10 Reasons to Hate Mitt Romney (Liberals Pay Attention)


1. Drop-dead, collar-ad handsome with gracious, statesmanlike aura, like every central casting’s #1 choice for Commander-in-Chief.

2. Been married to ONE woman his entire life, and has been faithful to her, including through her bouts with breast cancer and MS.

3. No scandals or skeletons in his closet. (How boring is that?)

4. Can’t speak in a fake, southern, “black preacher voice” when necessary.

5. Highly intelligent. Graduated cum laude from both Harvard Law School and Harvard Business School…and by the way, his academic records are NOT sealed.

6. Doesn’t smoke or drink alcohol, and has never done drugs, not even in the counter-culture age when he went to college. Too square for today’s America?

7. Represents an America of “yesterday”, where people believed in God, went to Church, didn’t screw around, worked hard, and became a SUCCESS!

8. Has a family of five great sons…and none of them have police records or are in drug rehab. But of course, they were raised by a stay-at-home mom and that “choice” deserves America’s scorn.

9. Oh yes…he’s a MORMON. We need to be very afraid of that very strange religion that teaches its members to be clean-living, patriotic, fiscally conservative, charitable, self-reliant, and honest (in full disclosure, many may or may not know that I am also a Latter-Day Saint – “Mormon” to some unfamiliar with our Church).

10. And one more point…pundits say because of his wealth, he can’t relate to ordinary Americans. I guess that’s because he made that money HIMSELF…as opposed to marrying it or inheriting it from Dad. Apparently, he didn’t understand that actually working at a job and earning your own money made you unrelatable to Americans.

BONUS 11. Gives millions of dollars to charity every year. How dare he waste that money on charity and church instead of giving it to the government in a time of great need.

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Within Romney’s statement today about the Colorado shooting:

Our hearts break for the victims and their families. We pray that the wounded will recover and that those who are grieving will know the nearness of God.

Today we feel not only a sense of grief, but perhaps also of helplessness.

But there is something we can do. We can offer comfort to someone near us who is suffering or heavy laden, and we can mourn with those who mourn in Colorado.

This morning, Colorado lost youthful voices which would have brightened their homes, enriched their schools and brought joy to their families. Our prayer is that the Comforter might bring the peace to their souls that surpasses our understanding.

The Apostle Paul explained, “Blessed be God who comforteth us in all our tribulations, that we may be able to comfort them which are in any trouble.”

Now, and in the hard days to come, may every one of them feel the sympathy of our whole nation and the comfort of a living god. There will be justice for those responsible, but that’s another matter for another day. Today is a moment to grieve and to remember, to reach out and to help, to appreciate our blessings in life.

Compare and Contrast Obama’s entire statement:

Michelle and I are shocked and saddened by the horrific and tragic shooting in Colorado.
Federal and local law enforcement are still responding, and my Administration will do everything that we can to support the people of Aurora in this extraordinarily difficult time.
We are committed to bringing whoever was responsible to justice, ensuring the safety of our people, and caring for those who have been wounded.
As we do when confronted by moments of darkness and challenge, we must now come together as one American family.
All of us must have the people of Aurora in our thoughts and prayers as they confront the loss of family, friends, and neighbors, and we must stand together with them in the challenging hours and days to come.

Lots of major differences.

There are no major differences, other than the fact that Obama has avoided specific sectarian references. That’s appropriate. He’s speaking as everyone’s President.

@Nan G:

Biggest difference?

Romney talks about God comforting the victims and victims’ families.

Obama talks about the federal government doing so.

Is there any more evidence that liberal/progressives believe government IS God and God IS government?

Yeah, just like the picture, I’ve heard Mormons have horns. 😉


other than the fact that Obama has avoided specific sectarian references.

God is a term used to define the supreme being, or beings, of every religion on earth, Greg. The closest Romney comes to a “specific sectarian reference” is to quote the Apostle Paul, as is consistent with his religion.

That Obama doesn’t mention any God is very telling, as well as his insistence that the federal government can provide the comfort the victims and victims’ families need at this time.


