This is an amazing home display, located on Mossy Creek Lane in Southwood, Tallahassee, FL. Tonight is the last night any one can see this lighting tribute in person, but it will be forever archived on YouTube.
Since 1775, over 1.3 million American troops have made the ultimate sacrifice. Thank you and please visit to help give back to those who protect our freedom.
A Big Thank you to everyone who voted and helped us win the Good Morning America Contest.
Now on iTunes! All Profits go to the Semper Fi Fund.
The America Patriots- God Bless The Usa and Armed Forces MedleyThanks to Ford at for doing all the music work and his wonderful wife for doing the voiceover.
This house can be seen on Mossy Creek Lane in Southwood, Tallahassee, FL from 6-10 on weeknights and until 11 Friday and Saturday night. Christmas night will be the last night.
Vietnam era Navy wife, indy/conservative, and an official California escapee now residing as a red speck in the sea of Oregon blue.
That was awesome. Gives ones heart a tug. At least it did to mine.
Awesome display. I wonder how long it takes to set all that up?