The Ryan Pick….Why Democrats Should Be Worried


Liberals are in attack mode regarding the Ryan pick, as was to be expected of ANY pick Romney chose. Some are doing their best to pin Republican against Republican:

Ryan is the way Romney and his aides escape blame for their now-likely defeat—blame which would have vicious and unrelenting—and pin it in on conservatives instead. With only minor historical revisions, they will be able to tell a story about how Romney was keeping the race close through early August, at which point the party’s conservative darling joined the ticket and sent the poll numbers into steady decline.

“Now likely defeat”

Give me a break.

But John Fund gives five reasons why Democrats should be worried:

First, if Ryan is an extremist and his proposals are so unpopular, how has he won election seven times in a Democratic district? His lowest share of the vote was 57 percent — in his first race. He routinely wins over two-thirds of the vote. When Obama swept the nation in 2008, he carried Ryan’s district by four points. But at the same time, Ryan won reelection with 65 percent of the vote, meaning that a fifth of Obama voters also voted for him.

Ryan has pointed out to me that no Republican has carried his district for president since Ronald Reagan in 1984. “I have held hundreds of town-hall meetings in my district explaining why we have to take bold reform steps, and I’ve found treating people like adults works,” he told me. “All those ads pushing elderly woman off the cliffs don’t work anymore if you lay out the problem.”

Second, Democrats know that Ryan has Reaganesque qualities that make him appealing to independent, middle-class voters. Take the cover story on Ryan that the Isthmus, a radically left-wing Madison, Wis. newspaper, ran on him in 2009. “Ryan, with his sunny disposition and choirboy looks, projects compassion and forcefully proclaims dedication to his district,” the story reported. “And he’s proved he is not unyieldingly pro-corporate, as when he recently joined in condemnation of AIG ‘retention’ bonuses.”

Third, Ryan’s ideas aren’t that novel or scary. The idea of “premium support” for Medicare, which would change the program’s one-size-fits-all policy to a private-insurance model with public options, was endorsed by a bipartisan commission appointed by Bill Clinton back in the 1990s. Late last year, Ryan announced a new version of his proposal with a new partner signing on: Democratic senator Ron Wyden of Oregon, who first achieved political prominence as an advocate for seniors.

Four, Ryan puts Wisconsin and its ten electoral votes in play. Polls have shown that President Obama holds a five to seven point lead in Wisconsin — significant, but much less than Obama’s 14-point margin in 2008. With Ryan on the ticket, polls show the race is dead even.

Five, if Republicans were looking for a superior candidate, they’ve found it in Ryan. His maiden speech as the GOP vice-presidential candidate was perfectly pitched:

We won’t duck the tough issues . . . we will lead!

We won’t blame others…we will take responsibility!

We won’t replace our founding principles . . . we will reapply them!

Echoes of Ronald Reagan at his best.

Echoes of Reagan indeed:


Romney could have chosen a safer pick, that’s for sure. But he had the courage to pick someone who has a vision to fix our failed economy. Not only a vision but a plan. Imagine that, someone with an actual plan to get our country’s entitlement problems fixed and prevent the collapse of our republic.

Democrats will pull out the Ryan is the devil type ad’s…with grandmothers being pushed off a cliff, but everyone understands the economy we are in, and it doesn’t look like it will be getting any better. Ryan has a vision to fix this country’s economy. Romney has the experience of turning failed businesses and failed states into successes.

Everyone on this blog knows I was not a huge Romney supporter. But with this Ryan pick, he has won me over. My vote will now not be just about “anybody but Obama” but will be FOR Romney/Ryan.

Already sent my donation, more to come.

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As I watched when he got the nomination I truly felt that there is hope for this country and as a senior citizen I read the Ryan budget and in no way is he throwing grandma off the cliff…..We need these men to clean this mess up…..

We are worried, but not Romney’s selection of Ryan—but by this election’s Republican attempt to rig the elections (they always have tried these shenanigans, but this time their plan is fully coordinated and complete)—for example, in Ohio, they’ve rigged it so Republican districts have three more days to vote than Democratic districts. By the way don’t expect to hear this kind of information the conservative media—they don’t want conservatives to hear about it.

(But, like one person on this site said about the military issue in Ohio: By reducing the amount of people voting, it will reduce costs—only a conservative would think that way.)

@Libtard1 (complete-lack-of-objectivity): ROFLMAO!! Yeah, that pesky voter ID law is sooooooo racist.

Evidently black people, latino people and other minorities are able to purchase alcohol without a picture ID, well to hear the Democrats tell it, anyway.

@Liberal1 (objectivity): Your cite of Thinkprogress is bogus. They are totally off and given the makeup of local election boards (if the board is headed by a R, Staff is headed by a D) totally fabricated.

Why is this a good pick? Because those two will be a ‘handsome couple’ on the world stage? I’ve been reading comments like that on various sites and it sickens me.
Both are pro Patriot Act and NDAA. Will Ryan persuade Romney to abolish the TSA? Highly unlikely since Chertoff has Romney’s ear. Ryan voted for TARP and Obama’s car industry bailout!
Jane Aitken, founder of NH Tea Party Coalition says Paul Ryan is no Ron Paul and goes on to discuss all the nasty things Ryan has done. How quickly we forget.

Paul Ryan on Bailouts and Government Stimuli

-Voted YES on TARP (2008)
-Voted YES on Economic Stimulus HR 5140 (2008)
-Voted YES on $15B bailout for GM and Chrysler. (Dec 2008)
-Voted YES on $192B additional anti-recession stimulus spending. (Jul 2009)

Paul Ryan on Entitlement Programs

-Voted YES on limited prescription drug benefit for Medicare recipients. (Nov 2003)
-Voted YES on providing $70 million for Section 8 Housing vouchers. (Jun 2006)
-Voted YES on extending unemployment benefits from 39 weeks to 59 weeks. (Oct 2008)
-Voted YES on Head Start Act (2007)

Paul Ryan on Education
Rep. Ryan went along with the Bush Administration in supporting more federal involvement in education. This is contrary to the traditional Republican position, which included support for abolition of the Department of Education and decreasing federal involvement in education.