Yes, I should have clarified that Obama never mentioned the word God itself, although, as I commented to Nan, liberal/progressives have named their God as government.

I don’t want to hear specific religious references from Barack Obama. I certainly don’t want to hear them from Mitt Romney. Religion is not the business of government. If there were any Jewish fatalities in the theater last night, I very much doubt that St. Paul figures into their families’ thoughts and feelings.

Obama suggested that we have the people of Aurora in our thoughts and prayers. Good enough. We really should do that. And we shouldn’t be trying to use a tragedy to score political points while the families of the victims are still in shock. It’s unseemly, to say the least.

@Greg: I don’t want to hear specific religious references from Barack Obama. ….. Religion is not the business of government.

So, did it bug you to the point of quitting your support for Obama when he takes Bible verses out of context and tries to twist them into backing up his liberal agenda?

Like in this instance:

Obama claims he has crafted elements of his economic policies in line with Jesus’ teachings.

“And I think to myself, if I’m willing to give something up as somebody who’s been extraordinarily blessed, and give up some of the tax breaks that I enjoy, I actually think that’s going to make economic sense. But for me as a Christian, it also coincides with Jesus’s teaching that ‘for unto whom much is given, much shall be required.’”

The specific example Obama used is misapplied.
When Obama establishes a policy direction — and Congress follows it — his decisions don’t just affect him.
When he promotes increased taxation of “the rich,” he’s not merely giving up his own tax breaks as he implies — he’s also suggesting the government should be able to force others to pay more in taxes, as well.
Jesus, on the other hand, was discussing requirements from God, not the government, he was actually teaching his disciples that they were stewards of God’s gift of Revelation.
Their requirement was to spread the good news of Jesus Christ.
It’s the crux of Christianity that Obama seems to miss.

How about this one?


I believe in civil unions that allow a same-sex couple to visit each other in a hospital or transfer property to each other.
I don’t think it should be called marriage, but I think that it is a legal right that they should have that is recognized by the state.
If people find that controversial, then I would just refer them to the Sermon on the Mount, which I think is, in my mind, for my faith, more central than an obscure passage in Romans.
That’s my view.
But we can have a respectful disagreement on that.

Obama’s comment misrepresents Scripture in that they suggest that Paul’s stance on homosexual practice is somehow an oddity within the pages of Scripture.
The truth is you would be hard-pressed to come up with an example of consensual sexual relations that the witness of Scripture opposes more strongly, consistently, and absolutely.
Paul’s remarks were certainly not isolated.
Every law, narrative, proverb, poetry, metaphor, teaching, and exhortation in Scripture that has anything to do with sexual relations presupposes a male-female prerequisite.
Msgr. Pope heard about this and depicted Obama as painting a Jesus-as-hippie while ignoring that Jesus spoke powerfully about morality and sin, including sexual sin. He added, “There is much more to Christ’s teaching than simply the Golden Rule and the faithful must respect the overall trajectory of the Scriptures. The very definition of heresy is to “pick or choose.”

I could go on but I know you were not serious…..if it came back to bite you and Obama.

@Greg: Oh. You can be of a faith as President, but you have to keep it to yourself? That is not separation of Church and State. That is imposition of one ideology over another. Presidents are allowed to have faith and act on it, even if you don’t. Get over it.

And we shouldn’t be trying to use a tragedy to score political points while the families of the victims are still in shock. It’s unseemly, to say the least.

Oh, you mean like this?

There are no major differences, other than the fact that Obama has avoided specific sectarian references. That’s appropriate. He’s speaking as everyone’s President.

Unlike your guy, my guy was acting presidential. Yeah, no attempts at political point scoring there.

@Nathan Blue:

Dead on. Then again we are to be told that Obama’s former pastor isn’t a problem ,” while Mormons are? This is insanity from the left…

If Greg really wants a president who keeps religion out of his office he should hate Obama after today.
Who has read or heard Obama’s rhapsody to Islam today?

