Internet ‘Star’ Becomes Ultimate ‘Douchebag’


This man is a complete and utter coward…and asshole.


This woman was nothing but respectful while trying to earn a small living, and instead gets verbally assaulted by the likes of this douchebag. You could tell the verbal assault was getting to her but she handled it well. Kudos to her.

Oh, btw…the douchebag is

Adam M. Smith of Tucson AZ, CFO of Vante.
Mobile: (520) 403-5045
Email is ‘amsmith77@yahoo’, YouTube name is ‘amsmith77amsmith’
University of Arizona Tucson – Adjunct Lecturer

(h/t Ace)


That didn’t take long, the douchebag removed the video….working on a getting a copy as we speak.


Original video is back up via Underground Vulgarian


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@John Cooper:

It is inarguably obvious that contacting Vante was nothing more than a thinly veiled attempt to cow or intimidate Smith simply because of a disagreement on a social issue.

And, obviously, you’re okay with that. Interesting.

Just remember clearly the position you’ve staked out so that you can easily refer to it when the shoe is on the other foot.

@ crosspatch
You stated it much more effectively than I did. He was totally classless to that young employee that had “no skin in the game” Not someone I would want representing my company.

Adam Smith, a CFO of a decent reputable firm, who probably makes well in excess of six figures, gets his rocks off berating a young woman working a minimum wage job.

Totally classless.

Smith wanted his 15 minutes of fame?
He just got it.
He was fired.

How’s that free water working out for you now Adam?

I hope it was worth it.

@John Cooper:

If you hadn’t noticed, the left already does that and worse. It’s long past time that we conservatives started fighting back. I don’t know about you, but I’m getting sick and tired of the wimpy “turn the other cheek” attitude which is so characteristic of the Christian right.

Fighting back against whom exactly? Me, because of what he did? The guy is a douche bag, plain and simple. He isn’t the living avatar of the Left. For every conceivable category you can think of, there’s a douche bag. How would you like it if every Conservative Christian who is against gay marriage on religious grounds was lumped in with the Westboro Baptist Church? I’ve seen them in person, protesting outside a synagogue. Guess what, they’re a little rougher, a little ruder, a wee bit more disgusting than this pissant. Get a grip.

Interesting observations in this thread.

So what are the fair rules of engagement regarding the reporting to one’s employer of public chicanery and general idiocy?

I would say that if he was attempting to keep his conversation between himself and the young lady confidential, then it should remain private. Did he do this? Nope. He went public himself and posted on Youtube. Not only that, you can Google amsmith77 and find many interesting public statements he has made and can develop a basic profile of one that has been on a downward spiral for some time and that this last public exploit was the nail in the coffin:

As a CFO, he has personal properties in foreclosure
He has stated he WAS an investment banker, but was not successful and found himself looking for work, having lost everything, and eventually ending up at Vante.
I find it interesting he is teaching finance while he has properties in foreclosure and failed at investment banking.

What sort of low life pond scum does this?? I hope he gets exactly what he deserves!! I will leave that to your imagination.

I don’t like to see people lose their rice bowl; apparently, the DB has wriggled his bean in a spot that put his employer on the spot and termination was a viable alternative. Let’s step back and analyze this situation with perspicuity.

He interviewed the young girl/woman in her place of employment; a miscue by her could have resulted in termination, since he was the one filming. Unfortunately for him, hubris and the law of unintended consequences rained down like nine pound hammers from heaven and beat him about the head and shoulders; in apposition to what he intended for the chicken joint and possibly for the young maiden. Life will do that to you if you think you are too smart for the rest of the world. Look what is happening to Bo, the election is fast approaching and he can’t wipe his butt without reading about another disaster. Those ancient Greeks weren’t so backward after all; except for when the guys were off on a hunting trip or war, back then they didn’t have color TV, and the Kardashians were still waiting to spring forward from the primordial ooze. Our CFO like Obama miscalculated their influence with the public; it’s true, BO was able to carry off the charade much longer than a few minutes, but the result was the same, total annihilation. i will look deep inside for a little sympathy; unfortunately while i was soul searching in the dictionary, I found sympathy between shit and syphilis, and I’d rather not get involved.


This case is precisely why people should stop and think of the possible consequences of their actions, and of what they put on the internet for the whole world to see. (Including your family and employer)

@Aye: Well lookie here, it seems Vante’s standards of employee conduct *are* similar to those of the military after all. From Vante’s press release:

“…we also expect our company officers to behave in a manner commensurate with their position and in a respectful fashion that conveys these values of civility with others.”

I really don’t know what sort of jobs you’ve had in you life, but the standards were the same for every single one that I’ve had. If you make a public ass of yourself, it will reflect badly upon your employer and your employer will take appropriate action. That’s the way it is.

It will be interesting to see what Adam Smith’s next move is. It wouldn’t’ surprise me at all to see this clown on the national news, sporting red hair and a tactical vest after shooting up a Chick-fil-A somewhere. Like we say down South here, “The boy ain’t right.”

Can someone please post his home address here please? Thanks kindly in advance!

EDIT, as a reporter for my college paper getting this interview would be a coup. However he has disconnected his phone and the only way that I will ever be able to reach him from MN is via snail mail. Apologies for not stating my mission in the first place. I guess I did sound a bit mad-bomberish.

Dear Jane: What’s your game? Are you trying to discredit this website with your request for Smith’s home address? I don’t believe anyone here is going to participate in whatever you’re up to.