-Voted YES on No Child Left Behind Act (2001)

Paul Ryan on Civil Liberties

-Voted YES on federalizing rules for driver licenses to hinder terrorists. (Feb 2005)
-Voted YES on making the PATRIOT Act permanent. (Dec 2005)
-Voted YES on allowing electronic surveillance without a warrant. (Sep 2006)

Paul Ryan on War and Intervention Abroad

-Voted YES on authorizing military force in Iraq. (Oct 2002)
-Voted YES on emergency $78B for war in Iraq & Afghanistan. (Apr 2003)
-Voted YES on declaring Iraq part of War on Terror with no exit date. (Jun 2006)
-Voted NO on redeploying US troops out of Iraq starting in 90 days. (May 2007)

Ron Paul’s plan cuts $OneTRILLION in the first year of ACTUAL spending and balances the budget in 3 years. He gets rid of the TSA, Dept of Ed, EPA – which is especially important now that the EPA confiscating all water rights on private property, HUD, etc.

Tampa hasn’t happened yet so we don’t know for sure who the Republican nominee is and I will keep my prayers on Ron Paul praying that the masses wake up before they make a huge mistake by allowing another Keynesian into the White House.

@Liberal1 (objectivity): Nice way to comment on the issue. How much is Obama’s campaign paying you? You have to be part of some Lib group out to annoy non-libs…

Back to Ryan…he rocks, and he is the kind of real “hope and change” that Americans want, both progressives and conservatives. I’d stay home on election day (unless you’re voting for Romney). Obama is gone.

@Liberal1 (objectivity): This has to do with early voting, right. If my memory is correct each district where I’m from can set the early poll times on said dates. Now I would have a problem if they restricted voting in certain areas on November 6 or have people intimidate individuals outside of the polling locations.

My feelings precisely, Curt- won me over too

I was all but convinced he was going to go with a ‘safe’ Portman or T-Paw, I LOVE it

imho Ryan is not as good a speaker as Bachmann or Rubio, but we needed a TEA Party guy on the ticket… and I do see a little Reagan in there, perhaps he’ll rise to the occasion out there on the stump.

This choice also makes me think Romney has given up on big government for good

The Ryan Budget is now the Romney Budget more-or-less, not perfect but VERY encouraging

@justme95: So you are so pro-Obama that if it were possible today to trade Obama/Biden out for Romney/Ryan you would say no??


PaulBearers are so predictable.

Another reason why Ryan is a brilliant pick for Romney.:
Obama has NO support for his vision of our economy.

Obama likes to say that lots of people support his policies, but then he puts another annual budget proposal out to Congress and guess what?
For the 3rd year in a row, NOT ONE elected Congressman/woman OR ONE elected Senator has voted for it!
In May the latest Obama budget that went down 414-to- ZERO in March in the House was also defeated 99-to ZERO in the Senate!
Obama is such a liar, too, when it comes to his economic plans.
He falsely claims to be ”cutting the deficits,” and balancing the budget,” when the reality is Obama’s latest budget (had it passed) would have produced $6.4 trillion in new deficits in 10 tears!

Ryan is one person who can force Obama away from all his STUPID diversions and onto the topic of import: our economy.
Bill Clinton was right to say: It’s the economy, stupid!
Ronald Reagan was right to ask: Are you better off now than you were 4 years ago?

There is another reason why the Democrats should be worried (and afraid). They were hoping for (and the MSM were pulling for,) Mitt to tap a ‘moderate’ Establishment Republican. The Vice President is the President of the Senate and can preside in that position at will (Most don’t and the majority party usually elects a president pro tempore to preside in the vice president’s absence. If he wishes to spend time holding that chair, it could give him considerable influence:

1(a). The vice president’s main power is the ability to cast the tie-breaking vote in the Senate. (If a Senate is closely divided, as might be the case after this election cycle, this could spell trouble for Democrats).

Everyone knows this of course, but few consider what else a Vice President who decides to spend his time in the Senate can do:

1(b). While vice presidents have used their votes chiefly on legislative issues, they have also broken ties on the election of Senate officers, as well as on the appointment of committees when the parties were evenly represented in the Senate. (We can see Democrats start to squirm.)

2. the President of the Senate (or in his absence the acting Pro Tempore,) chairs the senate in the same way a corporate chair does: Ruling on issues of order, which can be very important in how Senate’s business is conducted, as he sees to that the rules of order are followed * :

(a) In Senate, every member, when he speaks, shall address the chair, standing in his place, and when he has finished shall sit down. (Rule 3.)

(b) In the Senate of the United States, the President’s decision is without appeal. Their rule is in these words: When two members rise at the same time, the President shall name the person to speak; but in all cases, the member first rising, shall speak first. (Rule 5.)

(c) No member shall speak more than twice in any one debate on the same day, without leave of the Senate. ( Rule 4.)

(d) No member shall speak to another, or otherwise interrupt the business of the Senate, or read any printed paper while the Journals or public papers are reading, or when any member is speaking in any debate. ( Rule 2.)

(e) The rule of the Senate says, if a member be called to order for words spoken, the exceptionable words shall be immediately taken down in writing, that the President may be better enabled to judge. (Rule 17.)

(f) In the Senate of the United States, every question of order is to be decided by the President, without debate: but if there be a doubt in his mind, he may call for the sense of the Senate. (Rule 16.)

(g) By the rules of the Senate, on motion made and seconded, to shut the doors of the Senate on the discussion of any business which may in the opinion of a member require secrecy, the President shall direct the gallery to be cleared, and during the discussion of such motion, the doors shall remain shut. (Rule 28.)

(h) No motion shall be deemed in order, to admit any person or persons whatever, within the doors of the Senate Chamber, to present any petition, memorial, or address, or to hear any such read. (Rule 29.)

(i) Before any petition or memorial addressed to the Senate, shall be received and read at the table, whether the same shall be introduced by the President or a member, a brief statement of the contents of the petition or memorial shall verbally be made by the introducer. (Rule 21.)