The main reason he gives to his church is so he won’t go to hell—that’s part and parcel with believing in God.

This post is a true example of why people reall y shouldn’t debate religion. Politics is divisive enough.
LIB#15 Ridiculous
NANG FA’s IST LADY OF ODS #13 #9#1 crazy
JG “For liberals God is govt” nonsense Visit my Methodist Church and tell my Pastor that. You’ll get an earfull

CJ Aren’t you lucky evangelicals have temporarily stopped calling your religion a cult—at least in public.

@Nathan Blue, #10:

Oh. You can be of a faith as President, but you have to keep it to yourself? That is not separation of Church and State. That is imposition of one ideology over another. Presidents are allowed to have faith and act on it, even if you don’t. Get over it.

Why do I suspect that the right would go totally berserk if Obama were to begin quoting Jesus’s comments about the dangers of seeking wealth and our obligations to the poor directly at them?

The right wants religion in government–provided it’s the sort of religion that they’re completely comfortable with. If someone suggested that the words of Christ should actually be taken seriously and literally, the right would immediately form up a mob to run him out of town on a rail as a political subversive. Jesus himself would likely be labeled a communist.


Can we assume that you also are no fan of George Washinton, John Adams, Benjamin Franklin or any of the other founders of this nation who put a large store into religion and God?

And perhaps you can tell me where Jesus condoned the stealing of a citizens income via the Roman sword which would have served at the equivalent of the IRS?

@Greg: Greg…..Mr. Romney speaks from his heart and soul mentioning his God as any person has the right to do. Mr. Obama has no God except Government much like I used to hear coming out of the old USSR. As far as the people of the Jewish faith are concerned I hardly doubt they have issues with Paul…who was a Jew just as Jesus was.

No Greg we don’t want religion to dictate laws but we are tired of liberals stripping out legal right of public worship to our God(s). Many of your preferences in how law and public should be are how current oligarchies behave. It literally states in the 1 st admendment that no law prohibiting or respecting a religion can be made. Your side have aggressively removed public worship and painted our side mad with some of your daily kos and moveon groups wanting us dead or imprisoned for just being of a faith they detest. Of course you ignored my earlier comments of theocracies, ruled by corrupt men grasping at power and sure there are theocratics like this in the States but how dare you little pile of puke try and claim the majority of the us population as that deprived. That assaults every ethnic group in America since Christianity is a major religion practiced by more than just white people, so are you a racist for making such a claim on the right?

@Liberal1 (objectivity): Why am I not surprised you have no clue….

@Greg: 1. He already has, 2. “The right wants religion in government–provided it’s the sort of religion that they’re completely comfortable with”, now just replace right with left, religion with government and government with religion, 3. “If someone suggested that the words of Christ should actually be taken seriously and literally, the right would immediately form up a mob to run him out of town on a rail as a political subversive. Jesus himself would likely be labeled a communist”, would you please provide the scripture to support this……I find it ironic the left wails about religion yet they are the same ones forcing religious groups to go against their religious beliefs…

@retire05, #20:

Try Mark:14 through Mark:17, as follows:

And they came and said to him, “Teacher, we know that you are true and do not care about anyone’s opinion. For you are not swayed by appearances, but truly teach the way of God. Is it lawful to pay taxes to Caesar, or not? Should we pay them, or should we not?”

But, knowing their hypocrisy, he said to them, “Why put me to the test? Bring me a denarius and let me look at it.”

And they brought one. And he said to them, “Whose likeness and inscription is this?” They said to him, “Caesar’s.”

Jesus said to them, “Render to Caesar the things that are Caesar’s, and to God the things that are God’s.” And they marveled at him.

Later, in Roman 13:7, someone gets even more specific. Old what’s-his-name. You know, that guy Mitt Romney quoted earlier today:

Pay to all what is owed to them: taxes to whom taxes are owed, revenue to whom revenue is owed, respect to whom respect is owed, honor to whom honor is owed.

People seem to forget that there’s a Christian left.

