Weekly Open Thread – Poor Obama Edition; Bumped

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President Barack Obama’s campaign expects to raise tens of millions of dollars less this summer than it did in the spring because negotiations over the nation’s debt limit forced Obama to cancel several fundraisers.

Obama’s campaign said Wednesday it canceled or postponed 10 fundraisers involving the president, Vice President Joe Biden andWhite House chief of staff Bill Daley in the past month because of the debt talks, scrubbing events in California, New York and elsewhere.

Only weeks after the president’s campaign reported collecting a combined $86 million with the Democratic National Committee, Obama’s team is trying to lower expectations about its fundraising juggernaut while signaling to its army of volunteers and activists that they need to fill the void.


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The DOW has been falling since the republicans created the debt ceiling crisis. They were warned what could happen. They did it anyway.

Obama made up for his missing a few fundraisers by combining his birthday party with a fundraiser.
(Doesn’t that remind you of the accountant in Ghostbusters who invited only clients to his parties so they would be tax deductible events?)
Anyway, who besides Obama gives speeches at his own B-day party?
One of his remarks was this:

“When I said ‘change we can believe in,’ I didn’t say ‘change we can believe in tomorrow.’ Not change we can believe in next week. We knew this was going to take time because we’ve got this big, messy, tough democracy.”
Video here.

Isn’t it inconvenient (for Obama) that he’s stuck with our form of government?
Ours is a big, messy. tough democracy.
All Obama has done is force things through an all Dem congress and fight the resultant divided congress.
He is getting a growing record of failures.
It must be difficult for Obama to grapple with that.
But what is his answer?
It is that we voters ought to give him more time.
I don’t think it is going to happen.


The DOW has been falling since the republicans created the debt ceiling crisis. They were warned what could happen. They did it anyway.

That’s so sweet.
I love revisionist History…..NOT!

What was the actual set of events?
Over a year ago Obama set up a group to study how to avoid this.
The group put out a set of recommendations.
Obama rejected them.
Because they wouldn’t solve the problem for Obama of having to bring up this subject again before his 2012 campaign (which has already started).

Then in JULY the Republicans offered to give Obama a CLEAN DEBT CEILING bill.
But Obama didn’t want it.
Because they wouldn’t solve the problem for Obama of having to bring up this subject again before his 2012 campaign (which has already started).

Obama created this down to the wire fight because he wouldn’t accept any solution that he might have to deal with again during an election season.

WHY is the market tanking?
Because every economic indicator is that Obama’s policies are leading us into a new (or double-dip) recession…..

1. Unemployment: The labor market has been one of the most significant sore spots on the economic recovery, says Ed Kashmarek, economist with Wells Fargo. Some 25 million Americans are out of work and unemployment rates remains stubbornly high. Payroll company ADP reported that the private sector added 114,000 jobs in July, far short of what’s needed to get the job market moving again.

2. Pullback in stock market: Kashmarek says the drop in the stock markets in the past two weeks is another indicator of a double-dip recession. “It’s a leading indicator historically because stocks are looking at future expected profits for companies,” he said.

3. Real wage growth: With relatively higher gas, commodity and food prices, real wage growth has declined. June’s jobs report showed a 0.1 percent drop in wages. Add inflation and that stalls real wage growth. That’s problematic for a country in which consumption comprises 70 percent of GDP.

4. Factory orders: Kashmarek says factory orders demonstrate how much businesses are willing to invest their capital, which has a ripple effect on workers they hire and spending across the economy. “Many businesses have capital now,” he said. “If they’re not willing to invest in an era with low interest rates, a lot of cash on balance sheet and tax incentives, then that’s a problem.”

5. Consumer confidence: The Conference Board’s Consumer Confidence Index, which had declined in June, improved slightly in July, but that was after an eight-month low. Harris said a number of combined global affects are increasing the risk of a recession. “The economy was already suffering the after-effects of the Japan crisis and the rise in gasoline price at the start of the summer,” Harris said. “Now the debt crises in Europe are adding additional shocks to confidence.”

