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And while it may be politically convenient and expedient to make this a Holder issue, it’s done so out of sheer ignorance of our federal laws.

As far as Holder, he can’t manipulate federal laws that do not apply to “capture”, and pretend the NBPP really meant “kidnap” because that’s what you want it to mean.

Florida, however, does have applicable laws. So my suggestion is you focus your obsession in the correct jurisdiction.

Wait just a second… Whoa, whoa, whoa… Stop the presses…

You mean Dr J put all that time and effort into excoriating Holder when, in reality, federal law hasn’t been broken by the NBPP circus side show down in Florida?

Hmmm.. I can’t imagine Dr J having yet another factual inaccuracy in this post. (/sarc)


You asked me what I mean, that’s what I mean.

Where exactly did I ask you what you meant? I know what you meant. I provided evidence to the contrary. You called me pissy rather than provide evidence to support your claim, or to disprove anything I’ve posted on this thread.


I can’t believe you’re putting this much effort in an organization that no one takes seriously

That’s not the way things work in Dr John World. If he can somehow convince a few people that this group is representative of mainstream black American opinion, he’ll sleep better tonight. Don’t ask me why.

Just a brief note here, our Dear Beloved Leader, our President for Life, also known as The ONE, declared that he wanted a civilian force to equal the military. Of course he didn’t mean the ‘well regulated Militia’ as mentioned in the 2nd Amendment. He meant a bunch of Tangos that would do his bidding. The NBPP falls into that catagory. I would like to offer condolences to the families of these idiots in advance.


Thus the reason that the feds can investigate Zimmerman-Martin as a possible hate crime (because Martin is dead), but not the placement of a bounty by the NBPP.

SOunds like the NBPP is guilty of conspiring to deny Zimmerman his civil rights.


Looks like Dr J is correct in attacking Holder. The NBPP is guilty, by US Code, of conspiracy to deny Zimmerman of his civil rights.

42 USC § 1985 – Conspiracy to interfere with civil rights

It will be interesting to see if Aye will man-up and admit he was wrong.

“As far as Holder, he can’t manipulate federal laws that do not apply to “capture”, and pretend the NBPP really meant “kidnap” because that’s what you want it to mean.”

So in your world anyone can “capture” anyone else they want and detain them at will. Hmmm.


As far as Holder, he can’t manipulate federal laws that do not apply to “capture”, and pretend the NBPP really meant “kidnap” because that’s what you want it to mean.

So your argument is that the NBPP has the right to “capture” and detain anyone it wishes. It’s not a Federal offense and Adams doesn’t know what he’s talking about.

drj: So your argument is that the NBPP has the right to “capture” and detain anyone it wishes. It’s not a Federal offense and Adams doesn’t know what he’s talking about.

You know, considering that twice I’ve said that Florida has the applicable laws, I’m not sure what you don’t understand, drj. If you’re trying to play cute games, suggesting that I lend any support, or agree with, any part of the NBPP actions and their basic platform, you are sorely barking up the wrong tree. They are scum, their actions despicable, and you will find the majority of the nation… all races and gender… share that same opinion.

So let’s try to weed out your emotions and get it straight, shall we?

1: No, I don’t think that the NBPP has the right to “capture” anyone, and have a special shelf for the new cockroach humans that are steadily emerging into the light

2: Adams is correct that kidnapping is a federal offense. It’s too bad that the NBPP didn’t advertise kidnapping, but “capture”. But I’ll tell you what, djr… why don’t you go undercover and see if you can get one of the NBPP leaders to incriminate themselves for kidnapping with terrorizing and maiming as the goal. Then you’ve got a federal case. Until then, you’ve got Florida laws.

In the second video Muhammad says “you kill one of mine I got to kill one of yours.” That sounds clear as to what his intentions were. Too bad that conspiracy to deprive one of his civil rights is not an offense in some worlds. Had the situation been reversed, there is no doubt in my mind that both Obama and Holder would be in the middle of this.

@drjohn: And that “Wanted Dead or Alive” thing? That’s another of those obviously acceptable items in some worlds.

2: Adams is correct that kidnapping is a federal offense. It’s too bad that the NBPP didn’t advertise kidnapping, but “capture”.

I notice you fail to address the charges of Conspiracy to deny Z his rights.

Why don’t you address that, Mata and Aye?


All right Ivanski. You want me to address your claim regarding an alleged Civil Rights violation by the NBPP against Zimmerman? Okay.

There are some basic things needed from you first:

1) Define “Civil Rights.”

2) Specify which of Zimmerman’s “Civil Rights” the NBPP has supposedly violated in your mind.

3) Specify which section of the US Code covers the violation that you specified in #2 above.

I await your answers in eager anticipation.


I await your answers in eager anticipation.

See post #56.


See post #56.

Nope. The answers to my questions are not there.

Care to try again?

When you get a second, have a listen


Yes, they are. The code is very clear. You just don’t want to admit you were wrong in attacking Dr. John.

Another EPIC fail by AYE.

All you know how to do is shovel fecal matter, AYE.


I’m doing everything I can to give you an opportunity to prove your point here because I know that you most desperately want to.

