Mittens wins his 4th CPAC Straw Poll… ho hum


It’s another CPAC year, and it appears that not much is new. Mitt Romney will still say anything to convince the GOP and conservative voters that his past doesn’t exist, and the CPAC attendees still bounce back and forth between the same two names they’ve done since 2007… Mitt or Ron Paul. After CPAC 2010-2011 Straw Polls, handing the victory to Ron Paul, Romney regained his crown and chalked up yet another CPAC win with 38% of the 3,408 attendees. Santorum came in second with 31%, Gingrich third at 15%, and Ron Paul trailing last with 12%.

The participation in the straw poll – always traditionally low – seems to echo that same pattern considering the estimated attendance of 10,000 touted. Al Cardenas, chair of the American Conservative Union which sponsors CPAC, had hoped a change of rules, allowing attendees to vote electronically with their phones and iPads, instead of just through paper ballots, would boost the voting participation.

“No one’s stacking the deck this year,” Cardenas said. “It’s a wide-open process. I don’t think any of [the candidates] want to be caught with a perception that they’re trying to stack the deck and then lose the straw ballot. … The outcome will be far less predictable.”

All that according to Cardenas adds up to results that, when they’re announced Saturday, will be a real barometer of which presidential candidate the thousands of attendees at CPAC like the most.

“This is the first time that you’re going to have the ultimate focus group of 10,000 people (or whatever it turns out to be) listening to four candidates over the same period of time, voting on who they like the best,” Cardenas told me at his morning press conference. “They’re going to be swayed by the passion of the orator. Whether they end up voting for the person they came in supporting or not, I think that’s one of the most interesting stories for you fellows to follow.”

Personally, I would think such electronic polls leave you even more open to a fraudulent count, as any well versed Ron Paul supporter can attest. In fact, as the masters of swamping any electronic poll, the CPAC officials are lucky that most the Ron Paul voters were MIA, along with their candidate. Indeed, the electronic voting seemed to be one of the hopes CPAC had to keep the Ron Paul supporters from gaming the system, and hope for at least 2/3rds of those attending to participate.

This year, the American Conservative Union and CPAC are moving from paper ballots to electronic voting that will be accessible from a computer or a handheld device, said Al Cardenas, the conservative union’s current president. He told The Huffington Post that he hopes this will increase the number of attendees who participate in the straw poll.

“Obviously, in the past, it’s been somewhat compromised because only a third of the people who attend voted,” Cardenas said in an interview. “It used to be a fairly cumbersome process because you had to do it manually. Now, for the first time this year we’re instituting an electronic vote.

“So people can vote through Saturday afternoon, and before, that wasn’t the case,” he said. “And we’re hoping that instead of having a third of those in attendance vote, we’ll have two-thirds or more vote.”

CPAC Attendance Chart - 1976 to present
Despite the rapidly increasing of attendance at CPAC since 2000, and assuming the “focus group of 10,000 people” is close to the 2012 attendance, a participation rate of 34% via new media is a disappointing voting statistic in itself. And if you further parse the numbers, Romney’s win pencils out to a big 1,295 attendees out of 10,000 voting for him.

If you’re Romney, should you be celebrating that only 1.2% of all CPAC attendees wanted to vote for him, and most of them there didn’t want to vote for anyone? Instead, the lack of participation makes a serious statement on the lackluster enthusiasm by what is supposed to be a charged up base of conservatives, eager to beat Obama with literally any one with an “R” behind their names or, as others have stated, any handy inanimate object.

If this all that would postpone their next text or tweet in order to muster up the Herculean effort of an electronic vote, the conservative base and GOP Party are in big trouble. Because no matter how you spin it, 66% approximate are still unhappy with the political buffet laid before them…. even after what has been promoted as a wildly positive event.

Probably about as accurate or scientific as the Straw Poll itself is S.E. Cupps’ own personal straw poll Friday evening, where it seems the true winner is which ever direction the wind is blowing that day, the “Frankenstein” candidate… a piece of this guy, and another piece of that one…. and not to be ignored, the amount of people who stated that their convictions were impossible to ignore that were running along side those that would vote for an empty can of Spam over Obama.

“Decidedly undecided” says it all. If you get an answer today, be sure to ask again next week to see if it’s the same answer.

But if the history of the CPAC Straw Poll winners bears out, Romney’s fourth win will unlikely translate to anything more rewarding than his previous wins. Since it’s inception in 1976, only Reagan and Bush have gone on to get the nod at the GOP Convention, let alone get to the WH. Other winners, Jack Kemp, Phil Gramm, Steve Forbes, Gary Bauer, Rudy Giuliana, George Allen, Mittens and Ron Paul, have failed to make the grade.

