Pathological Liars Disregard Integrity


Senatorial Hopeful, Elizabeth Warren's Grandmother Drove A Wagon In The OK Land Rush Of 1898, At Two Years Of Age

Among liberals, integrity and honesty seem to be little more than campaign slogans. Warren and Obama have no reservations about lying when it comes to their past or personal history. Ms Warren is once again caught up in her own lies and the MSM and the Liberal faithful seem to be unconcerned; actually, they are repeating the lies without fact checking, but the rest of America is wondering if they are willing to trust another pathological liar in a position of authority.

The day after she announced her candidacy for U.S. Senate, Democrat Elizabeth Warren told the convocation at UMass-Boston: “My grandmother drove a wagon in the land rush to settle territory out west. It was 1889, she was 15 years old…She lived to be 94, to see her youngest grandchild, that's me, graduate from college…”. Warren's maternal grandmother died in 1969, the year before Warren graduated from college, and her paternal grandmother was only 2 years old in 1889.

Obviously, Ms Warren didn't major in math and figures the rest of us can't do simple arithmetic, but perhaps the story of her grandmother is a composite of women, much like the story of Obama's girl friends in his fanciful biography.

Artistic and creative license is the pejorative of the novelist, and that is why novels are designated as fiction. Fiction that is passed on as fact is nothing more than lies. The Progressive Democrats seem to believe that lies used to advance political agendas are justified; Karl Marx elaborated on this idea by writing that the ends justify the means.

The pathological liar, the ones who will lie when the truth would serve them better, use the same criteria for their obsession with lying, but they can't explain their lies and become frustrated when people repudiate their lies. The pathological liar lives in a fantasy world, and they resent it when they are confronted with reality. That is why Obama and Warren will never apologize or admit their lies, to them fantasy is real and it is disrespectful for anyone to challenge them with the truth, facts, or reality.

The US is overwhelmed with pathological liars and the people have lost faith in our government because of the culture of lying that is tolerated within the Democrat Party. Now is the time for the people of Massachusetts to ask themselves if they are ready to vote for a pathological liar and be represented by such a patently dishonest person.


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It took over ten years but FACT won over fiction (revised history) when it came to the lie that Cleopatra was a black-African queen.
I STILL meet blacks who believe those lies.
But the idea of lying and passing it off as truth has not abated.
Maybe Liz Warren ought to simply accept that her mom and dad lied to her a lot.
And that SHE (not we) is so gullible as to swallow whatever they were dishing out.
Maybe Liz ought to just stop pretending what mythology her parents told her about her past has any resemblance to the truth.
Is she smart enough to do that?

The story of Ms. Warren’s grandmother is reminiscent of Al Gore telling the lie about his mother singing him to sleep as a babe with the “Union label” ditty.

Verifiable lies and people still choose to support them.

There were at one time two seperate kingdoms in Egypt The Northern Kingdom which was of the white (“Arabian”) racial stock, and The Southern Kingdom (Nubia) Wich was of African racial stock.

In 1500 BC, Egypt conquered all of Nubia, forging a great empire that stretched all the way from the Euphrates in Syria to the 5th Cataract of the Nile. For over 500 years, Egypt’s wealth made the Pharaohs of the New Kingdom, like Tutankhamun, the most powerful rulers on the face of the earth. They built huge monuments throughout Egypt and Nubia, such as the famous temple of Abu Simbel.

While it is certainly possible that some of the Pharaohs might have taken Nubian women as harem girls and even “Might” have selected one to be queen, there is no credible evidence that Cleopatra was Nubian (Black). This is no doubt some put forth by the same people who suggest that Jesus “the Christed” was of Black stock. (The closest any have been able to determine is that if there was any “Black” blood in his ancestral lineage it was only 1% if that.) Jesus’ lineage was of the House of David. We know that Solomon had many wives, as did many of the other Hebrew Kings, but there simply isn’t any evidence that supports a theory that one of these wives was “Black” and that Mary was descendant of this hypothetical “Black” wife.

Cleopatra was the last of the Ptolomies. She spoke Greek and learnt Egyptian. Its not hard to debunk Al not so Sharpton’s revised history of the homo Greeks and the “industrious” black tribes.

My revised history states that Cleopatra’s last words were:
” Asp me no questions and tell me no lies”. This was the start of Ebonics.

