Donny Deutsch on Morning Joe: OWS needs “a Kent State” moment….


Since the Most Wanted is filled up with recent additions, thought I’d throw these one out there for y’all to chew on. Seems that what a certain percentage of the OWS protestors want… a confrontation to help them appear the victims… is exactly what Donny Deutsch advocates: another Kent State.

“You know what this movement needs? One is obvious one not so obvious. Everybody is saying they need to clarify. They need policy issues…The other thing it needs and I don’t want this to come out the wrong way. Not needs but will happen. If you think back to the late ’60s, what is the most stirring image of all of the rebellion that happened? What do we remember? Kent State. Now I’m not saying somebody has to get killed. What will happen, will there be a climax moment of class warfare somehow played out on screen that I think will, the same way 999 if you will kind of simplifies a message that articulates this clash so both the real clarification. We’re a visual society.”


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These dolts keep trying to recapture the “magic” of their doped-out youth and so-called relevance. Just one problem — this ain’t the sixties. Back then we were more naive. Now, ironically thanks in big part to the constant drumbeat of the MSM, we are desensitized to all the hype and highly cynical of all the “Kabuki” political theater. We automatically expect such events to be staged and are much less likely to be affected by them. It’s just the wolf crying “Wolf!” while looking in the mirror. He doesn’t realize he and the few members of his snarling pack are the only ones admiring the image.

I’m of an age where I don’t find the idea of wishing for another “Kent State” to be funny.

Liberalism=Mental illness.

No sane person would want a repeat of kent State. But the liberal masters are desparate, and time is short. A shooting, even a non-leathal shooting would be like a shot of steriods to the liberal cause. And no doubt there are some liberals who may try to provoke an act of violence, and be hurt in the process. What amazes me now are the number of Americans who will not, or cannot see the ulterior motives of the liberals in their methodical and systematic destruction of our democracy that has been ongoing now for decades. The speed of that destruction has now been increased due to the fact that the liberal elite have realized that a Republican can actually beat Obi. And worse yet, a real conservative could actually be voted into office. Effective propaganda never changes, only the methods and tool used change. And you can bet your last bottom dollar that the liberals will captalize on any violence at these protests, and the protests yet to be held. We have seen and will continue to see more things happen here in America over the course of this next year than we have in the past from the liberals. Things that we saw only in countries like Greece, England, France, etc… The liberals miscalculated in their hopes for Obi and him getting their agenda passed into laws. So now they have to act fast, if they are to save the day. Even if we elect a republican like Rommey whom the liberals do not see as a major threat they will not stop their efforts, but will only intensify them instead. The libdems major rule in negotiations in politics is “The other side compromises. We don’t!” Thats one reason why they fear people like Cain, West, and Palin. What we are seeing now is “Socialism/Communism 101” and have been for decades now, but never at this level. And we still have other levels to advance to, or decend to depending on your point of view. Great topic Mata! 20 years ago I never thought I would be responding to this topic here in America, that was reserved for “over there”.

Soon it will turn cold and rain or snow, that will turn most of them back to the safety of their parents and central heat with three meals. Disease is another possibility, they are apparently living in Third World squalor and with the Illegal Aliens being paid to protest, there is a very real possibility of contagion and epidemic disease. I wonder if Bloomberg and Pelosi will be so proud of their efforts if they have a smallpox epidemic break out in New York City. Many younger people haven’t been inoculated, but there are many others like bubonic plague or leprosy that would love to get a toe hold in such an inviting petri dish.

Board of Health, who gives a damn, this is a protest man! Fools are running NYC, but they may yet pay for their stupidity.

Here is what old Donny really meant:

I want such an incident to happen because we need martyrs. Plus it would give them the victim/underdog status we want while hardening their resolve. Their deaths would motivate other leftists and create a backlash against those who oppose them. This would allow us to bludgeon the opposition with their moral superiority. Sure it would mean some people died, but it’s for the greater good of the movement. When it comes down to it, human life pales in comparison to the greater good of what we are striving for. .