In fact, the failure rate of CPAC winners is a dubious legacy enshrined by the neo-liberal rag, The New Republic, in a slideshow.

So congrats to Mittens for chalking up his fourth win. But since the third time wasn’t the charm, I’m not thinking the fourth will do much, except to give him empty bragging rights. Maybe next year he should compete on Dancing with the Stars. At least he’ll could nab a mirror ball trophy for his efforts.

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Is it interesting that Paul didn’t “win” this one?

Most Paul supporters turn out to see Paul. No Paul, far fewer Paul supporters. Plus anyone on the fence (which probably isn’t that many people) would probably not be inclined to vote for someone who couldn’t be bothered to show up in person.

Rick has his sweater vests.

Newt supporters say he will “Newtralize Obama.”

There are a plethora of names for Ron Paul supporters.

But we GOTTA get a better nickname for Romney, than “Mittens.”



How about “Mitt-igated disaster”

Mitticulous, Miter Saw No Evil in Obama,

@Ditto: and @Skookum: LOL! Love ’em!

What an arrogant person you must be. I am just an average american. I have listened to to the debates, listen
to the speeches and read backgrounds on the candidates. I liked a couple of those running. But when it came down to really choosing one that one was Romney. He had all the attributes that I was looking for. Taking a
pole in our family the results were the same. Another thing we agreeed on the we are sick of the so called conservative pundits and talk show hosts that rail everyday on their shows against this man. most of our
family have tuned them out and refuse to listen to their broadcast.
When will you realize we are not electing God, we are trying to find a human being who will try to turn this
country around help us again regain some respect in this world. You as a blogger are damaging our party.

What an arrogant person you must be. I am just an average american who has listen to the debates, speeches and
read the the bio’s of the candidates. After all of this I settled on Romney. Most of our family of 23 did the same.
We are sick of the pundits, talk shows, and bloggers spewing their hatred on all except their chosen candidate.
Please remember we are not electing “GOD”, we are electing the one we feel is the best to beat Obama. You are
turing off so many of us with your biased opinions. Just remember we are fighting to unseat this president .

we are sick of your opinions. Just give us facts we will do the rest.

Paul didn’t even participate in CPAC or the straw poll.

Rosemary, in all fairness to political writers, if we only needed facts without opinions, two or three pages a day would be available with facts and figures. It is the personality and opinions of the writer that helps people to think and analyze. We have arguments here and many differences of opinion, but to assume that people who disagree with you shouldn’t state their opinions and offer viable alternatives is discounting the need for political writers.

If you are sold on the Romney ticket, I suggest you state the reasons for your choice in an essay and submit it for publication. We are now engaged in an important primary selection process and many of us are not excited about the choices and are uncommitted. We have a great respect for Mata and her commentary: if you disagree with her analysis, write a rebuttal and refute her post. This is a site that encourages debate and not a site that asks its readers to accept a particular candidate without question.

The means to challenge the premises of Mata is in front of you; please begin typing and share your opinions and analysis with us. You may have debate and challenges, but I doubt if anyone will tell you to keep your opinions to yourself and just give us the facts.

@rosemary costello:

What an arrogant person you must be.

Because I disagree with you? Am I the only one to recognize the irony?

Taking a pole in our family…

That seems unnecessarily brutal, but then you like Obamneycare apparently, so I guess it makes sense. A male would be arrested for domestic violence.

When will you realize we are not electing God…

I do realize that, you did that last time. I’m not clear on what all the bother is, I’m pretty sure an Executive order will be out telling us we are not going to do the right thing so Mooch has ordered the election canceled.

@rosemary costello:

we are sick of your opinions. Just give us facts we will do the rest.

Why are you here? (reading this blog) I stop doing things that make me sick. Like voting for people that want to further destroy my freedom (like Obamneycare, for a handy example).

We might be more impressed if there was indeed a requirement for all CPAC (Conservative Political Action Committee) members to prove that they are indeed true conservatives by passing a conservative position entrance exam. Or if they released their membership list to the public so that we can try to evaluate how each member has contributed to the “conservative cause.” There is no authority that validates that each and every member of a political action committee is actually dedicated and pledged to that cause. Nor would I be at all surprised if it turned out that the majority of CPAC’s membership is filled with Republican-progressives, moderates, or what many of us recognize as simply more of the typical establishment Republican elitists who claim to be conservatives without acting as such.