(j) The Senate say no motion shall be debated until the same shall be seconded. (Rule 6.)

(k) The rule of the Senate is, when a motion shall be made and seconded, it shall be reduced to writing, if desired by the President, or any member, delivered in at the table, and read by the President before the same shall be debated. (Rule 7.)

(l) EVERY bill shall receive three readings, previous to its being passed; and the President shall give notice at each whether it be the first, second, or third; which readings shall be on three different days, unless the Senate unanimously direct otherwise, or, unless by a joint vote of both Houses, or the expiration of their term, the session is to be closed within three days. (Rule 13.)

(m) ONE day’s notice at least shall be given of an intended motion for leave to bring in a bill. (Rule 12. )

(n) In the Senate of the United States, the President reports the title of the bill, that this is the second time of reading it, that it is now to be considered as in a Committee of the Whole, and the question will be, whether it shall be read a third time? or, that it may be referred to a special committee.

(o) No bill shall be committed or amended until it shall have been twice read, after which it may be referred to a committee. (Rule 14.)

(p) All committees shall be appointed by ballot, and a plurality of voices shall make a choice. (Rule 15.)

(r) The practice of the Senate too, allows recurrences backwards and forwards, for the purposes of amendment, not permitting amendments in a subsequent, to preclude those in a prior part, or e converso.

(s) WHILE a question is before the Senate, no motion shall be received unless for an amendment, for the previous question, or for postponing the main question, or to commit it, or to adjourn. (Rule 8.)

(t) When a question is divided, after the question on the 1st member, the 2d is open to debate and amendment: because it is a known rule, that a person may rise and speak at any time before the question has been completely decided, by putting the negative, as well as affirmative side. But the question is not completely put, when the vote has been taken on the first member only. One half of the question, both affirmative and negative, remains still to be put.

(u) The usage of the Senate is not to put bills on their passage till noon.

(v) (On votes in the Senate) The constitution (however) has directed that “the Yeas and Nays of the members of either House on any question shall, at the desire of one fifth of those present, be entered on the journal.” And again, that in all cases of reconsidering a bill, disapproved by the President, and returned with his objections, “the votes of both Houses shall be determined by Teas and Nays, and the names of the persons voting for and against the bill, shall be entered on the journals of each House respectively.”

By the 11th rule of the Senate, when the Teas and Nays shall be called for by one fifth of the members present, each member called upon, shall, unless for special reasons he be excused by the Senate, declare openly and without debate, his assent or dissent to the question. In taking the Teas and Nays, and upon the call of the House, the names of the members shall be taken alphabetically.

When it is proposed to take the vote by Teas and Nays, the President or Speaker states, that “the question is, whether e.g. the bill shall pass? that it is proposed that the Teas and Nays shall be entered on the journal. Those therefore who desire it will rise.” If he finds and declares that one fifth have risen, he then states that “those who are of opinion that the bill shall pass are to answer in the affirmative, those of the contrary opinion in the negative.” The clerk then calls over the names alphabetically, notes the Tea or Nay of each, and gives the list to the President or Speaker, who declares the result. In Senate, if there be an equal division, the secretary calls on the Vice-President, and notes his affirmative or negative, which becomes the decision of the House.

(w) In the Senate of the United States, the Vice-President decides, when the House is divided. (i.e. casts the deciding vote)

(x) ALL bills passed in Senate shall, before they are sent to the House of Representatives, be examined by the committees respectively, who brought in such bills, or to whom the same have been last committed in Senate. (Rule 23.)

(y) When a bill has passed both Houses of Congress, the House last acting on it, notifies its passage to the other, and delivers the bill to the joint committee of enrollment, who see that it is truly enrolled in parchment. When the bill is enrolled, it is not to be written in paragraphs, but solidly and all of a piece, that the blanks between the paragraphs may not give room for forgery. 9 Grey 143. It is then put into the hands of the clerk of the House of Representatives to have it signed by the Speaker. The clerk then brings it by way of message to the Senate to be signed by their President. The secretary of the Senate returns it to the committee of enrollment, who present it to the President of the United States. If he approves, he signs and deposits it among the rolls in the office of the secretary of state, and notifies by message the House in which it originated, that he has approved and signed it; of which that House informs the other by message. If the President disapproves, he is to return it, with his objections, to that House in which it shall have originated; who are to enter the objections at large on their journal, and proceed to reconsider it. If after such reconsideration, two thirds of that House shall agree to pass the bill, it shall be sent, together with the President’s objections, to the other House, by which it shall likewise be reconsidered; and if approved by two thirds of that House, it shall become a law. If any bill shall not be returned by the President within ten days (Sunday excepted) after it shall have been presented to him, the same shall be a law, in like manner as if he had signed it, unless the Congress, by their adjournment, prevent its return; in which case it shall not be a law. (Constitution United States, I. 7.)

* Thomas Jefferson’s Manual of Parliamentary Practice Note, that the above rules are specifically for the Senate and there is much more to this work, which has been adopted by both houses of Congress for their rules of order, than I have posted above.

Where the Democrats are really worried about Ryan, is that he is a Conservative, and any tie vote will undoubtedly tend to favor a Conservative Republican POV.

More reading:

The Vice President as President of the Senate

Vice President of the United States (President of the Senate)

I just learned today that Ryan is a big fan of Ayn Rand. That’s a large plus in my book.

@Liberal1 (objectivity): Think Progress?…….bwhahhahahahahahaha….Clown.

@Liberal1 (objectivity):

In case you aren’t sure, “articles” from thinkprogress, dailykos, motherjones, or any of the breathless left, lefty, far lefty, loony universe are to be taken with several tons of salt. They lack credibility, are known to spread conspiracy theories, and are, generally, hard loony liberal lefties going batshit crazy.

Sooooo … if one of these gas bag sites reports something that drives you nuts, start looking around. If no one else reports it, chances are, it ain’t a conspiracy. Its not the eeeeevvvvviiiiillll “right wing media” (is there such a thing?) suppressing the story.

Its all the other media sites and blogs having been burned by frothing at the mouth liberals in the past, ignoring it. Including other loony left sites.