@Skookum: But where are the men and women of character who are supposed to be our leaders who enforce our laws? Why has not one responsible person already told these immature and selfish little brats to go back their parents homes? Instead its as if they are all waiting for someone else to take the risk of assuming responsibility. While the park and other areas are off-limits to civilized Americans. Total insanity.

Over 800 arrests in the NY area protests.
Over 100 arrests in the one in Boston.
Denver, Seattle, Washington DC all had protestors arrested.

As others have said, the seasons are turning.
It will get cold.
IF these protests keep going on in the filthy conditions they are OK with living in we will soon see diseases spreading like we did in days of old in Europe.

These people are not martyrs.
To be a martyr you have to know what you stand for to the degree that you would give your life.
They cannot even say what they stand for!

The instigators (look at the emails) know what they want: arrests, violence, DISAVOWING the Dem Party.
But their rabble seem too stupid to play their parts well enough to pull it off.

Astroturf movements (such as these OWS) will never look real, because they are so phony.

I liked what Rudy Giuliani said about how he would handle OWS if he were mayor. He said, and I am paraphrasing – that they were more than welcome to protest as much as they wanted, but they would not be allowed to sleep in the streets, or in public places.

Kudos to Rudy!

@Hard Right:

I download Morning Joe almost every day. It is one of the few MSM segments that I can stomach to watch. I had read that Dear Donnie had made the Kent State comment so I was anxious to see it in context. Certainly there was a context and he repeatedly said he did not want people to get killed. But that was not what caught my attention in this segment. Of course, if a conservative had said such a thing . . .

Dear Donnie stated that the TEA Party repulsed him but when called out by Mr. Joe and asked why, he lamely could not answer why. This coupled with the total lack of self-awareness of Ms. Mikka concerning her desire to tell everyone what they should or shouldn’t eat made this segment pretty funny. Mr. Joe is, in my opinion, just another East Coast RINO but occasionally he leans back into his conservative background and wrecks havoc (ever so nicely) on the group of liberals who frequent the show. Destroys them so totally that they are speechless and he has to immediately make amends. Ms. Mikka is so far out of it, she is simply not able to see the Fruit Loop destruction that was placed on her head at the start of the show. Totally clueless that the breakfast cereal routine was making fun of her and her liberal ways.

Well, at least one journalist in the leftist media “gets it”…

A glowing article on Herman Cain …by the AP???. 😯

I was stunned to read this fair & balanced article by the leftist AP:
…in particular, was that they treated the race issue truthfully for once

…On Friday night Cain, who is African-American, drew about 2,000 people – some in workshirts and overalls and nearly all white – to a feed barn in rural Waverly, Tenn.

In Bartlett, Tenn., Cain drew a number of black supporters who were excited at the prospect of a conservative African-American of his stature.

“To me he represents what Martin Luther King was talking about when he talked about his dream,” Reginald Tooley, a 49-year-old physical therapist from Memphis, said. “With hard work and self-reliance you can do anything you want.”

Heh, maybe Herman Cain sent chills up & down the AP reporter’s leg?

@Gary G. Swenchonis: When the supposed leader of the United States is encouraging the protesting, there is no one above him to stop the madness. Congressmen and senators alike are more afraid they will be voted out of office next election and regardless their stance are staying below the ” firing line”. Hopefully someone will find the fortitude to stop this. Unfortunately barry’s lap dogs ( e.g unions, acorn and soros) are fueling the fires too,so it might be a while. We can only hope a natural event ( hard snow, hurricane) will hit the areas.

IT LOOK LIKE OBAMA spring, he might have dream of having an AMERICAN SPRING after the others,
and maybe the others where just an experiment to see how it play here,
WE can remember also the FACEBOOK ACTIONS AGAINST THE CONSERVATIVES ORGANISATION, not so long ago, and what they have allowed to generate now, without no restraint at all,
they have open the hole of the snakes to surface willingly, and as accomplice to OBAMA AND THE UNIONS ORGANISATION, SHOWING WHAT THEY CAN DO TO DISRUPT THE GOOD AMERICANS AT A PRICE WHICH ALL WOULD PAY AT THE END.
it will take some courage and brave action from the first person where ever he will be to get in front of the NATION, AND SAY NO THAT IS ENOUGH,

If disease comes it will be probably be something like dysentary, cholera, or typhoid – enteric pathogens spread by exposure to excrement. Possibly some form of influenza. And it will be spun by the mainstream media as an unexpected hardship endured by helpless victims, rather than the eventual outcome of crowds living outdoors in their own filth throughout history.

