Call the victim of a violent crime a whore and MSNBC gives you your own show [Reader Post]


Speaking of apologies….

From Larry Elder

“Meet the Press” host David Gregory asked his panel “where civility has gone in our public discourse.” Incredibly, one panelist urged people to be more “mature” and not “poison the atmosphere.”

I say “incredibly” because this panelist was none other than the race-hustling, anti-Semitic “civil rights activist” and MSNBC talk show host, Al Sharpton. For some reason, Sharpton’s own struggles with civility never came up. Nor did any panelist behave so rudely as to bring up Sharpton’s role in one of the most hideous, disgusting and cynical uses of the race card this side of the O.J. Simpson case. And Sharpton, unlike Rush Limbaugh, refuses to apologize.

While this raises little or no concern to MSNBC or its advertisers, Sharpton became famous by falsely accusing a white man of raping a black teenage girl. Tawana Brawley, then 15, told authorities that white racists abducted, raped and sodomized her — scrawling the initials “KKK” on her in human feces.

A grand jury later found the entire incident a complete hoax. This did not stop the Rev. Al Sharpton, who had accused Steven Pagones, then an assistant district attorney in Duchess County, N.Y., of the crime. After Sharpton’s accusation, Pagones received death threats, and his young daughter was later threatened.

“We stated openly that Steven Pagones did it,” said Sharpton. “If we’re lying, sue us, so we can go into court with you and prove you did it. Sue us — sue us right now.”

Pagones did sue.

A jury unanimously concluded that Sharpton defamed Pagones, ordering Sharpton to pay him $65,000. The Reverend promptly and publicly said he did not intend to pay. Later, when Sharpton decided to run for president, the outstanding defamation debt became a political problem. So Sharpton’s one-percenter buddies passed the hat and paid off his debt, which by then totaled $87,000 with interest and penalties.

Civility, Rev. Al? In 1989, a young white woman, dubbed the “Central Park jogger,” was monstrously raped and nearly beaten to death. Sharpton insisted — despite the defendants’ confessions — that her black attacker-suspects were innocent, modern-day Scottsboro Boys trapped in “a fit of racial hysteria.” Sharpton charged that the jogger’s boyfriend did it and organized protests outside the courthouse, chanting, “The boyfriend did it!” and denouncing the victim as a “whore!”

Then Sharpton unleashed this beauty

Sharpton appealed for a psychiatrist to examine the victim, generously saying: “It doesn’t even have to be a black psychiatrist. … We’re not endorsing the damage to the girl — if there was this damage.”

No apology to this day.

There’s much more to Sharpton’s race hustling here.

For all his efforts at race relations MSNBC has rewarded Sharpton with his own show.

And Barack Obama invited Sharpton to join the immigration debate.

How many times have you seen me write “liberals have no long term memory”? It is an axiom. And David Gregory remains a fool- an amnesic fool at that. Asking Sharpton about civility? Seriously?

What one cannot help but wonder is why anyone would want to be associated with that wretched creature. People continue to hammer at Limbaugh despite his apology and ignore the complete absence of the many apologies owed by the good Reverend.

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The ‘race card’ is so over used by the Left, to ‘try’ to shut people up, [it’s not working by the way] ….so, I believe Sharpton’s race baiting days are numbered…. because as I have learned here at FA is that people like Sharpton and his ilk are practically scraping the bottom and “searching for racism” just to keep their bank account full….

I don’t watch his show…cannot stand to listen to someone like him who exploits black people in order to make millions and continually tries to “keep them in their place” in order to keep his pockets and bank accounts full… so sad that many do not see this…. he’s a hate monger who sees everything as “race” and he is more guilty of his own racism then what he ‘claims’ others are….

I’d be curious to know what his ratings are though. Just for the hay of it.

MSNBC should be ashamed of themselves for even giving this hate monger a forum.

Sharpton’s MSNBC PoliticsNation ranks #1 with blacks who watch news.
As such it has an average total (for Feb 2012) of 173,000 in the ages 25-54 demographic.

