Romney The Wimp? Not Even Close


Gotta agree with The Looking Spoon and his description of Newsweek. Attention seeking whores:

Wasn’t it just six months ago that Newsweek dressed Romney up like Spartacus?

Of course that was when the polls didn’t look too bad for Obama. Polls look grim, so Newsweek to the rescue!

Apparently they don’t like the fact that he has made a few gaffes and then apologized if need be, and vice versa.

“He’s kind of lame, and he’s really … annoying. He keeps saying these … things, these incredibly off-key things. Then he apologizes immediately—with all the sincerity of a hostage. Or maybe he doesn’t: sometimes he whines about the subsequent attacks on him. But the one thing he never does? Man up, double down, take his lumps.”

Naw…doesn’t sound like a biased article there eh?

But man up, double down and take his lumps? Obama has done this?

He backed the bus up over Wright, Ayers, hell…even his own family instead of taking his lumps and manning up. He allowed Bill Clinton to take over HIS press conference because…he is manly?

When it was politically expedient to do so he didn’t support gay marriage…then he did.

He is soooo manly that he refuses to discuss HIS economy. Either blaming Bush or blaming Europe, or pretending everything is just fine. Bush, Europe and all the rest are to blame for the GDP being 1.5%. Consumer spending being down, factory orders being down, unemployment through the roof.

He is soooo manly, soooo willing to take his lumps he refuses to call for an independent investigation of the leaks coming out of the White House.

What this really does come down to is that Romney isn’t a politically superstar. He’s boring, has no skeletons in his closet, and a proven competent leader.

Romney is more about competence while Obama is about being popular.

Obama is only good at one thing, campaigning.

That’s more manly?

Wimp = Someone who tells ‘Joe The Plumber’ that spreading the wealth around is a good thing and then denies that’s what he meant.

Wimp – Someone who tells business owners that they didn’t build that business on their own and then denies saying it

Wimp = “Someone who refuses to be accountable”

Obama checkmarks all the wimp boxes when it comes down to it.

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Newsweek, so popular they have to go digital…A “journalist” who was “duped” by Assad, really?…And recycling a cover from 1987….Kind of difficult to label Romney as wimpy when your POTUS wears mom jeans and rides a ladies bike…

Romney avoided the draft during the Vietnam war—that makes him a wimp.

@Liberal1 (objectivity): And Dear Leader (PBUH) avoided the military all together…..And where did you serve high speed?….I’m confident nowhere and never.

When we have stories of Romney saving people’s lives, finding a kidnapped child, digging a huge tree stump out of the yard of a man he’d never met it is hard to hang the term ”wimp” on him.

When we have Obama sitting quietly in a hate-mongerer’s ”church” for 20 years,
voting ”Present” on anything he can,
bowing to all sorts of foreign leaders,
dithering for months over necessary military actions,
rarely meeting with Cabinet members who might disagree with him,
sending the dahli lama out the back door of the WH amidst snow and garbage out of fear of the Chinese,
and I could go on…..
what else can you call the man but a wimp?

When we have stories of Romney saving people’s lives, finding a kidnapped child, digging a huge tree stump out of the yard of a man he’d never met it is hard to hang the term ”wimp” on him.

Are you sure that wasn’t Rin Tin Tin?

Why Romney–a handy position-by-position reference for the Mitt Romney apologist. Be prepared to rebut any observation accusation on the spot! Now featuring an automatic slide show of Glowing Endorsements from his former Harshest Critics!

@Greg: Yeah, jealousy, it’s b***h ain’t it……and speaking of apologists….


Wimp? Here the very definition of WIMP: A President whose Department of Labour does this, . . .

This notice was just sent out by the DOL, worried about the impact which massive layoffs might have on Obama’s re-election. – – July 30, 2012 – Training and Employment Guidance Letter No. 3-12 The impact of sequestration being implemented, on January 2, 2013, would mean 60 day notices, as required by law, would hit the defence industry just before the ELECTION

This is a politically motivated and despicable move by Obama and the DOL. Read what their act states:
The Worker Adjustment and Retraining Notification Act states: “The Department of Labor, since it has no administrative or enforcement responsibility under WARN, cannot provide specific advice or guidance with respect to individual situations”.

