Make sure Obama supporters get what they voted for [Reader Post]


Fiscal cliff:

“Fiscal cliff” is the popular shorthand term used to describe the conundrum that the U.S. government will face at the end of 2012, when the terms of the Budget Control Act of 2011 are scheduled to go into effect.

Among the laws set to change at midnight on December 31, 2012, are the end of last year’s temporary payroll tax cuts (resulting in a 2% tax increase for workers), the end of certain tax breaks for businesses, shifts in the alternative minimum tax that would take a larger bite, the end of the tax cuts from 2001-2003, and the beginning of taxes related to President Obama’s health care law. At the same time, the spending cuts agreed upon as part of the debt ceiling deal of 2011 will begin to go into effect. According to Barron’s, over 1,000 government programs – including the defense budget and Medicare are in line for “deep, automatic cuts.”

This was signed into law by Barack Obama on August 2, 2011.

Republicans should allow this to take effect. All of it.

democrats should understand what they elected. Obama supporters should reap what they have sown.

Among the bright spots is the AMT.

Unless Congress acts by the end of the year, more than 26 million households will for the first time face the AMT, which threatens to tack $3,700, on average, onto taxpayers’ bills for the current tax year. Because those people have never paid the AMT, they have no idea they are in its crosshairs — put there by a broader stalemate over tax policy that has kept Congress from limiting the AMT’s reach.

The Obama administration was a week late with its Sequestration Transparency Act, which was supposed to detail where budget cuts would fall:

Sequestration would impose cuts of 9.4 percent in nonexempt defense discretionary funding and 8.2 percent in nonexempt, nondefense discretionary funding. A 2 percent cut would hit Medicare providers, 7.6 percent would affect other nonexempt nondefense mandatory programs, and 10 percent would be applied to nonexempt defense mandatory programs, according to the report. Cuts in the range of 7.6 percent to 8.2 percent would affect everything from the Capitol Police to the Merit Systems Protection Board to the States Interagency Council on Homelessness.

Amusingly, Obama said the law he signed into effect “will not happen.”

When Gov. Mitt Romney pointed out the devastating $1 trillion in cuts set to hit our military via sequestration, Obama stated flatly, “[those] cuts will not happen.”

Obama is pledging that he will ignore a law he signed into effect.


democrats will now expect Republicans to bend over to Obama’s will.

Not. Gonna. Happen.

Harry Reid pledged not work with a President Romney

On Friday, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV) rejected a claim made by Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney that he would preside over a more bipartisan administration than President Barack Obama. Reid said that it is “laughable” that the Democratic majority in the Senate would work with Romney to enact his “severely conservative agenda.”

“Mitt Romney’s fantasy that Senate Democrats will work with him to pass his ‘severely conservative’ agenda is laughable,” Reid said in a statement. “In fact, Mitt Romney’s Tea Party agenda has already been rejected in the Senate.”

“Senate Democrats are committed to defending the middle class, and we will do everything in our power to defend them against Mitt Romney’s Tea Party agenda,” Reid concluded.

I trust democrats will respect the same from John Boehner

Barack Obama had a grand bargain in hand when he stiffed Boehner on the deal.

The book, “The Price of Politics,” on sale Sept. 11, 2012, shows how close the president and the House speaker were to defying Washington odds and establishing a spending framework that included both new revenues and major changes to long-sacred entitlement programs.

But at a critical juncture, with an agreement tantalizingly close, Obama pressed Boehner for additional taxes as part of a final deal — a miscalculation, in retrospect, given how far the House speaker felt he’d already gone.

The first time he was elected Obama said “I won.”

In 2010 Obama said

“We don’t mind the Republicans joining us. They can come for the ride, but they gotta sit in back.”

Obama shut Republicans out of the stimulus and Obamacare process.

After his victory, Obama talked unity, but he did that last time as well and it means as little this time as it did then.

Now Obama will be looking for a legacy. I have heard that several times from democrat operatives. It is not now nor has it ever been about the country. It was always about him.

