Ann Coulter on the Herman Cain Attacks: Liberals are “Terrified Of Strong, Conservative, Black Men”

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Can’t say it any better then Ann Coulter on these “sexual harrassment” charges being thrown at Herman Cain, the most damning of the charges?

There were also descriptions of physical gestures that were not overtly sexual but that made women who experienced or witnessed them uncomfortable and that they regarded as improper in a professional relationship.


They are afraid of Cain:


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All the GOP candidates need to circle the wagons to defend Cain because if they let this go by quietly and not stand up, the acceptable standard will be set to attack them in the future with innuendo and false allegations as was Clarence Thomas by Anita Hill. This can be their finest hour or their greatest shame by cowering in the corner. The test of character will now be administered, who will rise to show themselves worthy?

“HAVE YOU NO SHAME!” needs to be the rallying cry of the GOP against liberals who insist on winning at any price waging a war using the politics of personal destruction.

Shades of the witch hunt against Clarence Thomas…

Good stuff sir, thus linked:

Coulter on Agenda Behind Herman Cain ‘Sexual Harassment’ Attacks:

Liberals “terrified of strong, conservative, black men”

That’s not sexual harassment. THIS is sexual harassment:

Juanita Broaddrick (AR)- rape
Eileen Wellstone (Oxford) – rape
Elizabeth Ward Gracen – rape – quid pro quo, post incident intimidation
Regina Hopper Blakely – “forced himself on her, biting, bruising her”
Kathleen Willey (WH) – sexual assault, intimidations, threats
Sandra Allen James (DC) – sexual assault
22 Year Old 1972 (Yale) – sexual assault
Kathy Bradshaw (AK) – sexual assault
Cristy Zercher – unwelcomed sexual advance, intimidations
Paula Jones (AR) – unwelcomed sexual advance, exposure, bordering on sexual assault
Carolyn Moffet -unwelcomed sexual advance, exposure, bordering on sexual assault
1974 student at University of Arkansas – unwelcomed physical contact
1978-1980 – seven complaints per Arkansas state troopers
Monica Lewinsky – quid pro quo, post incident character assault
Gennifer Flowers – quid pro quo, post incident character assault
Dolly Kyle Browning – post incident character assault
Sally Perdue – post incident threats
Betty Dalton – rebuffed his advances, married to one of his supporters
Denise Reeder – apologetic note scanned
Marsha Scott – claimed an affair
Connie Hamzy – claimed sex
Bobbie Ann Williams – claimed paid sex, paternity
Marilyn Jo Jenkins – rumored
Susan Coleman – rumored (suicide 7.5 months pregnant)
Robyn Dickey -rumored, staffer
Lenora Steinkamp – rumored – mystery jogger on video tape entering the “infamous hallway” with Clinton
Kimba Wood – rumored, judge
Kelley Craighead – rumored, staffer to Bill and Hillary
Sharline Wilson – rumored, claimed drug association
Dee Dee Myers – rumored, staffer
Suzie Whitacre – rumored
Catherine Cornelius – rumored, “distant cousin”.
Cheryl Mills – rumored, WH attorney
Beth Gladden Coulson – rumored – young judicial appointment
Eleanor Mondale – rumored – celebrity daughter, dated Ron Perelman (see Jordan)
Shelia Lawrence – rumored – Widow of Ambassador
Deborah Mathis – rumored – reporter/WH advancements
Debra Schiff – rumored – ex flight attendant, now staffer
Susan McDougal – rumored – business connections
Benazir Bhutto – rumored – current opposition leader in, and former prime minister of Pakistan

How nice of Politico to put this information at the finish of a four page article:

Ron Magruder, Denise Marie Fugo and Joseph Fassler, the chairman, vice chairwoman and immediate past chairman of the National Restaurant Association board of directors at the time of Cain’s departure, said they hadn’t heard about any complaints regarding Cain making unwanted advances.

“I have never heard that. It would be news to me,” said Fugo, who runs a Cleveland, Ohio, catering company, adding such behavior would be totally out of character for the Cain she knew. “He’s very gracious.”

Fassler, who helped bring Cain on board as CEO of the restaurant association, said any inappropriate behavior was not brought to his attention and that he would be upset to learn it had gone on and he was not made aware of it.

