According to Wikipedia, affirmative action began in 1961 when JFK signed Executive Order 10925 which required federal agencies “take affirmative action to ensure that applicants are employed and that employees are treated during employment without regard to their race, creed, color, or national origin”. For the subsequent half century the United States has been debating in universities, workplaces and ultimately in the courts about what Affirmative Action means and what's acceptable in its execution – from 1978’s California v. Bakke and 1979’s U.S. Steel Workers v. Weber to 2003’s Gratz v. Bollinger and 2009’s Ricci v. DeStefano.
Barack Obama's election has taken affirmative action to its ultimate destination. What is that ultimate destination? Failure. Why? Because it puts race at the heart of a decision that should have nothing to do with race.

How else does one explain the treatment that the press and the public gave to Barack Obama in the run-up to the 2008 election? In 1992 Bill Clinton felt his campaign was sufficiently in peril to tell the New York Times the preposterous tale: “When I was in England, I experimented with marijuana a time or two, and I didn't like it. I didn't inhale, and never tried it again.” Eight years later George Bush’s campaign was almost torpedoed by an “October Surprise” involving his arrest for driving under the influence of alcohol. Indeed his campaign also endured numerous questions about his possible cocaine use. And it didn’t stop with the campaign. As late as January 2007 the Huffington Post featured a piece suggesting the country’s problems were due to the mainstream media not being sufficiently diligent in pursuing Bush’s alleged drug use.
Fast forward a month to February of 2007, when Barack Obama announces that he is running for president. Candidate Obama was quite clear about his drug use, writing in his 1995 memoir Dreams From My Father: I spent the last two years of high school in a daze, locking away the questions that life seemed insistent on posing. I kept playing basketball, attended classes sparingly, drank beer heavily and tried drugs enthusiastically. Suddenly the notion of drug use being a disqualifier for the Presidency, or, frankly, something the press was remotely interested in, seemed to vanish.

There is something about that Obama quote that is even more interesting than his admitted drug use: “I spent the last two years of high school in a daze.” The reason why this is of such great interest is the fact that after those two years of “enthusiastic” drug use Obama was able to go on and attend Occidental College then Columbia and Harvard. One might wonder how a student who spent his last two years in high school in a drug induced daze could go on to gain acceptance into two of the most selective universities on the planet. Of course it could be that Barack Spicoli was like one of those oft talked about but rarely seen kids who were so bright that they never had to study but were still somehow able to earn straight A’s or one of those students who didn’t bother with school because it wasn’t challenging enough then went on to earn a perfect score on the SAT. While that may be a possibility, from what we’ve seen from Barack Obama as President, it seems unlikely.
Without benefit of seeing his application or the acceptance committee's notes, this is admittedly pure speculation, but I’m guessing Barack Obama gained entrance into Columbia and Harvard as part of some affirmative outreach program, the private / semi-government version of affirmative action.
Unfortunately in 2008 the American people took affirmative action, or affirmative outreach to an entirely new level. While many of us were very disappointed with the GOP candidate, the reality is, by any objective measure, John McCain was far more qualified for running the government and leading the nation than was Barack Obama. Frankly, even Hillary Clinton was much qualified than Obama. Of course elections are rarely just about qualifications. In 2008 Barack Obama won the Presidency because he was, in the words of Joe Biden “the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy”. In a country where “diversity” seems to have taken on the air of holy writ everywhere from schools to Hollywood to corporate mission statements, Americans were understandably interested in demonstrating that a black man could become president. If nothing else, it would demonstrate just how far we’ve come from the scourges of slavery and Jim Crow.
The problem with that however, like affirmative action itself, is that it changed the pitch of the playing field. While Barack Obama was ostensibly qualified for the Presidency as determined by the Constitution, he was hardly a man well qualified to lead the most powerful and dynamic nation in the history of man. Apparently, however, other than as Joe Biden had characterized him. Heck, even President Reagan's speech writer Peggy Noonan thought it was “a big deal!”
