Obama: You should re-elect me because I have no idea what I am talking about [Reader Post]

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The most brilliant man in the universe said in 2008:

“We are in the worst financial crisis since the Great Depression…”

“The worst financial crisis since the Great Depression.”

Sure sounds like he meant “the worst financial crisis since the Great Depression.”

Now he says he had no idea how bad it was.

“So, the die had been cast, but a lot of us didn’t understand at that point how bad it was going to get. That increases the deficit because less tax revenues come in, and it means that more people are getting unemployment insurance, we’re helping states more so they don’t teachers, etc. The key though is we’re setting ourselves on a path where we can get our debt under control.”

“The worst financial crisis since the Great Depression.”

He knew enough back then to say he could fix it in three years or he was outta here:


Your three years are up, cupcake. If you didn’t know what you were talking about then, there is no reason to believe anything you say now.

On the plus side, he’s made it easier to see how much he doesn’t know.

Maybe next year he could get a job in IT.

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@liberalmann: Herr Liberalman: Wouldn’t it be more descriptive if you just called yourself: BOHICAman?

@liberalmann: You and the other Obama sycophants would consider it an environmental triumph if Obama crapped on the White House lawn and wiped his butt with the original of the Constitution. A lie is a lie and this president is a pathological liar.

Obama’s just the teleprompter-reader.
He has no idea what he’s saying from one day to the next.
Proof is right here in DrJohn’s topic.

Another proof is that Obama’s handlers won’t let him even speak off the cuff to the most rabid of his supporters.
For their $38,500 all these supports got was 10 minutes of Obama speaking-to-the-group.
The audience only got a crudy stump speech.
Contents of that pathetic stump speech here:

Had McCain/Palin won the election and their commitment to a policy of non-intervention held sway, it’s possible that we might not be referring to what 2008 evolved into as “the worst financial crisis since the Great Depression.” By now, we might be accustomed to hearing the phrase, “The Second Great Depression.”

A cascading wave of bank failures could have wiped out personal savings and destroyed the value of the dollar. Families that relied on unemployment extensions might have been left with nothing to fall back on as the rate of job losses continued to escalate. State and local governments would have cut back or discontinued vital police, fire, and emergency services across the nation. Schools would have closed. The American auto industry would be gone, but that probably wouldn’t have mattered because the auto market would be dead anyway. And those record corporate profits that have continued quarter after quarter since total disaster was averted in mid-2009? I guess corporate America could have kissed all of that good bye, too.

If you consider having averted any or all of that to be an example of failure, you must have a different dictionary than I do.

Should I mention Osama bin Laden, the decimation of al Qaeda, and the failure of international terrorists to mount another large scale attack inside the borders of the United States? Oops . . . I guess I’ve just done so.

If none of that is a good enough argument for voting for Obama again, take a moment to consider all that comes with each of the GOP alternatives. Had anyone told me a couple of years back who would be in serious contention for the GOP nomination at this point, or how unbelievably regressive some of the social and tax policies they’re seriously suggesting are, I simply wouldn’t have believed them.

Greg, you forgot that if McCain/Palin had won that the wild animals would have come and taken all of our shoes!

The emerging truth about The Messiah is…he’s not that smart. His campaign team has been hiding his college grades and in particular, his undergraduate drug taking days. With a media uninterested in pursuing any politician who does not have an (R) next to his name (see John Edwards)…Obama has been home free.

Have you heard The Messiah off of his teleprompter? …….” uh, er, uh, well, er, ah, uh…” he probably takes that machine with him where ever he goes because he has never had a serious original thought. It’s all written for him. The only President of Harvard Law Review never to publish in that Review. Why is that? We can’t see his senior thesis, his grades, and though he says he took every drug he could get his hands on, NOBODY in the media is interested in checking out his druggie years in Morningside Hts. How did he get money for drugs? Did he sell drugs? Who was his supplier?

We know more about Palin’s children, thanks to the media, then we do about the POTUS. Go ahead…google “Larry Sinclair”…or ” Obama’s social security number”. How did he get a ss# beginning with 042…issued in Connecticut in 1977…a state he’d never been to? Larry Sinclair may be telling stories…but, again, he may not. The press has no interest in finding out.

There are stories out there about Obama living in the foreign student dorm at Occidental. On what passport did he travel to Pakistan in 1981? Could it be Indonesian? Was he ever a citizen of that country? He lived there as a child and went to a public religious school…the rule at that time was its schools were only open to citizens.