“That’s a shock to me,” Fassler said. “As an officer during all of Herman’s years there as a paid executive … none of that stuff ever surfaced to me. Nobody ever called me, complained about this, nor did I ever hear that from Peter Kilgore, nor did I ever hear that from Herman Cain.”

Fassler — who ran a Phoenix food-service company and finished his term as chairman the month before Cain’s June 1999 departure but remained on the board’s executive committee — described Cain as treating men and women identically and asserted it was “not within his character” to make unwanted advances. “It’s not what I know of him,” Fassler said.

Much like Fassler, almost all board members remember Cain fondly and say he left on good terms.

Cain was “extremely professional” and “fair” to female staffers at the restaurant association, recalled Lee Ellen Hayes, who said she “worked fairly closely with” Cain in the late 1990s, when she was an executive at the National Restaurant Association Education Fund, a Chicago-based offshoot of the group.

Cain’s treatment of women was “the same as his treatment of men. Herman treated everyone great,” said Mary Ann Cricchio, who was elected to the board of the restaurant group in 1998. She said Cain left such a good impression on the organization that when he spoke at a group event in January of this year, as he was considering a presidential bid, “he had unanimous support in the room.”

I quit reading Politco about a year ago when their bias became unbearable.

JC, same here. They took a leftward swing and I was gone. It makes me laugh when someone tries to present them as non-partisan.

This was only to be expected and very predictable. Since it would be very difficult for the Obama smear machine to play the race card against Cain, they went for the next best approach which is the sexist angle. The left has been there, seen that, done that. We can only expect more of the same directed against whoever the eventual challenger is. It’ll probably only get worse. When you are running on a failed record, what other choice is there?

This whole thing is so racist; It is based on the stereotype of black men always pursuing white women, especially blonds. “We all know they like white women.” Somebody should do a spoof of this based upon the scene in Blazing Saddles when the black sheriff asked the Klan members, “Hey, where the white women at?” See:

From Rush Limbaugh today: We Should Not be Surprised by the Left’s Racist Hit Job on Herman Cain

“So get used to this. The Democrats are on the verge of losing the Senate and the White House. In that circumstance, no smear is too low because everything’s at stake here. Liberalism’s at stake. Liberalism is at risk of getting a pink slip. Liberalism, the ideology, is now the target. Leftists will do anything possible to keep it alive and themselves in power. So everybody looking down the road a year from now to an October Surprise, an Obama October Surprise? It’s gonna be a political bloodbath, a scaremongering freak fest the likes we have not seen before. That’s what we’re in store for, and this is the warm-up act. This is the harbinger.”

dscott@#1 – It’s great to shout out HAVE YOU NO SHAME as a GOP or Conservative slogan to the wacko Liberals/Progressive smear mongers…. It wouldn’t mean much because the levels they have already stooped to….they have already shown us “they have no shame”…

Remember when you were a kid and when you verbally fought with a brat or your bratty brother/sister/cousin/neighbor/friend’s idiot friend…. and you (always) had the more intelligent argument and since ‘they’ never, ever did….all they could retort with was…oh yea?!?… or, yea! and your mother wears army boots! Well, this is what [liberalism] we are dealing with today, but in an adult version….

Republicans/Conservatives have always tried to be “the bigger person(s)” by not stooping to such levels of sewer dung and bacteria. Liberals/Progressives, well, it seems they just can’t help themselves…

I think Herman Cain is going to give a strong voice to Republican/Conservative blacks in America…I believe many Republican/Conservative blacks don’t speak out, or speak their mind because of the harassment and terrible abuse they get from their liberal/progressive counter parts…

So Faith7, did you work on the Mercury Program or are you possibly a friend of Gordon Coopers?

John Cooper,
they already have done the most lying, by starting those disruptive rallies all over,
and they had to endorse publicly now, because they see the monster they have built,

Sexual harassment?
Here is sexual harassment.
It only takes 11 seconds, folks:

This one takes twice as long!
22 seconds:

“What do I need to do? Do you want me on my knees?” he asked. He then conceded, keeping with his flirty trend of the day (see earlier report), “I’ll give you a kiss.”


