Sometimes when we look at events in isolation we see them as tragic or despicable or just lamentable. When we look at them together as a group however we come away with a completely different impression. They can seem to form a pattern or a picture that was hardly discernible when seen in isolation. The following is a collection of just such events.
- Earlier this year Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker, seeking to save the state from financial ruin, set about to adjust the way the state dealt with public employee unions. The result was a demonstration of force and the threat of violence from the unions. Union minions took over the state capitol, intimidated legislators and in the end caused millions of dollars of damage to the capitol itself.
- This year has seen a wave of flash mob attacks around the country where youths utilize social media to coordinate attacks on stores or random people. From Chicago to Dallas to Philadelphia to Washington these attacks represent something different. Many of the attacks were caught on tape. The thing that jumps out at one is that many of the criminals had smiles on their uncovered faces. They were literally having fun destroying or stealing others property or harming the innocent store clerk or random passerby. In a mirror image of the riots in the United Kingdom last month, these adolescents seemed to be sociopaths in the sense that they had no connection to civilized society.
- The voters of Indiana’s 7th District must be proud. Their congressman, Andre Carson last week told an audience in Miami that some in Congress would “love to see us as second-class citizens” and “some of them in Congress right now of this tea party movement would love to see you and me…hanging on a tree.” The Congressman is accusing Tea Partiers and fellow Congressmen of being murdering racists. The most despicable thing about the Congressman’s comments is not that he said them in the first place, but that his comments aroused approval of the members of audience. In addition, so acceptable to Democrats are the Congressman’s statements that he was more than willing to defend them once they made it into the public square.
- At this year’s Labor Day celebration in the Democrat run disaster that is Detroit, Teamster’s Union President Jimmy Hoffa said this: “President Obama, this is your army. We are ready to march. Let’s take these sons of bitches out and give America back to an America where we belong!” Hoffa was literally declaring war on the Tea Party. This was not delivered in the dark corner of a union hall somewhere but in front of thousands of people as well as the President of the United States, not to mention a number of news cameras. In his remarks that followed, President Obama not only did not distance himself from Hoffa’s remarks, but acknowledged him by name as one of the “Proud sons and daughters of Michigan representing working people here and across the country.”
- Finally there are the longshoremen in Washington State. Five hundred members of the International Longshore and Warehouse Union stormed the Port of Longview last Thursday and destroyed the property of EGT, LLC, a company with whom they are involved in a labor dispute following EGT’s use of workers from a different union. What’s worse, the union thugs threatened a policeman and took six guards hostage for a number of hours. The union’s actions defied a federal restraining order issued the previous week against it after the union was accused of assault and death threats. While the union officially branded Thursday’s action a “wildcat” action over which they had no control, the day before the ILWU President Bob McEllrath and 18 others were arrested and vowed to return.

The thing that stands out about these various events is not that violence occurs or that people use despicable rhetoric to try and gain support for their unsupportable platforms or positions. No, the thing that stands out about them is that the people at the center of these various events seem surprisingly comfortable doing what they were doing or saying what they were saying in full view of God and Creation – not to mention the general public via some video cameras.
Few of the flash mobbing youths are concerned enough about anonymity to even bother to make the most rudimentary attempt at covering their faces. The Wisconsin Capitol had an air of Mardi Gras about it as demonstrators went about defacing state property in full view of news cameras from around the country. Jimmy Hoffa felt entirely comfortable offering the President of the United States his “army” in order to “take these sons of bitches out” in front of thousands of people and numerous cameras.
While criminals and manipulative politicians are not particularly unique or new, what is new is the brazenness with which they perpetrate their crimes or throw around demonstrably false charges or exhort their followers to violence. Other than the longshoremen who used violence under the cover of night, none of these people seem to be a bit concerned with a threat of sanction or consequence.
Individually these events are disheartening to say the least. Together however they are something more. Together these events form a picture of the modern Democratic Party. Government welfare programs, identity politics and union thuggery. This is a picture the United States can do without.
Unless America wants these anecdotes to become the norm, a change will have to be made. A century of failed policies should be enough to send the Democratic Party to the dustbin of history. Let’s hope 2012 is the beginning of the end for the party of big government, confiscatory taxes and anti-social behavior. Now that’s a picture worth seeing.
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You know, while it is the last resort, some, if not all, of these moronic miscreants need a beatdown, or a shot to the back of the head. I know that is not good thinking most of the time, but sometimes a lesson needs to be taught, and these bullies do these things because they know we hesitate to stoop to their low moral level. We need to be able to “put down the rabid dog”.
Sometimes you have to amputate the cancerous limb to save the rest of the body- it is horrible, yet it must be done if we are to save this country.
Note that the flash mobs have all taken place in locations where the honest citizenry are disarmed.
The various groups mentioned in the essay are all counting on neutrality or even actual assistance from law enforcement. Their massive self-confidence springs from a just-barely-unspoken understanding – a faction of the government has their back. “Get in their faces,” “Obama’s stash,” “they bring a knife, we bring a gun” and on and on — every one of these groups has heard what they needed to hear, repeatedly. And that’s just the public face — if crap like that has been in the speeches, imagine what assurances have been given in private.
