Get off Tebow’s back. Especially you, Maher [Reader Post]


Tim Tebow’s devotion to his religious beliefs is nothing new, but you’d never know it based on what the media is doing to him.

At HuffPo:

Brady Slays Tebow




Love him. Doubt him. Praise him. Ridicule him. Gape in awe. As the last two months have shown, there are 300 million opinions of the Broncos’ quarterback, and every one of them is right

SNL mocks him for his religious devotion.

And of course there is the incomparably disgusting and idiotic Bill Maher:

A “” site has been created. The cynic in me has doubts about its intentions, especially based on Jared Kleinstein’s own words:

After the dramatic win, Denver native Jared Kleinstein and several friends snapped a picture of themselves in the same pose that Tebow took after the game. They dubbed the action “Tebowing” and posted their picture on Facebook. After the pic generated an unexpected number of likes and comments, the 24-year-old Kleinstein launching a website dedicated to Tebowing.

The site sells Tebow gear which allegedly supports local charities. I have an email to the site asking exactly how much of their sales actually goes to charity.

One might to be tempted to think Tebow’s acts are unique, but they are not.

Albert Pujols

Cris Carter

Bobby Bonds

Watch carefully during the baseball season and see how many players cross themselves as they come to bat. See how many point skyward after something positive. Watch during a football game and see how many players take a knee after a score.

Tebow speaks openly about his religion, but he does not proselytize. So why is he such a target for liberals?

It is because he is white and Christian. There’s no way Maher or any of the other twits critical of Tebow would cast insults if Tebow was Muslim.

Tim Tebow created a charity foundation that works in part to grant the wishes of children with life-threatening illnesses. He spent his signing bonus on charity donations. He spends the off-season doing charity work in the Philippines. You can get a sense of his other efforts here.

Bill Maher, on the other hand, has spent his time boosting his net worth to $23 million. His good works know no limits. Maher has donated an item for auction to benefit “Save the Chimps.”

Tebow is not to be derided- he is to be admired. By all accounts he is a great person.

So they all ought to get off his back- especially Maher. Maher is a perfect example of what’s wrong with the liberal culture. He’s pompously vulgar and disrespectful while spitting all over the likes of Tim Tebow and all that’s right with America.

Hitchens was right:


Maher fans are morons.

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@C Andrew Scott:

the rhetoric you seem to use when discussing Muslims is dangerously stereotypical, in my opinion. over history, Christians have engaged in acts of violence and discrimination…yet, we don’t clump all Christians together in guilt by association.

Again, your problem is one of proportion. On any given day, I can name 5 or 10 different acts of terrorism committed by Muslims (or radical Muslims) for that day alone. Will you be able to match this with an equal number of Christian radicals blowing themselves up or blowing up their children for that day?

Let’s say only 10% of Muslims are either radical or they are sympathetic to radical methods of social change (i.e., it’s okay by them if others blow themselves up for Allah). That’s 100 million people.

Tell me at what point will you think this is potentially a problem?

@C Andrew Scott:

many of us are more afraid of the efforts of Christians agenda than the Muslims emigrating here to escape oppression.

Just who is oppressing them? Which countries have almost no religious tolerance, not even for moderate muslims?

Gary Kukis
I must say you have the right answers

@C Andrew Scott:

i was referring to the Christians who are pressing to impose their moral standards on non-Christians in America

Good point; nothing worse than imposed morality. Those Ten Commandments…yes, that is very dangerous stuff.

Now, would I prefer living in a community of Christians who believe in Jesus Christ, in God and county; in marriage between a man and a woman, in children being raised in a two-parent home, in teaching their children morality, in hard work as opposed to looking to Uncle Sugar to make things nice, and in honesty? Or would I like to live in a Muslim society where churches are burned and Christians harassed and killed.

Where is your preference, CAS?

I bet you had a nice day with the little 3 year old princess,
thank you for the GRATS,

@ilovebeeswarzone: Yes I did Beezy and you are welcome! You earned it.

600 anyone??

yes I’m in.