@John Cooper#13 – No, John Cooper, I fortunately (or unfortunately) have no formal or informal ties with any Astronaut or “space ship”….. For my “Faith7” lies in my having it, 7 days 24 hours…it is what has kept me going the last several years, and what keeps me going now…. sorry to burst any bubble you may have had….lol

Faith7 – it sounds like you’ve had some recent sadness in your life, for which I’m sorry. I’ve been a fan of the space program since NASA came to our grade school in 1957 (dang, I’m old), so I’m always looking for fellow aficionados.

Really? Ann Coulter?

yes , Ann Coulter.
and she is good, and she can shut mouth like you’res
that was, bing bing bing…. oh ya? bing bing bing

@liberalmann: Not just Anne Coulter, but a clip in which her statements are effectively debunked. I mean… wow.


You must have been watching a different clip than the one posted above because nothing Coulter said was debunked there.

@Aye: Clearly we were watching different clips. I found Mr. Williams’ logic and Mr. Rivera’s poll numbers showed that the liberals have less at stake in smearing Mr. Cain than do his fellow Conservatives. If you believe that Conservatives never smear Conservatives, might I remind you of the 2000 Republican primaries. I’m not really sure it’s worth debating, as Romney clearly already has a better chance of beating Obama than does Cain. But Romney will eventually have to be honest about his position on health care.


@ilovebeeswarzone: Okay, if you say so…


thank you
hi, did you finish your book? for us to read

on your number 2,
THAT was not me,

@ilovebeeswarzone: Thanks for asking, Bees. It’s actually a script, and I finished the first draft and am still working on rewrites. It’s not easy work, and it takes time, but I’m hanging in there and enjoying the process! =) When I’m done, I have ideas for two more!


…might I remind you of the 2000 Republican primaries.

You’re certainly welcome to remind me of the 2000 Republican primaries.

I will tell you up front, however, that the facts aren’t likely to match up to your recollection.


Yeah, keep living in your fantasy world where liberals don’t smear Conservatives. I used to think you were more moderate but it’s clear you’ve gone deeper into liberal delusion.



Here is what they are afraid of: 2 African-Americans debating from opposite positions. This set of debates will be watched by more Blacks than any debate before or since; and minds will be changed.

@Aye: So you have different facts than my recollection? As recalled by McCain after he ran a second time, right? So he could continue the Bush policies without being questioned about it.

Revise it all you want. It’s not like we weren’t alive then and fully aware of what was going on. Funny how you skimmed right over the rest of my comment and honed in on that.

@Hard Right: You again put words in my mouth that I didn’t say. Both sides smear the other all the time. We are talking about where Cain’s smears come from this time, and that there is precedent for believing that it could have come from Conservatives.

As far as what you think of my political label, I’m not sure why that should be relevant to me in any way.

it would be relevant, because political label, is telling a lot about the answer of the one
having an already present allegiance to the side which will be defended, or accused
thank you for the info, you surely have talent by going far into it now, good luck.

Gary Kukis,
yes and they will finally see what we like about the man deserving to be a real leader, with all the qualitys we have discerned with his stance and speeches for AMERICA first . which is so desperatly in need of that.


So you have different facts than my recollection? As recalled by McCain after he ran a second time, right? So he could continue the Bush policies without being questioned about it.

Didn’t say that I have facts that are different from your recollection. Simply said that the facts are not likely to match your recollection because, quite simply, is that if you knew what the facts were you wouldn’t have brought up SC 2000 in order to support your point. From the source material you cited, my initial conclusion was correct.

What’s amusing to me about what you’re claiming is that, even in your cited source, you haven’t found any evidence that a Conservative was involved in the SC primary attack issues.

In fact, your source plainly says: “The McCain team had trouble nailing down the origin of the dirt.”

Care to try again?

Revise it all you want.

Oh, I’m not the one revising. You have made a claim and I’m simply holding you to the standard of trying to prove your claim. Just remember that I told you on the front end that the facts may not fit your recollection.

Funny how you skimmed right over the rest of my comment and honed in on that.

As to the remainder of your comment I find it, and Geraldo’s poll numbers, rather irrelevant. Obie’s campaign team has made it clear that they want to run against Romney and they are doing whatever they can to achieve that result.


In fact, your source plainly says: “The McCain team had trouble nailing down the origin of the dirt.”

Care to try again?

Well, it seems that views vary on this, even among Conservatives. Even among McCain’s campaign staff.