Remember, that someone who dons a particular political mantle may not actually support that “cause”. Many Republicans favor a democracy over a republic. Quite a few Democrats are actually in favor of an oligarchical dominant class, ruling over the lowly unwashed masses using the promise of socialistic-entitlements to enslave the people. The Federalists were not in fact federalist. The Anti-Federalists actually were federalists, but chose their moniker to show opposition. It’s also not at all uncommon for someone to “join” a group (having an actual hidden their own agenda of: either taking it over from within, to use the alliance for their own personal gain, to neutralize, or even destroy the organization. (For example, look into what happened to the now long defunct Reform Party.)

Little in the game of politics is actually what it seems or professes to be. Which is why many of us who post on FA are justifiably cynical of even those who proclaim that “(they) support our cause.” That is not “arrogance” by any interpretation of the word, but the result of years of being lied to by politicians.


We might be more impressed if there was indeed a requirement for all CPAC (Conservative Political Action Committee) members to prove that they are indeed true conservatives by passing a conservative position entrance exam. Or if they released their membership list to the public so that we can try to evaluate how each member has contributed to the “conservative cause.”

Is there anybody here besides me that any of that would be proof positive that there are no True Conservatives (Whatever that turns out to mean.) in the room?

MataHarley, who is your next Wack-a-Mole going to be? First it was Bachmann, followed by Cain, Perry Gingrich, and now it’s Santorum. What’s next, Obama? If your main concern is getting rid of Obama then it would be a wise thing to get behind Romney as the others don’t stand a chance in Hell of giving him the boot this November. Mark my words……No GOP candidate can unseat Obama but Romney.

rosemary costello
it sound like you’re talking about the man you love,
it’s so beautiful to hear so much love, very poetic.

MITT I GATE, MITRE ; bishop and abbot’s tall cap,deeply cleft at top, esp, as symbol of

@Hank Rockwell Jr: Socialism bad. Matters not a whit whether it is Obamneycare as Pelosi wrote it, or Obamneycare as Mittens wrote it.

Replaceing Obama with Romney is not worth the gas it takes to get to the polling place and it is not worth the expense of repainting the Oval Orifice.

Larry Sheldon
if he is the nominate, he will be better than OBAMA, and will be put on top by all the conservatives,
so if he is the chosen one, he must get in, no excuse for anyone to not see that the other must go,
no room for another mistake.

@Larry Sheldon: You said:

Replaceing Obama with Romney is not worth the gas it takes to get to the polling place and it is not worth the expense of repainting the Oval Orifice.

But what you fail to understand is that while Romney may well be Obama lite, he does not have Obama’s disdain for:

* the Constitution
* American Exceptionalism
* the “middle class”

With Romney in office the worst thing we will have to worry about is him possibly increasing the size, scope and reach of government – and that is bad enough in and of itself.

With Obama in a second term without the threat of re-election hanging over his head, fretting about bigger government is the LEAST of our worries.

So it makes a difference, even if it ends up being Romney who gets the GOP nomination.

@MataHarley: I get your point, but I was alluding to the broader disdain that Obama has for all things Constitutional. When compared to Romney, I think Obama wins hands down on the “who hates the limits of the Constitution more” game.


…he does not have Obama’s disdain for:

* the Constitution
* American Exceptionalism
* the “middle class”

Do you have any supporting evidence for any ONE of those?

With Romney in office the worst thing we will have to worry about is him possibly increasing the size, scope and reach of government – and that is bad enough in and of itself.

So tell me again why I should waste the gas?

With Obama in a second term without the threat of re-election hanging over his head, fretting about bigger government is the LEAST of our worries.

The only question I see is whether I have to learn to speak Arabic or Chinese.

Larry Sheldon
wow, are you on drugs or drunk?
you lost it

@ilovebeeswarzone: Nah. I don’t do drugs and don’t drink enough tgo notice.

I do however have my eyes open and I have not been drinking the koolaid either.

Larry Sheldon
hi, good to know you are checking too, but whatever happen and it will too,
no matter how much pain she has been received, they will disappear before they destroy her,


Bad as it is, it is still the best place I know of.

But there a lot more who don’t think so and want to continue to sell us out.

Including as near as can tell, all of the people being considered for the office of President

@Larry Sheldon: Off to work, will respond to you this evening.

Larry Sheldon
hi, you have join the group of those who don’t trust anymore because of the deceptions of last years,
to create, to come out of the bad time and rise above their humiliations of being treated as inferior humans.