Good luck to all employees affected. You’ll need it, because what you’re supposed to get, you won’t. Thank the Administration.

@James Raider, #9:

The republican majority House dealt the recovering economy a serious and deliberate blow one year ago last month with their politically motivated debt ceiling crisis. The sequestration budget compromise was the only way these jackasses could be induced not to take the fragile national economy over a cliff right then and there.

Now they’ve got the delayed consequences of their own actions to deal with–inevitable consequences, which were totally obvious a year ago, and which result entirely from their stubborn refusal to give up fiscally irresponsible high end tax cuts in return for spending cuts.

Essentially House republicans have taken federal contractors and their employees hostage in the course of their efforts to further their own extremist political agenda. They created this situation, and they ignored the timing of the results.

Obama can’t do anything about it. There’s no magic wand a president can wave to return republicans to their right senses. He certainly can point out how we got here, however, and I have no doubt that he will do so at every opportunity between now and the November elections.

@Greg: There’s no magic wand a president can wave….Yeah, it’s not like he’s been waving the magic EO wand around, no, wait………On a side note, based on your other posts I seriously doubt you came up with this, looks very much like a cut and paste…

@Sua Sponte:

Actually, Sue S.
Obama has been caught trying to wave a magic wand.
He knew if automatic cuts occurred that over 1 MILLION contractors from the private sector would be put out of work BEFORE the Election Day!
So, Obama tried to convince the military and the owners of some contracting firms to IGNORE THE LAW and not notify these employees via pink slips before Election Day.
The cuts would have hit the economy at an immediate cost in lost wages of over $4 Billion.
But note, Obama didn’t care about THAT.
Obama only cared about it being kept under wraps until AFTER Election Day!

If it gets cut and pasted, someone else will be doing it. And they’re welcomed to do so.

@Greg: Yeah, it’s what I thought…

@Nan G:

So, Obama tried to convince the military and the owners of some contracting firms to IGNORE THE LAW and not notify these employees via pink slips before Election Day.

Hey, if you want to believe that Obama is going to get blamed for what the republican majority House did in connection with their contrived debt ceiling crisis campaign last year, go right ahead. And if you want to believe that the DOL sent out their advisory with the actual intention of discouraging 6 month advanced notices, by all means do so.

I’m thinking that they just send out a reminder that doesn’t look like a reminder. My guess is that the Obama administration wants those 6 months notices to go out. My guess is that there’s a strategy involved that will be played out in the days immediately before the election.

Or maybe not. *S*

I was just speculating on the possible function of the DOL advisory as a strategic element, but the entire post flew south. Perhaps that was actually for the best.

Suffice it to say that it’s sometimes better for a reminder not to look like a reminder.

@Greg: And if you want to believe that the DOL sent out their advisory with the actual intention of discouraging 6 month advanced noticesBut they did….I’m thinking that they just send out a reminder that doesn’t look like a reminder. My guess is that the Obama administration wants those 6 months notices to go out. My guess is that there’s a strategy involved that will be played out in the days immediately before the election. “I’m thinking”, there’s your first problem… “My guess is “, there’s your second problem…Explain how and why they sent something out six months ahead of time when only 90 to 120 would be required to send the notices out…Of course your response will be, “well I don’t know what they were doing or thinking, you’d have to ask them” and yet you have an opinionguess….Bottom line is they provided defense contractors with faulty legal advice……Back to the main story of Dear Leader (PBUH) being a wimp as opposed to Romney……Dear Leader (PBUH) still hasn’t been able to bring himself to apologize for the mis-mangaged “green energy” investments and stimulus, of course that doesn’t make him a wimp, it makes him a non-man…

It takes a “MANLY” person to destroy the USA in only four years. How long did it take other great empires to be destroyed. Give him credit when he deserves it.

@Liberal1 (objectivity): And you?? Did you serve?