Meanwhile, from the Arizona Star:

” UA spokespeople did not return messages asking whether or not Smith would continue to teach classes, although Smith’s profile was scrubbed from UA’s faculty listings Thursday.

According to his LinkedIn profile, Smith taught Valuation and Corporate Finance to MBA students last semester.”

So, any bets on whether Smith is man enough to apologize to the window-girl?

JC, “The boy ain’t right,” is a metaphor with several different layers of meaning.

The publishing of addresses is a Liberal technique; we expect this behavior from the Spike Lee types. He went out of his way to publish George Zimmerman’s address, so Mr Zimmerman would be persecuted by mindless drones. Unfortunately, Spike Lee in his rush to inflict damage on someone else, published the address of the the wrong George Zimmerman. Yes, this is more of the classless behavior of base cretins.

I wonder why this guy who is so anxious to let the young girl know he isn’t “Gay”, but a merely a compassionate crusader against “Hate” uses his meanness and hatred against low level employees, instead of delivering his venom at the door of the most outspoken critic of “Gay Marriage”, the local mosque.

Does he ignore the Islamic stance against gay marriage because Obama is in a precarious relationship with Islam or is he just a coward. Rachael offered no argument or opinion on Gay marriage; however, I am sure Adam Smith can find “Spirited Debate” on the subject at the local mosque.

If Adam Smith and others want to bring this debate to the attention of the public, they should challenge and engage the most vociferous opponents of gay marriage and bring the schism within the Democrat Party to center stage.

Black preachers have made this issue their issue; they don’t attack low or try to humiliate low-level employees, they have admitted publicly, they can no longer stand with Obama because of this issue. Now we must ask our Muslim Americans if they still stand with Obama and whether the gay people can stand with the Muslim. We should settle this issue before the election. Our poor president doesn’t know whether to wind his watch or make sandwiches over this dilemma that is threatening to break up his coalition, it is time for all Democrats to make their opinions known.

I heard one of the Black preachers on the radio yesterday and I was moved by his sincerity and integrity; perhaps Smith and the Progressives might want to direct their collective hatred toward these gentle well-spoken opponents of gay marriage.

John Cooper it’s not really any of your business. I read that his name and address had been plastered all of the internet, I’ve yet to find his address and I want it. My game? You are just rude and too nosey about things that are none of your business. Wish there were an ignore feature here.

I say again, does anyone have this man’s address?

Thanks in advance.


I wonder why this guy who is so anxious to let the young girl know he isn’t “Gay”, but a merely a compassionate crusader against “Hate” uses his meanness and hatred against low level employees, instead of delivering his venom at the door of the most outspoken critic of “Gay Marriage”, the local mosque.

Because experience demonstrates that there might be no need for his employer to terminate his employment as CFO for his abysmally poor judgment as such an offense against Islam might have elicited a more brutal and permanent termination. There is no Separation of Mosque and State in Islam, but there is separation of heads from bodies for those who offend Islam.

[ kráyvən ]

cowardly: so lacking in courage as to be worthy of contempt

A “permanent termination”, I like that expression. The thought of such a termination will dissuade many compassionate crusaders, even “Straight” ones. LOL

@John Cooper: If he where Slick Willy of course he could keep his job. Remember our President having SEX (getting a hummer is haveing SEX btw) in the Whitehouse while working. Believe me that in the Corporate world if you would get busted doing the same in your office you would be gone. Nice to see that this standard is applied in this case. Certainly this scum deserves to be out the door sooner rather than later.

@Jane Kirkwood: You’re absolutely correct: I AM rude to liberal trolls such as yourself. You won’t find what you’re looking for here. Get lost.

Jane, you might have better luck getting the address at Huffington or Media Matters; they are probably starting a wrongful termination suit or lionizing this guy in some other manner.

It is interesting that you claim to be a student reporter in MN, the hotbed of Socialist sentiment for the last sixty years. Perhaps you should submit an article for review. It would be interesting to what collegians are writing and reading in Minnesota.

@Jane Kirkwood:

Whether you wish to either interview, recruit or harass Mr. Smith in person, it is not our onus to give you the means to do so. Most of us are quite satisfied that he has received karmic justice via his socially responsible employer. If the UA decides that their students too should not be acquainted with his boorish behavior, that is their right also. One should always pick their battles wisely, and not attack the innocent laborer because you are too cowardly to confront their employer.

@Jane Kirkwood:

Since man has already lost his job it is hard to imagine that contacting him would at this point could be an attempt to intimidated him by way of his employer. And certainly getting and publishing his side of his now complex and irenic story could be a reporter’s coup.

What likely makes people uncomfortable is that targeting the family and children of political and social opponents has long been a nasty Alinskian staple of the Progressive-Left. Targeting the family and children of political and social opponents is nothing less than anti-democratic tactic of fascist thugs. You can understand why many of us would resist the adoption of those tactics generally in American politics. Since the man has chosen of withdraw from the public square at this time perhaps it would be best to give this man some time to privately gather his wits in regard to his abysmal exercise of bad judgment.


With that caution in mind, as you are a young journalist looking for a story, it is possible this individual’s address is part of the public record if he was required to make certain filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission. The filings you would be interested in would be SEC filings Forms 3, 4 and 5 (if he filed them as an insider of a public company). You can search for them on the SEC’s EDGAR database at

I hope the other bullies from the youngest to the oldest get that message clear and very transparent,
to stop harassing other they target, get tis between your ears and eyes,
it will bite you at the least expected place of your body, on the least expected time of your life