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The Left Defends That Poor Misguided Black Female, Susan Rice, From Racist Republican Bullies

Didn't take long for the defenders of the freebie culture to race in defense of one Susan Rice:


You see how this works? If they are black you must not offend lest you be deemed a racist.


Uh oh Senator McCain…you are a RACIST!

I mean you dare to allege that this “young african-american woman” isn't very bright? How dare you.

Doesn't matter that she went on show after show the day after the attack and mislead the American people. They knew this wasn't some mob protesting a video, hell…I knew it the day after and I'm not very bright either. But as Obama admitted at his press conference, she was sent out to give the White House talking points. Which were lies.

Yes Senator McCain, she isn't very bright and should never be promoted, only demoted.

As a side note, did you notice Obama's defense of Rice? Ann Althouse did:

…Obama expressed himself in a very strange way. As I noted yesterday, it had an old-fashioned chivalrous quality to it, as if he were shaming Graham and McCain for picking on the gentle lady. The very idea of attacking a woman. The phrase “besmirch her reputation” evokes an image of the woman as pure and unstained. Absurd!

Lets not forget that it's RACIST to pick on the gentle lady since not only is she female, she is black!

Charles Krauthammer:


CHARLES KRAUTHAMMER: You called at it a show of passion, I would say it was his usual show of indignation, which is his default response whenever he feels defensive or backed into a corner. 'How dare you attack my U.N. ambassador?' And then he gives the strangest defense by saying she didn't have anything to do with the Benghazi [attack]. Then why the hell are you sending her out there? Why didn't you send out the Secretary of State, or the CIA Director, or [Secretary of Defense] Panetta or somebody, who did know?

And then he does play the sort of Lancelot defending the mistress in distress? It made Mitt Romney and the binders with women look positively

feminist in comparison, this kind of patronizing attack on the two male Senators who would dare attack the girl, which what was intended in his tone. This is all the usual — you know, if you attack the pride, he'll strike you on that. It was clearly defensive, and it was also a stonewall. I mean, after all, what she said was absolutely and completely misleading. Either inadvertently, in which case it's complete incompetence or on purpose, in which case it's deception. Then he basically, he took the bait on that and said, 'Look, that wasn't her speaking, that was me speaking. If you want to pick on somebody, pick on me.'

How can anybody pick on him or even question him, if he hadn't had a press conference in eight months? You know, he clearly hasn't been out there. He's been hiding behind inquiries, behind investigations, and now behind Susan Rice. But now I think he's out there, and he is vulnerable on this. I think he may regret having said that.

Oh, he's out there now. There isn't just one Congressman leading the charge like the Fast & Furious case, there are powerful Senators leading the charge for a independent investigation. Recall the crying, the wailing, the shock and awe over that CIA desk jockey being outed. But with four dead including our own ambassador….eh, who cares.

Amazing how that happens eh?

But back to the original topic of this post. The left says that those who are attacking Susan Rice are racists and misogynists. But wait, there's more! New dog whistles are being handed out….here's tingles:

Congressman Paul Ryan…you uttered the words “urban vote”

You sir are a RACIST!

Of course if you think about it, isn't it racist to assume that he was talking about blacks and hispanic's when he said “urban”?

If he said “rural” would that be racist against whites?

Oh, I'm sorry. Only whites can be racists.

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