Republicans have the chance to grant Obama the legacy he signed into law- sequestration.

Obama signed it. He owns it. Let it happen. All of it.

And if he tries to grant waivers to the existing law, impeach him.

This is a good time for Obama supporters to understand that sacrifice is not simply something for others to make. This is a good time for Obama supporters to understand what they have done.

I for one will enjoy watching them cry about paying their fair share.

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Watch for it. The cliff will not even be reported as happening even as one is a pile of mush on the bottom of it. The media will report that the cliff was not important and will not happen so that tax increase did not happen. The media will make sure to tell the people that the pain you fell is not pain but a fun warmth, but if they do they will blame the GOP.

The MSM will spin it as the Republicans fault, even though it is the Dems fault. Those that keep up with politics will know, and the other 99.999999% of Obama voters will be even more upset and glorious high potentate will EO his way out of it. Then when impeachment procedings begin (IF) the MSM will again carry water for him and it will be the Republicans again trying to hurt the people, and the people will buy it, all of it, it it is easier to believe it than to find fault with glorious leader.

I foresee capitulation on the Repub side.

Yes, the Republicans should finish what they started and drive the US off a cliff, just like the Right-Wing base here is demanding. That’ll show them.

The average passenger vehicle emits about 5.5 metric tons of CO2 per year.
The average household energy use in America releases roughly 12.9 metric tons of CO2 per year.

So, Obama is considering introducing a tax on carbon emissions to help cut the U.S. budget deficit after winning a second term as president, according to HSBC Holdings Plc.
How much would this new tax affect you?First year it would ONLY be(at a minimum) an extra $368.00.
But Obama’s plan is to raise that by 6% EVERY YEAR until (at least) 2021.
So, $380 MINIMUM the next year.
$402 in 2014.
$426 in 2015.
$452 in 2016.
$479 in 2017.
$507 in 2018.
$538 in 2019.
$570 in 2020.
$605 in 2021.

But that is just for your car and home heat.
There is furniture, groceries, clothing and so much more!
Each item has a ”carbon footprint” to add to your minimum.


Why not? Isn’t that what all those voters yesterday demanded when they put Obama back into the Oval Office for another four years?

Oh, and btw, the Republicans didn’t start the pain. Bubba Clinton did with his CRA enforcement.

the Republicans should finish what they started and drive the US off a cliff

And this is why we saw a re-election of Obama. Too many people still believe this narrative is the truth.

I believe in the years to come that this narrative will persist. Much like people believing the GOP was after Clinton in some “vast right wing conspiracy”, people will believe that Bush’s economic policies are what led to the problems. Never mind the quick return to growth after his tax cuts were enacted. Never mind the years of 3 and 4 % GDP growth. Nope. The ignorant masses will point to the housing crunch, and subsequent financial crash, as being evident only of Bush’s and the GOP’s policies. This, despite the Frankmonster declaring “everything’s fine” with Fannie and Freddie. This, despite Obama himself participating in blackmailing the banking industry to issue the risky loans that started the mess. This, despite Clinton agreeing with the GOP to repeal certain provisions of Glass-Steagall. This, despite the auto industry continuously shooting itself in the foot in UAW negotiations, handing over the farm to the detriment of the industry itself. This, despite those last two years of the Bush presidency being overshadowed by the Democratic Parties’ majority in the House and the Senate.

No, reality will be a long time sinking in. Maybe never.

And, as Lonesomebri says, if the GOP does as Dr. J suggests, it will be seen as the fault of the GOP. Not Obama. Not Reid. Not Obamacare. Not liberal/progressivism. With a willing accomplice in the media, the DNC will blame the GOP. And it will stick. Because of ignorance and the unwillingness to engage in reality by the masses.

@Nan G:

How about after ya go toes up? Do they give a credit for the dust to dust thing? Or hit ya with more if your cremated vs. planted? What if they just put me in a paper sack and put me in the back yard compost pile can the wife get a tax credit?

