TEA Party versus OWS Mob


The Democrats are banking on the Occupy Wall Street Mob becoming the sacrificial lambs for the reelection of Obama; however, it is patently obvious, they are not capturing public sympathy with their bizarre messages and disgusting lifestyle. Poets rarely write of the beauty of fleas and parasites or those who carry them.

Their efforts are a but forlorn hope for this fall, reality in the form of winter and or disease will kill them, maybe literally and no one will care. The public is more than willing to concede stupidity is its’ own reward; especially, in the “rebel without a cause” syndrome of ignorance.

But be assured, the demonstrations will be reforming in late spring, these may indeed become a threat to freedom and liberty. If Democrat strategists can formulate a working, yet simple reason to riot that all the witless ones can remember, degenerates need little more incentive to gather for drugs, sex, and rock n roll; there will be Hell to pay in the streets, when the weather heats up and the police are sent in to break up the orgies of excess.

These protests have been a half wits’ interpretation of Saul Alynsky’s “Rules For Radicals” and in the haze of lunacy that passes for logic from Nancy Pelosi, it is perceived as a righteous movement and in essence an offshoot of the anti-Viet Nam protests that Pelosi and others cavorted around showing their asses during her youth. The anti-war protests essentially caused the loss of a war to an enemy that was defeated and prepared to throw in the towel. Regrettably, Pelosi and the Socialist bigots she speaks for, see this as a great victory for those who want to transform America into a Socialist State.

Back then, there was a unifying message for those willing to demonstrate and go on a rampage, it generated from a weariness of a war started by JFK. There were also underground leaders, with intelligence, coordinating a unified effort. The degenerates and unrepentant domestic terrorists Bill Ayers and his harpie wife Bernadine Dohrn, friends and neighbors of the Obama family, are examples of this underground leadership; they are not stupid, in fact, they are highly intelligent people and more importantly, they know how to lead incredibly stupid people and direct mobs. Skills and abilities, Pelosi and friends must envy. Unfortunately, for the modern day Socialist protest movement, the people who direct Obama and the leaders like Pelosi have proven themselves to be incredibly inept at leading and directing.

The Democrat Party and their leadership want these people to succeed and have the public fall in love with the nobility of the protests; unfortunately, for the public to embrace the protests, there must be a coherent message and at least a pretension of noble ideas; so far, they merely appear to be self-serving hedonists out for a lark and the possible excitement of heroic civil disobedience, if an opportunity arises.

The public is not as easily manipulated as they were in days of TV, radio, and newspapers. The MSM cannot invent a cause for the malcontents and claim them to be noble. In these modern times, there are too many like Breitbart, Fox, and independents like us, who are willing to wade through the filth and depravity to find the real story. These guys are the true heroes, they are actually protecting the liberty of our country by exposing the degenerates living in squalor and filth while they consume drugs and engage in public sex to keep the momentum alive; rather than allowing the lies and propaganda of the Democrats and their propaganda bureaus know as the MSM to sway public opinion. Otherwise, the pimps and whores of the MSM would be able to convince the public of the humiliation and degradation these saints have suffered while trying to preserve our Constitution and our way of life. In other words they would feed us lies and propaganda and we would believe a lot of it and the police would become the henchmen of corporate greed. The Dems want to develop this scenario, but there are no leaders in the Mass of Morons. Many of those interviewed and can only express hatred of the Jew and other types of bigoted nonsense.

We can rightly criticize Ayers the degenerate and his harpy wife Dohrn, but the truth is they are intelligent people, despicable pieces of human waste, but intelligent; the Sixties had many brilliant people leading the protests and in the center of the action. They knew they were leading mindless misfits, but they were able to manage and manipulate the mobs. If these people are depending on Pelosi and the idiots directing every move of Obama, they are doomed to failure and will continue to be categorized as a mindless mob.

Bloomberg thinks the mob will find leadership and become a political force to be reckoned with, he is willing to gamble his political future on that assumption, but more importantly he is sending a message to New York City and across the country that such mindless mobs are automatically a legitimate force to be taken seriously, regardless of their lack of a message.

Bloomberg and the leadership of the Democrat Party are hoping beyond common sense that the OWS Mob will congeal into an effective antithesis to the TEA Party. There is a real problem with that line of thinking, assuming Bloomberg is even capable of thought. The TEA Party had many brilliant minds forming a unified message a long time before the earliest members walked out on the sidewalk that first time. There was a unifying force, the disgust and revulsion of the corruption and profligacy of Obama and his government.

The TEA Party demonstrators were well disciplined members of mainstream America with a coherent message that resonated with Americans of the heartland; fiscal responsibility has been difficult for the propaganda writers of the MSM and the Democrat party to condemn, but they tried and they are still trying to condemn these people from the heartland who believe in the Constitution.

With quiet dignity and a dedication to the principles of the Constitution, TEA Party members gained the attention and respect from other respectable members of mainstream America. They didn’t walk around in the nude, use sex as artistic and philosophical expression, they didn’t get whacked on drugs; they presented themselves as the type of American that everyday Americans are proud to be identified with.

