A seven year old boy takes the John Wayne image of manhood seriously, and is now in big trouble.
A 7-year-old boy is being investigated by his South Boston elementary school for possible sexual harassment after kicking another boy in the crotch.
A seven year old boy was being choked and robbed of his gloves, when he kicked his attacker in the nuts. Thus he ended the assault and prevented the theft.
The school system now claims that the response was an example of sexual assault and they are conducting an investigation.
The mother of first grader, Tasha Lynch:
“He’s 7 years old. He doesn’t know anything about sexual harassment.”
Mark Curran the perpetrator, said his attacker had been bullying him all week on the bus.
His mother says the boy reported to her:
“He just all of a sudden came up to him, choked him. He wanted to take his gloves, and my son said, ‘I couldn’t breathe, so I kicked him in the testicles,'”
“He couldn’t breathe. He was trying to defend himself, I don’t find that sexual harassment. I find that defending himself.”
Ms Lynch says she received a phone call informing her that the incident will be treated as sexual harassment because of inappropriate touching.
“Your son kicked a little boy in the testicles. We call that sexual harassment.”
She is expected to attend a disciplinary hearing at the school on Monday.
Boston Public School System is investigating the incident, but refuses to comment.
The Boston Public School System may decide that girls can no longer kick rapists in the nuts or else they will face disciplinary action for improper touching and sexual harassment. So don’t teach your kids to defend themselves or send them to martial arts schools; let them be beat, robbed, and raped by someone who is disadvantaged, it is the Liberal Way, and remember to vote Democrat
A professional horseman for over 50 years, Skook continues to work with horses. Skook has finished an historical novel, Fifty Thousand Years, that traces a mitochondrial line of DNA from 50,000 years ago to the present. The story follows a line of courageous women, from the Ice Ages to the present, as they meet the challenges of survival with grit and creativity. These are not women who whimper of being victims, they meet the challenges of survival as women who use their abilities without excuses or remorse, these women are winners, they are our ancestors.
Fifty Thousand Years is available in paperback and e-book, it is getting great reviews. You can purchase a copy here; Visit me on Facebook.
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One definition of PUBERTY in human males is the descent of the testicles into the sac.
A seven year old can be kicked in that sac …. but he would have to be mighty precocious for that sac to contain testicles.
Unfortunately, that isn’t quite true. The testicles descend in the first year, in the first few months, actually. I am not only an RN, but the mother of four boys. And my 7 year old grandson is headed to surgery to relocate an undescended testicle, in order to avoid trouble in the future.
All that notwithstanding, if my son or daughter kicked an assailant in that particular place and his or her school made trouble, I’d have a lawyer on them faster than they could blink. They would be fighting charges of failing to protect my child from attack and any other charge that my lawyer could dream up to throw at them. They would be in for a world of legal hurt. This political correctness has gone from the ridiculous to the criminal.
Bottom line! The mother should go in and kick any school board member in the same place if they uphold this asinine ruling!
Years ago, my son was being bullied somewhat fierc. Jo Jo was what one would call a gentle giant in seventh grade and wouldn’t hurt a fly. Of course they took advantage. One day with teachers watching (the same teachers that refused to act whenever he told them what was going on he was pushed against a fence and three guys started beating him. Jo Jo finally had enough! One swing and he broke the bully leader’s nose. Of course, the other guys ran. And who do you think got suspended along with the bullies? Jo Jo! I went to the hearing as this mother will have to do. The board tried to tell me that it didn’t matter if he was being beaten, he had no right to fight back and that made him just as guilty as the others!
Of course, you could say I flew off the handle to say the least. After pointing out how PROUD I was of my son for standing up to these clowns and of course presenting piles of evidence as to the inaction of the school administrators as to a problem that had been festering and they knew of for quite a while, these idiots still wanted to suspend my son! Why! Because “he was a privileged white boy who broke a disadvantaged black boy’s nose. I swear, this was actually the statement by a member of the school board. As such, this member considered this a hate crime and pushed for further punishment! As there was a reporter at the hearing, saner minds prevailed. Still in the end, one has seen this moronic stance from the education community way to often!