And right on cue:

House Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) informed his Republican colleagues that he will not give ground to Democrats on raising taxes despite President Obama’s victory on Election Day. Boehner is scheduled to deliver a statement Wednesday afternoon on the issue.

open season in the ghetto’s,
bag as many as you want.

A rationally balanced deficit reduction plan involving both spending cuts and tax increases would be a lot more pleasant than sequestration. Unfortunately, it may take a serious dose of unpleasantness to make both republicans and democrats finally realize that. Those imagining that they’ll somehow politically benefit from the exercise are making a serious miscalculation.

The Obama re-election makes the Tea Party Conservative—the modern day John Birchers—obsolete. If the can’t learn to make certain compromises in their own minds, they will be confined to talking among themselves, and wither on the vine.

He called for reforming the tax system NOT raising taxes.

To quote him:
“Shoring up entitlements and reforming the tax code — closing special interest loopholes and deductions, and moving to a fairer, simpler system — will bring jobs home and result in a stronger, healthier economy,” the speaker said, according to a prepared text.

“Mr. President, this is your moment,” Boehner said, according to the text.

Boehner called for bipartisan negotiations to avert the fiscal cliff of tax increases and spending cuts scheduled to begin in January. He emphasized Republican opposition to raising tax rates.

Deja vu. I know I’ve seen this play before….

House Speaker John Boehner urged President Obama to work with Republicans in
talks to avoid the looming “fiscal cliff,” saying the two sides are closer to
comprehensive tax overhaul than many think. In his remarks, which came a day
after the president’s re-election, Boehner said a budget deal could include “new
revenues” if accompanied by changes to entitlement programs.

Except the spending cuts will never come. They never do.

@Liberal1 (Objectivity):

The Obama re-election makes the Tea Party Conservative—the modern day John Birchers—obsolete.

By what standards do you make this claim, Lib1?

Only a misguided “understanding” of what the TEA party is about can lead one to that conclusion. Or, are you saying that people who are against smaller government and less taxation have been relegated to a minority? Have you forgotten, in all of the Obama re-election hoopla, that the GOP picked up seats in the House?


No, they never do. Historical evidence shows that promises to cut spending, in exchange for increasing taxes, never results in spending cuts. Heck, they can’t even cut the rate of growth of federal spending, let alone actually cutting absolute spending.

The GOP ought to stand fast and make any discussion about any tax increases dependent upon passage, and signing, of true spending cuts. Good luck with that, though, as Senator Reid seems much more concerned with cowboy poetry than in doing what’s right.

@Aqua, #16:

I’m hopeful. The threat of sequestration could be a powerful motivator.

Republicans could use their control of the House to pursue incremental spending cuts, rather than abrupt cuts to social programs that seem so extreme most people find them totally unacceptable. The advocacy of gradual spending reductions based entirely on fiscal considerations rather than on a dogmatic social agenda could be very compelling. The GOP really needs to redefine itself, anyway. Their recent approach doesn’t seem very promising.

J.G Tea Party candidates have taken big loses in The Senate where Dems close with 53 seats.They truly helped Repubs snare defeat from the jaws of victory. West loses in Fl. and that Tea Party darling lost her House bid in Utah
They are reeling with any power they had greatly diminished. Can they survive? Only if they follow the lead of Marco Rubio.The less they push Palin front and center the better.


Republicans could use their control of the House to pursue incremental spending cuts, rather than abrupt cuts to social programs that seem so extreme most people find them totally unacceptable.

Please spare us your version of history, Greg. When the Democratic party rails against the cutting of the spending increases, talk of actual spending cuts never happens. If you are so focused on both cuts and tax increases, you ought not be criticizing the GOP alone. You ought to be bringing your ire against the Democrats just as forcefully.

You haven’t. Not ever, that I’ve seen.

Sequestration would hurt everyone. Equally. Whose fault would it be, though? The GOP, for not going along to get along? Or Obama and the Democrats, who haven’t shown a willingness to do anything worthwhile on the budget since Obama was first elected?