When spring comes and Obama has impressed America with his military adventurism by starting a new war or two and managed to get many more patriotic Americans killed because he lacks any pretense of diplomacy or leadership, look for the OWS Mob to evolve into a more effective political tool of the Democrat Party. The Democrats know they have a potential for a mindless mob, that is ready to jump into the fray and engage in mindless hedonism for the sake of Obama. Thus if the Keystone Cop types in the White House can construct a unified message and plans for the mobs, there will be Hell to pay in the streets next summer. They only want to transform America and using the mob is seen as a tool to be used in the transformation. But a word of caution to the White House, mobs throughout history have often become unruly and sometimes they turn on their handlers for unintended consequences.

The police will be busy next year; they will be dealing with the desperation and frustration of Obama trying to win reelection after four years of failure. Thus the TEA Party and the OWS Mob have arisen from the same primordial ooze and have a similar DNA, they both owe their existence to a failed presidency that has been rejected by mainstream America and the antics of an incompetent president who is desperately running around like the proverbial outhouse rat seeking to renew his lease on the White House.

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There is no comparison between the Tea Party Patriots and the idiots who are demonstrating against who knows what now. It’s too bad the MSM and Democrats are complicit in this rediculous display. If anything the demostrators should be focused on 0-bama and his administration rather than Wall Street. This whole activity is just another sad attempt to divert attention away from the failed policies of 0-bama and the Democrats. America needs to wake up and take back reality before these idiots ruin it for good.

Occupy rally vs. TEA Party rally

-2,000 protestors vs. 500,000.
-Antisemitism and anti-Americanism of Occupy ignored by MSM vs. TEA Party coverage that focused exclusively on lunatic fringe and mobies.
-Mounds of excrement and garbage vs. left grounds cleaner than they found them.
-Park grounds provided for free without permit, vs. had to get permit and pay for services.
-Free food provided vs. paid own way for everything.
-No idea why they are there vs. simple coherent message.
-Demanding that more money to be spent on them vs. asking that less money be taken from them.

Asa far as I can tell the first national tax protests were actually in 2007. It was organized by the Ron Paul people, and I don’t think too much of Ron Paul – honestly, I think he’s a crank. But, attracting crowds of people to protest the size of government did not start in 2009. There was a widespread discontent that was easy to tap into two years before the ‘official’ beginning of the TEA Party in 2009. I think before 2009 Ron Paul picked up these people by default because nobody else wanted to rock the boat – the Bush years were GOP Establishment years when government grew and grew, just more slowly than later; the old boiling-the-frog metaphor comes to mind. In 2009 the heat was suddenly turned up high and the frog noticed it was cooking. The TEA Party phenomenon is not solely anti-Democrat, it is necessarily just as much anti-GOP-Establishment.

this is obviously a bias article. Tea Party are a bunch of old rich fucks that want to keep the status quo allowing the rich and banks to rape the country for their own personal fulfillment. this mob is a youth based action group trying to take their country back from greedy right wing corporate chamber of business fucks that want the 99 percent masses to be cheap peaon peasants. fuck that and with the attitude of this article the mobs will form and become destructive perhaps a smbolic burning of Wall Street be this century’s version of the burning of the bastille. Face it rich fucks revolution is coming

A joke, right?

Six comments and only one with foul language, insults, and knee-jerk statements with no basis in reality. Guess which one is the commie/leftist/socialist?


Yes, Skookum. This is to be expected. The Democrats (or whatever they are) are utilizing displacement theory to deflect the root cause of our nation’s financial woes — power-hungry political leaders. The Democrats expect Romney to be the Republican nominee for president. Thus, they’ve launched a strategic campaign aimed at demonizing the very strengths that Romney has to offer. They hope to fast-track a climate of distrust for conservatives who have achieved financial success via the sweat of the brow. I am amazed that anyone is gullible enough to believe these orchestrated lies. Especially coming from political pundits who — from what I can see — own neither halos nor angels’ wings.

I agree the tea party and OWS are very different. Formost amoug those differenses is that the American people have a possitive view of those protesting on Wall St. and an ever growing negative view of the conservative policies the tea party has put forth. Sorry folks but people seem tired of tea..

I posted these video links in another thread and I’ll post them here too, along with the same questions: At what point does the free exercise of your First Amendment rights become a provocation justifying a violent response? Do you really understand what you’re seeing here?

September 27

October 6

October 14

@Wm T Sherman, #3, “Occupy rally vs. TEA Party rally”

2,000 protesters vs. 500,000

The “fair and balanced” Fox News and it right-wing propagandists and shills haven’t been been devoting endless hours of free air time to openly promoting the rallies, as they most certainly did with the Tea Party events. Their “coverage” of the Occupy rallies was at first non-existent; it then turned into an effort to demonize the rallies and the participants–much the same approach they took with the Wisconsin and Michigan protests. They have deliberately under-stated the Occupy crowds and the Wisconsin and Michigan crowds to the same extent that they deliberately over-stated the size of numerous Tea Party events.

Antisemitism and anti-Americanism of Occupy…

Another right-wing hallucination. There’s a long-standing tradition of support for progressive programs and liberal causes among Americans of the Jewish persuasion. I can’t say that I’ve met many Jewish republicans over the years.

Mounds of excrement and garbage vs. left grounds cleaner than they found them.

Yep. And let’s not forget the millions upon millions of dollars in damages likely done to public property by sticky tape.

How about putting some portable toilet facilities and trash receptacles out when you know there’s going to be a crowd? That, of course, might be mistaken for encouragement, whereas an unprovoked thump on the head with a baton is a more easily understood message. Just be sure to also go after anyone who might be recording the event with a video camera. (Refer to the above videos.)