Plenty of precedence to believe that the Cain smears could’ve very well come from the right, just as Mr. Williams said – despite Ms. Coulter’s position. Believe whatever you’d like.

@ilovebeeswarzone: Thanks bees, I appreciate that.

My allegiance is to the USA, and the people in it, not to a political party. I may think that one side represents my interests and viewpoints more than the other, that doesn’t mean I don’t find fault in them or don’t think that they cause a lot of problems themselves. I’m not entirely happy with Obama at all, but I’ve yet to see an opposing candidate I can support. Romney himself has pointed out flaws in Cain’s plan, so I need not go over them and simply say I agree with much of it. Though I can’t support Romney, since I can’t be sure where he stands on anything. He says now that his Massachusetts health care plan wasn’t meant to be something for the entire nation, when he clearly said at the time that it was. Seems he’s playing to what people want to hear. Not that Obama hasn’t, either. The nation is screaming for better choices!


Plenty of precedence to believe that the Cain smears could’ve very well come from the right

Buzzer sounds.

Man…I put the ball up on the tee for you a second time and you still whiffed it.

In your second cited source, there is no smear there. There are, rather, legitimate policy/performance related issues that were brought to the attention of voters ie the S&L crisis and the Keating Five.

Nothing personal. No dirt.

Standard of proof not met.

Exit Questions: If McCain really believed that Eskew was behind the SC 2000 attacks would he hire Eskew in 2008?

Very doubtful.

If McCain really believed that the Bush campaign (Rove, et al) were involved in the SC 2000 attacks against his family, would he and his wife have invited that entire group of people to their home for a big family bar-b-que at their Arizona home following the conclusion of the primaries? Would he and his wife have given the people who supposedly smeared their daughter the opportunity to socialize with her as detailed in Ten Minutes from Normal by Karen Hughes?

Very, very doubtful.

@Aye: The article also cites that members of his own campaign believed it. As far as having people who damaged you over for dinner, that’s indicative of the very nature of politics.

You have reasons the believe that the attack on Cain came solely from the left. Mr. Williams has valid reasons to believe they came from the right. Nobody knows for sure. Certainly not Anne Coulter.

I don’t know about you all, but I’m wondering when the lib/progs changed their minds about sexual harassment, or even sexual escapades, not being anyone’s business in the post Clinton era…. Hang, I thought they considered it a badge of honor. Greg conveniently verifies this on another thread.

I find it despicable a woman who signed a confidentiality agreement to abscond cash, is now wanting to speak out to tell “her side”, despite that contractual agreement. And, in fact, how we know it wasn’t her, or someone else she already told (thereby breaking that agreement) that , that passed this information on? It’s not like it’s public record, so it seems that “confidentiality” agreement wasn’t worth the paper and notary that was used.

Forget left or right…. this illegal disclosure had to emanate from the party receiving the cash settlement, or someone close to her. It sure wasn’t initiated by Cain, himself…. So who knew about this settlement enough to talk it up to Politico, other than the recipient of the settlement and her also in-the-know legal compadres?

So I guess contract law and confidentiality agreements over petty ante settlements and “gestures” are all expendable when politics are involved, yes? Sad state of affairs…. if I were Cain, I’d be asking not only for the settlement money back, but suing her for breach of contract, slander and get some serious punitive damages.

Personally, I put this whole POS distraction right up there in import with the Kardashian 72 day marriage/divorce…


Personally, I put this whole POS distraction right up there in import with the Kardashian 72 day marriage/divorce…

Can’t disagree with that.


Believe whatever you’d like.

No thanks. That would make us like you.

@Hard Right: Way to hurt my feelings. =(

@Cary: You have mentioned a ”Mr. Williams” over and over without naming him completely….
…Or providing a link to his statement that you say you agree with.
Please, who is he (there are many Williams’ in media and politics) and where can I see or read what he said.

@Nan G: Juan Williams. You may wish to watch the video provided in the original post. However, now that I’ve conceded and agree with Mata’s point above, I’m afraid I need to move on.

BTW, the most astute, and best advice I’ve seen by a commenter is below, found on HotAir’s thread on Halloween.

This media sensationalism only seeks to further their own agenda and relevancy. This is a nothing story.

You can sue a ham sandwich if you want, in America.