@justme95: Sounds good to me.

I’m not considered a strong Romney supporter, and was just very afraid he would pick a milctoast like Pawlenty or Portman. His choice gives me great hope that we will prevail.

@Justme95: You do know that Ron Paul isn’t running this fall, right? If you don’t mind me asking, who are you planning to vote for?

@anticsrocks, #3:

The voter suppression efforts in Ohio go well beyond “pesky ID laws”.

How can anyone rationalize shortening the early voting period by up to 3 days in predominantly democratic districts, while simultaneously lengthening it in predominantly republican districts?

That’s what has been done, and it’s exactly what it looks like: calculated voter suppression.

The Nation: Ohio Early Voting Cutbacks Disenfranchise Minority Voters

The Detroit News: GOP voter suppression in Ohio

Concur with the previous folks commenting that Romney was not their preference but that they would hold their noses to vote for him just to get the marxist bastard and his ilk out of DC in November. This selection of Ryan as his VP running mate has greatly improved my assessment of Romney’s mental acuity and seriousness towards realigning our nation along the lines of constitutional limits on the federal leviathan. Some things I would like to see in a Romney-Ryan administration:
Sec State: John Bolton
Sec Def: Allen West
Sec Energy: Sarah Palin
Sec Treas: Herman Cain
Atty Gen: Cuccinelli (from Virginia)
Still thinking about Sec labor; Sec Interior; Sec Education (At least until some of those departments can be dismantled and returned to the several states to handle.
This election will either be the moment of a second American resurgence (a la Reagan) or the final nail in the coffin of the great American experiment should our parasitic countrymen foist a second Obama term upon us. Take the time to comment to your co-workers, family members and friends. Ask them the following questions:
1. When have you ever been hired by a poor person?
2. Where will money come from to pay for all these programs when no one is able to make money?
3. How does you being jealous of someone else who has more money than you do do anything to make your life better?
4. Obama and the democrats passed all their legislation between 2008-2010 when the demos controlled both houses of congress. Why aren’t things going like Obama told you they would be? Why have we had 41 straight months of unemployment above 8%.
5. Are you better off now than you were before Obama was elected?
6. Would you run your personal finances the way Obama and the democrats have run our government since January 2009? Did you know that Obama hasn’t had a budget passed in over 1200 days?

Then hope and pray that your fellow citizens are able to be honest. The only people who cannot see the abysmal failure of leftist ideology are the zealous partisans who are only interested in their personal need for power, and those either too ignorant or too selfish to care about truth.

@Greg: Your question about early voting boils down to money. How can YOU pay for early voting where there is no money to pay for it? That is a problem in the cities mentioned in your article. My county allows early voting at the Elections office but only during working hours. It is an absentee ballot and counted as same. Some real facts would aid your post. Maybe check the Ohio Election laws before you spout about something that is not a partisan issue, rather it is strictly the almighty Dollar being lacking where Ds have run the show.

@Carl, #20:

Voting is a constitutionally guaranteed right, not a privilege that’s to be more readily available to those who can better afford it. If voting hours are to be cut because of money issues, they should be cut equally for everyone.

“Ryan has pointed out to me that no Republican has carried his district for president since Ronald Reagan in 1984. ”

Except George W. Bush won it in both 2000 and 2004. So is Ryan ignorant of his own district’s voting history, or did the author fabricate this meeting with Ryan? He also didn’t bother to fact-check wither Ryan or own his lie.

Either way, the fact that a district that went to Bush back-to-back is hardly the “Democratic stronghold” the author makes it out to be, and the entire premise of this article collapses.

@Plaza del Toros:

Except George W. Bush won it in both 2000 and 2004. So is Ryan ignorant of his own district’s voting history, or did the author fabricate this meeting with Ryan? He also didn’t bother to fact-check wither Ryan or own his lie.

Got a link?

@Hopeful Patriot:

Actually I think Sarah Palin would be a better choice for Sec of Education. So that the children would again be taught about the founding of this nation. (The left still don’t understand that Sarah was correct about Paul Revere’s ride, she simply stated it poorly.)

Ron Paul for Sec of Treasury! (That will finally get us a much needed audit of the Federal Reserve. and should shut up the Paul-bots.)

Sec of Defense: Chuck Norris!!! (Just kidding,) Gen. Norman Schwarzkopf, Jr (I think we need to leave Allen West right where he is, in Congress driving the Democrats batty.)

Press Secretary: Clint Eastwood “get off my lawn!” would be great, but realistically it depends what you want in a Press Sec. A press Sec must be able to respond quickly with coherent answers. If you want a smart-ass (Like Gibbs) you tap Dennis Miller, Glenn Beck or Greg Gutfeld. If you want them to be the smartest one in the room who won’t put up with nonsense then try to get Charles Krauthammer. Or you could consider Ben Stein who would also put everyone to sleep.

@Hopeful Patriot: I wish I could have given you ten thumbs up for your #19. Excellent!

@Plaza del Toros: Except George W. Bush won it in both 2000 and 2004. So is Ryan ignorant of his own district’s voting history, or did the author fabricate this meeting with Ryan? He also didn’t bother to fact-check wither Ryan or own his lie.


Either way, the fact that a district that went to Bush back-to-back is hardly the “Democratic stronghold”the author makes it out to be, and the entire premise of this article collapses.

A little homework for you… Stellar research site for you to archive – Dave Leip’s Atlas of US elections. In the drop down fields on the left at the top, you need only select the year for the general (aka POTUS) elections. Then mouse over the state of Wisconsin (hopefully you know where that is…), and click.

The counties will appear, color coded for which candidate won that district. If you don’t know Ryan’s 1st Congressional district is located in the state, this Wiki page will show you it’s the lowest bottom right county. Mousing over the county gives you percentage breakdowns.

CAVEAT: Leip’s assigns red to the Democrats and blue to the Republicans… backwards from traditionally colors. However as a reminder, you will see the color coding next to the candidate’s name.

As you will find, Ryan is correct. Both the 2000 and 2004 elections in his district went to Gore and Kerry, albeit by a very small margin.

