In the “It would be sad if it wasn’t so funny” department, Obama’s use of a teleprompter is legendary. So let’s look at what the MSM and Democrat Party says about Obama’s speaking skills, his reliance on and use of a teleprompter, his inability to speak without it, and what fun is being made of Obama.
What the MSM and the Democrat Party says about Obama’s speaking skills
The MSM has always said that Barack Obama can speak well. Here is an example of what the MSM says: Lolita Breckenridge said, “He’s very charismatic. It was a ‘you-had-to-be-there’ kind of experience.” After hearing Democratic White House hopeful Barack Obama address a packed rally at the University of Maryland on Monday, Breckenridge made the comment. A dedicated supporter, she brought two of her friends to hear the Illinois senator deliver one of his much-talked-about speeches. “Not too much of the speech was new to me,” she admitted. “But hearing him live…” she trailed off, shaking her head and grinning. Ahead of Obama’s speech, hip-hop music blared across the sports arena and fans held up signs that read “Barack My World” and “Party Like a Barack Star”. Afterward, supporters were eager to talk about the experience. For Karen Ruffin, hearing him speak of his hope for the country was “inspiring, full of hope and phenomenal. I was undecided in the beginning but after hearing a few speeches I gradually moved toward him,” Ruffin said.
The UK Guardian (a British newspaper, no less) weighs in on Obama’s speaking skills. “Barack Obama will have to draw on all his considerable oratorical skills tonight to connect himself to those parts of the electorate that remain unconvinced by his message and unclear about what he represents.” “Obama is the first presidential candidate who reminds me of Kennedy’s eloquence and capacity to inspire. They both, despite their own special backgrounds, convey to people that they understand and listen to every American citizen,” says Ted Sorensen, John F. Kennedy’s chief speechwriter.
This summer marked the fifth anniversary (the article was written on 2009) of the Democrat Party’s swoon for Barack Obama, who thrilled millions of people hearing the young state senator for the first time with words that set his image as a dazzling unifier in an age of mean and divisive politics. As he prepares to address Congress in a nationally televised speech Wednesday, one of the main pillars of Obama’s reputation – that his gift for healing words would combine with the power of his biography to transcend the rancor of modern politics – has never looked more wobbly.
“I want to share something I find interesting about Obama’s polished presence which helped him secure these next four years leading our country,” says Philip Potempa. In the book used by Potempa in the class he teaches, “The Art of Public Speaking,” by Stephen E. Lucas, the author says: “Obama’s speech displayed that good public speakers are audience-centered, knowing that the primary purpose of speech making is NOT to browbeat the audience or blow off steam, but rather to gain a desired response.” Beginning with the 2006 edition of this book, Lucas began including Obama’s photo on the cover of the book. “Despite whether you are a Republican or Democrat and whether you voted for Obama or not, there’s no denying this is a man who is an excellent public speaker and communicator.” When Obama delivered that Democrat Party convention keynote address on July 27, 2004, he set off what commentators called ‘Obama Fever’ and ‘the Obama Phenomenon’ and ‘Obamania.’ The media said Obama had ‘instantly established his credentials as a national political force’ and PBS news anchor Jim Lehrer remarked the speech represented ‘a bit of history being made.'”
Public speaking skills are critical to the success of all leaders says public speaking consultant Claudia Rabb. Her latest example: Barack Obama. “Barack Obama is extremely successful in using his great and powerful rhetorical skills to influence and – what is even more important – inspire and “fire up” is audience motivating his listeners to follow him – very often by giving hope and encouraging them to work together with him to build a new and better future.”
Here is the famous admonition by Chris Matthews. Chris Matthews expressed his latest over the top admiration for Obama’s speaking skills as the MSNBC anchor admitted that Obama’s speech created a “thrill” in his leg: “It’s part of reporting this case, this election, the feeling most people get when they hear Barack Obama’s speech. My, I felt this thrill going up my leg. I mean, I don’t have that too often.”