As usual the left COMPLETELY ignores their efforts to force politically correct thinking and behavior plus socialism down everyone’s throats.
Leftists are the biggest control freaks (and hypocrites) there are. They only disapprove of “Christians” because their standards would require them to be decent.

Ido not know if my computer can do it, because of the long thread here,
so I will try but do not count to much on me,
I had to swich computer because my laptop was too hot and the blue ring spinning was always cutting in,
this is an old IBM that my niece gave me,a couple of years ago, it has a french keybord which I am not familiar of the keys , some have the accent on top,like this; èèèinstead of the other between the IÉm, see what I meanÉé.,è; but no , like don,t between don and t
but beside it work well, so I will try the 600 okay Ééèè
I think I will have to buy a english keyboard to fit with my usual english language, I did not know there was other keybords than english, how irognant I find myself here,

Hard Right
just want to say hi, and did you see my 500 and the 400 before,
coming from me is an exceptionel achievement, I am moving like a TURTLE.
EDIT i AM DONE HERE WITH THIS THREAD, cannot come back here,
it took me 25 minutes to come back,
bye go for the 600 if you can

@gary kukis: my preference is to let ALL Americans make their own choice…as the 1st Amendment prescribes. not sure how you perceive gay marriage as “hurting” you. how is NOT putting the 10 Commandments up in a PUBLIC school “hurting” you?

it’s not. that’s the problem i have with YOU. YOU project fear and hatred and won’t even accept it.

@ilovebeeswarzone:i do not shop at WalMart. i believe, whole-heartedly, that anyone who does…anyone who shops there, works there, or holds stock in them is “unpatriotic” and “communist”

do you know why?

WalMart is 15% of China’s GDP. WalMart is the #1 exporter of Chinese good. (yeah…always love that American flag with the “Made In China” stamp).

when you cry about “jobs” in America, realize that those jobs went overseas…they weren’t taken by immigrants who came here. WalMart pays something like 18 cents and hour to their workers in Chinese factories…and to their employees here in the states, they push them to seek federal subsidies (like Medicare, foodstamps, and welfare) to make ends meet…so they don’t have to pay a fair share, thus benefiting the “bottom line”. thus, WalMart is “stealing” BILLIONS of dollars of “entitlement” money from taxpayers, supporting THEIR profits…which do NOT return to the communities like in other locally operated industries.

just something to think about next time you shop…and then complain out the other side of your mouth about the economy. WalMart is NOT good for America. and people who shop their blindly, trying to pinch pennies, are unaware of the impact they are contributing to.

@Hard Right:

They only disapprove of “Christians” because their standards would require them to be decent.

you make the gross assumption that all non-Christians…er…”leftists”…are not “decent” simply because they don’t live by your RELIGIOUS standards.

again, Mr. Wrong…THIS IS AMERICA. I DO NOT HAVE TO BELIEVE IN YOUR GOD. get over it. it’s pompous, ignorant, and simply vain that you insist on thinking you have the absolute truth. believe what you want, but don’t be an asshole if someone doesn’t agree with you. i don’t “hate” you for being Christian…but i dislike you for your intolerance to accept that people, including myself, have the freedom to make a choice (er…your own bible talks about “free will”, right? let “god” sort things out).

your projection of “indecency” and “terrorism” is sad. you live in fear…while preaching a faith of “love” (yeah…like “Christians” have never been responsible for ANY violence, right? ever hear about the Crusades? or maybe you don’t hear about hate crimes committed in America by Christians? our nation’s history is filled with events. perhaps you are unaware that “lynching” was invented here…by WHITE CHRISTIANS.) i guess, therefore, using your math…that ALL Christians (and then all conservatives…all Republicans)…are the same, and shouldn’t be trusted.

thanks for opening my eyes to the truth. gonna go smoke some pot and watch cartoons now.

happy saturday everybody! peace&love.

@C Andrew Scott:

my preference is to let ALL Americans make their own choice…as the 1st Amendment prescribes. not sure how you perceive gay marriage as “hurting” you. how is NOT putting the 10 Commandments up in a PUBLIC school “hurting” you?