Therefore the one who needs fact checking, and the one with the collapsing premise, is you, Plaza Del Toros.

However Ryan’s district often elects Republicans to Congress. So that isn’t so all fired unusual for Congressional representation. What is unusual is for Wisconsin to go Republican in a general election.


INRE Ryan and Romney. I like Ryan, and was glad to see him as the pick over the other short list options. (I’ll wait for Rubio to clear up his own ethics complaints and ripen on the vine a bit…)

What I’m not convinced of yet is just how much power and influence Romney intends to allow Ryan to have in a Romney admin. i.e…. will he be an a Veep in the mold of Bush-Cheney? Or is he just politically convenient ideological eye candy for Romney’s campaign?

A friend and I have had some extensive discussions over this. Ryan holds some Congressional power and influence, and in one way, I’m sorry to see him go since he may be more effective in the House than the #2 in the WH. However if he can temper and move Romney away from his roots for fiscal reform, it’s a good thing.

So my burning question was, is Romney putting on a fiscal conservative front? Or genuinely dedicated to financial reform? After all, this is the guy who expanded the Mass Medicaid rolls, which isn’t anything different than what O’healthcare does.

I’ll be watching Romney carefully, but in this immediate aftermath, I’m pretty disgruntled with Romney’s qualifying caveats, distancing himself from Ryan’s budgetary reform. Two articles caught my attention:

From an AP article by Tom Raum today:

Previously, Romney praised the Ryan budget in general terms, calling it in line with his own ideas, “bold and exciting” and even “marvelous.” But he hasn’t given it heavy emphasis in his campaign speeches nor singled out specifics.

Romney’s own economic prescriptions have lacked detail in many areas. But from now on, he’ll be compelled to defend what is suddenly a “Romney-Ryan” plan full of belt-tightening, smaller government proposals.

Still, clearly mindful of the controversy around the plan, Romney’s campaign was trying to tread carefully.

Asked how Ryan’s budget plan fits into Romney’s campaign, Romney spokesman Kevin Madden emphasized that Romney’s plan is distinct from his running mate’s.

“Governor Romney is at the top of the ticket. And Governor Romney’s vision for the country is something that Congressman Ryan supports,” Madden said.

And from Ben Shapiro at Breitbart:

According to a memo obtained by CNN, surrogates for the Romney/Ryan campaign appearing on television today will disassociate slightly from the Paul Ryan budget plan. Here’s what the memo had to say:

Questions and Answers About The Romney/Ryan Ticket:

1) Does this mean Mitt Romney is adopting the Paul Ryan plan?

· Gov. Romney applauds Paul Ryan for going in the right direction with his budget, and as president he will be putting together his own plan for cutting the deficit and putting the budget on a path to balance.

· Romney’s administration will go through the budget line by line and ask two questions: Can we afford it? And, if not, should we borrow money from China to pay for it?

· Mitt Romney will start with the easiest cut of all: Obamacare, a trillion-dollar entitlement we don’t want and can’t afford.

· Mitt Romney also laid out commonsense reforms that will make good on our promises to today’s seniors and save Social Security and Medicare for future generations.

Apparently Romney is not only doing a delicate dance of not being *too* associated with Ryan’s policies, but is going to be quick to point out that he’s in charge, and not Ryan.

I can’t imagine that Ryan would walk away from his power in the Senate without some assurance from Romney that he will have some influence and power, and not be a Biden’esque Veep. On the flip side, can he believe any assurance that Romney gave him considering these opening statements, distancing himself from Ryan’s strategies?

One can chalk up Romney’s half-hearted wishy washy approach to politics… trying to appease both TP fiscal conservatives and moderates alike. But you can’t be all things to all people, and I’m tired of those with no compunction to shout their principles proudly.

As for Ryan… he was planning on running for re-election for the 1st Congressional District. Will he still? Or will he put all his eggs in Romney’s basket?

So far, there are no answers on his Congressional campaign website, as to whether he will run as candidates for both jobs. And to lose Ryan in the House would be a monumental loss, IMHO.

So count me pleased, but seriously wary of the guy who likes to remind everyone that he is at “the top of the ticket”. Given my druthers, the #2 slot needs to move into the #1 slot. Otherwise, Romney had better show a bit more unity with the guy he selected for Veep. Otherwise it’s looking a heckuva lot like ideological eye candy to me.

@Hopeful Patriot: I would only say that as Sec of Defense, Allen West – who I admire greatly and think he has a stellar career ahead of him – doesn’t have enough experience yet for that position. Just because you have military experience, doesn’t make you a great choice for Sec Def; look at Colin Powell.

In the AG position, I think Rudy Giuliani would make a great choice.

@Greg: For someone who continues to not know what he is talking about, you certainly fill the page with fluff. Each county decides their office hours. That is the law. If Ds want longer office hours in those counties affected they need only find a way to pay the office staff.
Absentee ballots can be easily obtained by mail so your objection is silly at best.

what can we say to that? he was there, but now he is here, on a different side of the game,
that is a higher ground to work and apply his gift, which he has, and he has to follow the agenda of his boss,
now he has the trust of MITT ROMNEY but he doesn’t have the full power,
so two smart men who love AMERICA, who are willing to take on a real BIG MESS DONE BY OBAMA,
and don’t kid yourself, they haven’t found the worse which will appear only after,
they are brave to take on that position at this time,
you have more plus than all those minus, to vote for them than OBAMA which it’s worse,
think outside you, think AMERICA need those to take on the mess, they are two human not perfect but willing to save AMERICA in great danger. and it won’t be easy, but they can do it.
this time is not like any other time, for them, this is a call from deep within they are taking.
we must help and support them. there is no other choice,
you know it they know it.

@Brother Bob:

You do know that Ron Paul isn’t running this fall, right?

What does that mean, Ron Paul isn’t running this fall? Ron Paul is still a Republican candidate for President and never suspended his campaign. He is having a rally on August 26th in Tampa for not only his delegates but for anyone who wishes to attend.