Once again we are being told that Barack Obama is the “Greatest” Orator of modern time by the Politico’s Roger Simon, who told Howard Kurtz on CNN’s “Reliable Sources,” … “We will stipulate that he’s the greatest orator of modern times…”. This is another example of the MSM swooning over Obama’s speaking skills.
From the above sources we see that both the MSM and Democrat Party think that Obama is a very good public speaker, and that Obama can persuade anyone or anything by his speaking. One MSM commentator even said Obama speaking “gave him a thrill.”
Obama’s Reliance On, Use of Teleprompter
The Washington Times asks in this editorial, “Is President Obama able to conduct a news conference without a teleprompter?” It might be time to ask if David Axelrod is Barack Obama’s brain. Some have noted that Mr. Obama’s stumbling speeches have occurred when teleprompters have malfunctioned or been absent. “While the teleprompter might let Mr. Obama blame someone else whenever the answer turns out to be wrong, we would like to have a president who occasionally comes across as more than a TV anchor reading a script.”
From this Politico article, we learn that “President Barack Obama doesn’t go anywhere without his TelePrompter. The textbook-sized panes of glass holding the president’s prepared remarks follow him wherever he speaks.” Obama’s reliance on the teleprompter is unusual – not only because the MSM says he is famous for his oratory, but because no other president has used one so consistently and at so many events. Obama has relied on a teleprompter through even the shortest announcements and when repeating the same lines on his economic stimulus plan that he’s been saying for months.
From an article in The New York Times, we learn “Presidents have been using teleprompters for more than half a century, but none have relied on them as extensively as Mr. Obama has so far.” He’s helpless without a TelePrompTer, the critics say, and they point to the very deliberate way he often speaks, including his use of the universal filler “umm” when he speaks extemporaneously. While presidents typically have used teleprompters for their most important speeches, Mr. Obama uses them for routine announcements and even for the opening statement of his news conferences. He used them during a visit to a Caterpillar plant in Peoria, Ill. He used them to make brief remarks opening his “fiscal responsibility summit.” He used them to discuss endangered species, even recalling a visit to national parks as an 11-year-old. “That was an experience I will never forget,” he said, reading from the teleprompter.
From The Seattle Times article, we learn that, “As he introduced his new choice for secretary of health and human services (Gov. Kathleen Sebelius of Kansas) in the East Room this week, President Obama turned his head from right to left, but he was not looking at the audience. He was reading from two teleprompters strategically set up outside the tight television camera shot.”
Obama’s Inability to Speak Without a Teleprompter
Here we learn that President Obama cannot speak extemporaneously, that he must have a teleprompter.
When answering questions without a script, Bradley A. Blakeman, a former aide to President George W. Bush, said of Obama, “his speech is very halted and you can see him take a lot of time to think about what he’s going to say.”
From this source, we learn that Obama used a teleprompter to speak to a 6th grade class. From this source, we see that Obama cannot finish the speech he started because his teleprompter malfunctioned. When the president was announcing the members of his science and technology council, the teleprompter froze up. Not having note cards, what else could the president do but admonish the TOTUS (Teleprompter of the United States) to knock it off. “In addition to John…. sorry, the….. I just noticed that I jumped the gun here,” Obama said. Then he laid his speaking troubles on the teleprompter. “Go ahead and move it up,” he demanded of his machine. “I’d already – I’d already introduced all you guys.”
This source tells us what happens to Obama when he has to rely upon himself instead of his teleprompter. Irish Prime Minister Brian Cowen was 20 seconds into his second address when it dawned on him that he was giving word for word the speech that Obama had just read from the same teleprompter. Cowen stopped and looked back at the president to say, “That’s your speech.” Obama laughed and returned to the podium to offer what might have been Cowen’s remarks. In doing so, President Obama thanked President Obama for inviting everyone over.
In the “Obama is lost without his teleprompter” department, we see what he says without it. From this source we learn:
- While addressing a crowd in Missouri, Obama said the U.S. has so many Arabic interpreters in Iraq that there aren’t enough to help our troops in Afghanistan. “It’s like Arab – Arab – Arabic interpreters, Arab language speakers, we only have a certain number of them, and if they’re all in Iraq, then it’s harder for us to use them,” Obama said. But Afghans do not speak Arabic, senator. They speak Dari and Pashto.