“a lie can travel halfway around the world while the truth is still putting on it’s shoes” Mark Twain
BHO was born in Kenya

“Warren and Obama have no reservations …” Pun intended? Heh.

It is the seasoning that makes a meal more enjoyable or life more interesting.

I wonder if your icon is a portrait of Twain; if it is, your fascination with the pun might be explained by one on the great punsters.

no circumstances, however dismal, will ever be considered a sufficient excuse for the admission of that last and saddest evidence of intellectual poverty, the Pun

Mark Twain

Rich, both Mr and Mrs seemed to be comfortable promoting that lie, before it became an inconvenient lie.

@Skookum: ‘Tis indeed Twain, long deceased. I, never the Twain shall meet.

@Richard Wheeler: Were not those BHO’s words to his publisher?

Skook, Warren would make a good book end to her “sister” in truth, Nancy Pelosi! SAN Fran NAN never heard that the CIA was using agressive interrogation.

Twain is one of my favorites, along with Shakespeare, Melville, and Hemingway, in chronological order of course. They all have the ability to plant the richness of the English language deep within the mind and cultivate away the crassness of modern expression. I don’t like Hemingway as a man, and not much is known of Shakespeare, but it is their ability to express themselves that I admire.

We seem to be creating tangents, but the commentary has slowed. It is Saturday and I am a member of the POETS (Piss On Everything Tomorrow Is Saturday) and we have a special contempt for Saturday and Friday for that matter.

Randy, yes, that was rich. The criminally stupid are granted dispensation for ignorance; especially, when they represent San Francisco. They can be briefed by the CIA and deny that the meeting ever took place. Pelosi wears her lies and stupidity as a badge of honor and courage. It takes nerve to stand up to the facts armed with nothing more than outrageous lies, while using stupidity as a shield.

It was not my intention to take the discussion off on a literary tangent, but using the “R” word with Fauxcahontas was just too rich to pass up, even if ‘t were unintended on your part.

I agree on Shakespeare and Hemingway, though my high school memories of slogging through Moby Dick are not that fond. He seemed to lose me right after “My name is Ishmael”. But those who conjure and evoke the transcendent majesty of the English language, seemingly without effort, have always been objects of my admiration.

And, I confess, in college, my compatriots named a genre of puns after me…

Randy The words were published in a brochure. Doubt if BHO wrote them and don’t honestly know if he OK’D them.

Proof, you should try Melville once again, now that you have your trusty laptop. I read Moby Dick every Christmas and receive new inspiration with each reading. Even the line, “My name is Ishmael” has hidden meaning. It is said that all human emotion is hidden within the prose of Moby Dick.

my name is ishmael
i come from the desert
where i was abandoned with my mother
by a man whose face i no longer remember
although the defeat shouldered on his back
as he walked away will never leave my mind

My entendres are but clumsy and crude attempts to amuse my readers: for instance, reservations not only refer to the land grants given native people, but the calls to hold a temporary housing as well.

Melville perfected the entendre, but Shakespeare was a master, but you must study the early 17 th Century English to know of the little things, for example: not only was a cobbler a mender of soles, but cobblers were also early psychiatrist types, and also qualified as menders of souls. Thus when a man asked another about his occupation and the reply was that he was a cobbler, the inquisitor became frustrated and asked for a concise reply. He would reply that he was a mender of souls/soles; since, the word was spoken and not written, there was obvious confusion and humor. Remember, there were many earthy pleasures next to the Globe. The Rose was a brothel next door, but a Rose was a common name for a woman’s most intimate part. Thus in Romeo and Juliet, the word Rose takes on a new richer meaning.

it is nor hand, nor foot,
Nor arm, nor face, nor any other part
Belonging to a man. O! be some other name:
What’s in a name? that which we call a rose
By any other name would smell as sweet;
So Romeo would, were he not Romeo call’d,
Retain that dear perfection which he owes
Without that title. Romeo, doff thy name;
And for that name, which is no part of thee,
Take all myself.

William Shakespeare

Remember the patrons of the Globe had the option to be entertained by bull baiting, public execution, the public flogging of naked women, dog fights, and even more earthly pleasures like those of the Rose.

These public school teachers who read over the risqué and pornographic passages, while missing the true meaning to capitalize on the poetic nature of the surface, is like admiring a flowered tablecloth and missing the superb walnut table beneath the cloth.