@ Larry

Although you and I have disagreed on Iraq, I’m pretty much with you on everything else. I see no need to be in Libya, even if it is just bombing runs. I see no reason to be messing around with Yemen either. I don’t have the intel the CinC has, but I still find it hard to believe we need to be dealing with Libya or Yemen.
I think it’s time to close a lot of bases around the world. Not all of them, but there are some we just don’t need to support any longer. We need to take a long hard look at all of them. I mean seriously? Peterson AB in Thule Greenland? It’s time to find a better place to punish airman.


Then, genius, explain why it has continued to fall since the passage of legislation to increase the debt ceiling. Are you like other liberal/progressives here and elsewhere, that you feel it necessary to blame everything bad on someone else?

Blacks riot on Obama’s birthday, apparent hate crimes committed en-masse.


SKOOKUM #56 Fear mongering. Suggest this below your usual high standards.

Semper Fi Marine

@rich wheeler:

You’re arguing with multiple victims, multiple witnesses, and multiple press reports?

How’s that work exactly?


This is an amazing story.
I probably would have missed it had you not linked to it.
A couple of quotes:
Witnesses’ accounts claim everything from dozens to hundreds of young black people beating white people as they left State Fair Thursday night.

“It looked like they were just going after white guys, white people,” said Norb Roffers of Wind Lake in an interview with Newsradio 620 WTMJ.

Traffic was going through. Young black men running around, beating on people, and we were like ‘Let’s get the heck out of here.’ The light turned, and I got attacked from behind. I just got hit in the back of the head real hard. I’m like, ‘What the heck is going on here?’ I heard my bell ring.”

“We were just like cattle being herded out of the park, and they were picking and choosing who they wanted to beat on.”

“It was 100% racial,” claimed Eric, an Iraq war veteran from St. Francis who says young people beat on his car.

“I had a black couple on my right side, and these black kids were running in between all the cars, and they were pounding on my doors and trying to open up doors on my car, and they didn’t do one thing to this black couple that was in this car next to us. They just kept walking right past their car. They were looking in everybody’s windshield as they were running by, seeing who was white and who was black. Guarantee it.”

Eric, a war veteran, said that the scene he saw Thursday outside State Fair compares to what he saw in combat.

“That rated right up there with it. When I saw the amount of kids coming down the road, all I kept thinking was, ‘There’s not enough cops to handle this.’ There’s no way. It would have taken the National Guard to control the number of kids that were coming off the road. They were knocking people off their motorcycles.”

One woman told police that she was sitting in her car with a window down when some teenagers reached through her window and started attacking her.

A witness told WTMJ that as he worked in a kiosk at the State Fair Midway, he saw what he described as “a Riverwest type mob. Easily between 50 – 100 kids all under 18 and all African American. They were running around knocking people over (young kids and adults), looting the Midway games (stealing the prizes), starting fights.”

One woman who asked not to be identified described what she saw as she left the fair.

“As we came through the exit we saw a white boy lying in the street, in the fetal position right by the traffic light, and coming towards us was tons and tons and black teens – there had to have been over a hundred – in the middle of 84th Street and on the sidewalk headed south,” she said.

“Some who stopped to kick or punch him – or in the case of one girl drop kick him in the head – as they walked past. My friends and I started towards him to help him up and a black girl walked past telling us ‘ya’ll gonna get your ***** kicked’ repeatedly. As my friend stood in front of the boy trying to get him up one of the teens picked up a traffic cone, hit her in the back of the head and ran off. A car stopped, a white woman got out to try and help. Teens jumped onto the hood of the car and ran over it. She just kept saying ‘What is wrong with you!?’ “

A guy sent his brother a $500 (including camera) remote control truck to Afghanistan which was used to find IEDs on patrols. The brother lent it to 6 soldiers which were driving a humvee. The truck was running in front of the humvee, got snagged on a trip wire and set off an IED.

Another source says the truck was used to find three other IEDs.