- On (the late) Tim Russert’s “Meet the Press” on May 4, 2008, the senator was asked, “Would you respond against Iran?” He answered, “It – Israel is an ally of ours. It is the most important ally we have in the region, and there’s no doubt that we would act forcefully and appropriately on any attack against Iran, nuclear or otherwise.”
- During his presidential campaign, Obama told an Oregon audience that “I’ve been in 57 states, (with) I think one left to go.”
Obama is very articulate when he has a teleprompter. It’s when he goes off script that he runs into problems. The president is human and he makes mistakes. The media just doesn’t tell us about them, proving their bias by conspicuously ignoring his gaffs.
Making Fun of Obama
This source provides some very funny pictures (that are very close to the truth). Enjoy!
This link shows Obama giving his (now) famous 57 states speech.
Barack Obama’s teleprompter even has its own web site – that’s how big a joke Obama’s use of a teleprompter has become.
From this source we find that Republicans want to cut funding for Obama’s teleprompter. More than 400 amendments were filed Monday night. Among them were a proposal from Rep. Steve Womack, R-Ark., to eliminate funding for the president’s Teleprompter.
At Hot Air, there is a daily reference to Obama’s teleprompter use, called the “Obamateurism of the Day.” It depicts Obama bowing to a teleprompter, and can usually be found about 2/3 down the page.
Here are links to some YouTube videos making fun of Obama’s teleprompter use.
- David Letterman and the “Obama ‘uh’ count”
- Obama saying “I don’t think” NONE of his saying “I don’t think” were repeats!
- Obama’s Teleprompter Battle Continues at MIT
- Obama speaking at town hall meeting without a teleprompter
- Obama speaking without a script writer
- Obama gets lost reading his teleprompter
So there you have it. President Obama cannot give a speech (of any length or to any audience) without using a teleprompter. And we Americans are viewed as fools by the rest of the world! Is there any wonder that he can’t get anything done domestically or worldwide?
But that’s just my opinion.
Wow, if Warren Beatty’s so critical of him, he’s lost it!
Here is where his “followers” surely will begin to scratch their noggins, . . . . Obama compares himself to MLK.
Insane, but not hard to believe.
I did an image search for ”fans” holding signs that read ”Barack My World” and/or”Party Like a Barack Star.”
Could not find one homemade sign saying either thing.
Lots of commercially created ones, and T-shirts, and baby clothes.
I think the mass hypnoses/mass hysteria that charismatics use to sway huge crowds is at work among Obama’s still-faithful rump of ”fans.”
But I see the others – who either were thrown under the bus or who saw through the ”promises,” or who realized Obama was a empty framer who allowed them to place their own ideals where he was unspecific – have eyes of awareness.
They will not fall under Obama’s spell again.
Gee, obama fans that still fall for empty words and are deliberately blind to how his actions are in direct condradiction to what he says? Shocking…..not at all.
I was watching a presser that Obama was giving not too long ago. He had gotten to the Q & A segment. The camera (run by the White House) panned back, giving a full view of Obama and all the press corps. And there, in plain sight, for all Americans to see, was a large TV screen placed to the back, and side of the press corps.
As each reporter asked their question, Obama would pause just a moment, as if in pensive thought, and give his answer. The only problem was that the answer was scrolling down the screen of the large TV. It was obvious that Obama was reading his response to the reporter’s question from a teleprompter.
This went on for perhaps 3-4 minutes, until the camera man realized the large telepromter could be seen by all who were viewing the presser, so he panned forward to catch just Obama and the first couple of rows of reporters.
Hell, the man can’t even answer a reporters question without someone doing it for him.
