In the “let the consumer decide” department, the benefits of alternative-energy vehicles like the Chevy Volt don’t outweigh the costs to consumers. Yet President Barack Hussein Obama wants, with tax dollars, to make alternative-energy vehicles ownership easier and prices more in line with conventional vehicle models by:
- increasing the $7,500 tax credit for alternative-energy vehicles to $10,000
- earmarking $1 billion to reward cities that provide infrastructure for such vehicles
- earmarking $650 million for a research program to increase the range and decrease the price of alternative-energy vehicles
- repealing $4 billion of tax incentives for oil and gas companies to “pay” for his proposed tax credits and earmarks
- giving a new five-year tax break for those who buy commercial trucks that run on electricity or natural gas
These were the measures he proposed in a speech before the Daimler Trucks North America manufacturing plant in Charlotte, NC on Wednesday, March 7, 2012, to address high gasoline prices. He said nothing about increasing oil production. While tax credits may give consumers more reason to purchase alternative-energy vehicles, they won’t give manufacturers any incentive to look for cheaper ways to manufacture them. Obama’s proposed tax credit increase ensures that taxpayers will continue to pay an arbitrarily high price for alternative-energy vehicles long after the market would have brought costs down. The responsibility is with manufacturers, not taxpayers, to produce an alternative-energy vehicle that consumers actually want to purchase, and at a price they can afford. That also means that government should not, through tax credits, try to foist alternative-energy vehicles on consumers.
In short, “let the consumer decide.” But that is not how the big government socialist central decision-makers work. We consumers don’t know what’s good for us. We are too stupid to make our own decisions. So big government must intervene. The tax code exists to raise revenue so the federal government can fulfill certain basic, essential functions that individuals or state and local governments cannot, such as defense. Tax credits, tax subsidies, and tax penalties turn the tax code into an instrument to manipulate behavior instead.
Regarding repealing oil and gas company tax incentives, Obama said, “It’s time to end that taxpayer giveaway to an industry that’s never been more profitable, invest in clean energy that’s never been more promising.” But he made no mention of the clean energy bankruptcies or the subsidies given to politically connected clean energy companies. BTW, Obama has a stated goal of having one million electric vehicles on US roads by 2015.
But that’s just my opinion.
Welcome to my home state of Maine, where turbines barely rotate and the a**es keep telling us it’s good for the environment (after they blow up mountains along the Appalachain trail)
I have asked the question before – how do we know we are actually “saving” anything [money/electric] when it comes to these new fangled bulbs we are being “forced” by an overreaching Government to purchase? I have (paid extra) and used these [wondrous] spiral Government mandated – by law bulbs, and quite frankly never felt they were any more efficient as the old incandescent bulbs…several have burnt out “before” my incandescent ones did.
I agree with the comment I found below….[one of many]. I am in the “being told” by greenies therefore it must be so camp [not!] I believe it’s to push an agenda…. Especially since the bulbs are so much more costly and not very long lasting…. When it comes to the Government I ‘always’ Believe I am being duped… I guess they think we are that stupid.
It is immensely frustrating… especially since the tax payer doesn’t have any say where the money is spent any more…. Now it is the Government knows best, you are stupid….mantra… And I take offense to this.
414 days ago
Dave Ormiston Wrote:
I have a house that is vacant and has one 11 watt lamp on all the time. PG&E bill for electricity was approximately $5.00 a month until the meter was replaced with a smart meter then bill almost doubled. It’s only a few bucks but double is double. My new smart meter meters in VA, my old metered KW, the two units of measurement are equal for resistive (incandescent) loads, but not for inductive (CFL) loads as power factor enters into equation. The subsidized lamps that I was using have power factor of .5 -.6 incandescent lamps have a power factor of 1.
. Everyone that claims CFL’s are saving them money should ask themselves, am I saving electricity, or do I think I am because the greenies told me so. After taking out a 11 watt CFL lamp and switching back to 11 watt incandescent lamp my bill is back to $5.00. If you have a smart meter my experiment is easy to do try it or do a search CFL power factor.
I was in Home Depot a couple weeks back. They had some 40w equivalent LED bulbs on sale for 10 bucks. The LED bulb only draws 9W. I figured it was worth it for the novelty/experiment value. A little work with a calculator showed me that at our rates, it would take 6.11 years to break even…. with the bulb running 24 x 7
You all act like this is some surprise. Enough of the faux-outrage. Obama was very, very clear in 2008 about his green agenda and what is bugging you is that he, unlike the faux-conservatives (Bush I and II), he actually walks the talk.