And finally, I can’t understand why we can’t see a hard copy of his birth certificate? I have mine in a desk drawer. I’ll bet you can get your hands on your bc. The one he put on the internet has been deconstructed by 17 year olds who are good with computers. I don’t know anything about computers, but the deconstructions I’ve seen ring true…that is, his bc is a computer made phoney.

Why will no one in the press look into any of this? They had the time to investigate Palin’s teenaged daughter’s sex life. I believe I read that sixteen mainstream reporters covered Alaska, on site, to find dirt of the VP candidate and her family. And we can’t know anything about Obama. This screams “double-standard”.

Recently Andrew Breitbart said at CPAC he was going to vett Obama. There it is…one citizen journalist doing the job the liberal press will not do. Good for him. If nothing else we might find out about Obama and Mrs. Obama’s careers in Chicago. This guy was connected in the Illinois state legislature…I mean really CONNECTED. Tony Rezko’s wife was his real estate agent. His home purchase itself is worth an investigation.

Where IS the media?

Dr. J Let’s cut to the chase. Do you honestly see ANY scenario that could procure an Electoral College victory for Santorum over Obama? Maybe if the Cubbies win the World Series.
You still like Romney for nom?

Observe how this website has to lie.

Obama never said “fix it in three years”. He said “get this done” and “this” referred to turning the economy around. He was speaking of getting things back in a positive direction. Not of completely ‘fixing’ everything in only one term.

Observe as well how this website uses the childish “cupcake” in reference to the President. That alone tells you that the operator(s) of this site are highly juvenile and lacking in credibility.

I was led to this website by an internet troll spewing racism about the President. A “fan” of this website, if you will.

Enough said.

Carson, he has not turned the economy around. He has driven millions from the work force, and then fails to count the underemployed in his so called unemployment stats. We have the lowest workforce participation in decades. He has spent/wasted more money on harebrained schemes than all other presidents combined and the recipients of 80% of those funds were his contributors and supporters. If you look at the White House schedule you will see that most days, he does nothing. He hasn’t met with his economic advisers on any regular basis with often many months in between. He hasn’t met with his security advisers in many months and never meets with them regularly. He says whatever he thinks will win him praise whether or not he believes it or whether or not he intends to do what he says. Our foreign policy is in shambles. The reset with Russia has been a complete failure. The Middle East is seething and boiling and he shares much of the blame. He has alienated virtually all of Europe. China sees him as a laughing stock. What he has done is to assemble a gaggle of like minded people who have so ham stringed the economy and especially small business that it is a miracle that there is any growth at all.

What he has done, remarkably in three years, is to implement the very danger to our democracy that Tocqueville warned about so long ago:

“Thus, taking each individual by turns in its powerful hands and kneading him as it likes, the sovereign extends its arms over society as a whole; it covers its surface with a network of small, complicated, painstaking, uniform rules through which the most original minds and the most vigorous souls cannot clear a way to surpass the crowd; it does not break wills, but it softens them, bends them and directs them; it rarely forces one to act, but it constantly opposes itself to one’s acting; it does not destroy, it prevents things from being born; it does not tyrannize, it hinders, compromises, enervates, extinguishes, dazes and finally reduces each nation to being nothing more than a herd of timid and industrial animals of which the government is the shepherd.”

That is not what this country is about. It is about laws and not men. It is about freedom from governmental tyranny and it is about the freedom of the individual to be different, to follow their dreams and to be responsible for the consequences of their actions. Great presidents are leaders, who address the problems of the country and lead to great and effective solutions. Great presidents to not pander to one group after another just to win their money and support. Great presidents do not engage in crony capitalization. Great presidents to not divide the country with accusatory rhetoric. And, great presidents are humble and do not see the office as all about them, but rather all about the country. Barack Obama is none of those things. So call me a racist.


@Carson, not real bright, are you? Were you to navigate thru the archives and other posts, you’d see that there are a set of authors, and that the genuine “operator” and owner of the site is Curt, also often posts reader submissions as “reader posts”.

Considering all of the various voices that write posts, and make comments here, only the narrow minded fool would read one reader’s post and not familiarize themselves with the rest of the website’s content, and then pronounce it “…highly juvenile and lacking in credibility.” That does seem to be, however, an accurate self description.

@Carson: One of Obama’s “Truth Squad” Storm Troopers, eh, Carson?

Obama is indeed a good president and to prove it, we’ll just have to lower our standards. Prior to him becoming president, 5.6% unemployment was about average, now we are told 8.2% points to a strong economy. Before Obama became president, if someone quit looking for work because he/she couldn’t find a job, it was a bad thing. Now, it’s looked upon positively because it helps to lower the unemployment numbers. Before Obama became president, deficts of $300 billion were a bad thing. Now deficits of $1.3 trillion do great things for our country. Before Obama became president, an increase in those living on food stamps was regarded as a sign of poverty. Now it’s looked upon as a stimulus to the economy. Hell, if we lower our standards even further, Obama will become one of our greatest presidents. Just ask him and his sheep, they’ll tell you.

