Lawrence O’Donnell: Cained!


O’Donnell tries to lecture Cain on “being black”, among other things; Cain smacks him down again…and again…and again:



Rather than substantive questions regarding the state of the economy and other policy issues, O’Donnell wants to play “gotcha” media journalism, hoping to do to Citizen Cain what liberals in MSM (O’Donnell describes himself as a “practical European socialist”) have been doing to other Republican presidential candidates. Good! Herman Cain is substantive on character. O’Donnell did Cain a favor here.

Who comes across as the one looking foolish and stupid on national TV? Hint: It wasn’t the GOP and presidential contender…

Even Kos Kiddies are cringing at O’Donnell’s interview:

1) When you think of Herman Cain, do you ever find yourself thinking, “gee, he was a black teen in the early-1960s. Why didn’t he participate in civil rights movement?” I’m not an African-American and wasn’t alive in the ’60s, but so what if he didn’t? I am not sure what the implication is there, but was it incumbent upon ever African-American to march? And does not participating in the civil rights movement imply … what? I suppose it might be a fairer question to ask a white person who was around in that era, but only slightly.

I’m going to go out on a limb and presume that Herman Cain was opposed to segregation.

2) Out of nowhere, O’Donnell asked Cain, who worked (but did not serve) in the Navy, whether he was qualified to be Commander-in-Chief after not serving in Vietnam. Really?! Is this still a thing? I have a hard time believing that O’Donnell genuinely cares about Cain’s lack of military service (Clinton and Obama never served), but was possibly trying to posit him as a hypocrite. But that’s kind of hard to do when, while not exactly serving, he was working in ballistics for the Navy.

Seemed like a completely disingenuous line of questioning on O’Donnell’s part, and made me cringe.

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The more that these hyper partisan liberal MSNBC journalists (and other liberal media hacks) try to attack Herman Cain, the more Cain makes them look like the fools they are…

…and THE MORE Cain’s numbers will continue to RISE by the American voters who are paying attention and do NOT subscribe to the idiotic liberal progressive ideology.

Bottom line: These liberal media hack are USEFUL IDIOTS!
😆 😆 😆

Racist, useful idiots. LO was upset that Cain was uppity and didn’t know his place.

The Left is soiling their britches over the Cain candidacy precisely because it blows the race card up *forever*. O’Donnell’s implosion is just the tip of the iceberg. Which is why it’s working for me!

“Because the Only Good Progressive is a Failed Progressive”

@LibertyAtStake: Cain is a Black Guy not a wanna be. 0-bama is a wanna be Black guy and a wanna be President!!

Cain is merely the latest Flavor of the Month. Under scrutiny he’ll explode like Bachmann and Perry before him.Palin realized she couldn’t handle the heat.

@Richard Wheeler: And they are all better than the dope we have now. He has alreay exploded into a pile of lies and deception!!

@Common Sense:
Obama is just as white as he is black. He’s half and half. Never understood why people say he’s our first black president. Herman Cain would be our first black president. And a damn good one at that….

@Richard Wheeler:

1) Love how you dodged the blatant racism LO displayed. I’ve come to expect that from leftists like yourself when a fellow leftist is involved. You’ve made it clear you will protect your cohorts no matter what they do.

2) Cain MIGHT be the flavor of the month, but I’m thinking no.
He has the ability to hold his own in debates unlike Perry. I know you are praying it’s romney who gets the nod, but I wouldn’t hold my breath if I were you.

Hey richardwheeler,

If you think the thin-skinned affirmative action hire could stand one-tenth of the abuse Palin has suffered you are even dumber than your post makes you appear.

Oh my goodness, Lawrence should be careful not to overmatch himself intellectually. That was so pathetic it wasn’t even funny. Has anyone ever cross-examined Obama with 5% of the venom and hatred expressed by O’Donnel. Fire away you Leftist loons of the propaganda mill; Cain will take what you have to pass out and eat your lunch when he is done. This one is a diplomat, but when an intellectual lightweight throws down the gauntlet, he’s going to have his ass handed to him.

Go home and lick your wounds O’Donnel; let them send something other than a mincing wimp the next time. You can’t warm the Cain up, he needs to match wits with someone with someone who can think on his feet instead of someone who reaches in the back of his trousers for material. What a Joke of a Journalist!


Oh my goodness, Lawrence should be careful not to overmatch himself intellectually.

That narrows down the field of possible guests to children under five and hollywood actors and actresses.

@Richard Wheeler:

Two things, Rich.

1 – Many of us here have liked Cain for quite awhile now. It is hardly accurate to claim that he is simply a “flavor of the month”. The fact is that he is finally getting the exposure he needs and that more and more people are liking what they see and hear from him.