@Richard Wheeler: So what you are saying, is that someone who has proven himself to be so self centered, did not proof read a brochure about himself and allowed those words to go unchallenged for 15 years or whatever it was? Sounds like a bit of a stretch of the imagination. Would you, Rich, proof read a brochure that was about your biography? If so, if you found something that was blatantly wrong, would you correct it or let it go on to be published? He was either born in Kenya as stated in the borchure or he didn’t bother to challenge it because he figured he could get more gain from it than by stating he was born in the U.S. without considering the future consequences of his actions.

Rich, are you familiar with the instances when Mrs O said her husband was born in Kenya. Was this for theatrical effect or was she confused?

Skooks and A.V. Not familiar with anytime Mr. or Mrs. STATED he was born in Kenya. Sources please.

@Richard Wheeler: RW: I had posted a video of Michelle here, a year ago April. (I updated the video just now, since the original had been taken down by You Tube). The money quote was: “Barack has lead by example. When we took our trip to Africa and visited his home country in Kenya…”

@Skookum: I’ll give Melville another shot. I thought he’d jumped the shark when that gal and then the stentorian Jean Luc Picard were quoting him in Star Trek: First Contact…

@proof: I started Moby Dick in 7th grade and went to the comic book after “call me …” I now do that with our presidential speeches. Storage Wars is much closer to the truth!

@Richard Wheeler: I never said he or his wife claimed that he was born in Kenya. What I stated was, that he allowed a brochure to be printed stating that he was. It means it was either true or he allowed it to be published that way for personal gain without looking at the future consequences. I take it you are not going to answer the questions I posed to you about whether or not you would proof read a biography about yourself before it went to print and whether or not you would make changes to it if there was something wrong with it.

@Richard Wheeler: Michelle says Barack’s Home country is Kenya – full statement

That was an easy one, Rich.

Now let me steal some of your thunder. She said his home country, not that he was born there. But really, before you go down that road, why would a country you weren’t born in, be your home country? He’s lived the majority of his life in America, so you can’t even say that she was referring to him calling Kenya his home country because of prolonged residency.

I’m not a “birther” by any means, and I detest that pejorative; but why are there so many unanswered questions surrounding this man?

Because, evidently he has things he wants to hide.

They are progressives. The “truth” is a variable. Did you never study dialectical materialism?

BO admitted to being a Kenyan back in 2004 when he was running for the Senate in IL… He said it didn’t matter that he was Kenyan, he was running for the Senate and not for the presidency. Just recently there were links to both MO and BO’s statements at MOTUS, I believe…

Proof: I had to commune with some horses and just finished. This line was gretat

I thought he’d jumped the shark when that gal and then the stentorian Jean Luc Picard were quoting him in Star Trek: First Contact…

There are many excellent quotes, but I had no idea he was being quoted in deep apace, at warp 9. My goodness, he would enjoy that, I’ll wager.

That is a rich one, I will need to look it up. Hubba Hubba Thanks

Proof: I found it.

Captain Jean-Luc Picard: And he piled upon the whale’s white hump, the sum of all the rage and hate felt by his whole race. If his chest had been a cannon, he would have shot his heart upon it.

One of my favorite quotes, but who among us has not felt rage.

The standard whaling crew had a mixture of races and religions; with heathen sleeping next to Christian. In this quote, the term race refers to the human race, a much more practical definition of the word.

@Skookum: If there’s one thing I learned from Star Trek, the Next Generation, it’s never trust a Frenchman with an English accent who quotes American authors! Heh.

To the left, lying is a feature not a bug. The only problem with Warren’s lie is that it wasn’t big enough. To get a lot of people to believe it you need a really big lie….like Mann-made global warming.

Proof: Sound reasoning and logic will always win the distance. A Frenchman with an English accent is a dubious character in the best of situations.

“A good laugh is a mighty good thing, and rather too scarce a good thing; the more’s the pity. So, if any one man, in his own proper person, afford stuff for a good joke to anybody, let him not be backward, but let him cheerfully allow himself to spend and be spent in that way. And the man that has anything bountifully laughable about him, be sure there is more in that man than you perhaps think for.”
― Herman Melville

“A smile is the chosen vehicle of all ambiguities. ”
― Herman Melville

“Better to sleep with a sober cannibal than a drunk Christian.”
― Herman Melville, Moby Dick

“Our souls are like those orphans whose unwedded mothers die in bearing them: the secret of our paternity lies in their grave, and we must there to learn it.”
― Herman Melville, Moby Dick

Some of my favorites, including this more recent one:

@Skookum: “A smile is the chosen vehicle of all ambiguities. ” Good one!

