I’m not saying Barack Obama is a drug dealer, but if he was it would be a felony [Reader Post]


Hawaii Cocaine Laws

Code Section 329-14, et seq.; 712-1240, et seq.

Possession 1/8-1 oz.: Class B felony; 1 oz. or more: Class A felony; Subsequent offense: Class A or B felony based on quantity

Sale Any amount: Class B felony; 1/8 oz. or more, or any amount to a minor: Class A felony

The Obama campaign has repeatedly made references to Mitt Romney being a liar and a felon.

Obama deputy campaign manager Stephanie Cutter suggested that Mitt Romney may be a criminal on a conference call with reporters this morning about a Boston Globe report that shows that Romney stayed at Bain Capital three years past when he said he’d left.

Cutter said that there were two ways to interpret the story. The first: Mitt Romney was “misrepresenting his position” at Bain to the Securities and Exchange Commission, “which is a felony.”

Or, he was “misrepresenting his position at Bain to the American people. If that’s the case, if he was lying to the American people, that’s a real character and trust issue,” Cutter said.

Cutter called on the Romney campaign to clear up by the issue by releasing the candidate’s tax returns.

“If the SEC filings aren’t accurate, then prove it,” she said.

Bob Bauer, head lawyer for the Obama campaign and a former White House counsel, also implied that Romney could be in legal trouble. He said that SEC documents are “very carefully scrutinized by lawyers because of the very severe consequences that follow from making statements to the SEC that aren’t correct.”

“Of particular consequence would be a misrepresentation that involved a controlling person,” Bauer said, and “Romney is the controlling person.”

The Obama team’s charges against Romney extended all the way to his handling of the Salt Lake City Olympics, which Cutter described as “less than wholesome.”

“These aren’t just campaign tactics, this is important information,” Cutter said.

And that got me thinking. We know that Barack Obama’s so-called autobiography is more a work of fiction than fact. It contains composite figures and contrived events. So there may much more to Obama’s drug history than he is letting on.

Obama is an admitted and frequent user of marijuana and cocaine.

Obama, by all accounts, was a habitual drug user in high school. He tried cocaine, he admits in Dreams From My Father; he “tried drugs enthusiastically.” The Chicago Tribune reported back in 2007 that Obama thanked the “Choom Gang” in his high school yearbook; “chooming” was Hawaiian slang for smoking pot. The Honolulu Advertiser reported that Obama’s senior portrait “prominently displayed … A package of ‘Zig-Zag’ rolling papers and a matchbook.” One of Obama’s close friends was arrested for drug possession during high school.

In his memoir, Obama talked about routinely getting high. “Junkie. Pothead,” he wrote. “That’s where I’d been headed: the final, fatal role of the young would-be black man.” But, according to Obama, he only got high because he was contemplating deep matters: drugs could “push questions of who I was out of my mind.”

But where would he get the money for all this contraband? Dealing drugs would be one way. And apparently there are many unanswered questions about this. Jerome Corsi notes

Still, Obama has yet to answer questions whether he ever dealt drugs, or if he stopped using marijuana and cocaine completely in college, or whether his drug usage extended into his law school days or beyond. Did Obama ever use drugs in his days as a community organizer in Chicago, or when he was a state senator from Illinois? How about in the U.S. Senate? If Obama quit using drugs, the public inquiry certain to occur in a general election campaign for the presidency will most certainly aim at the when, how and why questions George W. Bush successfully avoided.

And Eric Bolling says that Obama may have admitted selling drugs:


(about the 3:45 mark)

And we have this video as further evidence of Obama’s continued drug use


In his year book, Obama acknowledged his drug supplier but not his own mother:

“Thanks Tut, Gramps, Choom Gang, and Ray,” Obama wrote, “for all the good times.”

Ray is identified as Obama’s pot dealer but who was his coke supplier? There are so many unanswered questions.

And whatever happened to Obama’s supplier Ray? Well, it wasn’t pretty.