For a comparison Fox News shows Special Report with Bret Baier at the same time.
It averages 2,404,000 viewers in that demographic for Feb.

Bret’s show is 1/2 news then the 2nd half is a panel discussion of news in depth with liberals, politicians and columnists.
Today, for example he has Kirsten Powers, Charles Krauthammer, Steve Hayes and himself.

@Nan#2 – Thanks Nan! – Hmmm…I find Sharpton’s ratings most interesting – not nearly as high as I thought they might be, being #1 and all … perhaps there are many ‘newsy’ people are not very interested in watching the hate monger and would rather watch Fox instead. lol

I however, am not surprised at the Fox News ratings…

He’s just a racist race pimp who exploits his own people for money and power. There is a special place in hell for those like him.

Al “Not so” Sharpton’s greatest hits:

1991: A Hasidic Jewish driver in Brooklyn’s Crown Heights section accidentally kills Gavin Cato, a 7-year-old black child, and antisemitic riots erupt. Sharpton races to pour gasoline on the fire. At Gavin’s funeral he rails against the “diamond merchants” — code for Jews — with “the blood of innocent babies” on their hands. He mobilizes hundreds of demonstrators to march through the Jewish neighborhood, chanting, “No justice, no peace.” A rabbinical student, Yankel Rosenbaum, is surrounded by a mob shouting “Kill the Jews!” and stabbed to death.
1995: When the United House of Prayer, a large black landlord in Harlem, raises the rent on Freddy’s Fashion Mart, Freddy’s white Jewish owner is forced to raise the rent on his subtenant, a black-owned music store. A landlord-tenant dispute ensues; Sharpton uses it to incite racial hatred. “We will not stand by,” he warns malignantly, “and allow them to move this brother so that some white interloper can expand his business.” Sharpton’s National Action Network sets up picket lines; customers going into Freddy’s are spat on and cursed as “traitors” and “Uncle Toms.” Some protesters shout, “Burn down the Jew store!” and simulate striking a match. “We’re going to see that this cracker suffers,” says Sharpton’s colleague Morris Powell. On Dec. 8, one of the protesters bursts into Freddy’s, shoots four employees point-blank, then sets the store on fire. Seven employees die in the inferno. – Source

If you are in school and make friends with a known bully, you can usually do and say whatever you want and nobody will bother you, because your bully buddy will protect you from attacks. The propaganda media are the bully buddies of the democrats and any other far left liberal. They will attack anyone who attacks their buddies, so their buddies can say and do anything they want and the bully buddies will be there to protect them.

One way to answer a racist remark directed at anyone of any race is to answer them with, “It isn’t my fault I was born the wrong color. I wasn’t given a choice.” It will take the aggressor some time to figure out how to respond to it.

@Smorgasbord: There ya’ go again, using that pesky logic. 😛

@anticsrocks: #7
pesky |ˈpeskē|
adjective ( -kier , -kiest ) informal
causing trouble; annoying : pesky mosquitoes.
peskily |-kəlē| adverb
peskiness |-kēnis| noun
ORIGIN late 18th cent.: perhaps related to pest .

I’m guessing you didn’t mean it in its original meaning, but sarcastically. I’m not much good at many things, but I try to use logic regularly, and I try to be a PEST to liberals.

As we all know, if there was a conservative with an activist/criminal pedigree even remotely like Sharpton’s, they would be too radioactive to be touched by the MSM. Double standards: what would the left do without them?

Al Sharpton has not only betrayed his “own people”, meaning blacks, but also America in general. Why do I say this? Because the gains made in racial equality and civility, mainly by conservatives during the middle part of the last century, have been, and still are, being eroded by his race–baiting. On every issue Sharpton discusses, one of the first, if not THE first, aspect he focuses on is the race of the people involved.

What was that MLK, jr. stated? Oh yeah;

I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character.
Martin Luther King, Jr.

Sharpton, and the other race-baiters, including so many of Obama’s admin, judge immediately on the color of a person’s skin, and not the content of their character. And yet, these same people, have the audacity to use MLK, jr. for the furtherance of their viewpoints.