2 – As for Palin, it wasn’t that she “realized she couldn’t handle the heat” in regards to the topics and issues. It was that she didn’t want to “handle the heat” where her family was concerned. When the liberal/progressives continue to act like petulant children, throw tantrums, and act like bullies to Palin, it’s no wonder she decided not to run. I doubt you’d want the attention the unhinged left gives her and her family.

O’Donnell served in Clinton’s administration. His heartburn about Cain’s service in VN makes him a hypocrite. He was also born in ’51 but I couldn’t find anything about where he served in VN. By his own standards he surely would have enlisted in ’69.

@Common Sense: Indeed, *OUR BLACK GUY IS BLACKER THAN THEIR BLACK GUY* Because, you know, everything the Left gives us is a deception on one level or another.

Jonas Wilkerson, the overseer, kept the neegras, except those assigned house duties at Tara, in their place. Lawrence O’Donnell’s job is to be the Democrat Party “overseer” keep’n dem neegras in their place. I have asked on several occassions before that in the epic storyline Gone With The Wind who were the communists and who were those seeking freedom and liberty?

Common sense Cain! Man, if only more of our politicians could speak so openly, and so good. It is still so refreshing to listen to him after all these years of listening to the pandering, and beat about the bush answers. You can see why he has been so successful in life. But the march in the civil rights thing is just another example of how closed minded liberals are. And liberals just can’t understand the concept of being proud of your country, and also grateful to your country even if you did not get something for free from it.

@JustSaying: Obama is 50% Northern European and 42% Arab. But who’s counting?

This ‘interview’ is actually one of the more disturbing and disgusting things I’ve seen in the last year. O’Donnell has a large well-funded research staff feeding him his talking points, and Cain just has himself and a campaign he’s run on a shoestring budget up until now.

This spooky corporate goblin O’Donnell presumes to lecture a black American who grew up during the segregation and desegregation periods in this country on what would have been proper behavior for a black college student back then, fifty years ago. A black American, or any American, college freshman in 1963-64 was supposed to drop whatever he was doing and run off to the Deep South? Because the goblin says so?

What percent of college students went down to participate in voter registration and the other events? It was maybe 0.1% at most, I think.

Damn. What a cold blooded, arrogant, reprehensible little piece of sh!t O’Donnell is. And of course he reflects the well-funded political machine that’s backing him. This is really disturbing. It’s like being in a time machine to 1932. It’s like zombie Stalin is running the show.

If you think these bastards are not capable of committing murder to get what they want, think again.

Cain made LO look like the socialist loon that he is. And Mr. Cain was a gentleman to boot.

It is too bad that Rich Wheeler has devolved to the status of hit and run tactics…

Sooth, that is a tricky question and the answer is difficult for me; however, the men like Ashley Wilkes who wanted to preserve the plantation system seemed to be the Communists. After witnessing the horrors of war, Ashley came back and wanted to learn to split rail like Abe and work with his hands. To me, he was a cavalier of the privileged class who had an awakening after all the other Elites of his social station were killed and he realized the old ways were gone forever.

Rhett Butler, the blockade runner was a war profiteer who realized the frivolity of an agrarian nation engaging an industrial nation with a navy, but there was a profit to be made and he made his profit. Although he seemed a heartless type who cared little for freedom or principles, he loved his daughter Bonny Blue and hot drawers Olivia, at least until she rejected him for too long. He did have a soft spot for the Lost Cause when it was truly lost and volunteered to stand against Sherman’s March to the Sea.

Olivia had the biggest turn around of all; she realized her life as a flirtatious and promiscuous girl of the pump house was an empty life and when she had lost everything, she came back to Terre to start all over as a real farmer and hope that the real man in her life, Rhett Butler, would return.

Ashley and Olivia came to similar realizations that life was directly related to working the soil and working yourself, rather than owning people and having everything provided for you by underlings. This group of Southerner was, contrary to public opinion, a small percentage of the population of the South and thet were true Elites controlling an agrarian population, while the vast majority of Whites lived in abject poverty, because of the slave culture keeping the wages artificially low, much like the illegal alien does today with their low wages that forces a lower wage upon the rest of America.

The Southern culture provided warriors who fought without weapons or clothing in some of the coldest winters recorded in Virginia. This sheer determination and the Southern code of honor extended the war well beyond what could have been expected and they still provide this same type of military man today. In a strange paradox, this Southern Code of honor of the common man who could not afford a slave, represents some of the most courageous and tragic attributes of the man who fights for the freedom of this great country. For seldom in history did such small, ill-equipped armies accomplish so much. Although it was a rebellion, this classic struggle against overwhelming odds and common sense, has become a hallowed place in the history of our country. These men, in their mis-guided effort, fought for freedom, but a different freedom, for them it was freedom from Northern Aggression. Why they would want to maintain the slave culture that kept them locked in abject poverty can probably be explained by the lack of education among the common man.