One notable exception was Ray, the group’s pot dealer who, known for his ability “to score quality bud,” would years later be killed by a scorned gay lover armed with a ball-peen hammer.

There is no other information available about this crime.

I’m not saying Barack Obama was that scorned gay lover, but if he did kill Ray that would be a felony.

These isn’t just a campaign tactic, this is important information.

Just sayin’.

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From what Larry Sinclair says, Obama gives away cocaine in exchange for having his ”customer” do oral sex on him.
According to Larry Sinclair it happened twice in two days in Chicago in November 1999.
Maybe money was not the object.

From that photo of Obama’s Choom Gang any one of those guys could have been someone’s gay lover!
You’re all too cute.

This is a low-life gutter tactic, like asking someone in public if he still beats his wife. He may be the best husband in the world, but to the public, he is a wife beater. It is a shame our national politics have devolved to this Chicago/Illinois type of politics, but what can we expect with a Chicago Thug in the White House.

The difference between the accused wife beater and Obama is Obama has admitted to serious drug usage and our accused wife beater has never indulged. Obama has never declared he is drug free, why should we assume he is drug free now. Apparently, most drug users of limited means deal drugs to help support their drug usage. Therefore it is obvious Obama dealt drugs during his school years; unless, he was being supported by a gay lover or by someone from the Middle East.

Since the supplier for the Choom gang was gay, it is logical to assume he was the leader and how many straight gangs elect a gay leader?

There are many unanswered questions surrounding Obama, and until we have answers, we may assume the worst; we have come to expect no less from the Obama campaign.

If Obama admitted to using cocaine, isn’t that admitting you’re in possession which is a felony in Hawaii?

Nan, that is an incriminating interview. I think it is safe to assume we have a drug dealer and someone who trades drugs for sex in the White House; otherwise, Obama would prove he wasn’t a drug dealer.


It is a shame our national politics have devolved to this Chicago/Illinois type of politics, but way can we expect with a Chicago Thug in the White House.

And those of us who knew of Obama prior to his big speech at the 2004 Democratic Convention knew he was simply another Chicago political thug. Oh, if only the ignorant and proud would have listened.

Instead, because of ignorance and stupidity, we have a tyrant in the WH.


Good job Galt 🙂

… but if he did kill Ray that would be a felony.

Nan You’ve put yourself in the gutter with #!. Shame. I once thought you a lady with a semblance of class.
Skooks Marine, You and I know you’re much too talented to stoop to that “humour” Leave it to others to pull themselves down.
What is the wife beater reference?

@Richard Wheeler:
Sometimes the truth hurts, huh?
I warned you it was graphic.
Far be it from me to tell a gay man who trades sex for drugs with strangers how to express himself.

And I was raised in a Navy family.
We were all Navy.
I could out-cuss anyone, if I chose to.

If the MSM had done their job in ’07 and ’08 The One never would have been the nominee…likely Hillary would be in the White House today. The media fell in love with the concept of a black president and worked very hard to make it reality.

There is much about Obama we still don’t know. A long list of documents anyone else would have had to put out before they could run for the highest office is always required by the media. But not for this guy. Now we are paying the price.

There are open questions of fraud involving his LFBC, SS card, draft card, and his lack of college records…no other candidate could EVER have gotten away with this…but the media and the Republicans allowed him to…because the MSM wanted a left-liberal and the GOP was afraid of the media calling them racists.

The only good to come out of this is that the MSM has committed credibility suicide…they will never be trusted again.

Speaking of druggies, how ’bout Rush Limbaugh and that Oxycontin habit—all you ‘ditto heads’?

LibSlug you have us there, pain killers for a bad back and Crack Cocaine to live in a drug induced haze is the same thing. Oh, has BO ever quit the drugs or is he still using them. May we assume he is still trading sex for Coke.

Nan Is there ANY corroberation of convicted felon Sinclair’s fairy tale?
Are you a birther?

To all “Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt.” Honest Abe

Hey, our current Indiana governor Mitch Daniels is a former drug dealer. That’s not hypothetical. Like Rush, he was actually caught and arrested. Fortunately for Mitch, he was shown far more leniency than Rush advocates for others. Just as Rush was himself.