Park grounds provided for free without permit, vs. had to get permit and pay for services.

Try getting a permit for an organized protest against the Wall Street establishment anywhere in the vicinity of Wall Street. By the way, the word “public” in public parks, public streets, and public sidewalks actually implies something. Were the protesters who were beaten and arrested actually doing something illegal?

No idea why they are there vs. simple coherent message.

Try interviewing intelligent, articulate protesters rather than the most spaced out, outlandish-looking hangers on that you can spot. I heard a number of such interviews. Not on FOX, however. The right-wing media in general seems to gravitate to the people with oddly colored hair and multiple body piercings, who look like they would readily agree that dihydrogen monoxide is an public health menace. I guess they’re trying to punch the “stupid, damn dirty hippy” button.

Demanding that more money to be spent on them vs. asking that less money be taken from them.

That’s not it at all. What they’re fed up with is a system that’s rapidly funneling income and resources to the top of the pyramid, while leaving the majority of working and middle class Americans with steadily diminishing prospects and an ever-increasing burden of public debt. While the extraordinarily rich grow even richer and demand even lower tax rates, millions who have lost their chance at a far more modest American dream can’t even find a job. Young people, as a group, are being hit harder than most. They’re seeing a future that they don’t like being forced on them by a system that’s increasingly excluding them.

keema: The irony of this protest movement is what makes it so laughable; a failed, clueless president recruits the dregs of Society to carry his banner of failure and Socialism to victory in 2012. It is now implied and the precedent has been established by the Holder justice Department that they can operate with impunity with their behavior.

This presidency has become an international joke and a national disaster. Being willing to resort to the threat of mobs and lawlessness in a futile effort to win reelection will be the side note of history for which the Obama presidency will be remembered

@andy: nice mouth. You kiss your mother with it?

@Skookum: “I swear, I wrote this before the morning glance at Drudge:”

That’s just more confirmation that you’re a man ahead of your time.

I stand by my previous assessment that this entire OWS thing is organized and funded by Wall St. itself to discredit the legitimate critics of Wall St.

It’s similar to the what the left did to discredit McCarthy. McCarty turned out to be 100% correct, but the left managed to equate McCarthy with Fascism. For over fifty years, if you opposed the federal government hiring enemies of America, you were engaging in “McCarthyism”.

Now, if you oppose the incestuous relationship between Wall St. and the federal government, you are a “dirty, smelly, communist hippy”.


The American NAZI PARTY decides to join the “FLEA” Party. 😯

Now the question becomes:

Will the liberals kick these Nazis out of their beds, or snuggle up and spoon with them?

The answer to that question could determine how long liberals are cast into the wilderness!
…1 decade? 2…? more…? One can hope!!

You guys are idiots not to see these protestors are not that dissimilar in their intent as the tea party with regard to government involvement, but in the financial industry’s looting of the middle class. But minus the racist signs and firearms. Go ahead, disparage and demonize them. And then bend over.

@Steve: What a revelation!
Thanks for finding it Steve.
Now, what has been the OWS official response?
I posted the TEA Party’s “INFILTRATOR” signs that they took to all TEA Parties and pointed at any phonies or racists or other types who wanted to tar us with their filthy brush.
Here are a couple:

@Greg: Really Greg, what is your real name and in which office of the WH do you work?

@liberalmann: Ah! I see you have personal experience with the term BOHICA! My only question is do you enjoy?

Interesting thread. There are four supporters of OWS who have posted here and it tells a lot about their movement. Although I disagree with most but not all of what they said, two are civilized (Greg, Matt). The other two resort to insults and seem to want a fight or a war with those who disagree. Perhaps one day they will get their wish and will have to show everyone exactly how proficient they are in combat. After all, that’s what revolutions are about. Careful what you wish for. You may just get it.


Last time I checked:

TEA party members didn’t assault police.

TEA Party members didn’t destroy private property

TEA Party groups didn’t trash their rallies. Infact they went out of their ways to clean up the places they held their events at.

TEA party members were not arrested because they didn’t break any laws.

Last time we checked:

We have OWS members assaulting police officers.

We have OWS members damaging private property and public property.

We Have OWS members trashing New York City and the various places across the Nation they’re holed up in. The stench is getting really bad in some places from the trash.

We have OWS members being arrested for their assaults on police or violating City/State laws.

Do not try to group up various TEA party groups who operate within the law of their respective Cities and States to a group of morons who willingly toss aside common sense and civility and assault anyone they do not agree with.

This is the hard reality that that there are about one million of them scattered around the country but concentrated in major cities and university enclaves which means their advertized 99% is actually <01 percent of the population. Their operations tactic is, with compliance from the tv media and ever dying newspaper and print propaganda machine, to appear gigantic when the actual numbers are relatively small. What is taking place, including the strategic trashings, is Madison Wisconsin all over again where with all the busloads of protesters being shipped in plus the university bratskis the total number of protesters was less then the total population of Shaboygan. What is now taking place is planning for a massive sit-in, stand off and shut down of the entire metropolitan area of Tampa-St Pete during the Republican Convention in August. This gambit has been in planning for a stretch with the CCDP (Central Committee of the Democrat Party) setting the agenda with further follow through by Big (never taxed) Labor staking down money, the party Big Money Bundlers staking down money, and the bilious billionaires staking down money supporting the project. The Big Dream is that 100,000 show up to clog and shut down Tampa.
It is ironic that the same types of youths that whole heartedly supported O'BoomBox are now disgruntled because of unpayable student loans for unemployable BA-BS degrees from those YingYang Universities are now asking that the whole of society be penalized for these unjobable brats four years plus of college sex, drugs, boozing, and "Easy A's" taking courses with zero-zippo-nada transfer value. Surprise, there are employers that may pay these bright sparks from Gobblygoop Univerrsity only, what's the number that kid refused, only $7.00 hour (above the minimum wage) so trash those Starbucks knapsack full of professors' recommended readings and grab that pick or shovel from daddykins garage to then head for South Carolina because several private mining companies, managers are geology majors in their twenties, have re-opened gold mines in thar hills along the hallows with Georgia.