I would include the corruption of the BATF and DOJ in the “Fast and Furious” matter in the general trend of politically sold-out, lawless law enforcement. And it has already gotten people killed. You don’t have to wonder where the first fatalities are going to happen.
Well the VIOLENT flash mobs have pretty much been in libby land…we had a recent one in Dallas…a few days ago…at a gasoline station…
However…they will slip up in Texas and mob the wrong store…
tic tic tic…just a matter of time
Unfortunately here in Wisconsin the stupidity refuses to die off or be let go. To some degree I have come to believe that the loss of power is what has truly wanked off the liberals in our wonderful little state. Due to all of this I have started paying a lot more attention to our local state polticians and honestly, between the degenerates, whiners, and people who seem to have gotten left at the shallow end of the gene pool it really is a fairly unimpressive group of individuals.
I’m not sure the protesters caused millions of dollars in damage to our capitol but we did rack up millions of dollars of overtime for unionized police to NOT enforce the law regarding how long you can stay in the Capitol. (Hint, it ain’t three weeks, it’s not even overnight!)
Now when some liberal breaks one of the many rules regarding what one can and cannot do during a session they have been getting arrested and you should the cries of Fascism, police state yadda yadda yadda…
I can tell you that if 10,000 members of the Tea Party had tried to hole up in the Capitol just one night we would have been tasered or gassed and hauled off to jail. In this case the Mayor of Madison, the Chief of the Capitol police and the Dane County sheriff were all openly sympathetic to plight of those poor protesters (many whom were from out of state or college kids).
Our state has really been divided by all of this and it was probably always there to begin with and just got brought to a head by a Governor who had the balls to stand up and do the right thing versus kicking the can down the road like last couple of Governors did, including Tommy Thompson.
It’s been an interesting ride here for the last 8 months, that’s for sure.
“The voters of Indiana’s 7th District must be proud. Their congressman, Andre Carson last week told an audience in Miami that some in Congress would “love to see us as second-class citizens” and “some of them in Congress right now of this tea party movement would love to see you and me…hanging on a tree.” The Congressman is accusing Tea Partiers and fellow Congressmen of being murdering racists. The most despicable thing about the Congressman’s comments is not that he said them in the first place, but that his comments aroused approval of the members of audience. In addition, so acceptable to Democrats are the Congressman’s statements that he was more than willing to defend them once they made it into the public square.”
The thing that struck me about this second class citizen comment….is that, for 40+ years [if you think about it] the Democratic/Liberal Party has, well done just that….they have made many, many people ‘dependent’ on “handouts from the Government” for a large percentage of the American population their very existence is wrapped around handouts from the Government….I mean, how does this somehow make you a ” first class citizen” to begin with? Because some Liberal/Democratic bureaucrat tells you so? This is how warped the thinking out there is… And just what are the “poor” doing to lift themselves out of their situation?
What do you expect Faith7? The Democrat Party still carry on the hate of being the loser in the first Civil War (Northern Aggression my less than enlightened spleen, tell that to Kansas Republican citizens who are familiar with the Bloody 1850’s in Eastern Kansas border). Late 1800’s and this last Century has seen the Democrats first uproot Republican conquered districts in the former Confederate States from the prior Civil with methods of killing any and all active politicans in the South that had an R in the name while killing the voter base for Republicans at this time frame along with promoting Jim Crow laws that halted any sense of Republican political runnings of office by limiting the voting base their ablity to cast their vote granting only, “honored” Democrat members the voting ablity. Today we have the New Black Panthers, endorsed by the Democrat leadership, attempting to prevent Cacuasians from being able to cast votes such as the event in 2008 and, “promises” of more batons at future polling sites to halt the TEA members from voting. Jim Crow of the 21st centry, promoted by the Democrats as an idea of, “Leveling the playing field.”
Modern day they wouldn’t get away with their previous 1880’s to 1970’s antics of violence and media manpulation of data of their direct rivals. There’s well too many security cameras in the public scene and well too many private citizens with recording devices these days for traditional “silence” tactics to work fully. Subverting the population has always been the Democrat agenda since 1865 and if it means enticing the enthralled population to assume the party that liberated their ancestors and the splinter parties such as the TEA movement is out to, “Getcha” then it is more than enough for the Democrat leadership. To divide and conquer, and this is working all too well.
I keep thinking that BHO maybe (in the end) the best thing to happen to this country in this time. Ripping the mask off of the Dems and libs! People are paying attention!!!
@Capt-Dax: That would surely rank as negative unintended consequences for the progressives. They like for their
slaves,serfs,ignorant bumpkins, voters to be unaware of the progressive’s agenda.I second that and hope that I don’t have to deal with the Democratic Party in power the rest of my working life. They’ve been exposed Like a Zit on the Tip of My Dick. You pop it, then you piss on it!!!