Again, he said he was going to do this crap and he’s doing it. What you don’t like is that Bush helped start us on this idiotic road when he signed the energy bill of 2007 mandating these STUPID light bulbs.
Ivan, I hearily agree… Obama tells us what he’s going to do, does it, and then everyone acts surprised. He is anything but the liar so many claim, and if you want to measure “success” by fulfilling campaign promises, he’s right up there near the top. He’s promised what he’s going to do, we knew what we were getting in 2008 because of his associations, and he’s followed thru on his promise. How can you not believe the guy?
Unfortunately, I don’t agree with his campaign promises, fundamental change of America, nor his agenda. And I find it disturbing that so many in our nation do. The results of social and economic justice in our public curriculum are clearly evident.
As for the Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007. Yes, POTUS Bush indeed signed it. Another reality is that the GOP was impotent during those years to sustain any Presidential veto. It passed in the House with the support of only 36 Republicans out of the 202 total. Seven Republicans didn’t bother to vote. The Senate Republicans had a less impressive display of resistance to the bill, with 19 out of 47 members crossing the aisle to join with their nanny Dems in passage. Five Senators refrained from voting, leaving less than half – only 23 – Republicans in formal opposition.
Moral and reality of the story? The majority of Republicans did resist in the House, and not enough in the Senate. But more than an acceptable amount of the usual culprits joined the AGW nanny crowd for both these bulbs and the stricter CAFE standards, and living to regret it today. Bush could have vetoed on principle, but it wouldn’t have changed a thing. During those years, there was no need for the Republicans to even show up for work.
On the flip side, Bush never would have vetoed it anyway, since his goal for “energy independence” over the next 10 years was a combination of increasing US energy production (which he did set into motion), but also higher CAFE standards and the quest to reduce consumption.
Well hell’s bells… if that’s all the idiots in the beltway want to accomplish, I’d say that the high price of oil and refined gas do that quite efficiently, and all without yet another dumb law on an already overloaded US Code book.
Maybe the bozos in Congress will get a clue when the disposal of these bulbs, combined with their electric car batteries, pose the obvious enviro problems downline. But I won’t be holding my breath. Retroactive revelations also entail admitting mistakes, and the elected ones won’t do that… just as they don’t admit the the entitlements are the key to the nation’s decline.
INRE Warren’s post, I think the thing that hit my irony/funny bone is this is just more tax subsidies to the evil wealthy…. the only ones who can afford a $40K vehicle that’s pretty worthless for most utilitarian tasks.
Here’s a chart that inadvertently shows many more truths than its creator realized.
One thing it shows about the USA is that there is room for taxpayers to be squeezed a whole lot more before we fail as a nation.
The increase in taxes will only serve to allow more spending…..there is no end in sight on that front.
For instance….Obama just awarded $10 million to a company for producing a $50 lightbulb!
I read an article on Real Clear Politics which stated wind farms are killing as many as 1200 birds yearly. We are not talking about swallows. Raptors, Eagles and Owls. Over 70 golden Eagles alone were killed last year at the Altamont pass in CA. They stop water from going into the central valley in CA to protect Smelt. A little tiny fish. Yet they ignore an industry which were it anything other than green energy would result it huge fines and jail time. I am writing to my congress critter (a donk) to ask him why. I am also going to write the Speaker of the House to have this investigated. This is BS. Selective inforcement.
I still don’t know where we can dispose of these environmentally hazardous (mercury inside) CF bulbs. Maybe we should collect them and drop them off at the local DNC offices.
How’s this for not having ANY priorities in the right place…..not GREEN ones or military ones.
Guess the Carbon Footprint and get a prize!
@Ivan#4 – Precisely why I did’t vote for Obama – What’s your excuse?
Besides, Bush was probably duped by the Liberals the same way Reagan was with the border and immigration, the same way the Catholic Church and contraceptives of late have been duped. And just the way Pelosi says we have to ‘pass the bill’ to know what’s in it…the Liberals probably slipped this gem in at the very last minute….I seriously would not put it past them….
And who is most likely to take advantage of Obama’s subsidies for alternative energy and incentives for buying a Chevy Volt?
Democrats with money to burn.
I saw a comment on this news story tonight that might be relevant here.
OK we all know that raptors: eagles, hawks, falcons, shrikes and others are being cut down by ”clean” wind turbines in great numbers.
So, the USDA is finally researching bald eagle death-by-wind-turbines.
Here’s the comment:
All the more painfully funny because it is true.
These birds have amazing eyes.
But they do not ”see” turbine blades at all.