While affirmative action on its face is a travesty, it’s not always a disaster. In college I had a friend who was offered a high paying job right out of school. He was having something of a dilemma in that he wasn’t sure that he wasn’t being hired as part of some kind of outreach program because he was black, although there was nothing to suggest that he was. Indeed, just the opposite, my friend was one of the smartest students in the class – but alas, that’s another downside of affirmative action, it often makes people question the source of someone else’s success – or sometimes even their own. I responded “Who cares?” He hadn’t asked for special treatment and he had no control over the company’s hiring decisions. I told him that in the big picture it didn’t really matter. He would be successful or not based on his skills and his performance rather than the color of his skin. Even if they had brought him on board as an effort to diversify their workforce, corporations are rarely suicidal and if his work didn’t justify his continued costs he would be out on his ear. We lost touch but I have no doubt he was very successful.
While Barack Obama was an affirmative action / outreach choice for many Americans, he didn’t have to be a disaster. Unfortunately for all of us however, he has been. From his incompetence on the handling of the economy to his unwillingness to adapt to changing conditions to his ham handed power grab called Obamacare, Barack Spicoli was never equipped for the demands of the US Presidency. The reality of that should be obvious to most Americans by now.
There may however be a silver lining to this Fast Times in the White House debacle: Perhaps Americans will finally see that affirmative action – including those programs that seek to lower standards in order to promote unqualified candidates, and those that seek to insert race or gender or any other immaterial characteristics into the decision making process – is nothing more than a recipe for disaster. Once America gets back to judging people on the quality of their work, the competence they exhibit and the strengths they bring to the table, or as someone else put it a bit more eloquently almost 50 years ago: “a nation where they (his four little daughters) will not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character;” the better off we will all be, black and white and everyone in between.
See author page
For ANYONE who even wants to entertain the idea that Obama is just so naturally bright that he could float through 2 years of high school and get great grades, read an example of his writing:
“Since the merits of the Law Review’s selection policy has been the subject of commentary for the last three issues, I’d like to take the time to clarify exactly how our selection process works.”
In school we LEARN (if we are paying attention) to make our subject and our predicate agree.
Obama’s subject is ”merits.”
That is plural.
Obama’s verb (predicate) is ”has been.”
That is singular.
Proper would have been either, ”Merit has,” or Merits have.”
In the same letter (to the Harvard Law Review WHILE Obama was its President!) Obama makes that same basic grammar error two more times!
This is while he is in post-grad college!
Without a teleprompter Obama would be a speck in President Hillary Clinton’s rear view mirror!
Am I a ”racist” for pointing this out?
Should we change the English Language around so that Obama is correct?
Affirmative action is racist!! Lean towards one direction and away from the other.
Money quote: “Barack Obama’s election has taken affirmative action to its ultimate destination. What is that ultimate destination? Failure. Why? Because it puts race at the heart of a decision that should have nothing to do with race.”
I love that line. I want your permission to post it on Facebook with attribution to you, the author.
Money quote: “Barack Obama’s election has taken affirmative action to its ultimate destination. What is that ultimate destination? Failure. Why? Because it puts race at the heart of a decision that should have nothing to do with race.”
I love that line. I want your permission to post it on Facebook with attribution to you, the author.
@Jarhead68: Thanks very much. Post away!
President Kardashian is a mindless, dope-filled puppet of Soros. He is the man behind the curtain in the Wizard of OZ.
The lamestream media and the left-wing dims will go down in history as evil, useful idiots.
Washington Post editor and biographer David Maraniss, shreds Obama as a 34-year-old liar when he wrote ”Dreams From My Father,” in 1995.
Investors’ Business Daily has a lead editorial about this.
It includes:
Some say there are 38 big lies that David Maraniss exposed by his research into Obama’s first book.
Seems the vetting is finally being done, just 40 + months too late.
Once again one of my ideas for a post gets scooped by a fellow blogger. Nicely done, Vince.
“Barack Spicoli” – brilliant, dude!
How many rubber chicken events has Obama been to where rich white guys and gals nosh on tough meat with knives and forks while he eats then speaks?
But AFFIRMATIVE ACTION means equal treatment for Hispanics, doesn’t it?
So, why did Obama demand that not only that no knives even be on their tables, but that all forks be confiscated before Obama came out to speak to the National Association of Latino Elected and Appointed Officials?
Obama doesn’t trust ELECTED Hispanics and their mates?