I had to leave my nephew’s party early because of his neighbor, who thinks like like Poster #5 and #10, above. Big party. Nephew is a great guy, a hardworking entrepreneur, scraping by for his wife and 3 kids, living in a nice older middle class neighborhood, to protect the innocent, we’ll call it Downersville. Big birthday party for 11 year old daughter, cars parked up and down the street, nephew serving chili and beer. I grab my bowl of chili and sit down the only place I can find a seat: a table outside on the deck. Retired union brother-in-law already seated, his daughters friend are already sitting, and this neighbor and his wife. The conversation was about this OWS movement being the real tea party. For the sake of domestic tranquility, I’ve learned to temper my conversation around the brother-in-law, but some times you have to set things straight. I couldn’t help to mention about the non-non violence: That Iheard about some of these ya-hoos talking about filling liquor bottles with gasoline and throwing it through windows of the homes of the 1%’rs. This neighbor said “This is exactly what needs to be done.” I asked him if he knew where B.O.’s presidential campaign started, and who Bill Ayers is. A look of “Duh” on his face. I explained that he is the brat son of a past CEO of the electric company, who’s past time was building and planting bombs, and killing innocent people. Indicating that he walked because of how the evidence was obtained. To prove his worldliness: “I was in operation “Desert shield..” Yahdy-Yahdy. He told me: “I don’t think that guy (Ayers) did was any worse than what we did destroying the economies and lives of millions of people throughout the world?” I finished my chili and retired to the front yard for a smoke. My niece’s friends husband came around a few minutes later and we talked a little bit. He’s not as warped as the neighbor. But, stated ” it’s not all Obama’s fault, and that he (Obama) is doing the best he can.” I realized something when I asked him if he remembered the Carter years. He told me that he was born in 1981! And, I said: “We’ve been through this before. This president has wracked up more debt than all of the previous administrations in the history of this county combined; And, we’ve never taxed and spent our way to prosperity. He’s leaving you, and your children, to hold the bag.” He said the world is a hopeless mess. I came back with By the grace of God we all go. He came back with: ” God can’t fix this. I have other ideas.” I said OK. “By the grace of God, go I.” I went back inside the house, told my loving wife: “I really have to go now.” You can ride back with the daughter, I can’t stay here any longer.” As I walked back to my 8 year old car up the street. I passed this neighbor’s nice house. Parked in the driveway, were cars less than 5 years old. A nice, pretty yellow speed boat on a trailer, and a nice big company van. A mechanical service company. I thought: Nice company. A nice fringe beni that he gets to drive it home over the weekends. I wondered: What union organizes the mechanical service company? And, then, it hit me; It all makes sense now: It must be the: Service Employees International Union. The SEIU!

The problem here is worse than I thought. These kids have been brainwashed. You can’t remember how Reagan turned our country around, when you are born in 1981. You’re probably just becoming aware of “A Kinder, Gentler, nation and a thousand points of light.” And, later learning virtues like: That a BJ isn’t sex. So….Perhaps, we do have a tougher row to hoe, here, than I initially thought. That thing’s can get dicier. That the Kool-aid that was served, was consumed. Hello, Smith and Wesson?

How about TEA PARTY and We Are The 53% versus OWS Mob ….


Another Vet: I spent most of the day driving and thinking. I couldn’t help but think of the foul mouthed members of OWS asking to have their student loans forgiven and the ones on this thread threatening us with Socialist Revolution. I then thought of the millions of hard men out there that once wore the uniform. Men as hard as tool steel. Men who range in age from 90 years of age to 20 years of age. Obama and his Socialist malcontents know they are out there. He knows they are armed to the teeth. He knows they will never back down and they will never yield to the yoke of Socialism. Obama and Ayers can dream of putting them on freedom trains for shipment for reeducation, but it is only a pipe dream. Some of them have nothing left and are more than ready for a little action, others are ready at a drop of the hat to pick up a rifle like minutemen of old.

Let me tell you a little story that made me proud. When 911 was happening, I thought we would be under attack, but they didn’t have the resources to mount an all out attack. I was expecting a call for all former servicemen to report to armories for war gear. Well, it didn’t happen, but we were ready.

I was mad and since I was working on the Left Coast, there wasn’t much I could do; so I went to Kinkos and asked to have a sign made for the back of my truck. It read: Mr Bush, do you have a rifle for an old Marine, Hell Yes I’ll Go!

