Girl Scouts to Cav Scouts 2013


Each year, I raise money to purchase and ship delicious Girl Scout cookies to deployed troops. Last year was an exception since I was deployed. However, I was thankful that my team and I were sent many boxes during my deployment. GS Cookies are a small slice of home for those troops that are deployed and provide an alternative to the stale dining facility cookies we are generally offered.

My goal this year is to send 600 boxes of cookies. At the height of military operations in Iraq and Afghanistan I sent 1100 boxes to troops in both theaters. To meet my goal, I need to raise $3000 and I’m hoping that the readers of this great site can help me. I’ve already raised $550 towards that goal and have shipped eight cases of cookies to various units in Afghanistan.

Please help me by sponsoring boxes of cookies at $5 per box ($4 per box, plus $1 for shipping) or a case for $60. You can send me the money through Paypal to cj[at]soldiersperspective[dot]us or email me at that address if you want to mail me a check. Also, if you have a friend or family deployed and would like me to send them some cookies, please email their address and I’ll make sure to send them a case. Paypal takes credit and debit cards and is very secure. I’ve been using them for years.

I will regularly update this post in the comments the status of my fundraising so that I don’t collect more than I need. Cookies are being purchased from several different GS Troops in the Fort Hood area so that not just one Troop has an unfair advantage.

I understand that some of you don’t support GS political policies, so I just ask that you support me in the spirit of supporting our deployed troops. They don’t care about the policies of the GS when they’re just trying to stay alive.

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Put Flopping Aces down for a case CJ….I’ll send you the money asap.

girl scouts are supporting planned parenthood they support death to children. Do not buy their vile cookies they will kill more unborn children. They are sweets to kill they taste like death…………………..

Was going to send a box, but jerrytombs’ vitriol inspired me to kick in a bit more.

Awesome job with this CJ, keep it up!

I will not support the bad cultural policies of the Girl Scouts for any reason!