POTUS – A True Liberal – Dependent (I couldn’t resist)
So the man cannot even deliver the simplest information? (an introduction?) without the TOTUS? This shows a lot of Obumble’s “Hiding” Techniques…this one is hiding behind the teleprompter… The man cannot even get a ‘thought out of his head’ without stammering, bumbling and stumbling. So what you are saying is, without the teleprompter the man is an empty head? AND, on top of that, an empty suit? This is akin to what came first…the empty head or the empty suit…And no [Liberal minion] has noticed, cared, or is even more than a bit concerned that he has to rely on so heavily on ‘other peoples words’ to make a coherent talking point, introduction or speech? Wow!
To be fair, I can understand using an aid for a very important speech…
We already have evidence from literary analysts that he didn’t write his own books. His total dependency on TOTUS shows that he doesn’t write his own speeches, either. If these were his own thoughts and words, he should have no trouble articulating them — what with his Columbia/Harvard education and all. You would think he would have enough pride in his “rep” as a great orator to practice privately before an event so at least the short speeches could be delivered extemporaneously and have the semblance of spontaneity and originality.
@Nan G: #3
Of all of the Tea Party protests I have been to, there were only a few that looked alike, and they were from groups that had a point to make. They probably made the signs themselves. I challenge anyone to find ONE liberal protest that the majority of signs are home made.
I don’t belong to any political party, so I don’t have to defend any party, and I can condemn any of them.
I have mentioned different times that I don’t believe Obama reads the speeches before he reads them to us. I base this on different things:
(1) His tone of voice never changes. If he had rehearsed the speech, wouldn’t he put some emphasis in different parts of it? He sounds like a computer generated voice.
(2) Each time the TOTUS fails (it has several times), he goes blank and can’t even wing what the speech was about.
(3) Remember when he called the Medal of Honor recipient a Navy corpseman instead of a Navy corpsman. If you rehearse a speech, don’t you do it in front of at least one person so they can tell how you are projecting, etc.? This also tells me that Obama didn’t watch any war movies while he was growing up. Anyone who has, knows the sound of a call for a corpsman. Does Obama say Marine Corpse?
(4) As Warren Beaty’s article stated, Obama read the prime minister of Ireland’s speech and didn’t know it. He had heard the prime minister give his speech that morning, but he didn’t know he was reading it that afternoon. If Obama had rehearsed HIS speech, don’t you think he would have noticed that the one he was reading was different than the one he rehearsed?
I have also said that when a democrat speaks without their teleprompter, they either ramble on and say nothing, or they tell the truth. Remember Nancy’s, “We have to pass the bill so you can find out what is in it?”
Obama is said to use his TOTUS during cabinet meetings. He never held one his first two years, so I guess there would be a lot of catching up to do. He even uses his TOTUS at Town Hall meetings, which are SUPPOSED to be impromptu. How can you have answers for questions you haven’t heard yet?
Before one Town Hall meeting Obama was very nervious until he saw a certain person come in. That person was one of the ones who would be asking questions. You know, asking one of the questions that the answer was already in TOTUS.
Just recently, back in May, we learned how much Obama spends on teleprompter coaches.
Michael Sheehan’s firm, Sheehan Associates, helps people master the teleprompter.
Oddly Obama has not improved in that time.
If anything Obama has gotten worse.
As though he never runs through a speech before hand.
@Nan G: Well, we’ve all seen how arrogant and thin-skinned he is. He probably can’t handle constructive criticism, so there’s no hope of improvement — especially when he insists on clinging to the TOTUS like a crutch.
My guess is that those transcripts from Occidental, Columbia and Harvard show the same lack of improvement for an even greater outlay of public money.
I have never liked his cadence. It comes in short bursts at the same rate over and over and over. His Chicago accent is particularly irritating in his sibilant esses “S”. Words ending in S have a harsh ESS that should be more of a Z sound. Bearsss instead of Bearz.
The few times i see him go off prompter he VERY CLEARLY cannot complete a thought. Where are the students who had him for class? There must be some wiling to talk about it? Many professors I had read directly from a transcript for each class too. Did he?
Frankly I could barely listen to GWB and I am a conservative. Clinton, when he got ‘compassionate’ TOTALLY turned me off.
I see no way in heck you could say he was a great orator. He is objectively NOT a great orator. Rewrite this article to state that plainly.