Not posting the Ten Commandments at a school, for instance, is a limitation of free speech; it is the exact opposite of 1st Amendment free speech.

Gay marriage is not the end game. I think that, if gay marriage was the end game, then most conservatives would say, “What the hell; do what you want.” Right now, gays can have any kind of a ceremony that they want and call their union whatever the heck they want to call it.

Gay marriage is far more insidious (like legalizing homosexual activity; like allowing for domestic partnerships, etc.). If gay marriage is codified, we will see legal attacks upon churches, small businesses and schools ramped up as never before. There has already been legal action brought against private businesses and churches as is from homosexual activists; there has already been an infiltration in the public school system when some schools actually teach “3 kinds of intercourse” even to grammar school kids. There are already public schools that teach that there is no difference between homosexual activity and heterosexual activity (you like green M&M’s; I like blue ones).

And, on top of this, there is very little about a homosexual “marriage” that is like a heterosexual one. Fidelity, one of the most important tenets in a marriage does not exist with homosexual males. Getting married as virgins is non-existent in the homosexual community.

@C Andrew Scott:

i do not shop at WalMart. i believe, whole-heartedly, that anyone who does…anyone who shops there, works there, or holds stock in them is “unpatriotic” and “communist”

I am beginning to wonder, after making a statement like this, why I bother to even comment on what you have to say.

@C Andrew Scott: You don’t realize that all of this is a result of big government policies, which is founded upon high taxation?

@C Andrew Scott:

thanks for opening my eyes to the truth. gonna go smoke some pot and watch cartoons now.

How many innocent people were killed by drug cartels so that you could smoke your pot?

@gary kukis: none. i grow my own. LEGALLY.

how many deaths, automobile accidents, domestic violence, etc were influenced by alcohol…a “legal” drug? your “cartel” comment shows that you don’t understand how prohibition didn’t work in our country. it also shows you’ve fell for the “gateway drug” myth.

caffeine and tobacco are the true “gateway” drugs.

@gary kukis:

And, on top of this, there is very little about a homosexual “marriage” that is like a heterosexual one. Fidelity, one of the most important tenets in a marriage does not exist with homosexual males.

again…you project your own ignorance. how many “straight” marriages end in divorce? you act like there is no infidelity in the “straight” community.

Getting married as virgins is non-existent in the homosexual community.

were YOU a virgin when you got married? how many “straight” people truly virgins when they get married? also…i love how the bible always talks about “stoning women” who are not virgins, but it never mentions stoning “men”. that’s because the bible was written by men and women were thought of as cattle. another flaw in your good book.

and i’d like to ask you some more “private” questions (about what you consider “appropriate sexual activity)…but i won’t ugly up this thread any further.

@gary kukis:

You don’t realize that all of this is a result of big government policies, which is founded upon high taxation?

do you realize that all of this is a result of BIG BUSINESS, which is founded upon capitalistic greed?

WalMart was not “forced” to contribute to the demise of small, family-owned business in America. they were not “forced” to stop selling “MADE IN THE USA” products. WalMart took advantage of subsidies to build their stores…and then chose to buy cheap foreign goods. by supporting WalMart, you exercise your patriotic right to labor oppression in third-world countries.

whatever it takes to save a buck, right?

they chose to focus on profits, not people.

C Andrew Scott
I don’t know any busyness to be so pure as to not exchange busyness with CHINA,
those who work there are happy to have a job, and, by the way,
do you have a beef against WALLMART for refusing the UNIONS TO GET IN?because
we all know that CHINA GOODS ARE IN ALL THE BUSYNESS, so your argument against is not credible,

@ilovebeeswarzone: no, Bee…you’re missing my point (and the big picture, as always)…WalMart is more of the problem than you want to accept…and your continual support of the corporation over the community is hypocritical if you are against supporting communism.

those who work there are happy to have a job

actually…this isn’t true. WalMart didn’t “create” jobs…they “replaced” jobs…and gave most of those people no choice. i worked for WalMart. i have friends that are still forced to (because there are no more options in their own communities, thanks to WalMart). they are underpaid and receive little, if any, affordable benefits…because the bottom line is…WalMart cares more about it’s shareholders than it’s employees.

for all of you who want to blame “Big Government”…who do you think drives that government? BIG BUSINESS, that’s who.

and yes…i realize other companies buy Chinese products. that is not by beef. my beef is that American jobs were displaced overseas because of cheaper labor, not because of taxation in the States. is cyclical.