LAKE JACKSON, Texas – 2012 Republican Presidential candidate Ron Paul will hold a major rally with thousands of supporters ahead of the Republican National Convention in Tampa

Also, according to various reports, he has a speaking spot at the convention either live or via a taped message – anything taped would most probably be heavily edited by the GOP. Seems to me you were fooled into thinking Ron Paul wasn’t in the race anymore.

I am still voting for Ron Paul whether he is on the ballot or not. I’ll leave a post–it note on the black box. And before I get the several expected comments about ‘throwing away my vote’ or ‘that’s a vote for Obama’ – I say no to both of those. I have the right to vote for the candidate of my choice. If we didn’t have these ridiculous parties and all the new rules they enacted to stifle voting rights and the voters’ choice, this wouldn’t be an issue. George Washington warned the country against creating political parties and it is pathetic we didn’t listen to him.
Beyond that, our votes don’t count anyway, unless, of course, you are the one counting the vote. The GOP has committed election fraud throughout this entire primary season and the Romney camp has been behind all the cheating in the caucuses for delegates and no one seems to care about either of those things. The fact that he cheated his way to the numbers he has doesn’t bother you one bit tells me you (plural) approve of it. And if you (plural) approve of Romney committing election fraud, then you can’t complain when the democrats do it. To me it is really as simple as that.
The following links detail the election fraud committed by the GOP.

Maine delegates being cheated.
Charlie Webster saying Ron Paul delegates won in a fair election.
Election fraud Missouri.
Election fraud North Dakota
Alex Helwig, Chairman of the Rules Committee in Louisiana and Ron Paul supporter, made the motion to remove the chair and was arrested by Shreveport police, then released and returned with two broken fingers.
Louisiana again, Henry Hereford toppled by police and had his hip replacement broken. Guess what I see? A LOT of older Ron Paul supporters being bullied by the LAGOP. These guys aren’t ‘kids’.
Allegation election fraud in Alaska
There’s more but I’ll close with this: evidence of Algorithm Vote Flipping in GOP Primary Elections Layman’s Executive Summary

Romney has even been practicing setting up his own Obama version of a shadow government by creating a shadow GOP in Nevada. My, my… how things stay the same.

You may all be looking forward to WWIII, but I am not. I find it appalling that the US and Britain are supporting the Al-Qaida rebels in Syria and that TPTB want to have a war with Iran. We’ve already given the Muslim Bro’hood to Egypt and Libya is still a mess. But war is peace, right? Sheep are easily brainwashed. I was a neocon once, but I woke up, and once you wake up you never go back to sleep.
I am taking a stand against the thieving GOP. I refuse to support election fraud. I won’t give the GOP that power. If we don’t take a stand against it now we are telling them that the voice of the people don’t count – though, our votes don’t count anymore and I think everyone here knows that. IMO, there is no need to hold primary elections anymore since the GOP is just going to rig the black boxes and every delegate convention that follows in order to secure its choice. That is – unless we take a stand and tell them ‘NO’ now.


Hi Bees!
I do not question anyone’s loyalty to America. But we do have to look at candidates’ records to know how they voted in order to know how they will vote in the future. I am extremely doubtful Romney will be swayed by the Tea Party or any true conservative should he attain the presidency. As we know, it doesn’t work that way. Once power hungry people attain such heights they believe themselves above it all and we minions are just their playthings.
There are just too many problems with Romney and I’m going to add a new one. According to an article in Veterans Today, Romney has taken campaign funds from foreigners while he did his little tour.
That is against the law. I know Obama has probably done the same thing, but the Republican Party is supposed to be the moral party and if what this article says is true, then it’s just more proof of how unscrupulous Romney and the GOP is. Until America has a President with a moral code and priciples, then it doesn’t matter if a Republican or Democrat sits in the WH because both parties are guilty of enacting legislation that erodes our civil liberties and engaging in perpetual warfare.
Have a great day!


You know, you Paulbots simply amaze me. You really know nothing about him, except he says the things you think you want to hear. But what about his past? Do you really just shut your eyes and ignore his past? And after all these years of holding a federal office, exactly what has he accomplished? NOT ONE DAMN THING.

When Dr. Paul first ran, he wasn’t the lunatic he is now. He was more like Rand, and could even be called rational. But the years have taken their toll on him and now he is just bat guana crazy. Yeah, he wants to audit the Fed, but do you really think that was his original idea because if you had bothered to do your homework, you would know it was not.

And about those “foreign” campaign donations; without proof, why mention it? And what about Ron Paul accepting donations from white supremacy groups (yeah, he did and refused to return the money). What about the racist comments in his Ron Paul letters which he claimed, falsely, that he didn’t know anything about.

The best news we Texans have heard in years is that the old fool intends to retire at the end of his Congressional term.

@retire05: Ron Paul says what he needs to say to garner support from his small, but rabidly loyal base.

Paul Bearers think that he isn’t a politician, but he is just that – a politician.

retire is correct, Paul has gotten nothing accomplished during his tenure in Congress, and his past haunts him. There is a reason why he routinely got single digit percentages in the primaries.


A couple of election cycles ago, I was a delegate to the Texas GOP convention. I had called Dr. Paul’s D.C. office to get some information about a bill that was pending in the House. I got a very nice Congressional aide who didn’t know much about it, but the next day the aide called me and gave me all the information I needed about the bill. So, since Dr. Paul had a hospitality suite at the TxGOP convention, I decided to go by and tell him how pleased I was with the young man that worked in his office.

Did Dr. Paul say “Well, thank you. I will pass on to (name) that you appreciated his help. Glad we could help you?” NOPE. He shot back at me, in front of a number of people “That is what he gets paid to do otherwise I’ll fire him.” I was dumbfounded. When I walked away my friend said “What a crotchy old bastard.” That is what most people think of Ron Paul in his former district. Yeah, we wound up with a Democrat for a while, but at least he was not rude, and Ron Paul is just flat out rude unless you are a big donor.