Obama wasn’t caught and arrested. That is a major difference, primarily of luck, Obama’s good luck and our bad luck.

Greg why do you lie when it is so easy to trip up liars these days.

Daniels was never implicated in selling the drugs, and has never hidden the incident. During his 2004 run for governor, a former roommate told the Indianapolis Star that Daniels “had nothing to do” with selling drugs, saying “I was busted.” The roommate went on to say he was no fan of then-President Bush and would have gladly offered unflattering information about a GOP candidate if he’d had it.

Prosecutors later dropped the stiffer charges against Daniels, and he pled guilty to a disorderly person charge based on his use of marijuana, paying a $350 dollar fine.

During his political campaigns, Daniels has discussed the arrest, and he held a security clearance during his time in the Bush and Reagan administrations; he has typically characterized it as a minor pot arrest, and typically doesn’t mentioning the initial acid charge.

Even before President Obama made elective office safe for the admitted use of, even, hard drugs, Daniels took back his assessment that he was finished for elective office.

Here is the Lie.

Hey, our current Indiana governor Mitch Daniels is a former drug dealer. That’s not hypothetical. Like Rush, he was actually caught and arrested. Fortunately for Mitch, he was shown far more leniency than Rush advocates for others.

There are Progressive and Socialist blogs that build great sources of false facts supplied by people like you. You will not be caught up in fact checking there and the empty headed sycophants will consider you to be a genius. You aren’t doing so well here.

The other things about this are from Obama himself.
He ”sat” in a church for 20 years without noticing the racist hatred of the sermons.
Maybe he was more focused on the choir leader.
There’s a rather graphic description of what this eyewitness saw and heard here:
But here’s the endgame:

I didn’t really make much out of it. I mentioned it in a joking way to some friends that I had interrupted some guys going at it in a conference room but never mentioned the name Obama when I did. Then I forgot about it pretty much until I was watching the news and saw that Obama was running for U.S. Senator. I figured whatever he was doing in his private life was hisbusiness though, and didn’t want to make any trouble for him. I actually agreed with his politics and voted for him. If he was gay or bisexual, I really could have cared less. Whatever issues he had with that were between him and his family and none of my business right? That’s how I felt. So I forgot all about what I saw on that night again. And I hardly thought of it when I heard Barack Obama was running for president.

That’s until I heard a news story coming from my television while I was making dinner. A man had been murdered. Shot numerous times at his home. I glanced up at the television and there was the now dead man’s face being shown. He looked older. Heavier. His hair was longer. But it was him. That was the same face that I had seen poke out from the conference room with Barack Obama about ten years earlier. The news report said he was a church choir conductor and school teacher. They didn’t mention it was the same church as Barack Obama. I found that out a short time later.

Other stuff, including Rev Wright’s creation of a ”down low club,” to matchmake for his gay black parishoners here:


Nan Incredible stuff you ‘re sending. You believe it? Pls. see again #12—— Are you a birther?

@Richard Wheeler:

Why do you keep asking if Nan is a “birther?” Can she not point out things about Obama that are questionable without being a “birther?” Is “birther” now the new “racist” that is lobbed for no other reason than to shut down any discussion that doesn’t canonize Obama?

@Richard Wheeler:
I believe there are people involved who believe it, RW.
As to being a ”birther,” I have long ago said that it would have been too weird that the newspaper published an announcement of his live birth without good reason.
Look at how papers’ policies were about that.
Many of them simply collected cold hard data from hospitals.
Parents were not even involved in the announcement.

Nan G. #18 Exactly right re. birth announcement. What reason to publish other than the truth? You say others believe Sinclair. How bout you?
Retire05 A little touchy today?