All well, good, and true (even with the massive capslock failure).

Unanswered, however is the answer to the question “who to vote for?”.

I keep seeing “it doesn’t matter.”

(If I lived where I was presented with a choice for Representative or Senator, it would be worth the trip out. Although I am not sure why I think that, given the accepted decisions to ignore Congress.)

Larry Sheldon
I’LL let anticsrocks follow up on your thoughts, he is far better inform and able to continue
the debate with
the doubts and questions you are asking yourself,
but what I know is that this GOVERNMENT IS ON the intent to destroy AMERICA, and must be defeated
at all cost. and beside that the last man has not been decided yet, many changes will happen before the stabilisation of the CAMPAIGNS, and many other STATES are preparing to vote for their right CANDIDATE,
until all have spoken, we will be so energize then,just give it a chance, with time’s coming,

You do need@ilovebeeswarzone: You really do need to get your capslock key under control, it is hurting your message.

Defeated it must be. But if you are going to do it with elections, you have to elect somebody that is different.

Electing the same old same old, is not going to get anything new.

Except paint in the Oval Office.

MataHarley, Sorry, my mistake. I meant who is “the” next Wack-a-Mole going to be, not “your” next Wack-a-Mole. I do know I didn’t make a mistake in saying “No GOP candidate can unseat Obama but Romney”. Mark my words. Rome wasn’t built in a day and the extremists on the left will not be ousted in a day either. It will take quite some time. By endorsing any candidate except Mittens, as you say, it will only waste precious time and the Leftist will have destroyed our nation by then.

@Hank Rockwell Jr: @Hank Rockwell Jr: Endorsing Romney IS endorsing a leftist.

I am opposed to endorsing leftists.

Larry Sheldon
yes I will be careful on the caps, you see nobody is perfect and it goes for the CANDIDATES,
BUT you have to admit they are far more classy than OBAMA,
AND THEY DO LOVE AMERICA, WOOPS back to the no caps,
what’s my excuse is that the key move by herself,
[just kidding]

@Larry Sheldon: Okay sorry I couldn’t reply earlier today, Larry. Here goes.

You said, as regards Obama’s disdain for the Constitution, American Exceptionalism and the “middle class”:

Do you have any supporting evidence for any ONE of those?

Doesn’t take much thought to really find support for what I claimed. Obama has trampled the Constitution by ignoring the Separation of Powers when he:

*declared the Senate in recess
* commanded his EPA to regulate carbon emissions without Congressional authority
* having the Department of Homeland Security implement the DREAM act even though it wasn’t passed by the legislature
* thwarted a Federal Appeals court ruling and had the FCC regulate internet traffic anyway
* having the NLRB tell Boeing where it can and cannot open a factory
* having the NLRB change the time allotted for union elections
I mean I could go on and on, but really why bother? It is very clear that this President isn’t interested in working within the framework of our Constitution.

As for his disdain for American Exceptionalism, he is on record as a candidate saying:

“I believe in American exceptionalism, just as I suspect that the Brits believe in British exceptionalism and the Greeks believe in Greek exceptionalism.” Even though he gave lip service to our ideals of freedom and equality, he was stating his belief that we are one country among many. This is evidenced in an interview with Valerie Jarrett, arguably his closest adviser, emphasis mine:

“Top presidential aide and longtime Obama family friend Valerie Jarrett was born and raised in Iran for the first five years of her life. In explaining how she first grew close to Obama, Jarrett says they traded stories of their youthful travels. As Jarrett told Obama biographer David Remnick: “He and I shared a view of where the United States fit in the world, which is often different from the view people have who have not traveled outside the United States as young children.” Remnick continues: “Through her travels, Jarrett felt that she had come to see the United States with a greater objectivity as one country among many, rather than as the center of all wisdom and experience.” Speaking with the authority of a close personal friend and top political adviser, then, Jarrett affirms that she and Obama reject traditional American exceptionalism.Source

Lastly, his disdain for the middle class is evident in his policies that have wrought havoc on hard working Americans who feel the sting quicker and more painfully than those “evil rich folks” who seemingly contribute to his campaign coffers endlessly. His policies have brought us higher prices at the pump, fewer jobs and more people per year on food stamps than any other President ever.

Let me state unequivocally that I am NOT a Romney supporter. He in no way represents my thoughts, feelings or philosophy when it comes to running the country. However, if he gets the nomination, I will “pull the lever” for him. It’ll be hard, seeing as how I will be holding my nose with the other hand…, but I shall cast my vote none-the-less.