Donny Douche thinks too small. Kent State? National Guard? What a wimp! Why didn’t he wish for sending in the U. S. Army with battle tanks, arsenic gas, and fixed bayonets like Gen. Douglas MacArthur and George Patton used against the Bonus Army in 1932?

Wm T Sherman,
those deseases sound very dangerous, in effect, it gave me an idea,
why not implement a protection and to all give each a shot in the arm preventive vaccine obligatory if they remain on the ground more than the next 4 hours,
that would clear the path and the rest would be gathered by the TSA WORKERS in a row to wait for the shot vaccine,
that would bring instant result into the OWL problem, WOULDN’ T IT?

Wm T Sherman,
how about another idea,!!!
fumigate the whole area, insisting it would be for their own good, like the DEMOCRATS LIKE TO SAY,
start in the middle of the crowd tell them in advance that you will work in circle,
enlarging it as you move around ,and nobody must get inside the fumigate area done,

Make no mistake, this administration WILL do something radical to try to sway public opinion to their side. Whether it be war with Iran or another manufactured crisis, it will happen. BTW, did anyone catch the guy who tried to create the “Kent State Moment” by pretending to be run over by a scooter? Hilariously theatrical BS moment of the whole affair.

Chill, Donny may have said he doesn’t want anyone to be killed, but I doubt he means that. I mean, why even mention Kent State if that really was the case? He could have chosen some other example, but he chose something where the deaths of protestors is what made the story. Not an accident in my opinion.

@Hard Right:

Totally agree with you. But, in a civil society, he should be given the benefit of the doubt since he did say he did not want people killed a couple of times. He was making a point that he wanted an event that would focus the MSM and, in turn, the people on the issues. Liberals, however, make this a totally uncivil society except when they are involved.

I think the Hank Williams, Jr. event illustrates exactly what liberals bring to the society. The idea that a leading Jew would sit down with Hitler in a civil environment is crazy and it was crazy for Boehner to go golfing with Reid. Bad choice of example but the meaning was plain. Williams got fired, Dear Donnie will continue with his hatred of conservatives on the show. I do not give him the benefit of any doubt. What he is speaks louder than what he says he is.

HardRight@#6 says:
Sure it would mean some people died, but it’s for the greater good of the movement. When it comes down to it, human life pales in comparison to the greater good of what we are striving for. .

The end justifies the means eh?

A “democracy” [Form of Government] does not, and never will, work…

“Whether they know it or not the subjects of a [democracy] implicitly accept their status as persons [without unalienable Rights ] to “Life, Liberty or the Pursuit of Happiness.” Insofar as they’ve rejected the [God-Given right] to Life, – why shouldn’t they be killed?”

It is the absence of [God] in peoples lives [progressives/Liberals] that promotes killing, as there are no consequences without the fear of [God] in doing so… The reason why the Left, various Government entities despises God and any [reminders of ] religion…Primarily Christianity… It’s easier to promote the lefts propaganda this way…

We have “switched (since the 1930’s] from a “Republic” that secured the God given rights of ‘individuals”, to a “Collective society” [communism, socialism, democracy – take your pick] that has “denied” the existence of of God-given, individually held “unalienable rights” “Collectivism kills”… And it doesn’t kill just a few individuals….”

I agree leftists are quite uncivil. I also think you want to be more civil than myself for those like Donny for which I commend you. I’m afraid I’ve grown much too disgusted with their hateful attacks to extend any courtesies to them. It’s rather ironic that as a result I risk becomming just like them.

Faith, hi, their ways of thinking also kill their brains preventing them to better themselves,

@MataHarley: You said:

Hummm… not one of our FA lib/prog posters on this thread.

Okay Mata. And remember, I am doing this to make you happy –

“Waaaaa! It’s all Bush’s fault!!!”