His supporters also ignore his long, strong association with Lew Rockwell and Murry Rothbard, who was a self loathing Jew. I will be thrilled when his term is up and he goes back to acting crazy in Lake Jackson and not in Washington, D.C.


you Paulbots simply amaze me

Is the best you can do, an ad hom? And you completely ignore the election fraud. I warned people about Obama, too, yet too many didn’t listen. Keep your blindfold on if you must. Mine’s come off.


So you object to being called a Paulbot? Well, tell me, how many times have you been in Dr. Paul’s office, either in D.C. or Lake Jackson? What committees of his have you been on? Have you even ever met him, and spoke with him, for longer than 30 seconds? What is your association with him besides perhaps attending a Paulbot rally. Can you name the bills that Ron Paul wrote that even made it to the floor of the House? Why do all the people that supported him in his first race now think he’s bat guana crazy?

And if he didn’t write those racist things in his financial news letters, who did? Lew Rockwell?

You see, I find it funny that all you who support that crazy old loon have never really had any association with him. But most of you have some things in common; you all think Alex Jones is brilliant; you think black helicopters are hovering over your house, you think the Bilderbergers are going to take over the world, most of you are 9-11 trufers and if you live in Texas, you voted for another lunatic, Debra Medina.

Get back to us after you have received mental health treatment.

@retire05: You ask a lot of questions…. Yes, never, none, no, what kind of question is that, his ‘audit the fed bill’ though I would really like his HR 1146 to be passed, that is untrue, I don’t know. As to your last sentence – don’t watch Jones, there’s nothing flying over my house, I’m still waiting for Papa Bush’s New World Order, Islamic psychos hijacked planes, and I’m not from Texas.
And you STILL ignore the election fraud.


So you have never met Ron Paul (I have, many times as well as met withhim), never sat on one of his committees (I have, the agrucultural committee and one of my good friends who is a retired AF fighter pilot sat on his “military” committee), been in both offices (D.C. and Lake Jackson), was his campaign precinct manager many moons ago and have watched his spiral into total craziness year after year, yet you support him. Why? Because of his stellar Congressional record? He has been getting a pay check from the taxpayers for years yet he managed to get only ONE bill of his own passed in all those years? Oh, yeah, I forgot: Paul managed to get the federal government to donate a building to his district, a building that was scheduled to be torn down. WOW! Count me as impressed, NOT!

Now, you can’t watch Alex Jones because he only has a radio show. He was a no-name talk show host until 9-11 when he jumped on the trufer bandwagon. But I am surprised you don’t listen to him since Ron Paul appears on his show with some regularity. And what does it tell you that the last time Ron Paul ran for POTUS, he didn’t even carry his own district?

Bush’s New World Order? Yep, you are a true Paulbot, Bilderberger fairy tales and all.

Just out of curiosity; how old are you (you can ball park the answer like 18-25, 26-32, etc)?


Bush’s New World Order?

ROFL – that was a bit of sarcasm. Sorry you didn’t catch it. And I’m not impressed with your ‘bragging’, either. I couldn’t care less if you were Ron Paul’s personal… I’ll let you guess what job I had in mind for you. But now you’re boring me. And you STILL refuse to acknowledge the election fraud. God bless you – you need it.


Election fraud? And you have done what to prevent election fraud? Or is Ron Paul the only fraud you know anything about?

Here is a suggestion: no matter where you live you can take, on line, the True The Vote seminars that will help you clean out the fradulent registrations in your own county. Hell, you don’t even have to go to Houston like I did to take the seminars. Then you can spend your time at your county’s Voter Registrar’s office and clean up the voter rolls.

But I would bet a dollar to a rolling donut that you are just like all of the rest of the Paulbots I know: all talk and no action.

Still waiting for you to tell me what age bracket you fit in. Bet you are just one of Ron Paul’s spoiled brat college followers who are still living off their parents.

I think the time has passed for trashing the REPUBLICAN PARTY
maybe you would find better result to trash the DEMOCRATS and OBAMA’s failures,
so to save what’s left of AMERICA,
I think you should concentrate your anger to the worse administration ever been put in power on the back of BUSH, BY DEMONYZING HIS CARACTER TOTALY TO THE EYES OF A MINUS BRAIN ABILITY OF VOTERS WHO ATE AND DIGEST EVERY LIES WHICH NOW WE KNOW FOR SURE WITHOUT ANY DOUBT.

Hi Bees,
I did everything I could to warn people that Obama was evil and would destroy my country. Unfortunately, too many were ‘sick’ of Bush and didn’t like McCain. Perhaps had the GOP ran someone better than McCain we might have had a chance. Not even with Palin on the ticket could the GOP save America from Obama’s evil because McCain was the worst choice. A lot of Republicans didn’t like McCain but they held their noses and voted for him anyway. I know I did. But I swore that would be the last time I would ever vote for someone I didn’t believe in, respect, like and who I saw as the lesser of 2 evils – because evil is still evil. There is no need whatsoever for me to trash the dems or Obama because everyone with half a brain already knows of their evils.
But what I will NOT do, is accept behavior from the GOP that is the SAME REPULSIVE behavior of the dems. What you are telling me to do is accept whatever evil the GOP perpetrates because they are Republicans. That is the most absurd advice you can give anyone. I’m taking a moral stand. If that offends you, so be it. But I will not be party to cheaters and frauds. Not everyone on FA likes Romney. He won’t abolish the TSA or remove the naked body scanners. He will not withdraw the US from the UN and stop Agenda 21. He has no position on drones flying over America. His major donor is Goldman Sachs! Paul Ryan’s big claim to fame is his economic plan and Romney says he’s not really going for it. Romney wants to enage in a war with Iran with Israel – as if my country can really sustain another war. America, like Europe, is on the verge of an economic collapse and the quickest way to ensure one is to go to war. And it’s not as if Romney is even going to get rid of socialized healthcare because he wants to replace Obamacare with… what? Romneycare? Romney agrees with Obama re: the NDAA provisions that snatch anyone to detain indefinitely without the benefit of a lawyer or trial. Do you think that makes me feel confident that Romney will be any different than Obama? NO! The REPUBLICAN CONGRESS passed a bill making it ILLEGAL to excercise free speech wherever the Secret Service is. The REPUBLICAN CONGRESS passed a bill that eliminate Senate approval for dozens of presidential appointees. HUH? Both bills are UNCONSTITUTIONAL! it was also the Republicans that gave us the TSA! Or did you forget that? So don’t pretend to me that the Republicans are any better than the dems because I am having a difficult time seeing where/how that is, especially when it comes to my civil liberties and following the Constitution.
If no one speaks out against the injustices perpetrated, REGARDLESS of the party, they will just culminate until America is a full-blown police state. Don’t EVER tell me that the Republicans are better than the dems especially when it’s Republcians who pass legislation abrogating my rights under the Constitution.