@Skook, #14:

I’m somewhat skeptical about the two shoe boxes full of marijuana, the LSD, and the stash of unauthorized prescription drugs all having been for personal use, or all having belonged to Mitch’s roomy. Whatever the case might have been, I don’t condemn Mitch Daniels for it. What I object to is the hypocrisy of ignoring it entirely–and of ignoring Rush Limbaugh’s little problem–while demonizing Barack Obama for youthful indiscretions that he openly admitted to.

@Richard Wheeler:

Don’t be too hard on retire…. She’s only crotchety on days ending in “y”.

@Richard Wheeler:
Let’s go back to the reason for this thread, shall we?
Do you ”get it?”
Obama allows his surrogates to say that exact type of thing about Romney and REFUSES to apologize.

So, I will publish what men who have known Obama say about him and I will not apologize either.

This is the fallacy of the loaded question.
The classic example is, ”When did you stop beating your wife?”
Is there ANY proper response?
The question itself contains an assertion assumed to be true.

Obama allowed his surrogates to behave in that way.
Shame belongs on him for that.
But to Obama’s credit he has at least added to his fallacy list of favorites.
There was a time when his over-use of the straw man was just too much!
Then, recently he added the bandwagon fallacy.
(You better climb on! Everyone else already has! WHERE???)

Nan K.I.S.S. For this campaign I’m gonna stick to what each candidate says PERSONALLY about the other. Novel idea?? I’m undecided and awaiting debates.

@Richard Wheeler: Maybe you will RW, but I’d wager whole bunch of Obama leaners are hanging on any word by ANY Obama mouthpiece as they tend to back up what these leaners already WANT to believe.

Oh, and RW, allow the FACT Checkers to affect you as well as the words out of the mouths of the candidates.
Obama put his word of approval on ads that have been roundly debunked as hogwash.

((ACH! My Keyboard!!!))

@Nan G:

Do you ”get it?”

No, Nan, Rich doesn’t “get it”. It is impossible for anyone with idol worship for Obama to “get it”.

If Rich “got it”, he’d have commented on the postings about Romney being a “possible felon” and denounced the Obama campaigns accusations just as he is doing here with accusations against Obama.

That he only denounces any suggestive “info” AGAINST Obama, and no one else, is consistent with someone who has fallen so far for Obama that they cannot possibly question anything about the man, and, will go to great lengths to defend him. Witness his question to you about being a “birther”, or his comment to Skook about “humour” that should be beneath him (due to his being a marine, whatever that has to do with).

Rich wants everyone to believe that he is an objective, somewhat independent person who tends to vote Democrat. Bullsh*t! Anyone who tries so hard NOT to consider any negative info or evidence against Obama is purely a partisan hack masquerading as something he is not.


Of course you are, Greg. And of course you aren’t even one little bit concerned about Obama’s past drug use, which is possibly quite a bit worse than what he has admitted to. What’s the difference between Daniels and Obama?

Oh yeah, that’s right. One is a proven liar who advocate taking from those who have earned it and giving to those he believes he can snooker into giving him their vote. A man who has taken tyranny, in the office of President of the United States, to an whole new level. A man who so casually lies about his political opponents that any objective, thinking being begins to immediately question the man’s truthfulness.

Yeah, I see the difference. You waive off any suggestion of unfitness for duty surrounding Obama as “nothing to see here”, while simultaneously making a mountain out of a molehill regarding any politician having an R by their name. You support a proven liar, Greg. What’s that make you?

@Liberal1 (objectivity): I had lost that empty feeling, now it’s back…..It’s a shame you don’t have any friends and have to result to posting items that have nothing to do with the thread simply to get a reply…If you are that detached and lonely, may I offer a suggestion?…Just go on line and sign up for free information on stuff, anything, then each day your mailbox will be filled with wonderous sales, specials and such!…Now eventhough this will not give you direct contact with people, it will make you feel as though you are connected in some way……On another note, I don’t recall Rush running for or being POTUS or running for any elected seat, so that would leave your statement empty…Oh, Oh, some guy on the radio did something!…Not sure how that equates to this, but I guess when you have nothing to run on…Secondly, Chairman Obama is a self-admitted drug user, he said it, not me, not the media, not Rush, he did, therefore he owns it….Not sure what the issue is with liberals pointing out what their saviour stated himself…Much akin to Dear Leader now stating he didn’t say “you didn’t get there on your own”, video and transcripts be damned!….