If you see no difference between Romney and Obama – and I will admit that they do have some things in common – then don’t vote for him. All I am saying is that Romney is nowhere near the radical that Obama is.

Not even close.

@anticsrocks: TWEEEEEEEET!!!!!! [throws yellow flag]

You said, as regards Obama’s disdain for the Constitution, American Exceptionalism and the “middle class”:

Do you have any supporting evidence for any ONE of those?

I hope that is not what I said. I hope I said

…he does not have Obama’s disdain for:

* the Constitution
* American Exceptionalism
* the “middle class”

Do you have any supporting evidence for any ONE of those?

he [Romney] does not have is what you said. I said show me that Romney is in any tiny way different from Obama.

@Larry Sheldon: I did not read past the flag.

@Larry Sheldon: Okay, I misunderstood you. I thought you were wanting examples for Obama’s disdain for the things I mentioned.

As far as Romney, all I can say is what I said to Mata on this very same subject:

I get your point, but I was alluding to the broader disdain that Obama has for all things Constitutional. When compared to Romney, I think Obama wins hands down on the “who hates the limits of the Constitution more” game.

Again, let me be clear (to borrow a phrase from the current occupier of the WH), I do not want Romney as our nominee. There are several other candidates who I would prefer over and above Romney. But I just don’t see him as the same type of radical that Obama is. If he ends up in the Oval Office, maybe I will proven wrong. I hope to God that I’m not.

This is just my subjective opinion of Romney as I see him, which is a moderate, even progressive Republican in the same vein as Rockefeller.

AND NEWT GINGRISH ALSO getting some millions, I also read that WALL-STREET
is neglecting OBAMA, HE MUST BE FURIOUS, but he incited so many against them, that he deserve.
and the best way to hurt him is cutting the buck supply,

@ilovebeeswarzone: Yes, you’re right. He is losing some big donors. It is strange, the ones he seems to be losing are the ones that think he hasn’t been radical enough, or as they see it, not far enough to the left.

Obama losing financial backing of big S.F. donor

Larry Sheldon…You wouldn’t know a leftist if it hit you in the face. I’ve fought leftists, and I’m here to inform you that Romney is no leftist. If people like you could pull your heads out you would see that Romney is the most conservative of all the GOP candidates. Do I smell religious bigotry? If that’s the case, grow a set and man up to it.

@Hank Rockwell Jr: If you found a bad smell, it is you who needs the bath.

Your remark is close to an actionable slander. Or is it libel–I don’t deal with that much?

He might very well be the most conservative of the GOP candidates, I’ll give you that. I see that as a problem.

And Obamneycare (or Rombamacare) is [pick one] socialist, fascist, leftist, or progressive.

@Hank Rockwell Jr: You had me till you said Romney was the most Conservative of all the GOP candidates.

Romney during the 2002 gubernatorial campaign in Massachusetts:

“I think people recognize that I am not a partisan Republican. That I’m someone who is moderate, and that my views are progressive.” – Source

In Florida, Romney really began trying to don some Conservative clothes, but his history tells another tale:

But a review of the facts paints a different picture and counters Romney’s assertions. In the past, Romney has often gone to considerable lengths to distance himself from Republicans and conservatives.

• Romney had been a lifelong independent before he decided to run for Ted Kennedy’s Senate seat in Massachusetts in 1994, the Boston Globe reported at the time.

When Romney debated Kennedy, Kennedy accused his opponent of trying to return the country to the policies of Reagan-Bush. Romney retorted: “I was an independent during the time of Reagan-Bush. I’m not trying to return to Reagan-Bush.”
• When House Speaker Newt Gingrich was promoting his “Contract with America” in 1994, Romney’s aides said he “had not read the document and had no plans to support it,” the Globe reported.

The Washington Times observed that Romney “criticized the Republican campaign agenda, the ‘Contract with America,’ as too partisan.”
• Washington Post columnist David Broder observed during the 1994 Senate campaign: “Eager to show that he is a moderate independent and no ideologue, Romney stressed his support for universal health insurance and abortion rights, criticized the Republican ‘Contract with America,’ and was more outspoken than Kennedy in arguing that the Boy Scouts should not exclude homosexual youths.”

• In 1992, Romney voted in the Democratic presidential primary for Paul Tsongas, one of the most liberal Democrats in the Senate, saying Tsongas’ views were more closer to his own than Bill Clinton’s.