Aye What does Obama’s birthday have to do with it? BTW you disappeared on that last “race riot” story we were discussing.*Pls check your archives on that. Thanks

*Peoria 6/27 Claims of large scale black on white violence NEVER confirmed.

@rich wheeler:

Did the events occur on Obie’s birthday or did they not?

As to the other story, no, I didn’t disappear. We talked about it and that was the end of it.

Aye See #61 addendum I suggest that Peoria story totally overblown.
Also born 4 April Robert Downey Jr. and Dick Lugar. Relevant to Wisc. story?

@rich wheeler:

See #61 addendum I suggest that Peoria story totally overblown.

As you habitually do when the facts are too inconvenient to argue away.

Also born 4 April Robert Downey Jr. and Dick Lugar.

Straw man.

You didn’t answer my question.

Aye The events occured on BHO’s birthday.

You didn’t answer my question.

@rich wheeler:

Your question was a straw man.


And, by the way, the two people you listed have birthdays on April 4th.

AYE Seems you love that strawman theme I asked relevance of BHO’s B’day to Wisc events.No response.

Suggest if Conservatives spent less time on perceived or imagined “race riots” and impending “collapse of American economy” and more time on finding a candidate who can beat BHO you’d be better served.
Cain,Bachmann,Pawlenty,Gingrich,Santorum. Are you kidding me? Palin,Trump(he’s back). Be serious.
Romney and Paul are all you got and most of you can’t stomach either.

@rich wheeler:

First you accused Skookum of “fear mongering” when the confirmation of said events is irrefutable.

Now, you’re claiming that the events in Peoria were “never confirmed”.

Desperately attempting to dismiss the truth, especially in the face of a mound of evidence, doesn’t work in these parts. Now that you’ve failed in those attempts, you’re trying to change the subject entirely.

Finally, you’ll have to forgive me, but I’m not willing to take political advise from someone who was foolish and unwise enough to vote for Obie in 2008. That would constitute foolishness and a complete lack of wisdom on my part.

Aye You and I both know Peoria story way overblown.
As to political advice ck. your archives on your blog when you get a moment on my predictions on outcome of Senate and House in 2010. I NAILED BOTH.
You haven’t answered my question.

I am traveling and working, so responses are intermittent.

I have termed it a race riot because it was a large group of Black youth attacking Whites without logic or justification; at least that is the apparent story at this time. Regardless of justification, attacking innocent people is ignorance at best.

The fact that it was Obama’s birthday was a hard punch below the belt, but I have been known to take every advantage in an altercation. Obama celebrating a lavish party on his birthday while so many Americans are suffering from the Great Obama Recession and its almost inevitable double dip coming up in the near future is a little disconcerting for many Americans, maybe it was too much for the Black Youth of Wisconsin.

The rest of America is asking why these youths rioted. Is it because their Great Hope failed for them as well. Is the Great Charismatic Leader’s empty suit reputation causing frustration and anger among Black Youth? If you read the commentary under those news articles, there are many Blacks that are outraged at the behavior of the rioters. They can see that the youths accomplished nothing positive, but they have reversed and downgraded race relations and distrust. President obama scolded White Americans for being scared when confronted by a Black Man on the street; I doubt if many of the victims or the residents of Wisconsin will ever look at Black men with trust again.

This is a result of senseless violence and it has nothing to do with my feelings. Like our AG Eric Holder said, we can’t be afraid of race or of discussing race. This was a tragedy that hurt race relations and once again was not covered by the Liberal Press. I am not the Liberal Press.

Now, I am on the road again.

Ms.Bees Ollie North a great Marine mediocre pol. and commentator. Oliver Stone a great director prone to conspiracy theories.
Also Oliver Wendall Holmes,Oliver Cromwell. Ollie partner to Kukla and Fran.

Skooks Juxtaposing BHO’s birthday with Wisc. disturbance “a hard shot below the belt” O.K. That it was.