I worked for the winner’s father, and I am here to tell you, this wagon racing is too tough a business for two year old girls. I don’t care what Elizabeth says about grandmother, it just win aint possible.

Choey, good point! it is much easier to dispute a two year old in a cross country wagon race, than anthropogenic global warming.

Having slogged trough these comments I fully understand why so liberals still insist Cleopatra was black.
But now my nw keyboard is messing up for no reason, so, anon….

@Ditto: Connery’s good. Talk about acting, though, how hard must it have been for that American actor to play a really, really smart guy?

Anticsrocks Do you think Michelle believes BHO was BORN in Kenya? Ofcourse you don’t or you WOULD be a birther.

Plainjane31 re#26 Didn’t happen. I take it you’re a birther.

Another Vet #23 A highly unlikely scenario that I can’t answer.

Have yet to see PROOF BHO or Michelle ever STATED outright he was BORN in Kenya.That’s because he was born in Hawaii.

@Richard Wheeler: Surely you’ve written a job resume or military bio at some point in time. Didn’t you have to submit some sort of packet to get promoted in the Marines (don’t know how they do promotions)? I believe you won’t answer it because you would most likely answer yes that you would proof read a bio on yourself that was to be made public and correct any errors just like most anyone else with any common sense would, including BHO. That of course would then open you up as to why you believe he never corrected the alleged mistake in the brochure when it was first written. It doesn’t prove he wasn’t born in Hawaii, unless he meant it, but it does show that he is less than honest about his background.

Obama’s impending IL senate win was reported in an AP story in the Sunday Standard in 2004: “Kenyan-born US Senate hopeful, Barrack Obama, appeared set to take over the Illinois Senate seat after his main rival, Jack Ryan, dropped out of the race…”

Where in the Hell did everyone get that notion, if not from him?

@another vet: BHO is who he wants to be when he wants to be. When he was going to sell books, he was born in Kenya. When he wanted to be POTUS, he wanted to be born in HI. Look at the rest of his resume. Padding a resume can come close to the lies he told. So, if BHO lies every time it suits him, how can we reguard any thing he says as the truth?

@Randy, #41:

So, if BHO lies every time it suits him, how can we reguard any thing he says as the truth?

Have you asked yourself that question with respect to Mitt Romney? Because in his case, the growing list is fully documented.

@Greg: Prove it! Show me where Romney lied? Did he write a book publish a book written by someone else? Did he lie about being a foreign exchange student? Did he lie about his girl friends? Did he lie about his friends? Did he lie on his resume? Did he lie about listening in church for 20 years? Where did he lie? I do not think you know what a lie is when you look at your heroes. You believe that the lies are ok as long as they have the appropriate results.

@Randy: All politicians lie. In his case it has become so extreme, that is confusing reality with fiction, one has to start wondering about his mental capacity.

@proof: Obviously it was another error just like all the rest. There is no pattern forming here. The AP, who was the news source listed at the bottom, is part of a vast right wing birther conspiracy.

@another vet: It is interesting that the “birther”conspiracy started at least as early as 1991, was brought up again when he became a senator, and yet the MSM had absolutely no interest in it in 2008 when he ran for president.

@Randy, #43:

That’s been under discussion in another link, so I won’t repeat the whole thing here. Here are a couple of instances of documented false statements.

@Greg: LOLROF I can not believe you quoted Market Watch! That statement has been debunked many days ago! Keep those glasses on Greg. Even a blind pig finds an acorn sometime!

on your 14, those words; but those who conjure and evoke the transcendent majesty of the ENGLISH LANGUAGE seemingly, without effort, have always been object of my admiration.
I like those words, and I thank you for the compliment you gave me.

@proof:Add to all of this, the only official investigation that has been conducted has concluded that there is probable cause the the BC is a forgery. To the best of my knowledge, no one has been able to dispute the conclusion with evidence. Any reasonable person has to conclude that there is something that doesn’t add up. Personally, I don’t care if he was born on the steps of the Capitol. He won’t get my vote!

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