One thing for sure, once those other brats were back in school, they treated my son with RESPECT, something all bullies do once they are rightfully put in their place! His mother should be proud, just as I am of my son. I’m sure the DUKE is smiling in his grave!
Rah, Rah for the moms and grandmothers! The first ones to have the cojones to step forward in defense of the little ones. Thank you, Nan & Nancy.
Let’s remember, the school was perfectly willing to let the bullying continue, but it is an injustice when someone defends himself.
It took a lot of courage to stand up to a bigger and meaner boy; I am not saying that was the best option, but the assaults may have been more severe if the victim would have reported the bullying.
It was a classic case of never bothering anyone, but if someone assaults you, kick the holy crap out of them.
In Liberal Land, this is a serious breach of public trust and the maxim that strong arm criminals rely on: it is illegal to resist.
Hiring off the bottom end of the bell curve of IQ has not proven a wise policy for public education.
Joe, I think they wanted to suspend your son to appease the parents of the kid with the broken nose. They may have been outraged and indignant, but remember, people like Bill Ayers have been writing the books that instruct these teachers and administrators. It would take decades to overcome this influence if we started over on Monday, but that isn’t going to happen.
My two boys were complaining about their compulsary use of ritalin. I talked to the principal and wanted a hearing. I told them I was coming with my lawyer, and they knew I was a fierce can -do type of guy. That meeting solved two major problems. The ritalin usage was to be a parent’s choice, and the youngest of my boys was being bullied. Teachers would have to take turns monitoring recesses and lunch break. Eventually, all three of my children(beautiful little daughter included), attended a Catholic school where all these procedures were already in place. This was one of the best things I ever did for my siblings.
A person on another board commented that she had been told that, if her daughter were to use violence to prevent a sexual assault, she would be expelled.
It’s the culmination of a long process I’ve called, “The Criminalization of America.” If everything is a crime, then we are all criminals, and no one has any rights. The flip side is that, if everything is illegal, it doesn’t matter what you do.
The seven year old’s problem is that he didn’t kill his assailant. We wouldn’t be in any more trouble if he had.
@Skookum: Skook,
it’s funny because the parent ( a single mother) of the bully was a kind gentle woman who unfortunately could not control her son. The stance of the school officials over the years actually made it worse. It ended up being one story with a sad end a few years later as one can guess. This is what political correctness and leftist liberal policies leads to. And you are correct. It will take years to undo the damage that has been done to our children and our society.
Probably this was just an involuntary leg spasm that resulted from being choked. Sort of like the involuntary doubling over of the bully that immediately followed being kicked.
Mandatory Ritalin use? WTF! Little boys just aren’t allowed to be boys anymore, they must be sedated or the overpaid union teacher might have to actually get off her/his ass.
Home school people, home school. If you can read and write, you will do a better job than the overpaid, union teachers ever thought of doing. You can buy and trade for the curriculum you need, you accomplish more in 3 hours than the school does in a month. But what about socialization, cry the overpaid union flunkies? Scouting, 4H, any home school kid can join any of the sport teams offered by the school, church, neighbors, all better influences than a public classroom and the bullies on the playground.
Elementary teachers have told me that these days they’re required to spend so much time controlling a predictable percentage of disruptive children who were never taught by their parents how to behave that teaching almost has to be worked in around it. Generally speaking, the problem isn’t bad teachers. It’s poor parenting.
Oh, my God! Does no one in the public schools possess a modicum of common sense these days?
It is rather clear that this School admin group has never been in any self defense course in their lives, Any martial process of self defense against a male attacker is to go for the family jewels in terms of kicking or knee strikes…
The only person who should be punished here is the boy who was doing the choking, as it was unprovoked and the kid had a habit of being a bully from what is described. Liberals want the the bully idea to stop, but they’re sure are quick to bully those who use violent means to defend themselves from dieing by idiot attackers who chose to choke their victims…
My Grandpa on my Mom’s side told his three girls and one boy that if they started a fight, they would get the strap, and if they ran from a fight, they’d get the strap.
My Mom didn’t exactly tell me that, since I had very bad health as a kid, but when I got older and healthier, she told me what her Dad told her and said that it applied to me. Well, minus the strap.
This Mother ought to get a really good attorney and then after she owns the school, she can fire the school board.