@Greg: Geez, Greg, Obama had this opportunity already and he tried to screw Boehner.

What’s different?

@Richard Wheeler:

You really don’t understand what the TEA party is about, do you? All you’ve heard are the lies perpetrated by the media, fed to the electorate by the DNC, and the narrative stuck.

Cynically, I should thank you for helping to destroy what should have been the greatest political movement of our time. Or, cynically, I should thank you for promoting the worst political movement of our time, the OWS movement.

I guess it really is about what a person can get from the government, isn’t it?

@johngalt, #21:

Sequestration would hurt everyone. Equally. Whose fault would it be, though? The GOP, for not going along to get along? Or Obama and the Democrats, who haven’t shown a willingness to do anything worthwhile on the budget since Obama was first elected?

If we’re talking political damage, I think the GOP would take the bigger hit from sequestration. Having a controlling majority of the House puts them squarely in the spotlight, however unfair that might be.

The damage to the economy would be felt by everybody. The recovery might stall and turn into a second, much deeper recession. I imagine those who didn’t sustain much damage initially wouldn’t be so fortunate the second time around.

I’d rather see compromises on both sides than take that risk.


If we’re talking political damage, I think the GOP would take the bigger hit from sequestration.

Not if they package it properly. It passed the Democrat Senate and Obama signed it into law. Can’t hang the GOP with it.

@drjohn, #22:

@Greg: Geez, Greg, Obama had this opportunity already and he tried to screw Boehner.

What’s different?

Time has passed, and a lot of it has been wasted. The election is over. It’s even possible that both sides have learned something.

All Obama is going to do…is turn this around on the GOP house. It’s simple…tell the american public (through MSM) that the cliff is because of tea party republicans refusing to compromise. And point to them and say….the GOP is fixing to raise all of your taxes. That the GOP is fixing to destroy what momentum the economy has and throw us back into recession over politics.

You watch. Obama can lie out of both sides of his mouth AND point in a different direction and have people believe all 3….at the same time….and reconfirmed on CNN.

We get caught up in politics as if it were a hotly contested football game or something, but the game only matters if something useful gets done once the contest is over.


I’d rather see compromises on both sides than take that risk.

You state that as a general statement, but the details you pursue contradict it, Greg.

For your information, compromise doesn’t mean that one side bows down in complete submission to the other.

We’ve talked many times about spending cuts here at FA Greg, and the farthest you go is to suggest cuts in Defense spending. No cuts in agency or Departmental budgets. No cuts in services. No actual cuts anywhere but Defense. Interestingly, that is the same position that Pelosi, Reid, and Obama have.

So, spare us your extending the olive branch, Greg. Talking out of one side of your mouth doesn’t disguise what you really would like to see.

John You’re a football fan yet refuse to deal with the scoreboard. The Tea Party got clobbered. Pundits like Rove,Morris,Will,Limbaugh got it dead wrong.
If Repubs. want ANY chance of WINNING they must listen to people like Aqua,not Retire05.
Dems got 71% of the Latin vote—-55% of women and 56%of mothers voted Dem
The white vote is at 72% and shrinking.The electorate is changing.
There are more progressives and moderates than there are Conservatives.This direction will not change any time soon.
Fight on, but the hill you are trying to climb will only get steeper.

@Richard Wheeler:

The Tea Party got clobbered.

The TEA party got LIED about, and rubes like you sucked it up. And yes, they got clobbered. Hard to say that they got clobbered because of what they are really about, then, isn’t it?

Smaller government, less taxation. But the liberal/progressives insinuated that the TEA party was only formed by a resolute hatred of Obama. Then came the suggestions regarding social issues. And the accusations of racism. None of which were ever the reason for the formation of it. Ever.

So, smaller government, less taxation. You do realize that those two ideas poll as a majority share, don’t you?