Obama had a free pass in 2008. Everyone was afraid to criticize the man for fear of being called a racist and sure enough, every negative point was met with righteous indignation and shrill cries of racism. However a strange thing happened, the term racist was so over used and used without reason, the word lost its stigma if not its meaning. Now, when we reverse Obama’s tactics and use the same gutter techniques, we hear cries of foul. It is not going to work this time around. If you keep poking the junkyard dog and he will jump up and bite you. Obama has reached the tipping point; he will get what he passes out and then some.

Republicans are tired of playing by a different standard and ignoring the low-ball strategy of Obama and company. We are no longer being directed by a bunch of country club RINOs from the Northeast, we have imagination and the power to make our feelings known and we can hit back hard. Don’t expect us to play nice-nice to a bunch of Chicago Thugs. Anytime one of us hits a nerve it will be blasted on millions of computers within twenty-four hours through a couple of hundred different Conservative web sites as the message evolves and improves with the imagination of thousands of creative Conservative bloggers. The old days of being wimps to dirty tricks and cheap politics are over; we have thrown off the 16 ounce gloves, it is bare knuckles now and no holds barred from here on.

If you can’t take the heat don’t use the dirty tricks. We aren’t stupid and there is a lot of creative ability within our ranks. Most of us have no plans of letting up when our opponent is knocked to the canvas. We are here to carry the fight to Obama from now on, he has all ready proscribed the rules and there aren’t any.

It is nearly impossible to stop a man when he knows he is right and we know we are right.

@Skook: Sounds like the bully in chief has folks a little bit irked!

Skooks If the Repub. Party nominee isn’t a “country club Rino’ WHAT IS HE.
J.G. Your continued accusatory descriptions of me keep me in great humour.
You guys keep on ranting and raving and threatening bare knuckled beatings
Childish and unbecoming.

BTW Nixon with his plumbers and bag men were the original dirty tricksters

@Richard Wheeler:

J.G. Your continued accusatory descriptions of me keep me in great humour.
You guys keep on ranting and raving and threatening bare knuckled beatings
Childish and unbecoming.

Who’s issuing threats of bare-knuckled beatings?

As for my “continued accusatory descriptions”, if the shoe fits, Rich, then wear it with pride.

My point, in my comment to Nan, was that you do not “get it”, referring to what she was intimating.

Show me where you have denounced the false accusations against Romney, Rich. I must have missed it.

Yet, you can be counted on, when someone says something negative or accusatory about Obama, to come here and defend your idol.

You cannot say that isn’t so, since one could easily point to the multitude of postings you have defending Obama.

And you say you are undecided (#23). That’s a hoot!

@Richard Wheeler:
RW, maybe I just know too many CA Republicans and not enough fly-over Republicans, but, so far, I have not heard even one Republican say he’ll have to ”hold his nose,” to vote for Romney.
I heard a whole bunch of that with Sen. John McCain, however.
Not one this time.

Rich, do you perceive this to be a threat?

The old days of being wimps to dirty tricks and cheap politics are over; we have thrown off the 16 ounce gloves, it is bare knuckles now and no holds barred from here on.

It is an analogy. A literary device used to illustrate an event with a more descriptive or dramatic comparison. I am familiar with the ring and often use its descriptive terms to illustrate my writing. If you feel threatened, you might be spending too much time with wimpy Liberals.


If the Repub. Party nominee isn’t a “country club Rino’ WHAT IS HE.

There are a multitude of problems with this sentence, other than not using a question mark, the misuse of quotation marks, and shouting with the caps.

I meant to refer to the old school RINOs of the East Coast who have been in control of the GOP for decades. They were responsible for our wimpy effort in 2008. Romney appeared to be cut from the same cloth (analogy); until, Obama rubbed his nose in the crap once too often, he now seems to be coming out ready for a fight.