C Andrew Scott
you said you have friends who work there because of there are
no more options in their own COMMUNITY,
their views of not having enough might be replace by what if they did not have that job ,
and be thankful of it, think positive which will improve their work and chance to have a promotion;
do you think the management cannot discern who is working with their interest in mind, as oppose to those defetists spreading their negative thinking around.

C Andrew Scott
WHICH doesn’t prevent buyer to spend because it’s cheap on price so the mentality today, is of what the heck, we’ll get another one, not to worry.
I remember noticing products many more than now, of labels made in AMERICA, wow that meant quality and confidence to the purchaser, where did so many go,? why?
well my view is the GLOBAL EXCHANGE LAWS, HAVE ESCALATING THE DEMISE OF THE US, OF CANADA, ALONG WITH THE OTHER, AND CHINA TOOK ADVANTAGE OF IT FULL SWING, AND AMERICANS COMPANIES WENT IN CHINA TO BE MORE SUCCESSFULL, ARE now finding they have been copied and when it all was done, they are being denied the creator of their product and set on a backward stage,
how many other have found to reflex that GLOBAL EXCHANGE WAS NOT SO GOOD IDEA AFTER ALL.
and If I’m not mistaking the idea came from the UN INCENTIVE . CORRECT ME IF I’M WRONG ON THIS LAST SENTENCE,

@C Andrew Scott: I used to work at Walmart. In fact I was in their management training program, but even before that I had profit sharing and a retirement account that folks in other, similar “low wage” job could not even dream of having. Had my health not taken a turn for the worst, I would be a store manager for Walmart right now. My base salary would be low, but with profit sharing I would reasonably expect to be bringing home $100 to $150 thousand a year. That is the salary range that my store manager was at, it is typical.

That is how Sam Walton set up Walmart, with incentives to managers and regular employees so that they have a vested interest in how well their store does. I will admit, that with Mr. Walton’s passing, much of what made Walmart unique in that respect is gone. However, Walmart still pays their employees based on the average salary of similar jobs in whatever area a particular store is in. When I started at Walmart as a blue vest, I still made nearly a dollar an hour more than the average “low wage” job in my area.

Walmart used to be all about “buy American,” but even Sam Walton realized how hard it was to stick to that. Unfortunately our government creates an environment conducive to send a lot of companies seeking friendlier business atmospheres overseas.

I think that Walmart isn’t so much to blame as the regulations and tax rates that put it the position it is in, as regards purchasing stock overseas.

@C Andrew Scott: You said:

WalMart took advantage of subsidies to build their stores…

Please provide proof of that claim.

@anticsrocks: i also worked for WalMart and was being urged to go thru the management program. unfortunately…the vast majority of employees at the bottom of the pyramid scheme never sniff a salary close to $30k annually. while they boast that 75% of their employees are “full-time” they consider that to 28 hours. at minimum wage, it’s not wonder so many of their employees are also tied to food stamps and government assistance to make ends meet.

and Bee…when WalMart pushed out any other “competition” in it’s neighborhoods…what choice do its employees have? they can’t go anywhere else…if there’s no other jobs in the area. jobs that WERE there before WalMart…family (American) owned businesses that couldn’t compete with WalMart’s “master plan”.

but regarding your question about government subsidies (which small business owners generally are refused):

@C Andrew Scott: You said:

they chose to focus on profits, not people.

If a retail company doesn’t focus on profits, then how does it stay in business to benefit the people?

@anticsrocks: companies can and do compete successfully, while still maintaining a level of ethics. i’m certain that Mr. Sam Walton would agree with that.

but i see you didn’t comment on my response about the subsidies. any reason?