@Richard Wheeler:
Hey now….Theo Epstein broke the curse of the Bambino, he now works for the Cubbies and will break the curse of the goat. Don’t be knocking my Cubbies.

Aqua I love the Cubbies.Rino an all time favorite. Sad part was a Notre Dame kid caught that infamous foul pop up. They blew up the ball. Epstein from the Bosox might work. Can he bring Big Poppi for a last hurrah?
Actually W.S. is in Oct. so if Cubs pull the miracle win Santorum is POTUS.


Considering all of the various voices that write posts, and make comments here, only the narrow minded fool would read one reader’s post and not familiarize themselves with the rest of the website’s content, and then pronounce it “…highly juvenile and lacking in credibility.”

That’s all well and true, but with all the online content out there, all the choices available in the “free market” of the internet, do you really expect new readers of this site to invest their time and energy reading extensively through the archives before passing judgment? A better solution, in my humble opinion, would be to have standards that everyone involved with this site can live with, rather than constantly hiding behind this excuse that you’re not responsible for the reader posts. SOMEONE must be responsible, since these posts are here. Take this post here, a typically ridiculously inflammatory headline, some cherry picked quotes from other sites, and nine (yes I counted), nine sentences written by the “author”. Is this the standard you want to be associated with? Do you really expect someone stumbling across this post to invest further time and energy you’re suggesting before passing summary judgment?

To be fair, this site has positive attributes, the most notable being that I can write this criticism without fear of being censored or banned. There are, as you’ve said, many intelligent authors, posts and contributors in the comments section. That being said, if you expect not to be judged by the weakest links, you’re being foolish. On a daily basis you publish what basically amounts to repetitive Republican propaganda, much of it very ugly against the President and unsubstantiated in any way, so you can’t fault readers for not seeing through that to the good stuff. That’s on the editorial staff of the site.

Tom, you should be celebrating Curt’s respect for the 1st Amendment. He allows diverse voices here, but their presence doesn’t mean that he, myself, or any others necessarily agree with any single post by another.

I think that drj can attest that he and I have gotten into it over post content before, and that’s called a healthy exercise of 1st Amendment rights. In fact, inflammatory posts with ridiculous headlines have often brought out the best heated debates within the conservatives that live here. And sometimes that’s exactly why Curt posts them… to stimulate debate. Especially within the same base political ideology. One only need to go back to last summer’s battles of the Cordoba House mosque proposed in NYC to see that. Another example is my own battle with the majority here about what I consider wrong headed hyperbole about a two year old O’healthcare mandate, that’s already been in more than half the states for a decade… unchallenged.

Face it… this isn’t a group in lockstep. And for the most part, we like it that way.

As far as Carson’s hit and run, yes I do expect a “new reader” of this site to more fully explore what it is all about before opening their cyber mouth and changing feet with such unjustified criticism. It’s a mark of a curious mind, finding out where a site or writer is coming from. I do it all the time when I read an article somewhere, then look for other posts to get a sense of the flavor of both writer and site. I might also point out it’s not especially difficult to scan the selections on the main page, or hit the “previous posts” link at the bottom of the page, to see more. All of we authors, as well as regular readers that contribute their own posts for submission, have our own writing styles. That is not to be dismissed casually.

One would hope that Carson would get a heads up, and give Flopping Aces more than a passing glance before leveling such ridiculous criticism. drj represents drj… only. I represent myself… only. etc etc. If Carson doesn’t take a few minutes of his time to do some basic research, I’m sure that none of us will be missing anything by his absence. Obviously, he is not well grounded in his insight.

I’m sure that Curt appreciates your own kind words about this site’s diversity of voices. Because most of us here are not liberal or progressive, you, Larry, rich and many other regulars from that side of the aisle do have the tougher battle, taking many of us on at a time.

@Richard Wheeler: You can’t get a more consistent ball club than the Cubs. 100 plus years! I tell everyone around here to be happy with the Black Hawks even though they have been slumping because once baseball season starts, it’s all down hill.