Two big ideas overshadowed by the social aspect of candidates that their opposition focused on instead. If you want to claim victory this way, Rich. I cannot stop you. Just know that one day the truth will out. It usually does.

@johngalt, #29:

So, spare us your extending the olive branch, Greg. Talking out of one side of your mouth doesn’t disguise what you really would like to see.

And what do you imagine that is? Arrival at a point where interest on the debt absorbs so much of the federal budget that all social programs become unsustainable? Run away inflation, that totally wipes out my life savings? I’m never really very clear on just what this state of affairs is that people on the right imagine democrats would like to bring about.

Just get on with. This is just like AA; you can’t change until you reach the bottom of the pit. No more continuing resolutions. Just let the dumbocrats drive the train that they built on over the cliff. Without a depression that wipes out the/(my) baby boomer savings, we will not understand the lives our parents faced and which we “boomers” totally ignored. We have not properly, respectfully raised our children and consequently they have failed miserably to raise their children (20 somethings) are clueless and waiting for Santa. Let them have their Santa Claus and eat it.


I’m never really very clear on just what this state of affairs is that people on the right imagine democrats would like to bring about.

To assume that “democrats would like to bring about” grants them consideration of actual critical thought. That is not possible. Toot, toot, on to the dumbocrat self inflicted cliff. What you asked for you got!

Looking forward to your timely solution BOHICA man.

@Richard Wheeler: I couldn’t agree more with you. I’m ready for the ride on the Reading Railroad demanded by the D-Crats. They got it, so be it. Maybe if its so important to them, then Dingy Harry should just “Deem it Done”.

@Liberal1 (Objectivity): Why do you think the Tea Party Patriots where the key factor in historically taking back the House in 2010? Hint, it wasn’t giving in to the Democrats.

@Richard Wheeler: So Republicans should just bow and give up the principles of fiscal constraint and personal responsibility and yield to the Democrats? I for one will continue to believe that socialism is the key to American destruction and it will be a painful road until the majority of Americans once again come to grips with this reality. The pendulum has swung far far to the left and doesn’t compel me to change my principles to satisfy their lusts!!

@Richard Wheeler:

Oh, gee, how you like to continue to sputter “the tea party got clobbered” while you totally ignore that a little known former state Soliciter General who is a minority took on a well known, well heeled Lt. Governor and beat the well heeled Lt. Gov like a red headed step child. Why? Because Ted Cruz had TEA Party backing.

So just like all liberal you love to ignore the obvious.

Oh, and yes, the demographics are changing and don’t think that Marco Rubio, Bill Flores and Ted Cruz are not going to make great use of that. In Bexar County, (San Antonio) Texas, which is almost 60% Hispanic, Obama only took less than 50%, down almost 3% from 2008.

So continue to take the Hispanic vote for granted. We are counting on it.

let the financial axe fall………. let the dems get what they voted for. the sooner we get that over with, the better.
i am not interested in slaving away and paying higher and higher taxes so that they can be saved from themselves.

i hope the market crashes

@VanZorge, #39:

If sequestering takes effect, it will also be because that’s what the republican majority House voted for.

And—for the record—the average working American, the middle class, and genuinely small American businesses have been paying lower taxes for the past 2 years because of Barack Obama’s policies. Not higher.

Why would you hope that the market crashes?

Barry, and all your sycophants, bite me, and may all your programs bite your pairs.


I’m hopeful. The threat of sequestration could be a powerful motivator.

I hope so too. There are thousands of programs that can be cut. It may seem the billion dollars here and the billion dollars there don’t really mean anything in the grand scheme of things, but they add up. I was also listening to someone the other day and once again the military was trying to spend excess money. They have to spend it by the end of the fiscal year or their budget is reduced. The result is office furniture that no one uses, test equipment that is not needed. The way their lay out the budget for government agencies induces waste.

