the government has a role to play in the economy through the monetary system, work-hours regulation, institutions for the flow of proper information, and other principles on which most members of a free society will tend to agree.
BUT whenever government reaches into areas on which people will probably not agree, the tendency is created for dictatorship and totalitarianism (i.e. “serfdom”), as a means of coercing implementation of one’s plan.
Obama did this when he forced ObamaCare with all Dem votes on all of America.
Hayek and Freidman both agreed that the best solutions to most societal issues was NOT found on a political spectrum.
I forget now who it was back decades ago who used to refer to the Liberal/Dem tendency to check with other Liberals/Dems before taking a stand on an issue as ”checking his letter from Hanoi.”
But his point was that Liberals/Dems WERE looking only on their political spectrum for their positions on issues, even when the best solutions were not to be found there.
Liberals/Dems make a similar charge that Conservatives/Republicans check with Rush before taking a stand on issues.
I’m pretty sure both sides are over-simplifying, but the tendency it there.
And it’s a wrong-headed tendency.

in MORAL EQUIVALENCY there is fire and in reality there is fire
4 thousand are fighting that fire, incredible destructing houses and land burned,
image from hell.
those braves in there are the best we have, may GOD PROTECT THEM.


First, I am not an ïslamophile” as I cannot stand that satanic death cult that demands submission (which is what the world íslam’actually means) and calls for its practitioners to kill infidels who refuse to convert to islam. The Koran is quite clear on this subject, no matter how much you and other PC pseudointellectuals try to deny it. The directive for muslims to deceive nonmuslims in order to gain advantage over them is not just a Shia practice. Unless you are going to try to convince us that the Salafi and the Wahhabi subsets do not follow the Koran, then trying to claim that Taqiyah is only within the Shiite subset is demonstrably wrong.

I have lived in Saudi Arabia, Iraq and Afghanistan for over 2 years. I read the Koran while I was there to try to understand why these poor people would accept such horrible conditions in which to live. It is frightening and sickening to read the Koran and the hadith to see how Mohammad would twist from one day to the next to cover for his changes in whims.

Are you going to try to deny that islam calls for muslims to kill nonmuslims who refuse to convert? Are you going to deny the historical fact that Mohammed called for his followers to kill individuals who mocked him? Are you going to deny that Mohammed took a 6 year old girl named Aisha as a bride and that he had sex with her when she turned 9 years old? Are you going to deny that under Sharia a woman’s testimony is worth half that of a man’s?

So by your so-called logic, the fact that Sunni and Shia kill more of each other’s Islamic subsets than either kill of us, that means islam isn’t a threat to Western Judeo-Christian civilization? That is like saying that because two wolves fight amongst themselves to see who the alpha male is, that they will not lead the pack to attack a nearby flock of lambs. Read your history and see just how islam spread. If islam is so tolerant and so enlightening, might I ask how the caliphate fell so far behind the developing European nations from the time of Pippin until now? Slavery, abolished by Judeo-Christian nations in the 19th century, is still practiced today in muslim countries like Saudi Arabia and Madagascar. (Don’t just take my word for it, since you think I am so ignorant as to be beneath your vast intellectualism….look up for yourself…it doesn’t take very long with this internet thingee….)

So yeah…I’m sticking with my understanding of Islam’s call to lie to unbelievers to gain advantage over them, regardless of your misplaced disdain.

@George Wells:

Wow…scary…I am in at least partial agreement with you in that going to Syria to help either side is not in the interests of the US, and that we are not the world’s policeman.

The chemical weapons that blood tests have confirmed were used by Assad’s forces…where did they come from? See…when we invaded Iraq we actually found these places built up in the fashion of ammunition dumps. These places were surrounded with barbed wire-topped fences and security towers. These fences surrounded row after row of bunkers that went on for miles. When we opened these bunkers we found near endless drums of organophosphate “fertilizer”. Now anyone who knows anything about the soviet era chemical weapons system clearly understands that under the ‘dual use’ system design, any of the soviet client states could pump out all kinds of compounds…like organophosphate fertilizer…which could be stored so inspectors would see only fertilizer and not chemical weapons. But the same chemical plant which produced the fertilizer was able to quickly convert the organophosphate fertilizer into very potent nerve agent weapons.

So we know that Saddam used chemical weapons in his war against Iran, as well as his own people in the north of Iraq. We know we found a huge stockpile of organophosphate fertilizer in military style ammunition bunkers in several places in Iraq. We found a few mustard gas shells as well, which even the media choked and admitted. The best intel at the time of both the British and the US was that Saddam was trying to acquire uranium.
So yeah, we had ample reason to invade and depose Saddam. Where we clearly screwed up was in not having a plan for extrication, and in allowing trucks which were believed to have chemical weapons on them race to the Baathist regime in Syria.

on your 45
you said it so well and as one who knows what he is talking about ,
thank you, I feel the same way about those, and HOMOPHOBIA is not fitting there,
and I dislike that word as well.
I agree with George Wells also to let SYRIA, and the ALQAEDA do their war, they will have each
different help from abroad ,it was said publicly as I copied it from a news paper,
I don’t believe that ASSAD did use the CHIMICALS, those are probably coming from LIBYA
or other sources by the rebels controled by ALQAEDA, who pined it unto ASSAD
which if we get there we will fall in their agenda as a double victory for them,
we will be in their circle of attacks coming from all around, even NORTH KOREA
just read NAPOLEON l LOST WAR WHEN ENCIRCLE, unless we bring the nukes on all around the circle
but we wouldn’t do that.
best to you.



First, I am not an ïslamophile” as I cannot stand that satanic death cult that demands submission

Based upon that sentence, would you prefer “Islamaphobe” instead?