Wat to go, knew you’d get to that soon in an idiotic attempt of making yourself intelligent… Did you read into the context of Roman 13:7 or about the rest of it and why it came up? It was to address corrupt tax collectors but hey a moron is lecturing aces members about the good book he doesn’t want to be publicly worshipped in public..

you folks seem to enjoy trying to remove religion from everywhere including Govt. I got news for you take a trip around DC and you will quickly see that religion is everywhere. Try listening to a session of Congress…and that silly prayer they start out with….if you wish to totally remove it you will have to virtually knock down all the Govt. buildings and monuments (including washington’s monument) and start all over again….

@CJ: Spot on…+1

@CJ, #26:

You seem to be confusing the Christian left with vampires.

@Richard Wheeler:

JG “For liberals God is govt” nonsense Visit my Methodist Church and tell my Pastor that. You’ll get an earfull

The truth can sometimes hurt, Rich.

I give you credit for recognizing Lib1’s comment as ridiculous, though. There may be some hope for you yet.

@CJ: Keep in mind that although Rich singled out Evangelicals, he conveniently left out those on the left who have called your religion a cult as well. As a matter of fact, some of the regular lefties here have criticized, made fun of, or whatever, Romney not drinking and his “magical underwear” as they called it. Rich either missed that or is pretending it never happened. BTW, I’m not an Evangelical and most people who know me don’t consider me very religious either. It’s the hypocrisy that gets to me.

I dare not quote the New Living Translation of Romans 13:6 in public, out of fear that it might make someone’s head explode.

Biblio’s is an excellent reference, btw.

Who isn’t paying taxes Greg, besides Obama’s secretary of treasury, most of the FCC, and the other hypocrite dems?
And by the way, trying to bring Romans 13:6 into an argument with conservatives, especially from a lib is not very wise. The very peaceful Tea Party movement would have fallen very much in line with Paul’s teachings. The very non-peaceful OWS movement would not qualify I’m afraid.
And finally, Romans 13:6 was basically a bit*h slap to the Romans. Paul was saying that whether they knew it or not, the Roman authorities would answer to God for how they governed. In other words, Paul said don’t worry about them, God will take care of them later.

Romney is not going to be elected.

Its funny Christians on the right didnt pick up on the phrasing of Mitt’s language on the last paragraph. Any “True” christian would see the blasphemy contained..Now, and in the hard days to come, may every one of them feel the sympathy of our whole nation and the comfort of a living god.

There is only One Living God. Which Living god ( small “g” ) is he referring too. Brothers on the right, remove the wool off your eyes before casting stones!

Edward, you are not sure whether (had Romney written his statement out) Romney would have capitalized “God.”
When I looked for transcriptions of these statements, I took the first one that I found: the Huffington Post.
THEY are responsible for the printout.
They are the ones who failed to capitalize the word “God.”


I’ll echo Aqua’s sentiments, Greg. No one on the “right” is suggesting that people do NOT pay their taxes. To insinuate such is typical of a liberal/progressive who needs to lie and twist and spin to “prove” their point.

Thank you for being such a wonderful example of the intellectual dishonesty that liberal/progressives possess, Greg. You are an invaluable asset to FA.

Another Vet I singled out Evangelicals because as CJ and Mitt know they stopped his run to the nom. in 08. James Dobson and his Evangelical Council were absolutely anti-Romney simply because he was Mormon .Evangelicals stopped Romney in the very important South Carolina Primary. Ugly.

Supreme irony is same Evangels. started rumours against Mac. in o4. S.C. primary. You’ll remember rumours about his illegit black child. This to get evangelical “w” the win that propelled him to 04 nom over Mac.
Lefties can’t hold a candle to Evans. when it comes to distrust of Mormons
Would suggest S.C. holds too much power in Repub. primary process..

@Nan G, #36:

I suspect Edward wasn’t actually referring to the small letter g in the word god, but to Mr. Romney’s use of the article a instead of the. The theological issue is probably one vs. multiple gods. Most religious scholars deny that Mormonism is polytheistic. The descriptive word they use is henotheism.