During the CNN debate in Jacksonville, Romney gave listeners a more emphatic impression of his past Republican credentials, saying, “I’ve never voted for a Democrat when there was a Republican on the ballot. And — in my state of Massachusetts — you could register as an independent and go vote in (whichever) primary happens to be very interesting. And any chance I got to vote against Bill Clinton or Ted Kennedy, I took. … I have always voted for a Republican any time there was a Republican on the ballot.” – Source

If Romney becomes our nominee, he will preferable to Obama, but that does not mean that he is a Conservative by any stretch of the imagination. Hell, I would even go so far as to say that McCain is more Conservative than Romney.

anticsrocks….I see the problem with Washington is Washington Insiders. Romney is the only candidate running that isn’t a career politician. As far as Massachusetts is concerned, Romney did what he had too to get in, and soon afterward, he turned the state around. I learned those skills myself at SWCS before I was deployed to Nam’. It’s those skills and training that have helped make my life and family successful. Please consider this for one moment, if you will. If it hadn’t been for progressive thought Columbus would have never discovered America, slaves would still be slaves, and miracle cures would have never been discovered. There needs be a balance of both ideals, conservative and progressive. Today the scales have shifted too far to the left and thus need to be brought back into alignment. Too far to the left results in Tyranny. Too far to the Right results in Anarchy. Every GOP candidate is far from perfect, but the objective is, to swing the scales back and Mitt Romney is the candidate I believe is the odds on favorite towards attaining that goal.
In closing I would like to state that the only perfect candidate that agrees with you, or myself 100% of the time, looks at us in the mirror every morning when we shave. My primary objective is to remove Barack Hussein Obama out of office and back to the ghettos of Chicago wince he came.

With sincere respect,
Hank Rockwell Jr
2nd Battalion, 1st SF Group, 18 Bravo. MACVSOG CCN SSgt (AKA Ghost)

Hank Rockwell Jr
yes sir you have more than earn to give your opinion, you even lived it.
and It’s well taken into appreciation and worthy of looking at and debate with fair exchanges,
as we do here at FA.

@Hank Rockwell Jr: First of all, thank you for your service to our country.

Secondly, let me address some of the items you raised, and let me also say that I mean no disrespect.

Romney is the only candidate running that isn’t a career politician.

Only because he lost his battle for Teddy Kennedy’s Senate seat, and also didn’t run for re-election as Governor of Massachusetts.

As far as Massachusetts is concerned, Romney did what he had too to get in, and soon afterward, he turned the state around.

If we agree on the premise that he said what he needed to in order to get elected, that raises two points.

1. You are basically saying that he has no integrity, telling the electorate what they want to hear instead of running on his principles.
2. If he said what he needed to in order to get elected – that he believed in and advocated for Romneycare – then why does he not do the reverse now to become POTUS? In other words, he won’t say what the Conservative voting base wants to hear and admit Romneycare was a mistake. If it was just a ruse why won’t he back away from it? – Because he believes in top-down, authoritarian government-run health care, or in the very least, he believes in big-government answers to societal problems.

Please consider this for one moment, if you will. If it hadn’t been for progressive thought Columbus would have never discovered America, slaves would still be slaves, and miracle cures would have never been discovered.

You are conflating political ideology with the pursuit of scientific discovery in the case of Columbus and the vague idea of miracle cures. Are you saying that Conservatives are not capable of pursuing new frontiers in the scientific community? In health related science? Astronomy? Biology? Are progressives the only people who have a thirst for bettering mankind?

I’m sorry, but you strike me as an intelligent person and that is not a very open minded view of Conservative thought.

Please consider this for one moment, if you will. If it hadn’t been for progressive thought…slaves would still be slaves…

Really? Our Founding Fathers did not pretend that slave holding was a good thing. They were not hypocritical about this, in fact they condemned it. In most of our young (at that time, of course) Union, they abolished slavery. Where they did not get it abolished, they publicly condemned it. Had not the Declaration of Independence (which was authored by Thomas Jefferson – a very Conservative man), been written and conceived in the idea all men being free and equal before nature and nature’s law, or God, then there would have been no foundation for the ending of slavery nearly a century later. – “Source, Dr. Larry Arnn, President of Hillsdale College on the Mark Levin Radio Show February 16, 2012

So to simply say that slavery would still exist, had it not be for progressive ideology is wrong on so many levels.

as usual you sure know your history and to put it this way
is to make it easy for me to understand it.
thank you

@anticsrocks: Slavery stayed to get the (now “Democratic”) South to sign up.

It was Republicans that started and finished the abolition.