I was a little worried about having the sign made and the reception I would receive from Liberals in Liberaland, but the first surprise was from the store. I went to pay for the sign and they said, “no charge on this one.” I was shocked, i expected to be yelled at. Then I expected people to give me the finger and yell at me on the highway, it was quite the opposite, people cheered and yelled Hurrah Marines! When I was stopped on the freeway for traffic, former military would get out of their vehicles on the 5 and the 405, two of the busiest roads in the world and walk over to shake my hand. I drove across country with my girlfriend and people expected me to pull over so we could talk about the military and politics. It eventually received so much attention my girlfriend asked me to take it down because some of the men scared her. I told her those are the men you want around you when it hits the fan. They look a little hard and mean because they are and I am glad they are on my side.

Anyway, those are the same men that these silly boys, the grandchildren of Ayers think are going to fold along the way when they want to impose their Socialism with screams and finger pointing. I think they better rethink that revolution idea and go back to the campus and bolster each others ego with false bravado. No one wants to mess with the tens of millions out there who aren’t saying a word. Even Obama and Napolitano know what they are up against if they try to impose their Socialist Revolution, but these red diaper doper babies don’t have a clue.

batman: Your story sorta’ reminded me of the movie Gran Torino. You did good to maintain your temper and quietly explain the facts to those libs (who, unfortunately, happen to be relatives).

@liberalmann: Look who is the idiot! Check out the trust fund baby who has his trust fund managed by Wall Street. You have no clue! http://hotair.com/archives/2011/10/16/video-ows-meltdown-star-a-columbia-grad-student-with-a-trust-fund/

There are definite similarities between OWS and Communist/Marxist/Socialist revolutionaries. Using the “workers revolution” is a common theme with all them, as is claiming to represent 99% of Americans. Once their agenda becomes more fully known, people will frown upon them. Most Americans would probably be opposed to a $20 an hour minimum wage, open borders, forgiveness of all debt, free education, revolution, and whatever else they have publicly come out for. They took what could have been a positive movement, which should have focused on the sell out of the public to special interests, and squandered it. Ironically, some of what they are proposing would have the exact opposite effect of what they are supposedly protesting against. These are very tense times and when POTUS stokes the fire, they will be even worse. It’s almost like he is yearning for his “people’s revolution” a la Lenin, Mao, and all the rest and like you said, it won’t be the walk in the park he thinks it will be.

What part of the left coast were you at? I would thing the area around Pendleton would be fairly patriotic. Now if you said Frisco or Berkley……….

Randy, I have spent a major portion of my life working for trust fund babies. It has been like a bizarre walk through an insane asylum. Well, not exactly, most of them are more lucid than the young man in your link; however, there have been some truly memorable moments of melodrama.

I have learned that there are two major classes of trust fund babies: those with mega trust funds and those who have a smaller (penis) trust fund and are envious. There are some truly genuine people with trust funds that have learned to cope with their defect and can lead a fairly normal unproductive life. I commend these people on their ability to overcome this sanity robbing attribute that destroys so many utterly useless people. Those with the huge trust funds are completely wasted mentally and will never amount to anything notable throughout their lives. They are boring as they live for the ultimate in hedonism, but most of them are completely harmless. It is the ones with the smaller trust funds that are so dangerous, they are driven to madness because their trust funds don’t allow them to buy the best horses, (we’re talking the one to two million dollars variety) and travel to the international show places like Achen, Palm Beach, and Calgary. That’s a real bummer and they often tell you about their woes after you have just sweated the whole day working on their horses and are waiting patiently to be paid. Needless to say, feelings of sympathy and compassion for them not being as rich as they feel they deserve are not what comes to mind under the circumstances; especially, when you realize the person in front of you has never worked a day in their life and wouldn’t know how to wash their own dishes, even if their life depended on getting them clean. As far as field dressing a moose or packing out a quarter ton of meat on three horses or castrating colts or treating hoof rot on bulls; they can’t even begin to do any of that stuff.

Yes, they are real special people.

Another Vet: At that time, I was in Calabasas, just northwest of LA on the 101, but I work from San Diego to Central British Columbia. It’s funny, the Socialist protesters never made a peep during that time except for one customer who thought the sign was funny, I didn’t press the issue with a customer. I am one of those guys who loves to mix it up under the right circumstances, when I am in the right. I thought I was surely going to need to put some lumps on a few heads, but I think the America haters were scared to death back then. They weren’t scared of me, they probably thought like I did, that we were under a serious attack and the crap was about to hit the fan.

To this day, I try to always go to Kinkos with my modest printing needs

Andy, your foul language and general incoherence leads me to suspect that you are nothing but a miserable troll. Go back under your bridge.

There were people on Wall Street who deliberately lied about the safety of the investment instruments they were selling, who systematically robbed small individual investors and private and public pension funds on a grand scale, who then extorted tax dollars to keep the damages they’d done to critical institutional components from reducing the national economic and monetary systems to ruins, and who then paid themselves multi-million dollar bonuses from the proceeds of the shakedown. While this is all common knowledge–assuming that the observer is not totally brain-dead–not one of the perpetrators has ever been officially investigated, let alone prosecuted.

It’s also common knowledge that while the financial future of mainstream America has been circling the drain, corporate America–that is, the America of the big, megalithic, multi-national corporations–has been pulling in record-high profits quarter after quarter after quarter, all with their effective tax rates at record lows. (You can get much lower than an effective tax rate of zero.) Their capital holdings have escalated to record highs.

The “solutions” that are being offered to the resulting dysfunctions are even lower high-end tax rates, even lower corporate tax rates, even lower capital gains rates, and a roll-back of protective financial industry regulations created in the wake of the 2008 train wreck. For mainstream America, the offer involves lower wages, reduced employee benefits, gaping holes in the social safety net, and progressively deep cuts to Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, student aid, etc.