Larry, several days ago and weeks ago, I predicted that the debt ceiling debates were not that important, the real issue would be the downgrading of our credit. We were downgraded to AA+ and now the cost to service the debt will increase far beyond our ability to pay. The ratio of debt to GDP will steadily increase and compromise our credit rating again in the near future. Printing money, the remedy of the Treasury and now the remedy of the European profligate states will lead to further inflation.

There is an advantage for us the consumer. Your old debt will be much easier to pay. A million dollar exposure may only be half of that or a third as long as your income increases with the inflation rate. A man who makes $25 hour will need to make $75 hour or go broke. There will be a major period of adjustment.

Some investments will do well, particularly gold. If you have several hundred pounds or a half ton in gold you will make out like a thief in the night. Tax rates will become theoretical arguments, the government will continue to print more and cheaper money. Oh it will be a merry go round of epic proportions. Me, I grow a nice garden, mine gold, and shoot a moose every fall. Gold will maintain value because Obama can’t fake the precious metal and only a fw intrepid souls in the world are tough enough to dig it out of the permafrost. It is a lot different from Obama Green backs. Those printing presses will be running overtime before long. The gold crews never shut down, twelve hours a day, seven days a week, two crews going full bore unless there is a break down. That is four different mines in a small family operation. In June they have 24 hours of daylight, the days are getting noticeably shorter now. In December they will have 24 hours of darkness.

I figure a bucket that I can barely lift off the floor, must weigh 300 pounds. Sixteen ounces to the pound at say $2,000 dollar gold, is $32,000 per pound. (Projected prices after the downgraded credit rating and the falling markets around the world) Times $300 gets to be a serious bucket of money. That is the result of the Obama version of Keynesian economics. I’ll be carrying those buckets around, while you Keynesians take a wheel barrow full of money to buy a loaf of bread.

Sadly in the days of 98 and 99, Bonanza yielded 56 ounces to the pan. Think of a deep pie pan full of sand. Now days, you get a few flecks, like paint chips, if you are lucky. It is better to use huge Cats to push the permafrost and overburden away and load the pay dirt in barrels with smaller excavators. Oh to have a few days of the glory of 98 and 99. Eight hours with a shovel and a pan and you could retire. And let Obama do what ever he wants with the greenbacks.


…I’d seriously consider voting for Romney. I think he’s a closet RINO…


“Closet” RINO? Only if he steps into the closet. Romney’s a completely out in the open RINO.

Would Obama drop plans to fund raise over a national tragedy?
Late Breaking News!

U.S. Military Official: 31 Americans Killed Including
25 SEALs in Helicopter Crash in Afghanistan (ABC)
Helicopter came down in the eastern province of Wardak, southwest of the capital Kabul.

Looks like Obama’s statement of condolences is all we will get.
That was President Karzai’s statement, not Obama’s.
Will we at least get a statement?


Skookum while I recognize the obvious value of gold and other precious metals, I would still argue that at least initially, cash is king! We are not yet at the point where we can fill our gas tanks or buy our bread with gold. The reason the market is selling off is for cash not gold.

That said, the “cash” is still depreciating by the day, but remains the current best standard of trade in the free world. I totally agree with you that a weaker dollar makes debt easier, which btw is no accident.

Lastly, mark my words that the gold we do have, Obama and friends will be coming for, right along with our 401K monies.

This guy is a disaster; ;wish someone would start impeachment proceedings!

@Nan G:

Don’t hold your breath Nan, the Obama types aren’t capable of seeing beyond “self.” Never mind that his is CIC, or that the MSM would have crucified Bush had he done (or NOT done), even half of what Obama has done to fail America.

May the families of our brave warriors find strength after this terrible tragedy.

The question arises, was the rocket supplied by Iran, China, or Russia?

It was primarily Navy SEAL Team 6.
The same guys who got bin Ladin.

Obama has said something.
“My thoughts and prayers go out to the families and loved ones of the Americans who were lost earlier today in Afghanistan.
Their deaths are a reminder of the extraordinary sacrifices made by the men and women of our military and their families, including all who have served in Afghanistan.”
We will draw inspiration from their lives, and continue the work of securing our country and standing up for the values that they embodied.”