If you support Herman Cain for President in 2012

…remember — he needs financial support. Cain needs donations to win!!

Donate to Herman Cain HERE

…or, Send Checks Payable to:
Friends of Herman Cain, INC.
P.O. Box 2158
Stockbridge, Georgia 30281

It’s time to Raise Cain and defeat Unable!

I really like cains response the other day when asked about the protesters. this is the kind of clear moral authority we need in the next president.Obama is the ultimate permissive parent and that’s why the left loves him. Obama spent a whopping 10 minutes talking about bullying in schools and it’s a huge reason kids aren’t learning. Obama supporters and handlers don’t want him touching anything that touches traditional American values.

My concern is if Cain can win over the middle of the country in the general election.


Here is one indicator:

THIS new poll showing CAIN’s 20 Point Lead over Romney

IBOPE Zogby Poll:
UTICA, NY — Herman Cain has opened up a 20 percentage point lead among likely Republican primary voters in the race for the Presidential nomination, and also holds a narrow lead among all likely voters over President Barack Obama.

Cain’s share of the GOP primary has jumped 10 percentage points since Sept. 26 and is now at:
38% – Herman Cain. 😎
18% – Mitt Romney
12% – Rick Perry

Cain (46%) also defeats Obama (44%)

…while Obama defeats BOTH:
Romney (40%)
and Perry (40%)

…This Zogby poll is not yet posted on RCP for some reason.

SKOOK: the paradox remains that all communist – socialist -labor intensive political systems must be elitist and stagnant. Even Karl Mark in his dialectics realized that communism was but the final stage to some utopian nirvanna made possible by constructing a workers paradise. Virginia free holders and Missouri sharecroppers were, to the classic slavers, progressive and enlightened developments transforming the Africian jungle bound negroid inferiors into independent societal contributors. To them, you see, these things take time and 150 years after the liberty bell had rung many of those plantation elitists like Lawrence O’Donnell have failed to hear the music.

Mr. O’Donnel had a deferment because of college, I guess he is not a patriot. Biden had 5 deferments, I guess he’s not fit to serve as commander in chief. Clinton avoided the draft, thumbed his nose at the military…I guess he …nevermind. The fact of the matter is that Cain served his country, O’Donnell is serving something other than the United States of America. Any republican candidate running for President, including Buddy Roemer, is more qualified to serve as commander in chief of this great country’s military than this neophyte in the Oval office right now.

@Sid: You beat me to it. Here is an article diming the asshole out. It looks as though his number was low enough where he should have went. It’s getting to the point where I don’t even want to listen to or debate folks with left leaning views anymore. They are getting more and more delusional to the point of mental illness.

H.R. and anticsrocks I could give a flying f. about anything L.O. says.
My point is you guys jump from one flavor of the month to the next. Get a backbone.
Cain is unelectable period. I’ ve been consistant in saying Romney/Rubio best chance of beating BHO.
Rick H. The truth is Palin turned out to be all bluster and no guts.
32 negatives in my comment#6 RECORD Love it.

Semper Fi

LO exposed Cain’s hypocrisies. Very nicely.

@Sid: Well, at least they didn’t join and go AWOL for a year like Bush

@Richard Wheeler: It is quite obvious, that you do not know your butt from a hole in the ground, ..sir!
YOU are just another of the “Useful Idiots”

@Steve: I have donated to Cain twice now and about to do it the third time. Have also donated to Allen West, both damn good men!
I might add, that I have NEVER donated to a presidential candidate before, either.

@liberalmann: How exactly did LO expose hypocrisies in Mr. Cain?

Elaborate, please.

@Richard Wheeler: Which “flavor of the month” have I “jumped” from?

I seem to remember you repeatedly trying to get me to endorse one candidate or another, while you were beating the Romney drum to death, yet I kept deferring, telling you that at that time it was still too early.

Now if you are going to accuse me of something, then lets see some links showing a candidate that I endorsed.

That word “hypocrasy” popped up again while attacking Herman Cain. The term has been held forth through French and Middle English from its roots in Latin and previous to that Greek. It is a childish word often timed with rejection or refusal causing resentment. Today’s child mind has to do with “feigning high standards” as if we are all St Francis of Assisi. The fundemental of rhetoric is ethics which is based on philosophy and it is the conservative philosophy which measures the trust which the children fear the most. The childish anger stems from the boil of human nature borne with that politics of all forms is an expression of human nature. James Madison expounded that the Constitution was not written for saints and angels but for human beings.