You honestly don’t think there’s any legitimate reason for angry citizens to be demonstrating on Wall Street?

I don’t understand why some of the early Tea Party activists didn’t show up there first. Had they done so, they probably would have received a similar lesson in the limits of their First Amendment rights.

If you wouldn’t mind a courtesy embed, I would appreciate it.

GREAT GUNS GREG: let’s get all the names of those commiting stock manipulation malfeasance and teach them all to dance The Frog March. Erik Holder should Frog March, George Soros should Frog March, Solyndra executives should Frog March, Mayor Bloomberg should Frog March, all the OWS types unbathed stinking to hell should Frog March. Everyone either carry a copy of Mao’s Little Red Book or do the Frog March. In front of Ray’s Music Exchange on Maxwell Street we’ll all do the Frog March.

Thank you!

It’s really kind pathetic when people point out that the public has been systematically robbed, and an angry mob immediately forms to string up the people who pointed it out.

The national debt has skyrocketed as income and wealth in America have rapidly concentrated upward. There’s no relationship?

Greg: It’s really kind pathetic when people point out that the public has been systematically robbed, and an angry mob immediately forms to string up the people who pointed it out.

Are you blind, son? Pray tell, who is the “angry mob” here?

And stop repeating the lie about the wealth. We have repeatedly show you the Wolff stats that the top 1% percentage of wealth has differed little since 1920s. Since you have three comments on that thread, it’s quite likely you had to have seen it there, as well as early debates from the prior months. Do you have a learning disability, Greg?

@Greg: I never thought I’d agree with you on anything, but your #31 was a pretty accurate description. The only thing you left out was the long list of names of politicians who enabled the looting – beginning with Barney Frank, Chris Dodd, Charlie Rangle, Chuckie Schumer in congress, and Bill Clinton who signed the repeal of Glass-Steagall and stuffed his cabinet with Goldman Sachs people…funny thing, they’re all democrats, but for some reason you blame Bush for all of this. Well, Bush did hire ex-Goldman CEO Hank Paulson for his Secretary of Treasury, so he wasn’t entirely guiltless.

…and regarding your #35, the OWS protesters discovered nothing and know nothing. Otherwise they wouldn’t be advocating communism as a solution for fascism, which is technically what the relationship between Wall St. and the U.S. government has become. People use the euphemism “crony-capitalism” rather than the correct term: fascism.

@MataHarley, #36:

Are you blind, son? Pray tell, who is the “angry mob” here?

There seems to be an all-out effort to generally discredit and demonize the Wall Street protesters in any and every way possible. I haven’t yet heard them linked to Satanism or pedophilia, but that’s probably because those angles haven’t occurred to anyone yet.

This we can say: Putting oneself in the way of police batons on a cold and wet street day after day without even rudimentary public facilities can’t be a particularly comfortable recreational activity. Whatever point they’re trying to make isn’t being made easily. Nor have they generally reacted to violence with violence. They may be angry, and there’s undoubtedly some bad behavior evidenced by a some of them, and some fringe elements among them, but in my opinion they’re not the mob.

Greg: Nor have they generally reacted to violence with violence.

What “violence” has been inflicted on the OWS thugs, Greg. You mean when they are under arrest, and fight back? How about the cop with the head injuries?

These folks, like Douche Bag Donny advocates, are doing their best to be beaten so they can play the victim. It’s a stated goal, and you ignore it because of partisan support.

@Greg: Try interviewing intelligent, articulate protesters rather than the most spaced out, outlandish-looking hangers on that you can spot. “>

Interview? Hang, try finding one! Cary tried giving us an example of one of those braintrusts interviews with a Greta/FOX staffer. This bozo wasn’t even bright enough to know that the street interviewer, who works for FOX, does not work for News Corp. Couldn’t articulate anything about why, save the usual talking points.

“Sticky tape”? Are you somehow accusing the TP attendees of damaging property with “sticky tape” (with no substantiating links, of course…) with damage to police cars (i.e. Portland OWS)??? Desperate.

And twice you have mentioned 1st Amendment rights

@Greg: At what point does the free exercise of your First Amendment rights become a provocation justifying a violent response? Do you really understand what you’re seeing here?

@Greg: I don’t understand why some of the early Tea Party activists didn’t show up there first. Had they done so, they probably would have received a similar lesson in the limits of their First Amendment rights.

Maybe it’s you and your “comrades” who needs the Constitutional lesson, Greg. Your 1st Amendment rights end when they infringe on mine. Like interfering with the businesses attempting to do their daily tasks, and tourists attempting to get into the theaters.

One theater goer said they had to circumvent blocks just to get to the ticket box office.

Some New Yorkers and visitors to the city were unhappy to be rubbing elbows with the protesters, surprised to find them so far north of Zuccotti Park. Some theatergoers in a rush were unable to move.

“We had to walk how many blocks? We had to walk all the way around to get to the ticket booth,” tourist Mary Beth Ventrice told Carlin.

Great for an already struggling economy, eh? And all by those who refuse to get the needed permits, which would have required those honey dipper porta-potties as part of the permit process. But you see, the OWS is above the law, and the Mayor is terrified of holding these people to laws others are required to honor.

Then of course, it’s great for driving tourists out of the city early… another notch in the perpetuation of the recession/depression belt for OWS.