“On a daily basis you publish what basically amounts to repetitive Republican propaganda, much of it very ugly against the President and unsubstantiated in any way, so you can’t fault readers for not seeing through that to the good stuff. That’s on the editorial staff of the site. ”

I think, Tom, that comment is hyperbole. The regulars on this site are, based upon their comments and writing, for the most part thoughtful people who are genuinely concerned about the country, the mess that is Washington, and what they genuinely believe is poorly conceived and poorly executed governmental policy. I have been reading this site for a few years and I comment from time to time. Sure, any right of center site will attract some kooks once in awhile although that has never happened on a left of center site where everyone is always right. However, I have seen nothing here ever to indicate that that the posters or the regular writers are in the business of mouthing “Republican propaganda.” To the contrary, I would suggest that most of the posters here are independent thinkers who are expressing heart felt thoughts. Mata’s posts, for example, are almost always heavily researched and documented. I am quite well read and quite often published in other venues and I try very hard to stick to the facts and comment off of them. I don’t read any “Republican propaganda” and frankly, will virtually never comment on the so called hot button social issues.

Obama is an expert in provoking controversy and division. I have never seen the country so divided not even during Viet Nam when I was at Columbia University in the Law School. I have never seen a lack of leadership and a complete failure to take responsibility when his policies go wrong. I follow the White House schedule on a weekly basis. You should take a look. Obama does very very little during his working days. He rarely starts before 9:30 and rarely works past 3:30. Last time I looked, the economy, foreign policy and national security were replete with forefront issues. See if you can find instances over the last six months when Obama met with any of the advisers on these issues. It is all there on the web and you can find it. Lots of fundraisers and lots of speeches, but very, very little of the hard head scratching that is essential for the formulation of good policy.

Whether it is the “reset” with Russia, the chaos in the Middle-East, the Iranian effort to get the bomb, the complete breakdown of government in Egypt, the post war massacres in Libya, the slaughters in Syria, the threatened disintegration of the EU, the oppression in Venezuela, to name a few, Obama is AWOL. He fires off a speech and heads for the golf course.

When I comment negatively on Obama, I am commenting after carefully considering the statistics, the outcomes of his policies, his ideology and a perspective gleaned from my more than 45 years in the business and professional world. If there is any “propaganda” out there, I suggest that in emanates from the likes of Polosi, Schumer, Debbie Wasserman-Shultz and that cadre of White House spokes persons.

In any event, your characterization of this site as a propaganda piece is way off the mark. The regulars here are thoughtful, independent thinkers who take their postings and writings seriously. You might want to hang around a bit as you might well learn something.



Take this post here, a typically ridiculously inflammatory headline, some cherry picked quotes from other sites, and nine (yes I counted), nine sentences written by the “author”. Is this the standard you want to be associated with?

This is a blog Tom. This isn’t the New York Times with authors on the payroll and a huge budget to pay those authors. It’s a blog where many people voice their opinions, and that’s it. Most everyone of us works full time and when we have free time we link to interesting stories, provide a few comments pointing to that link, all in the hopes of stimulating debate.

A better solution, in my humble opinion, would be to have standards that everyone involved with this site can live with, rather than constantly hiding behind this excuse that you’re not responsible for the reader posts.

Huh? So I should poll all the readers and have them decide what is worthy of a post? That’s ridiculous. If people do not like the standards on the blog, don’t read it. Plain and simple. Stop visiting and go start visiting sites you believe have the “standards” you agree with.

On a daily basis you publish what basically amounts to repetitive Republican propaganda, much of it very ugly against the President and unsubstantiated in any way

Dude…this is a conservative blog. The posts on here represent other conservatives thoughts. Most conservatives do not like Obama and what he has done to this country. They don’t like how Democrats have screwed the pooch over and over again. So we write about it. And this surprises you? From a conservative blog? Come on. Maybe I should put up some stories from KOS to make you feel better about the “standards”


I admire your patience with TOM , he is just a trouble maker here and
he love to stir the mud around, and he go somewhere else and trash everyone here,
in his own place and he come back to do it again,


Considering all of the various voices that write posts, and make comments here, only the narrow minded fool would read one reader’s post and not familiarize themselves with the rest of the website’s content, and then pronounce it “…highly juvenile and lacking in credibility.”

I completely agree with this and I do appreciate the fact that Curt allows all different viewpoints.