Personally, I don’t see this as having any more importance than splitting hairs about how the Holy Trinity relates to the definition of monotheism. Others might consider it more significant.

@Richard Wheeler:

McCain was soundly rejected not because of false rumors, but because he is who he is, a RINO. He was rejected in favor of G.W. Bush, and then when he did garner the nomination, he was rejected in favor of a little known, mysterious junior Senator from Illinois.

You seem to think that only Evangelicals vote in Republican primaries and for Republican candidates.

Retire o5 Evangelicals well over 40% of Repub. South Carolina Repub. voters. This state and it’s anti Mormon voters turned on Romney in O8 –momentum to Mac.
In 2012 S.C. still anti-Romney—-momentum to Newt. This time Romney ready and with boatloads of money and VERY aggressive add campaign destroyed Newt in Fla.

John McCain is an honorable man. My initial dislike for George W. Bush stemmed from the thoroughly vile and dishonest tactics his campaign used against a Vietnam vet in South Carolina. The despicable Swift Boat attacks on the character of yet another decorated Vietnam veteran the next time around left absolutely no doubt in my mind about what sort of low political game the Bush people were willing to play. Apparently that sort of character attack has now become a standard tactic for the GOP in any election.

@Richard Wheeler:

So what? South Carolina is but one state and it certainly does not hold the power you seem to think it does.


I don’t want to hear specific religious references from Barack Obama.

Sorry, he’s dripping with them.

Islam, Islam, Islam

You know, part of the fabric of our lives. Integral to the founding of this country.

Thomas Jefferson’s real name was Muhammed Akbar Al-Jefferson, and he really looked a lot like Morgan Freeman.

@Greg: The GOP has not used the IRS as its Gestapo but democrats cannot live without such tactics.

@drjohn, #46:

The GOP has not used the IRS as its Gestapo but democrats cannot live without such tactics.

If the democratic party truly used the IRS politically, Mitt Romney’s tax returns for years before 2010 would have leaked by now, along with oddly missing 2010 forms detailing the specifics of his offshore accounts.

Apparently the Romney campaign believes that how a presidential candidate has conducted his recent financial activities reveals nothing important about his suitability for the nation’s single highest position of power, responsibility, and public trust.

Or, maybe they believe the exact opposite.

@Richard Wheeler: Looks like there will be a major effort to get the evangelicals out to vote this time instead of sitting out the election. Do you support the left chastising Romney’s religion as well? When Greg first addressed the underwear issue (the first I heard of it not that I care) in one of his posts criticizing Romney, I was waiting to see if you would say something given how much prejudice is such a hot button issue for you. You either missed it or gave it a pass. I could care less what Romney’s religion is. If he can reverse the disaster of the last three and a half years, he has my vote.


@Greg: The Swift Vet ads that caused Kerry to back off the claims of being in Cambodia on Christmas Eve 1968, or the backing off of claims of witnessing atrocities in VN, or the backing off of the claim of throwing his medals over the WH fence? Kerry has a serious credibility problem. There is probably a good bet that had he not come back and slandered his fellow Vets, there never would been a Swift Vets for the Truth organization. It’s called payback and had nothing to do with Bush. Notice how after Kerry lost the election they persisted in going after him during his re-election bid for senator? Benedict Arnold was one of our most successful Revolutionary War generals. Does that make him a hero given what he did? Whatever Kerry did or didn’t do in VN, pales in comparison to what he did when he came back to advance his new political career at the expense of the Vets who served and were still serving in VN.


Thomas Jefferson’s real name was Muhammed Akbar Al-Jefferson, and he really looked a lot like Morgan Freeman.

It’s funny when people are racist and Islamaphobic in the same sentence, and dress it up as patriotism. The thought of a Muslim or a black person as President sure can fill some of us with hilarious rage! It’s even better when you cleverly talk about a black Thomas Jefferson, since he owned black people… can you imagine?! Good one, Dr John. Another classic!

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