@C Andrew Scott: From one of the sources you cited:

Wal-Mart spokeswoman Mona Williams said the group was “shooting itself in the foot” with the report.

“We think the report in fact shows that the subsidies are a great thing for us. Do the math and you will see that every dollar invested with Wal-Mart has returned more than $30 for the community. We expect to see lots of other local governments will be asking for that $30 deal,” Williams said.
Greg LeRoy, executive director of Good Jobs First, said in a statement that the subsidies to Wal-Mart are particularly troubling given that the company “uses taxpayer dollars to create jobs that tend to be poverty-wage, part-time and lacking in adequate healthcare benefits.”
“Mr LeRoy is repeating tired old allegations that simply aren’t true. We pay annual wages that are higher than those offered by other non-union retailers and equal to those paid by union retailers. More than 75 percent of our jobs are fulltime and we offer solid healthcare benefits starting at less than $35 a month for individuals.”

Thanks for proving my point. I knew that Walmart, as many other corporations do, accepts subsidies and incentives to invest in a particular community. The fact that this happens isn’t a bad thing, as your source shows those subsidies and incentives give back many fold to their respective communities.

@C Andrew Scott: From the other source you cited:

A Wal-Mart spokeswoman, Mona Williams, said the retailer, which was not provided with a copy of the report, did not know the correct subsidy total.

But, she said, if $1 billion is correct, Wal-Mart could make good use of the figure in its advertising. In the last 10 years, she said, Wal-Mart has collected more than $52 billion in sales taxes, paid $4 billion in local property taxes, and paid $192 million in income and unemployment taxes to local governments.

“It looks like offering tax incentives to Wal-Mart is a jackpot investment for local governments,” she said.

Facts are stubborn things, CAS.

@C Andrew Scott: Not so fast on the keyboard there, CAS. Scroll up.

@anticsrocks: of course you would quote a WalMart spokesman.

yeah…”facts” are stubborn things. FACTS, not the skewed stats of public relations spin-doctors. c’mon, man! i thought you were better than that.

DSA link to UC Berkeley? Proud American socialist, eh c andrew?

@C Andrew Scott: Let me understand this. You berate me for quoting a Walmart spokesman, in articles YOU provided, and then you cite UC Berkely as an unbiased source??

And to add to your skewed sense of fairness, you cite a liberally biased newspaper and a story by a Congressman that is rated by its own website as “Half True.”

The Walmart “spin-doctor” you cited:

Wal-Mart has collected more than $52 billion in sales taxes, paid $4 billion in local property taxes, and paid $192 million in income and unemployment taxes to local governments.

“It looks like offering tax incentives to Wal-Mart is a jackpot investment for local governments,” she said.

So because a Walmart spokesman said the above quotation, that makes it wrong? If that spokesman cited arbitrary or purposely inaccurate figures, how long do you think that person would keep their job? How easily could those facts be challenged?

If those statistics quoted by the Walmart spokesman in the articles YOU linked to are wrong, then it ought to be quite easy to show that, wouldn’t you think?

ah…you will disregard anything “liberal” as a reputable source. i guess there’s no reason to ever read a newspaper then, huh? just watch FoxNews so we can get the “facts”, huh? ever think that the spokesman’s quoted statistics don’t tell the whole story.

it’s all “spin” i guess (i’m using another 4-letter word to keep it family friendly).

C Andrew Scott
at least they are AMERICAN, and successful, and saving the CAPITALIST AMERICA THAT WAS,
do you also have a qualm about MARCUS HOME DEPOT, GIANT STORES ALL OVER, which I love to go visit
what’s his second name? I knew it
and they are still living in AMERICA, PAYING THEIR TAXES,


at least they are AMERICAN

WalMart has no “national” loyalty anymore, Bee.

and again…you’re NOT American.

C Andrew Scott
yes you are a proud AMERICAN,
AND geez you’re fast on you’re answer, I just have time to finish and save edit and come back home, you’re already waiting for me.

@ilovebeeswarzone: i’ve just been checking in between sipping a fine home brewed craft beer and making falafel.