I have never brought up projects I’m working on, on this blog. I hope Curt will forgive me. The Interior department issued the Idle Iron Policy.
This is killing the reefs in the Gulf of Mexico. The oil platforms that sit anywhere create major environments for sea critters. For probably the first time in history, sportsmen are working with the Sierra Club to stop the government from its own stupidity. This will not save a huge amount of money for the government, but it will save some. More importantly, it will save the fisheries in the Gulf.

Rep. Palazzo Calls for Moratorium on Rig Removals

@Greg: In fact, I hope the bottom falls out. That’s the only shock stupid Americans will understand.

Retire05 Congrats to Ted Cruz a Tea Party survivor.
Dems took 71% of Latino vote. They didn’t take it for granted, They worked for it.
Romney blew the vote in the primaries with his “self deportation solution”

I’ve been saying Rubio 2016 for 6 months.

Commonsense With due respect Corpsman, when a Tea Partier contInually calls Obama “the black messiah” I believe it hurts the T.P’s image with a substantial majority of the electorate. I respect your right to fight for what you believe in.
Semper Fi

@Richard Wheeler:

If Repubs. want ANY chance of WINNING they must listen to people like Aqua,not Retire05.

Wait, what? I like the TEA Party and I’m personally devastated that Allen West lost. I think a lot of social conservatives tried to hijack the TEA Party label. Akin was not the TEA Party candidate. Murdock was, but he lost a lot of their support with his statement on rape. The TEA Party does not focus on social issues, they are about fiscal issues. Too many republicans in office tried to tout themselves as TEA Party candidates; they are not. I really don’t remember Allen West talking about a lot of social issues. He wasn’t very soft-spoken though. And Michelle Bachmann is not a TEA Party anything.
If you read the TEA Party platform, you would agree with a majority, if not all of it Rich. Check it out:
And don’t be fooled by the idiots that claim to be the TEA Party candidate.

Aqua My statement was based on your understanding of the importance and respect for the Latin0 vote.
We can agree if the Tea Party stays out of the social issues they’ll do better.
Allen West made a lot of enemies and his utter disrespect for Obama hurt him in a very moderate district where I once lived.

Thanks for the link. I’ll read it

Right now I have to agree with Dr J and I say bring the pain only we allow it to go even further than Dr. J is proposing.

1. Let every coal miner lose his job to EPA regs that make coal powered anything in this country history.
2. Let gas prices go to 7 to 8 bucks a gallon as the tree huggers so badly want.
3. Let any company who provides insurance to their employees bail out for Obamacare because it’s cheaper to pay the fine than provide insurance.
4. Tax the piss out of any investment earnings so that it is no longer lucrative to invest in anything, let the gov’t take it all, at least while it lasts.

If we have to pay our ‘fair share” then let every person in this country suffer right along with me. Maybe when it actually becomes painful enough they might realize that those evil conservatives aren’t such bad people after all.

Rush said something to the effect that these folks voted for Santa Claus.
I guess they are expecting Christmas any time now.
BTW, Obama ”avenged” the 4 killed in Benghazi.
The California man behind an anti-Muslim film that roiled the Middle East was sentenced Wednesday to a year in prison……
They “got” him!

@Richard Wheeler:
West had a lot of disrespect for the establishment GOP and that’s what a lot of us liked about him. That’s also why the redistricted him out of a chance.

@Richard Wheeler:

Odd, I have been to dozens of TEA Party rallies and even helped organize one in my own country and not once, NOT ONCE, have I heard Obama referred to as “the black messiah.” That is just more b/s put out by the lame stream media that doesn’t have any real arguments with the fiscal sanity that the TEA Party promotes.

You see, Rich, y’all have worn out that old race card. It is so dog earred that we can spot it immediately. But of course, we would not want to put Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, Louis Farrahkan, Alcee Hastings and Emanuel Cleaver out of business, would we?

As to the Hispanic vote; I doubt you know much about them. But believe me, they are not going to be loyal to Uncle Sam’s plantation like black Americans are. The more educated they become, the more money they earn, the stronger chance they will flee the DNC in droves. And it will all start in my state.

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