Sandy Peterson of Salt Lake City, who was in Times Square after seeing “The Book of Mormon” musical on Broadway, got caught up in the disorder.

“We’re getting out of here before this gets ugly,” she said.

Then there’s another tourist who didn’t mince her words about the protests, and it’s effect on her vacation in the Big Apple.

Sandra Fox, 69, of Baton Rouge, La., stood, confused, on 46th Street with a ticket for “Anything Goes” in her hand as riot police pushed a knot of about 200 shouting protesters toward her.

“I think it’s horrible what they’re doing,” she said of the protesters. “These people need to go get jobs.”

Speaking of that point about going and getting a job… one of the protestors apparently feels a working income is optional.

Other demonstrations were planned around the city all day Saturday, including an anti-war march to mark the 10th anniversary of the war in Afghanistan.

Among the people participating in that march was Sergio Jimenez, 25, who said he quit his job in Texas to come to New York to protest.

“These wars in Afghanistan and Iraq were all based on lies,” Jimenez said. “And if we’re such an intelligent country, we should figure out other was to respond to terror, instead of with terror.”

Well I guess he’s not too worried about a job and income, considering in high unemployment, he quits so he can do some anti-war protesting.


But you say it’s those who point out their thuggery who are “the angry mob”.

Why are the businesses affected – hotels, restaurants, theaters – plus vacationers themselves having the pay the price for a bunch of thugs who refuse to honor not only the laws in place for peaceful assembly, but to respect the rights of others? And you have the unmitigated gall to lecture anyone about the 1st Amendment?

@Greg, you get more and more out of the realm of reality. As I pointed out, had the protestors complied with the law, sanitary facilities would have been provided

.@Greg: I haven’t yet heard them linked to Satanism or pedophilia, but that’s probably because those angles haven’t occurred to anyone yet.

More desperate hyperbole.

New York businesses are getting fed up with this BS… and they are paying the price for unlawful, and not so peaceful redress. And this from uber liberal NY Mag…

Even as Occupy Wall Street protesters are decrying the grip of big business on America, they are causing angst for some small business that are well within the 99 percent: The New York food carts and tourist stands that surround Zuccotti Park. And while the occupation has been compared to the Arab Spring and Tahrir Square, the mostly Egyptian kebab cookers and breakfast sellers who are losing their livelihoods aren’t too sure.

Zizi Elnagouri, a voluble native of Alexandria, Egypt, has spent five years selling pastries on the corner of Cedar and Broadway. She whirled her hands as she spoke, flapping her apron to make a point. “From the beginning of this, we lost all our business,” she lamented. Elnagouri took matters into her own hands, venturing out into the square to tell the occupiers “we are out of business.” Some were glad and others sympathetic. But Zizi was shocked. “I couldn’t believe they were American. Do you see how they look? What they are wearing? I don’t believe. This must be the Third World!” Zizi is accustomed to well-fed New Yorkers in suits, not people begging for free doughnuts. “Sometimes they buy coffee … it depends on who gives them money. I feel sad for them. It’s hard for Americans to start the day without coffee.” But although she said the destitution in the square reminded her of the Third World, the occupation didn’t strike her as another Tahrir. “We were fighting for a big, big thing: for life, to eat, against a giant snake that would kill us.” Unsurprisingly, she employs a smart breakfast metaphor: “Here, they’re not fighting to eat, say, regular bread, but … special bagels or something.”

Magdy, who runs a halal cart and grins when he gets nervous, asked that his last name be kept anonymous; he was afraid for his operating license. Magdy moved from Cairo two years ago and, in his opinion, “all this is not much like our revolution.” Magdy had a question for me. “Are these people for real? Do you know?” I asked him what he thought. “I don’t know. I have no idea what these people want. But they aren’t buying.” Business has “not been good” since the occupation came to town. As we spoke, an occupier came up and started yelling slogans outside. He rolled his eyes and turned away.

The most outwardly angry of the Egyptians was John, also from Alexandria, who specializes in falafel (very good, spicy falafel). He’s been working on Cedar Street for ten years and told me last week, “This is terrible business. I hope they get the money they’re protesting for, then they can give me some.” Today, he was more explicit. “I don’t want them here. They don’t buy, they get food inside. Now I need money from the government.” He hinted that he had lost his temper with occupiers before, but wouldn’t go into details.

In the crush of the park, it’s difficult to move the carts from place to place at the beginning and end of the day. For Ahmed and Mustafah Abed, both New Yorkers, this means an all-night hot-dog vigil. “We can’t leave. People are sleeping in the park, so if we leave, we can’t bring our cart back in,” said Ahmed. His father, another Egyptian immigrant, has owned the stand on the corner “since before they built the World Trade Center.” But now, his sons have had to join on permanently to keep the family business alive. Though they sympathize with the occupation’s aims, Ahmed says their stand has lost most of its old customers. “I support what the protesters are saying … but man, this is bad.”

It’s not just the Egyptians. According to Maria Fernandez, who works at Panini and Co., “business is very bad, less people are coming in.” They’ve also had problems with occupiers messing up their bathroom. Juan, another New Yorker, sells tourist trinkets on the far corner of the square; he asked his last name be kept private for licensing reasons. “Business is down since they got here,” he told me last week. “They should really find something else to do.” He still has his old stock of brass, Wall Street bull replicas on the table: a tough sell with this crowd.