Now, I’ve asked you three simple questions. And I’ve asked you more than once to provide the answers. (If the answers are indeed provided in #56, then all you have to do is copy and paste them into your next response.) Here are the questions again for easy reference. :

1) Define “Civil Rights.”

2) Specify which of Zimmerman’s “Civil Rights” the NBPP has supposedly violated in your mind.

3) Specify which section of the US Code covers the violation that you specified in #2 above.

From this point forward, I will interpret any lack of clarity or specificity, or a failure to respond at all to the questions, as evidence that you CANNOT successfully respond.

This is your last opportunity to try and prove me wrong on this particular matter before I move on to other things.

Use it wisely.


I’m doing everything I can to give you an opportunity to prove your point here because I know that you most desperately want to.

Obviously, the level of intellectual dishonesty you engage in doesn’t allow you to admit you were and have been horribly wrong on attacking Dr.J.

I liked to the code, FEDERAL CODE, which shows that conspiracy to deprive a person of their civil rights, the right to life being one of them, and you still refuse to admit you’re wrong, horribly and intellectually.

I’m not your house slave. You read the code, you saw you were wrong, as all others can just click on the link, and you can’t bring yourself to admit you were wrong.

Wrong, wrong, wrong.

You are the most intellectually dishonest person on FA.

Michelle Williams is a complete NEGRO. She has a big mouth. White people, just keep your heads and be the good people you are. Don’t let a group of has been jerks get your goat. WE THE PEOPLE will always overcome. They, the clowns will FAIL. Barry Soetoro Hussein, the Little MUSLIM PUNK and LIAR will FAIL TOO. He is a slime ball and will be remembered as the guy who couldn’t. Not the man, WE CAN. Because THEY, CAN’T. Be glad when the little snake is gone. Would have loved to have grown up with the little BASTARD. He has protection now for the rest of his life. TOO BAD for that. If the black panthers want a race war they will certainly get one. Too bad for them. You saw how the other Black Panther Party ended up. Concerned AMERICAN, Larry Velasco


Well, Ivan, I read your most recent response and strangely enough the answers to the three questions I posed to you are nowhere to be found. Very disappointing to say the least.

Yesterday you referred to me as the “Know-it-All” of FA so today I gave you a primo opportunity to prove me wrong and embarrass me in front of everyone.

I offered you the debate equivalent of leaning forward, pushing my jaw out, and closing my eyes with my hands behind my back and inviting you to take your best shot.

The drivel you posted in #65, #68, & #70 is the best you could do with the Grade A primo opportunity I offered you? Was that really your best shot? Come on man. Even you can do better than that I’m sure.

I encouraged you to use it wisely because I wanted to boost your ego and let you have some bragging rights for a change.

So, instead of being the guy who educated and humiliated the “Know-it-All” you remain nothing more than the village idiot.

Congratulations on that.

Oh, by the way, here’s the definition of Civil Rights:

A civil right is an enforceable right or privilege, which if interfered with by another gives rise to an action for injury. Examples of civil rights are freedom of speech, press, and assembly; the right to vote; freedom from involuntary servitude; and the right to equality in public places. Discrimination occurs when the civil rights of an individual are denied or interfered with because of their membership in a particular group or class. Various jurisdictions have enacted statutes to prevent discrimination based on a person’s race, sex, religion, age, previous condition of servitude, physical limitation, national origin, and in some instances sexual orientation.


Rights guaranteed by the Bill of Rights, the 13th and 14th, 15th and 19th Amendments to the Constitution. Civil rights include civil liberties (such as the freedom of speech, press, assembly, and religion), as well as due process, the right to vote, equal and fair treatment by law enforcement and the courts, and the opportunity to enjoy the benefits of a democratic society, such as equal access to public schools, recreation, transportation, public facilities, and housing.

Strangely, there’s nothing in there that the NBPP would be in violation of in regards to Zimmerman.

Of course, I already knew that.


threatening someone’s life is a conspiracy of violation their RIGHT to LIFE.

Obviously, the “race” or class is the motivating factor in the NBPP’s call for Z’s head.

If you don’t or won’t acknowledge that Zimmerman has a RIGHT, a civil one, to LIFE, then there is no point in discussing this with you any further.

By the way, thank you for proving my point, again, that you are the master of confabulation, misdirection and obfuscation on FA.


You had every opportunity to prove your point. Over and over again I encouraged you to do so. Yet, you remained strangely silent in the face of the three simple questions that I offered you.

Civil Rights deal with things that are covered by the Bill of Rights and the select amendments listed in my last response to you.

You will not find a “right to life” codified anywhere in the statutes as a Civil Right. It’s not there. That’s not a Civil Right as defined by law.

You’re really not very good at this.

Correction: This article is about the NEW Black Panther Party—which has been reproved by members of the original Black Panther Party.


You had every opportunity to prove your point. Over and over again I encouraged you to do so. Yet, you remained strangely silent in the face of the three simple questions that I offered you.

I did prove my point; that you’re an richard cranium and you should consume fecal matter and expire.


For a long time I’ve been trying to figure out how your thinking process works, and today I finally confess it’s a conundrum that I cannot hope to crack.

Congratulations on that.