Barack Keeps Clicking Those Ruby Slippers

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Dorothy was a child and she was in her dream world for a short time: Barack is an adult and he’s clicking the Hell out of those Ruby Slippers. We can at least give him credit for persistence; he still believes he can make believe and things will actually happen.

In the Fantasy World of Obama, we can beat the high fuel prices, that he mandated for us at the beginning of his presidency, by pumping up our tires and tuning our cars or we can buy an electric car no one wants. Unfortunately, the car catches on fire while charging and might burn your house down, but it is an acceptable risk in the Fantasy World of Obama, a price we must pay for a clean environment.

He and his energy Secretary believe a good energy policy is one that increases the price of gasoline, rather than securing America’s energy independence. Their schemes are working, but not fast enough to suit Obama.

Obama insists that other countries dirty up the planet; otherwise, we might be burdened with jobs and environmental controls, and we might once again create wealth. Now, other countries will be burdened with jobs and eventually they will realize they should impose environmental controls on themselves, while they wallow in the wealth that once belonged to America.

Our young people, who once prepared for productive careers in industry, now study to secure government jobs. The idea of creating wealth is repugnant to them. They dream of service and of being public servants like Barack and Michelle as they fly around in separate jets an hour apart.

In the Fantasy World of Obama, he was once a statesman, voting against raising the Bush debt ceiling by four trillion dollars in eight years, it was his patriotic duty, but that was in the past and times change. Now, those who vote against tripling that amount in three years are unpatriotic opportunists who don’t have the best interests of America in their heart.

A million or more young Iranians were protesting their government’s authoritarian theocratic rulers and being shot in the streets; yet, they were hoping, even expecting to be acknowledged by Barack. Unfortunately, they were nothing but fools to Barack; he favors the idea of Islamic fascists having the nuclear advantage. The protesters were considered a nuisance to him and their government.

But when the Palestinians protest the building of a few hundred apartments by Israelis in the Jerusalem suburbs, it is time for Super Barack to be the champion of the oppressed and damn those Israeli settlers straight to Hell in an official presidential condemnation of their subversive activities.

The Fantasy World of Obama allows for him to be apoplectic over the idea of imprisoning terrorist leaders in Guantanamo, but killing them with drones is a service to mankind. If the families, friends, and a few innocent bystanders are blown into pulpy fibers, it is to be accepted as collateral damage.

Guantanamo still houses prisoners, but they are Obama’s prisoners now, a much better situation, indeed.

The Fantasy World of Obama makes allowances for job creation, since Barack has been struggling against the increasing use of ATMs and the subsequent loss of jobs. It became a major hurdle to create enough jobs to keep up with the massive lay offs resulting from automation and the phasing out of countless bank tellers.

He, who has never reduced himself to the level of having a job in private industry, found it easy to castigate Americans for becoming “soft” and “lazy”, but he has managed to put 50 million Americans on food stamps and extended unemployment benefits to 99 weeks.

In the Fantasy World of Obama, we ridicule those who say America is exceptional and praise the Islamic World as great innovators and humanitarians, people to whom Barack will take every opportunity to apologize for American transgressions of the past.

In his fantasy world, we are supposed to listen to men like Warren Buffet and Bill Gates explain to us lesser Americans how we should accept the responsibility of paying higher tax rates as a civic responsibility, while they spend hundreds of millions trying to prevent paying their share of taxes.

By stepping through the looking glass into Obama’s Fantasy, business is encouraged by Obama acquiescing to union demands and trying to shut down an airplane factory in a right to work state and by clamping down on a small guitar factory. In either instance the supremacy of the state is reinforced and American Capitalists are made to realize the awesome power of Obama’s Fantasy World. Where Liberals like former New Jersey Governor Jon Corzine can wreck a company like MF Global and lose $600 million and be free as a bird, but investing in corporate jets is a waste of other people’s money. Yet flying around on personal commercial jets to the vacation spots of the rich and famous, courtesy of the taxpayers is a sensible waste of someone else’s money.

It’s a strange world, this Fantasy World of Obama, where a dictator can be hunted down like a mad dog for threatening to kill his people, but another dictator who kills his people by the thousands is behaving poorly and is being viewed unfavorably by the rest of the world.

Yes, a fantasy world is full of fantasy and peculiar events, but Americans have grown weary of the fantasy, four years is a long time to let someone dictate the fluctuating boundaries and rules of a game called the Fantasy World of Obama.

It is the continuing fantasy of Obama’s game that keeps him performing a role, there is no intellect involved. He can’t analyze history or theory, data or statistics. He is incapable of developing policy; he leaves that to underlings.

In his Fantasy World there are only two types of people, Elites who rule and the ruled; the ruled should accept their fate and worship their Savior Obama. There is no commitment to bettering the lives of anyone, besides his cadre of bundlers and contributors. The advantage of Socialism for Obama is that it defines and delineates the Elites and the ruled. Thus he continually strives to control Americans, making them dependent on him, for he will provide them with a “Better Life,” through government and public service.

If they accumulate wealth or even affluence, they become independent and no longer need to rely on the Savior Obama. It is imperative that citizens not be equal to him, he must always maintain an advantage, to do this he will perform for you. He will make you think he is charming, witty, a warm person, who cares for you and others. But he is only campaigning to maintain his personal fantasy of self, in the Fantasy World of Obama.

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OMG!!!! Can November get here fast enough??!?!?! I cannot believe the stupid people in this country…who voted for this ahole in the first place…

My fear is what BHO and his group might do in October to help his re-election. They seem dillusional enough that nothing would be off the table.

You got it right, Old Guy.
EVERYTHING is political now. The Lance Armstrong investigation. The endless WH leaks. The crackdown on the States. The prohibition of oil drilling. The awards to politically connected “Green” companies. The Death lists, where the O decides who lives and who dies. The Seals, who now are part of the Committee to Re-Elect the One (CREEO). The Hollywood elites, who read the scripts given them by Axelrod. The $800,000 per inmate expended at Guantanamo.
Everything is to show that Obama is tough.
He is really tough. Yes, sir. It takes a tough guy to read whatever is on the teleprompter, without regard to accuracy, phrasing, pronunciation, or relevance. It takes a tough guy to recycle old speeches which weren’t that good in the first place.
So just you wait. You haven’t seen anything yet. You thought Nixon’s campaign was sleazy? This will be a Chicago campaign, with ringers voting in every precinct, backed up by armed New Black Panther thugs.
Dirty tricks? They have not started yet.
But they will. They will.

Told you before and I will tell you again..muslim terrorist living at 1600…..

@Old Guy:

oblamo will do anything to get 4 more years to destroy America!

Will President Kardashian declare Marshall Law? Declare elections null and void?

In this post, Skook only tell half the tale. For the other side of the story, substitute the word ‘Socialist’ with ‘Fascist’, add the names of a few power hungry multi-millionaire/billionaire Republicans, and thank God for it all.