So, Obama’s Politico operatives attempted to serve a ham sandwich to Cain, and in the process, through the revelations of the formerly contractually bound plaintiffs have violated the original contract.

Nice going, Politico.

Beside that FACT: Politico will now be compelled to reveal its sources and beyond that, they will be compelled to testify upon what measure they decided to open previously sealed records. The sanctity of sealed agreements is now open.

Can we now see what the sealed agreements between Obama and Politico are? Can we now see the sealed agreements of NPR and the Democrat Party?

Don’t touch the snake, you fools.

Key West Reader on October 31, 2011 at 4:36 PM

No sheeeeeet Sherlock. Sealed records, unavailable to the public and confidentiality agreements. Now where could those “revelations” come from originally, save from the recipient who obviously breached that confidentiality by leaking to someone, somewhere, which found it’s way to Politico.

The guilty party is the woman… and probably motives include part revenge, and part craving 15 minutes of fame.

As the Key West reader correctly points out… “don’t touch the snake, you fools…” Don’t play the game. Considering the questions that revolved around the past associations of the current temporary denizen of the WH, this ain’t a hill’o’beans.

Anne’s a big supporter of Romney.Cain is her choice for Veep.

@MataHarley: Hopefully Cain does not let those who broke the confidentiality agreement off the hook regardless if they are part of the Obama smear machine, which is already playing this up, or from Perry’s camp. All of this needs to come out in the open now so the voters can decide for themselves whether this is legit or a hack job. It’s better to do it now than wait until October 2012 should Cain be the nominee. The two who stand to benefit the most right now are Romney and Obama. For Romney, it makes him look more like the only electable candidate. For Obama, it’ll increase his chances for reelection because it’ll distract from his poor record. His best hope is if the Republican candidates self destruct which is not beyond them doing.

another vet, it’s hard to say who broke the confidentiality agreement since the Politico is so sketchy about “multiple sources” with all their “in the know” data about a settlement that was sealed records… ironic, eh? Must have been talked about a lot in the offices, the way the Politico seems to portray it. In which case, the recipient of the settlement seemed to do a lot of blabbing back then.

Personally, I think that if Politico wants to level the charges, it’s up to them to prove it. Cain should merely conduct himself as per the agreement, and stop talking about it. His proper response should be that the terms of the agreement was confidential, and that’s the end of the story. So far, he keeps trapping himself, letting out bits of information (some conflicting) each time it comes up. Let the accusers prove what they say, and he shouldn’t be playing defense.

@MataHarley: Agreed. It’s on the accusers to prove their case. Over on Dick Morris’ web site, he said the NYT is in on the accusations as well. No surprise there. Part of O’s smear machine. Perhaps their sources are related to the Iraqi Freedom Vet they reported on a few years ago who witnessed all of those atrocities committed by our troops while he was with the Army in Iraq only to find out he was never in the military.

Anne Coulter is an expert on racism against blacks in America? Is this the same Anne Coulter who said:

“Our blacks are so much better than their blacks” because “you have fought against probably your family, probably your neighbors. . . that’s why we have very impressive blacks.”

I suppose it’s time to concede that Conservatives have the very best blacks.


@another vet:

The two who stand to benefit the most right now are Romney and Obama. For Romney, it makes him look more like the only electable candidate. For Obama, it’ll increase his chances for reelection because it’ll distract from his poor record. His best hope is if the Republican candidates self destruct which is not beyond them doing.

I would disagree with your reasoning there. Romney isn’t competing with Cain for the tea party vote, Perry is. Romney would be very happy for Cain to remain the tea party candidate, because as inept as Perry has proven to be, he’s still the much more realistic threat to Romney, if only he can win back the support that Cain’s taken from him. Perry has the money and the organization to compete with Romney in a way Cain so far hasn’t shown himself to possess. Clearly if anyone would gain from a Cain scandal it’s Perry.

Same goes for Obama. Why would he want to weaken Cain’s candidacy? You don’t think that Herman Cain, the Republican frontrunner, going on TV and stating that he’s concerned about the threat posed by China “developing” nuclear weapons isn’t like a dream come true to Obama’s reelection team? Why would they want do anything but get out of the way of Cain (not to mention Bachmann and Perry) while they continue to damage the Republican brand through their gaffs? The last thing they want is Romney wrapping this thing up early.