You are on the wrong side of economic progress, and 1st Amendment rights. But that doesn’t surprise me in the least.

In the City of New York persons are allowed to gather and protest during the day but once evening and night sets in all are required to obey the ordinance prohibiting sleeping in public at night. So the order is to rent a room or request Section-8 housing for the homeless. (Mayor Guiliani)
The coddling must come to an end, this bunch in NYC have collected over $225,000 cash plus supply donations as (untaxed) money keeps coming in..

I assume, Soothsayer, that like most public gatherings and events, there are limits on numbers and provisions for health and medical that normally go along with such an allowance. I know in all States where I have lived, and have helped organize events, we are put thru hoops for sanitation amenities and must also meet any fire regulations for crowds in an area where, in the event of an emergency, it doesn’t not become an endangerment to the crowd and an emergency exit.

@MataHarley, #41:

What “violence” has been inflicted on the OWS thugs, Greg.

Did you watch the videos linked in post #10? You could find dozens more on YouTube.

Yeah, when a friend get clubbed for no apparent reason or a girl beside you gets maced from across a police barrier, young people do sometimes start pushing back.

Do you recall any videos of Tea Party demonstrators being forcibly pushed off the sidewalks and streets by police with clubs, or being driven ahead of and knocked to the ground by a phalanx of advancing police motorbikes?

“No apparent reason”? Greg, their mob presence is illegal in itself. They have resisted every legal opportunity to comply with the law for peaceful redress. I repeat… your 1st Amendment rights end when they infringe on mine.

And your partial video history doesn’t show the entire story.

Here’s a clue, if you are already illegally occupying streets in a non permitted mob, and there are police vehicles coming down the road, a person with a modicum of intelligence gets out of the way. Unless, of course, getting out of the way is counter to their desired result.

@Greg: No Greg, because Tea Party people obey the laws!!!

From The Wall Street Journal, October 16, 2011: Occupy Wall Street Protest Grows Across U.S.

Here, at least, the protests have remained non-violent. That’s more than can be said for Europe.

This Washington Post photo gallery gives some idea of the scale of the unrest. Look at the size of the crowd in image 3.

Maybe, Greg, if you add all the numbers together, they might fill a pro football stadium or two. Still pathetic numbers compared to what the TP rallies have drawn.

I’ve already provided a global OWS “occupy” pictorial on the European rallies. The faces there, and the messages, are the same one world socialist agenda as here. The tribute to no violence in the US is not due to the behavior of the illegal mobs that deliberately refuse to pull permits. It is due to law enforcement, trying to strike a balance between not escalating a bunch of freeloading hotheads without jobs, and protecting normal citizens trying to go about their daily business of living. Instead, the OWS mobs are just dying for “a Kent State” moment.

I don’t know, MataHarlely. When that many people are turning out across the globe, I think somebody needs to start listening more closely. Something isn’t right. I don’t believe people are angry and out there because they’re too lazy to work, and because they want to be coddled by a socialist state.

Funny… more TP’er were out en force, you coulda cared less, Greg.

And of course they are too lazy to work. Are they home, attempting to get a job? Do you think these people are all on extended vacations? In fact a high percentage of them appear to be students, disgruntled with their student loans (obtained either thru Sally Mae or the private banks), but don’t seem to want to pay them back. Nor are they using those funds to attend classes. Bizarre, don’t you think? Got the cash to go to school, and instead go and protest those that are giving them the cash to go to schools.

Are they asking for handouts both while they are there, and in general in their protests?

Yup to both. They want the top 1%’s earnings for their own benefits…. distributed thru a more powerful central government middle man. They want others to work for their personal needs.

@MataHarley: As I’ve said before, many of us do have jobs – we don’t work 24/7, 9-5. I don’t want a handout, and I’m tired of giving them, as well – especially to those who HAVE more at our expense. If anyone doesn’t get that, I don’t know what else to say.

We went thru this before, Cary. Did you destroy public property? Are you camping there illegally? Did you infringe on someone else’s rights to travel the streets freely and engage in business/working without being hassled? Did you resist arrest? Were you part of the mob illegally in those part of the streets that was making it difficult for tourists to merely attend plays, get into restaurants?

If not, stop taking everything so personal. I didn’t suggest you are a professional protester. You are an ill-informed supporter/sympathizer.

@MataHarley: Then it’s the protest itself and not what’s being protested that you object to? Fair enough. Let’s all stay on the couch and yell about how screwed up things are.

Oh for heavens sake, Cary. We’ve been thru this as well too.

I totally disagree with what they are protesting, but that doesn’t mean I’m against their right for peaceful redress.

However I do not support their lack of disregard for law INRE organizing those protests, and their blatant attempt to infringe on the rights of others – businesses, tourists, etal – merely to get a headline and instill fear in others in confrontation. I do not support illegal protests with the agenda to get a “Kent State” moment, as has been a stated goal by too many of them there with their Flash mob organizers, hoping for sympathy.

Horse pucky… and pure hyperbole from you too.


You say “ill informed”, I say “Disagree with you” – It’s all good.

I knew that, Cary. Hopefully they will not be slicing down the attendance of one of your own theater performances, leading to a shut down.


Now, the state of the arts in this country might be something we agree a bit more on. Let’s save that for another time.

@Cary: Cary, it is the illigal action and the fact they are infringing on the tights of others. Where does any one get the right to infrinhge on the rights of others?

@Randy: apparently when they have enough money to buy out the lawmakers….