Dude…this is a conservative blog. The posts on here represent other conservatives thoughts. Most conservatives do not like Obama and what he has done to this country. They don’t like how Democrats have screwed the pooch over and over again. So we write about it. And this surprises you? From a conservative blog? Come on. Maybe I should put up some stories from KOS to make you feel better about the “standards”

If I praised Daily Kos here, would you use one of their better thought-out posts, or a ridiculous anti-Republican one, to illustrate their failings? It’s the same thing with your site, and that’s my point. There are many great posts here, as I said above. This is a great conservative blog, without a doubt. But, in my humble opinion, I think you sell yourself short if you think that posting stuff like ‘Obama has no use for white working people” or “Obama is a monster” is really helping your cause or stimulating useful debate. It’s actually just hate mongering. Now let’s not discount the virtue of giving people a forum to vent, but at the end of the day, is the point of your blog to persuade others to your worldview, or just to pour gasoline on the far-right fire? I can tell you right now that most Americans are turned off by arguments against Obama that are derogatory toward him as a person. I was speaking with a conservative yesterday who told me that she really loves the first family as people – attacks on him won’t get you anywhere with people like that, not to mention moderates, and will actually be counter-productive. That’s just my opinion, and like you said, I can go elsewhere if I don’t like it here.

Disturber From 65-68 my brother Bob attended Columbia and my father Columbia ’36 and Law ’39 was attorney for Columbia from early 60’s into the 80’s
I read this site to learn more about Conservative thinking from posters like Mata,Word,Skooks and John Galt.I also enjoy reading strong counterpoints from Larry,Greg and Tom.(thumbs up on #23)
For the most part I cringe or disregard the fanatical right or left postings found here I’ve enjoyed my time here.
Thanks to my fellow Marine Curt for keeping it wide open.


That’s an eloquent defense of the site. As I have attempted to clarify, I am not referring to most of what I read here. I wouldn’t bother visiting if I wasn’t interesting in reading what intelligent conservatives have to say. I get into trouble here, however, when I read things that I think go too far and I comment upon them. I will stand by my opinion that some of the posts here have little substance and no purpose beyond flaming Obama as a person. I find the focus upon him: his supposedly shadowy past, uncertain loyalties and beliefs (religious, political, etc.), to be unfounded and disturbing. To me, stuff like that is pure projection of something – god knows of what – onto Obama that people should look inward to diagnose. But I appreciate your perspective, because it sounds like you concentrate on what’s important and disregard the static.

@Tom: I appreciate your point Tom, and it’s well taken but when I started this blog 8 years ago it was to vent. It most certainly morphed into a bit bigger blog then I had imagined but in the end I maintain this blog to stimulate debate. I can’t speak for the other authors, commenter’s, and readers but I, personally, don’t do it to persuade others to my world view. Most every single person on the planet already has their world view stamped in stone so that is futile. I do it to point out facts and stories that may get overlooked in the MSM. I do it to provide fodder for debate. That’s it.

As you and others noticed, I rarely censor or ban…and believe me I’ve been asked to many times….but I think it’s healthy to have the other side present their side of things, even if I rarely agree with it. On the flip side I allow all kind of reader posts (as long as they have a conservative bent because…once again, it’s a conservative blog), even if I don’t agree with them completely because it once again provides fodder for debate.

Hopefully you guys stick around, skip over posts written by authors you don’t care for, and keep on trucking. But if you don’t, that’s the free market for you. The shoes do the talking.


Thanks, Curt. I see your point and respect your erring on the side of not censoring anything. In hindsight, it was probably misguided for me criticize the blog as a whole when it’s specific posts or authors I have issue with. I did not mean to criticize you. I came to this blog in a similar way as Carson did, so I know how the first post you land on can paint your entire viewpoint.

@Richard Wheeler:
Don’t see Big Poppie coming over. I’m interested to see what he can do though. Been a Cubs fan since I was 10? Grew up in Memphis (hate that place). When WGN and WTBS came to Memphis, the family watched the Braves, I went for the Cubs.

I’ve recently come to the conclusion that the MSM has turned into the new incarnation of the USSRs “news” agency Pravda . I considered myself VERY cynical about MSM being in the tank for our Ersatz President only to find out I was not cynical enough. I knew that Media Mutters was a Soros sponsored agitprop / troll factory but didn’t know how deep their connections to MSM ran. The Daily Caller expose on those dirtbags is getting crickets everywhere but the conservative blogosphere. As for that Politico turd Ben Smith, I recently saw someone use the verb “bensmithing” referring to someone shutting their brain/integrity off and mindlessly printing taking points.
For anyone who asks why isn’t in the MSM, I don’t believe it will be.
No logically objective standards will be used because Dear Leader’s actual record sucks.
Everything will be qualitative, hopey changey feel good crap.
The Progressive Liberal Communist mind has logic-tight compartments.

Obama 2012 – Because the USA isn’t going to screw itself over

In furtherance of the comment by Random Thoughts, look at this article which details the intricate complexities between the White House and the Media Matters investigators:

