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The Occupier’s Voice Of Reason

I see said the blind man.
Do you hear the silence?
Oh to be a duplicitous fan
Though not an original intent
But love of money sways noble man

But let’s face facts honey
Who are we to complain
If it’s us making the money
No need to be a complete lame brain
For if it is our money, it is not so funny

I sincerely hope that is not a representative sample of the Occupy movement…If it is this nation is really in deep crap, fiscal conservatism can’t overcome that much stupid in one country…

Boba, that was so funny. I laughed so hard, then I realized, it wasn’t funny at all.

Man the insane liberals are easy.

loved the guy that didnt like capitalism, but wanted to “make money”

The liberals define capitalism as working for money. That is why they do not like it!