You deny being an Islamophile, but then go on to educate us with:

(which is what the world íslam’actually means) and calls for its practitioners to kill infidels who refuse to convert to islam. The Koran is quite clear on this subject,

It’s not meant to exactly be an insult. Just what I call those Spencerians who, instead of allowing practitioners to speak for themselves and define their faith, feel that because they’ve read translations of the Koran and read politically incorrect guides to Islam, that somehow they know Islam better than Muslims know their own religion (in some ways, not entirely inaccurate; but I digress…). And if Muslims don’t fit the stereotypical mold of what those like yourself believe about its practitioners, then somehow they are not “true” followers of the religion. Nope. Apparently that gets to be defined by jihadis, wahhabis, and all the other scary Islamists in perpetual outrage….along with armchair Imamic scholars like Robert Spencer, who stand outside of the religion.

no matter how much you and other PC pseudointellectuals try to deny it.

Yes…because I’ve soooo arrived at my opinion from the pc-directive standpoint. *snicker*

The directive for muslims to deceive nonmuslims in order to gain advantage over them is not just a Shia practice. Unless you are going to try to convince us that the Salafi and the Wahhabi subsets do not follow the Koran, then trying to claim that Taqiyah is only within the Shiite subset is demonstrably wrong.

As I stated before, Taqiyyah is a shia Islam practice. And the reasons for it and where it is permissible to be used is much more nuanced and complex than your beliefs about it.

Are you going to try to deny that islam calls for muslims to kill nonmuslims who refuse to convert? Are you going to deny the historical fact that Mohammed called for his followers to kill individuals who mocked him? Are you going to deny that Mohammed took a 6 year old girl named Aisha as a bride and that he had sex with her when she turned 9 years old?

Nope. There are a lot of problems inherent in the Koran and with Islam’s history. But how many of the 1.5 billion Muslims in the world are out to deceive you and convert you or kill you? Now you might argue that this is because they don’t really understand what’s writ in their own holy book. But this is why I labeled you as an “Islamophile”- someone who seems to study Islam as if he were an imamic scholar, yet from a point of view outside of the faith (or political system for those Islamophiles who refuse to call it a religion).

The practitioners should get to decide how to define their own faith. Not outsiders.

Are you going to deny that under Sharia a woman’s testimony is worth half that of a man’s?

Depends on whose sharia. Not all sharia (like Islam itself) is practiced the same.

So by your so-called logic, the fact that Sunni and Shia kill more of each other’s Islamic subsets than either kill of us, that means islam isn’t a threat to Western Judeo-Christian civilization?

What I typed out to you:

Why don’t you ask them why the al-Qaeda network and affiliated jihadis along with puritanical salafists and takfiris are responsible for slaughtering more Muslims than George W. Bush?

Please rephrase your question.

I do see political Islam and the jihadis as a threat.

That is like saying that because two wolves fight amongst themselves to see who the alpha male is, that they will not lead the pack to attack a nearby flock of lambs.

Wrong again.

I don’t think you are arguing with where I actually stand. Rather, you are arguing against strawmen that you are used to knocking down, hearing the arguments you want to hear and argue against. You’re not doing this on purpose; but you are talking past me, maybe accustomed to arguing with those who do have a “religion of peace” pc-mindset.

That is not moi.

My argument isn’t wolves (sunni extremists) vs. wolves (shia extremists), but wolves (Islamic extremists) vs. sheep and sheepdogs(Muslim moderates). Not all of Islam are part of the wolfpack out to kill and convert you.

Read your history and see just how islam spread.

Before you stand up on your soapbox, you shouldn’t assume you’re expressing anything novel here, to virgin ears. I’m the same dude who has written stuff like this, none too flattering toward Islam’s history.

And who recently sees a great deal of merit in this Muslim atheist’s HuffPo post (please read it- you will also see much in there to agree with).

My position and beliefs regarding Islam and Muslims is not so simple as lumping me in with the PC crowd.

I’ve read a lot of anti-Islam material, including reading the Koran (albeit, not in the original Arabic for those who claim you can’t really know Islam unless it’s read in Arabic; for folks like you and me, it’s just so much bs that doesn’t amount to a hill of distinctions).

If islam is so tolerant and so enlightening, might I ask how the caliphate fell so far behind the developing European nations from the time of Pippin until now? Slavery, abolished by Judeo-Christian nations in the 19th century, is still practiced today in muslim countries like Saudi Arabia and Madagascar. (Don’t just take my word for it, since you think I am so ignorant as to be beneath your vast intellectualism….look up for yourself…it doesn’t take very long with this internet thingee….)

Part of where I’ve arrived at in my thinking is influenced by Graham Fuller’s A World without Islam. The premise of his book, as I remember it, is that even had Islam never came into existence, that part of the world would still be dysfunctional because a number of the practices and traditions predates the religion itself and are culturally, tribally, regionally ingrained; and that a number of the conflicts are motivated by geopolitical factors, with religion being a means of controlling the masses.

So yeah…I’m sticking with my understanding of Islam’s call to lie to unbelievers to gain advantage over them, regardless of your misplaced disdain.

I’m sorry if I appeared disrespectful in my “disdain”-tone of a response.

I actually think your comment #45 was a worthy reaction and a good challenge to my earlier comment.

@ Pete #46:

If we have no business trying to be the world’s policeman, then we had no business going into Iraq


Well, are we the world’s policeman or not? If not, then either we should NOT have gone into Iraq OR we SHOULD go into Iran AND North Korea AND Syria AND Somolia etc., etc. We cannot and we should not have. There are ways we can protect ourselves, and there are ways that we can, in concert with the world community, move against rogue nations. But the hubris demonstrated by (not to mention the financially suicidal idiocy of) going it alone puts us in the crosshairs every time. We have the potential to convince the world of our superiority if we would only behave and get our OWN house in order.

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