C Andrew Scott, if it’s not them , I will be other FOREIGNERS taking their places,
we must encourage those locals friendly giants success, we don’t want to hurt their feelings, they are sensitives to negative publicity, and they can afford to relocate if the GOVERNMENT IS TO PUSHY AND WANT TO REDISTRIBUTE THEIR OWN MONEY

C Andrew Scott
yes just what I thought, A lazy rich spoil brat wining about the richs
at least do you have the music appropriate?if I ask , what is a falafel, you will accuse me of islamophobia again, so I won’t ask


lazy rich spoil brat


you got me, Bee! when i’m not working my 9-5, i’m gardening, brewing my own beer, being as self-sufficient as possible. that’s how me and my “mafia” live.

we’ve got some Steely Dan on in the background. falafel is ground chickpeas, made into balls, and deep-fried. served with cucumber tahini sauce & pita bread (all made from scratch, if possible).

@ilovebeeswarzone: one day you should come down to the farm and enjoy the sunshine. we might be “liberals” but we’re good people and we know how to have a good time. my wife is a chef (i’m not so shabby myself). we were both products of urban blue-collar families. we understand the concept of hard work. but all work and no play makes you crazy.

@ilovebeeswarzone:here’s a good recipe if you feel the urge to expand your pallet.

@MataHarley: absolutely! i believe in social democracy…not conservative fascism.

gotta run, kids. peace&love. make a great Saturday evening. hope you’re spending it with people you love, doing what makes you happy.

@C Andrew Scott: When I call foul on your liberal sources, I am wrong. But you accuse me of only citing right wing sources? Project much?

I cited a quote from the sources that YOU PROVIDED. What part of that is so hard for you to contend with? If you don’t like me using your sources against you, then maybe you ought vet your sources a tad bit more than just skimming the bold print.

As for your Michael Moore-esque hit piece documentary, you are once again citing a source that is biased, but you have the nerve to accuse me of being intellectually lazy or even worst, dishonest??

I am happy to debate you, CAS, but remember, when you cite obviously biased sources, prepare to have that used against you.

You have proven nothing insofar as Walmart being an evil corporation. They are no more, or no less evil than the next retail corporation.

I am not saying that Mom & Pop stores have been hurt by Walmart. But when you have local communities offering tax incentives and such, why do you place the blame for any economic displacement squarely and only at Walmart’s doorstep?

I cannot cite a link, but I know for a fact that a local community (which is a suburb of my state’s capital) refused to allow Walmart to expand their store in that community. It was one of Walmart’s older stores and small by today’s standards. Walmart wanted to make it into a super center type store and the community would not allow it, or did not offer tax incentives, I forget which. The bottom line was that the community wouldn’t allow the expansion.

What happened?

Right down the road, Meijer put in a super store and the community lose a ton of revenue. They ended up asking Walmart to put in a super center.

You’re upset that Walmart has put to an end a lot of Mom & Pop stores. But the same thing happened with the development of the super market grocery store. Local Mom & Pop grocers went out of business in a similar manner. It is fair? Who knows? One thing for sure, if there is any blame to go around, it shouldn’t only lie with the retail chain. The communities that woo such corporations must also shoulder any responsibility for possible negative outcomes since they surely are ready to accept the positives.

C Andrew Scott
you know FASCISM is in the DEMOCRAT mentality. not with the CONSERVATIVES,
thank you for the recipe, foreign source is in it, sound good enough to try. not italien, maybe greek, or jewish or…
and thank’s for the invitation.

hi, you know I am surrounded by 3 big shopping malls ,not too far, and my small town has a corner store,
seems to flourish it has a gas station too, and the store is a micro general store, it has the food of what we find in big store but in small amount, it has tools and nails ecetera hardware ,
and cooked chicken hot in oven and pizza in pieces or whole hot too, or cold, it always have quite a bit of customers and they have prices not higher than big stores, so I think the small busyness can survive if they think more creative and smart to take a share of big one, many sell higher and that is a why they loose some also.

@ilovebeeswarzone: Well said Beezy. 🙂

I thought you had some pic of the birthday princess

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