Mr. Irons
you know I think the TEACHERS are afraid themselves of the bullys, they are
very far from the breed of the previous teachers who could handle their class of many more children
than those weakling teachers of today which allow the children to be on constant ritalin,to calm them down so the teacher don’t have to use caracter and impose disciplinary punishment threats if one is bullying other
those left alone bullys are the future trouble maker in their teens and are prone to end up in prison for attacking other only to suit their need to hurt others, because they got away at an age where they should have learned the hard way on their first offense, It’s
BUT IN FACT IT IS THEIR JOB TO EDUCATE IN ALL WHAT IS NEEDED, because those kids are put in their hands.
There may not be a worse risk to your child than a public school education.
I’d get wordy now, but why bother.
we need more teachers union officials
If any member of the school faculty, or any of their kids, are being beaten, are we supposed to not get involved, or do we join in the beating?
Our liberal presidents have taught our enemies that they can beat up on us and we won’t fight back until we get a republican president.
This reminds me of the rape-victim in Afghanistan who was recently pardoned because she agreed to marry her attacker.
-Same thought-process…
The kid didn’t grab his attackers balls, he KICKED them. One is sexual, one is defense. Obviously the idiot that came up with this ruling likes it both ways.
Mom needs to call an attorney and countersue over the school not following its policy against bullying.
“The City of Boston and the Boston Public Schools continue to take steps to ensure that students are safe and respected in and out of schools. This page contains information, resources and links to help students, families, educators and others recognize, prevent and end bullying.
What is bullying? Bullying is aggressive behavior that is intentional and that involves an imbalance of power or strength… A child who is being bullied has a hard time defending himself or herself.” (http://www.bostonpublicschools.org/antibullying)
Actually it didn’t sound like the kid had too much trouble defending himself against the bully on the bus. The adult bullies/morons in the school administration may be more difficult. But I digress…
According to this article (http://b.globe.com/ur6DZ9), when the boy got off the bus, mom saw he was upset and when he told her what happened “she stormed up to the bus driver and asked him what he saw. ‘He just smiled and shrugged,’ she said”.
The Boston Public Schools Superintendent sent out a letter (about halfway down the page on the antibullying link) which states among other things “the safety and well-being of our students is a top priority…School bus drivers will continue to report incidents to schools that take place on the bus…”
If the bus driver didn’t file a report, he wasn’t following school policy. It seems like a decent attorney would have a field day with that. As the saying goes, the best defense is a good offense!
If they’ve been so all fired desperate for a “cure” for bullying, I’d say this kid just showed them the obvious… successful self defense. I daresay that kid will think twice about future bullying attempts.
And a possible bonus? … no future bully offspring from that one.
Kudos to Mark Curran for standing up for himself, and for his mom for backing him. The Boston schools? Really now, could anyone be surprised?
One of the things that these school officials show is their lack of understanding of reality.
Ever watch chickens?
When a new batch of baby chickens is growing up, it fights among itself until a ”pecking order” is established.
That pecking order leads to peace among the flock for the rest of their lives.
Almost all animals that live together take a short time to establish which one is the leader, most dominant, which follow in competition and which follow without competing.
In some cases only the most dominant male even gets to breed!
(Walruses are one example.)
Humans would gravitate toward having enough space between them to where families would be their entire social structure, if they could.
BUT planners have created cities which forces people to be close together.
Unless they establish their pecking order within these unnatural structure, there will be continued strife.
Seems, these school authorities, in order to excise the symptom, are extending the unresolved problem indefinitely.
Nan G
LOOK AT THE OWLS TENT CITY IN PARK,they admire so much
Welcome to the [insane world ] of stupid, moronic, Liberalism…. where some are more equal then others…. I read the little boy will be transferred ot another school? Nice way to take care of a Bully problem…
Here is another Bully problem in our out of control LIBERAL SOCIETY… these guys should have been arrested for assault…. But, Nooooo they had a foot ball game to play…
@FAITH7: Talk about your twisted logic. That Coach ought to be fired, no – strike that. He ought to be run out of ton after being tarred and feathered.
It is no wonder today’s youth turn into mush mouthed, flaming liberals. It is all they are taught.