About as much warmth as a long-dead fish.

Patricia, I have rubbed salt in an old wound for the purpose of illustrating a point; however, over printing money is an act of desperation that has been used by failing economies/governments in the past and is rumored to be used by European countries now. Unfortunately, it is a band aid solution for an arterial bleeding and compound fracture type wound. It provides a superficial solution to a much deeper and traumatic problem.

Our leadership doesn’t seem to have the ability to recognize failing policies and is incapable of changing direction; whether it is ideological stupidity or naiveté is immaterial for us who suffer from the results of incompetence. If they are so ignorant of economic history and blind to the failing policies they promote, they seem fully capable of believing they can over print our money stocks and cure all our economic woes. Fortunately, as JR (James Raider ) pointed out, the Greenback is the currency of choice in the world, despite Putin’s moaning and China’s warnings. That fact is probably the safety line saving Obama and us from complete financial meltdown. There is a huge margin for error if you are the US. No matter, how inept, corrupt, and incompetent Obama appears to the rest of the world, they still have faith in the US and the dollar. Thank Goodness!

While our markets collapse and Obama stands on the world stage like a little boy whose pants have fallen to his ankles, there has not been one move toward austerity. Nay, we have barbecues and rock stars in the White House. We ask profligate country like Greece to accept immediate austerity measures to stave off collapse, but we will only agree to put the non-binding brakes on future spending. Our leadership refuses to even admit to the cause of the problem, but they at least admit to some of the symptoms. Thus over printing money might seem to be a logical step for this administration. An administration that refuses to acknowledge the problem.

Over printing will lead to inflation: hyper printing will lead to hyper inflation. Do you trust Obama and his crew to keep inflation at manageable levels, when the solution to our problems (paying our debt) is so easy. China is worried because they hold a large percentage of our debt.

If inflation is at 10% per annum, banks will adjust their rates to a base rate of 10%; otherwise, they will lose money if they are even in the business of loaning money in such a volatile economy. Yes we are solvent because of previous performance and the fact that the rest of the international currencies are not all that reliable. Do you suppose people are anxious to invest in Euros at this time, not likely. Ten or fifteen years ago buying Euros was considered a good investment. The greed of the individual and the willingness of the Socialist governments to cater to that greed has undermined the system and its inevitable collapse because of sloth and hedonism among the population of the Socialist populations ensure the collapse.

Obama wants us to adopt the European Socialist model for our policies, while catering to the sloth and hedonism of an ever increasing entitlement class and government worker class. Thus the perpetuation of the system is guaranteed and the future collapse is proscribed.

Other than that, a little hyperbole was used to illustrate a point.


Point well taken Skookum. We don’t really disagree on much if anything. Just wanted to make the point that in the inital part of the crisis, cash is still king, especially as you and James Raider point out, and one I badly made in my last post, the “Greenback is still the currency of choice.”

As for the Euro, good time to short the Euro for anyone with the stomach for shorting.

I had a great friend who fled (at the risk of his life) the Soviet Union in the 1970’s.
His family had been favored by the Communist Party for a while but suddenly lost favor.
He had been taken out of a college prep high school and put into a barrel making class, then told he would work the rest of his life making barrels.
He ran away and eventually became an engineer an the US.

Why bring up this story?

Because today, Obama and Arne Duncan have announced a WAIVER program for all 50 states’ schools.

No more ”No Child Left Behind” tests showing teachers cannot teach.
No more “No Child Left Behind,” tests that need cheating by teachers and administrators to fake their results.

In fact, under their waiver system, all schools will adopt standards designed to prepare high school graduates for college and careers, use a “flexible and targeted” accountability system for educators based on student growth and make “robust use of data.”

In other words, no tests, the 21st century version of barrel-making classes, and creative lying with statistics.

How many golf games did Obama have to give up because of the debt talks?  Can’t have fund raisers.  Can’t golf.  Can’t throw parties. Being president sure is a tough job when you have to give up so much for your country.