Didn’t your mother ever teach you NOT to give out personal information on blogs? (that’s also sarcasm, just in case you miss it) I don’t even have a facebook account and you think I’m going to tell you my age or anything else about myself? My opinions are enough. Grow up.

geez, I respect your opinion,
I want to believe your words are well documented as real from the right source,
still aren’t we on a quiproquo, as the rise of MITT ROMNEY IS ASSURE TO BE THE WINNER,


Right. There are criminals lurking on the internet that would be able to tell who you are just by you telling me what age bracket you fit in. And you’re not a conspiracy freak? Give me a break.

So you go ahead and write in Ron Paul’s name on your general election ballot. That is one less vote Obama has to get to defeat Mitt Romney. And while you may not like Romney, if you are honest with yourself, you would admit he is not the Marxist trained Socialist we currently have. Ron Paul doesn’t stand a snowballs chance in Hell, but hey never mind you had a choice during the primaries and your clown lost. BIG TIME.

Now, you seem to be quite confused as to what is Constitutional, adapting your viewpoint from Ron Paul who claims that he is the ONLY one who really understands the Constitution. Sorry, he is a piker when it comes to Constitutional law. And in case you haven’t noticed, we are at war and we haven’t gone broke, yet. Nevermind that supporting our military IS in the Constitution but it is one of those sticky little items Ron Paul wants to ignore.

Then you go an link to the media end of the John Birch Society. Now I understand you probably like them because Ron Paul has been their conventions key note speaker for a couple of years. But Birchers discredit themselves be being associated with not only Paul, but Lew Rockwell, as well.

Grow up. You have two choices; Romney or Obama. You lost during the primaries and now you want to show sour grapes and call it a “moral stand.” You don’t fool anyone but yourself with that excuse.

The nation will now have a clear choice. Do you want a proven failure over the last 3.5 years or do you wish to engage in the new ideas of Romney/Ryan. Obama will just say Republicans are child molesters and kill Grandmas because he is a proven unmitigated disaster. The Medicare tirade is all B.S. – Ryan called for all promises to be kept on Medicare and only wants to look at other options for those 55 and younger before we go broke.

Anyone that votes for Obama is a closed minded sorry fool. Obama is the worst President we have ever had.

Any mention of Gordon Duff, and I always feel the need for a shower….

I’m hoping Romney/Ryan come up with a video showing Grandma pushing her grandchildren off a cliff because that’s what the status quo amounts to.

@MataHarley: At least Countdown to No Ratings Keith Overbite wasn’t mentioned….






Hi Bees,
For me the first step is to ensure that elections aren’t stolen by nefarious forces determined to install another puppet of the bankster and warmongerers.
I’m only writing because a letter by Louis (Woody) Jenkins has come to my attention. He is the Chairman of the Republican Party of East Baton Rouge Parish, Louisiana and he wrote to Reince Prebus requesting that Reince seats the duly-elected Ron Paul delegates at Tampa. I ask that you read the entire letter, but I’ll quote the pertinent info below.

4. Under the rules adopted by the Louisiana Republican Party and approved by the RNC,
the 25 state delegates from the Sixth Congressional District were supposed to caucus at the state
Republican convention in Shreveport and elect three delegates to the Republican National Convention
in Tampa. They did meet and voted unanimously to elect the following three national
convention delegates:
Charlie Davis
Alex Helwig
Kevin Hussey
To me, the fact that the 25 duly-certified state delegates from the Sixth Congressional
District met and unanimously elected these three individuals is dispositive of this issue.
5. Please note that the official results of the Louisiana Republican Party from the Sixth
Congressional District caucuses held on April 28, 2012, showed that Mr. Davis received 737
votes, Mr. Helwig received 729 votes, and Mr. Hussey received 729 votes. This contrasts with
Mr. Jay Dardenne, who is listed by the state party as a delegate from the Sixth Congressional
District. He received only 288 votes and ran 51st out of more than 100 candidates. Ms. Bautsch
and Ms. Connolly did not run for delegate at all.

10. Nevertheless, the state Republican Party has submitted the names of three other individuals
to serve as national convention delegates from our congressional district — individuals
who did not compete and win in the delegate selection process adopted by the state party. The state
Republican Party could have and should have submitted the names of Mr. Charlie Davis, Mr. Alex
Helwig, and Mr. Kevin Hussey as delegates to the Republican National Convention.
In 1975, as a member of the Louisiana House, I authored Louisiana’s first-ever Presidential
Primary law. Gov. Edwin Edwards vetoed it, but we came back and passed it again despite his objections.
My purpose at that time was to take the delegate selection process out of the back rooms
and put it in the hands of the registered Democratic and Republican voters of our state. Fortunately,
the legislature did just that.
Today, we must not allow the delegation selection process to revert to those days of back
room politics and delegates’ being selected in secret by a handful of party leaders.
I urge you as the leader of our party to do everything you can to insure that the three delegates
elected from the Sixth Congressional District of Louisiana be seated at the Republican National
Convention and that the choices of our Republican caucus voters be honored.

Woody Jenkins is a man of character, something I can’t say about anyone on the Romney team. Note how he specifically says he worked on legislation back in 1975 to stop fraud the GOP is perpetrating today. Cheaters do not deserve to win anything. It astounds me that anyone would condone this and tells me much about anyone who would.

John Admas said,

“Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.”

2012 is the year we decide what kind of people we are.