If you seek pure honesty read Shakespeare’s ghosts, they were never hypocrites always speaking the truth because they were ghosts.

just a note “hypocrasy” is not a word…. that’s why Firefox underlines it in red, the word you are looking for is hypocrisy.


Herman Cain, a BLACK man, won the straw poll among Tea Partiers in Florida; he is leading the polls among Republicans


I am a rascist

Yup, seems like impeccable logic to me!

I also made my first political donation ever and it was to Cain.

Go Cain!

@liberalmann: Still waiting, libman.

@Richard Wheeler:

Ummm learn to read idiot. I have been a Cain supporter for some time now. My posts over the last few months show this. Get a brain RW.
As for Palin, it sounds like you are the one that is all bluster and no guts.

Hey libtardman, get some new material and some anti-psychotic meds. You obviously need them.
BTW, W wasn’t AWOL. I don’t expect a reality challenged nutjob like yourself to know that tho.

Well, I guess some people just hear what they want to hear:

“Oh Herman Cain, we love you so. I almost felt bad–for a moment–watching you embarrass yourself on MSNBC after the debate at the Reagan Library.”

What’s this about Herman Cain being an “affirmative action baby”?

Not sure if you are being sarcastic, lack of tag leads me to think not. Do the math. Cain w2as born in 1945, it is impossible for him to be an Affirmative Action Baby

@Liberal1 (objectivity):

As you are displaying, yes some people hear only what they want to. You prove that liberals really are mentally ill and racist.


Really? You still swallowing this tripe as truth?

Maybe you should spend some time in an objective review of the “issue” you are referencing.

The National Guard records from this time period are universally considered extremely poor, they were “garbage in” to start with and their disposition after that was equally craptastic…and not just for Mr. Bush, and not some grand conspiracy in action.

Simply referring to something as fact that simply *CANNOT BE PROVEN AS FACT* — and if looked at objectively is *MOST LIKELY FALSE* then I’m thinking we can pretty much call into question the validity of your talking points and positions. In short, you damage your own credibility as a fair partner in debate, or seeking to be such.

Listen, when you are entering into hostile territory to debate, you simply cannot offer up dubious positions. Every argument you make should be able to be backed by real objective sources — and be intellectually honest with yourself when vetting such sources — The Daily Show and Huffpo aren’t going to cut it.

I’d like to see liberals who can debate with intellectual honesty, true fighters who know how to be honest and rationally debate, but instead there are just so many programmed bots…don’t be another bot haunting a “conservative” website…you could find an actual webbot that can respond with half-truths and other disingenuous tactics and save yourself some time.

OK here is the bottom line: Herman Cain is a successful businessman, articulate, intelligent, charismatic, with a lot of interesting ideas. Would he make a good president? Well that would depend upon his team. We have in the past elected men who have had strengths in one area but weak in others. And the flow of History tends to expose those weaknesses. The folly of Obama was that his strengths were surface dressing for a quite unready person.

Is Cain ready? Well if we only needed a domestic president, I would say yes. But we need a strong coherent America First foreign policy. Whether he can field a coherent policy I don’t know yet.

Bill, not to punch holes in your assessment of Cain, but do any of the other candidates possess indications of foreign policy expertise.

Certainly Obama has been an utter and complete failure in foreign relations with his policies derived from the coffee houses of academia.

It is a gamble with any of the present candidates, but if intelligence and problem solving abilities are an indication of an ability to formulate foreign policy that is actually beneficial for America, I’d say Cain is by far the best option.

Our current president is laughed at by the leaders of the world, unless they are in line to get some cash from the Obama stash. It would be hard to imagine a president making a worse mess of foreign relations; unlike Obama, Cain actually exhibits an intelligence and problem solving abilities that don’t originate from Alynsky or the Socialist Ideological books on theory.

Skookum, I definitely agree. The key to a good administration is the team you assemble. Cain can obviously put together a good team and manage it well. I would have zero problems voting for him. But, yea, we need to hear foreign policy statements from all these people. Ron Paul, we know what he thinks, if he were the candidate I would have a lot of trouble voting for him because of his foreign policy stands.

anticsrocks and H.R. Lets say you’ve been pro Cain over recent monts.Will you still be with him after he gets rocked in Iowa N.H. and S.C? I’ll check back.

H.R. If Palin isn’t all bluster and posturing why ain’t she running? If she’s afraid of the media we’re all better off.