In my opinion, Obama poked him with the sharp stick way too early in the campaign and left him with the choice of continuing to act like McCain or coming out of his corner to do battle. Obama has indirectly fired up the GOP base and shown Romney how to energize his campaign. It has been a series of miscues by Obama, who seems to believe in the small time political strategy and philosophy of Chicago, to surround yourself with incompetent but loyal political hacks. It works in the petty world of small time politics, but on the national and international stage you are perceived as an amateur.

Can I assume Flopping Aces will be entering this piece for the Pulitzer?

Skooks Romney is the classic RINO.. He’s white,wealthy,east coast,Ivy league educated and politically moderate. As mentioned, that’s exactly why he may win. Only die hard Conservs. would suggest someone like Perry or Cain or Sarah could win.
Nan G. Many Conservs. here at F.A. have indicated they will “hold their nose” and vote for Romney. To my knowledge, only Mata has the stones to say she won’t vote for the Mass. moderate RINO
Skooks An analogy? Kinda like “They bring a knife we’ll bring a gun” Got it.
J.G. With all the crap thrown at Obama,here at F.A. it would follow I’d spend some time disputing it.
You can be assured I’ve spent time defending Mac in the past.

@Richard Wheeler:

J.G. With all the crap thrown at Obama,here at F.A. it would follow I’d spend some time disputing it.

The problem is, you don’t just “dispute” it. You defend Obama’s words, actions, and past with little or no words other than to attack or condemn the posters who bring up the subjects. That’s not disputing the “crap”, Rich. All that is, is attempting to minimize the poster’s comments by minimizing their own person, which is why you asked Nan if she was a “birther”.

At least Greg and Larry attempt to dispute the accusations or characterizations of Obama with factual information, even if they have come to the wrong conclusions regarding those facts.

J.G There is no question that Larry,Greg and Tom are more erudite and better writers than I could ever be. I enjoy their political takes immensly.
From the right come Mata,Word and the incomparable Aye. He alone is worth the price of admission.
I feel it’s O.K. to question one’s beliefs and prior statements in order to better understand a current comment. I’d note you certainly allow some outrageous anti-Obama commentary to go unchastised. Mata and Aye will call out ANYONE, including me, when they feel it warranted. Props.

@Richard Wheeler:

I’d note you certainly allow some outrageous anti-Obama commentary to go unchastised.

That is certainly a valid comment, Rich, and an accusation that I will own up to.

As for this;

I feel it’s O.K. to question one’s beliefs and prior statements in order to better understand a current comment.

That’s fine, except for the fact that you never attempt a discussion about the comment, or statement, itself, but continually, and consistently, attempt a discredit of the person issuing the comment, or statement, rather than the comment, or statement, itself.

Try researching and defending Obama against statements and comments that address the statements and comments we make, Rich. It could be very enlightening for you.

J.G. Don’t you think it a waste of my time to research uncorroberated statements from a convicted felon like Sinclair?
People here seem to think it O.K. and even humorous to post that crap. What say you?

@Richard Wheeler:

I think it is worth anyone’s time to find out as much as possible about someone before throwing their support behind them. And yes, even if the info, or “facts” come from a convicted felon. No one said that you have to take that person at their word, Rich. But any objective, thinking person will consider ALL evidence, even if the evidence comes from a questionable source.

You haven’t done so with Obama, Rich, and you show it everyday by continuing to blindly support a proven liar like Obama. And you don’t even have to accept what I say about Obama. You can read and listen to Obama in his own words and compare that against his actions to verify he is a proven liar. Yet you don’t. Why?

J.G With great distain and righteous indignation you virtually sceam across the page Obama is a PROVEN LIAR. Me thinks you doth protest too much.
Understandably you disagree with his politics and his policies which leads you and others to get very personal. John,truth is polls show most Americans actually like him personally
Politics is a dirty game.Lets see how he stands against Mitt a man accused of lying by the other side.
Current polls show him trailing BHO badly in likeability quotient.