Prof. Derrick Bell, whom these race-baiters revere, is hidden from view and downplayed(concerning his viewpoints), at the same time that they hijack admirable people like MLK, jr. as their “frontmen”. I wonder what a man like MLK, jr., who is truly admirable, would have thought of the “good” Prof. Bell?

Some other points to ponder from MLK, jr. ;

I have a dream that one day on the red hills of Georgia, the sons of former slaves and the sons of former slave owners will be able to sit together at the table of brotherhood.
Martin Luther King, Jr.

Do you think Al Sharpton has this dream?

I want to be the white man’s brother, not his brother-in-law.
Martin Luther King, Jr.

Do you think Al Sharpton wants to be the white man’s brother?

Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.
Martin Luther King, Jr.

Do you think Al Sharpton cheered, or cried, at the violence he has propagated?

The Negro needs the white man to free him from his fears. The white man needs the Negro to free him from his guilt.
Martin Luther King, Jr.

Do you think Al Sharpton will ever allow the white man to be freed from guilt?

Race-baiters are a deplorable group of people, whose only purpose is to foment racial discontent, which furthers their own, selfish, desires of power. Prof. Bell was one of these. Al Sharpton is their current leading voice. And these are the people Obama chooses to surround himself with. The undeniable reality, the only conclusion one can draw, is that Obama supports the race-baiters and rejects MLK, jr.

Most of the “Major Players” of the left, are Dirty.
Jesse Jackson, has used his “tax exempt” Rainbow/Push (WTF is a rainbow push??) funds, to pay for Mistresses.. he uses EXTORTION practices (gee, didn’t AL CAPONE do that too?) to get companies to bow to his wishes in the name of “Fairness”…
Sharptons initial claim to fame, was a FRAUD and a LIE… but that’s ok to the left too….
Clinton lied under oath, but that;s ok too….
Pelosi uses insider trading to get rich.. but that’s ok too…
Let a “1% er on the right do it and……..
Two faced frauds…
Is there a common thread in this behavior??

at least WE truly BELIEVE what we say we stand for!

Odd, where are our resident liberals? Why aren’t they here defending the Right Reverend Al? Or where are the resident liberals that claim they apply the same standards to both sides equally? Why aren’t they chiming in?


he uses EXTORTION practices (gee, didn’t AL CAPONE do that too?) to get companies to bow to his wishes in the name of “Fairness”…

“It’d be a shame if anything were to happen to your nice store here, or your daughter, or your wife, or even you. I can protect all of that, you know. All I need is a little money from you, every week. Pay up, and things will be A-OK. Miss a payment and, well, things could go bad for you.”

Exactly JG…. Jackson has used that very tactic, to get agreements, and DONATIONS to his Org….. but instead of implied harm to family.. it’s boycotts, and economic damages… SAME deal in the end…

This race hustler is a man without conscience; stealing a title that belongs ONLY to God = Reverend; so let’s stop crowning this criminal with this title.
Secondly, he does not derserve to be given the label ‘civil rights activist’, there is nothing civil, nor right about this racist, and liar.
So, what are we left with: Charlatan, racist, liar, tax evader, thief…and these are the only titles this criminal should wear proudly!!!!

@Smorgasbord: But Smorgs, logic IS like an annoying insect to the libs!

It was meant as a compliment, my friend.

@Hankster58: #11

Pelosi uses insider trading to get rich.. but that’s ok too…

Believe it or not, it is legal for a politician to receive information that could change the price of a company’s stock. The politicians wrote themselves a law saying it is legal. Fox News reported on it some some ago. One politician has introduce a bill to make it illegal. I don’t expect it to go very far.

@Aqua: #12
Don’t complain. Just enjoy.

@anticsrocks: #16
But Smorgs, logic IS like an annoying insect to the libs!

That is what I meant by my being a pest to the liberals.

Anyone or thing that gets in our way of turning the USA into what we want it to be.

Using that definition, there are millions of us PESTS in this country.

@Smorgasbord: Amen!