Obama 2009: Hold me accountable. Obama 2011: Nevermind! [Reader Post]

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Obama 2011:

“It’s been a long, tough journey. But we have made some incredible strides together. Yes, we have. But the thing that we all ought to remember is that as much as good as we have done, precisely because the challenges were so daunting, precisely because we we were inheriting so many challenges, that we’re not even halfway there yet. When I said ‘change we can believe in’ I didn’t say ‘change we can believe in tomorrow.’ Not change we can believe in next week. We knew this was going to take time because we’ve got this big, messy, tough democracy,” President Obama said at a campaign fundraiser in Chicago on Wednesday night.

Oh, but you did say that. In fact, you promised it within three years or bust.

2009: Obama’s interview with Matt Lauer nine days into his Presidency.


“I will be held accountable,” the president said. “I’ve got four years and…. A year from now, I think people are going to see that we’re starting to make some progress, but there’s still going to be some pain out there…. If I don’t have this done in three years, then there’s going to be a one-term proposition. ”

Barack Obama ought to be held accountable as he promised. We can’t afford not to vote him out.

In the meanwhile, here’s something for liberals to suck on…

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We already know all about Rick Perry’s college grades.
But Obama’s college grades (if there are any) are TOP SECRET CODE WORD.
Everything about the guy (from his birth on) is UTTER TOP SECRET.
Where was he born? When? Is he a citizen? What is his Social Security Number?
What did he teach? What he do as a lawyer? What did he do in the Illinois Senate?
What we do know is that he is a failure as President.
He is now campaigning for office. He has given up acting as President; his sole occupation for the next 15 months will be campaigner. He will run on class envy, tax the rich, punish success, reward failure, chop us down to bankruptcy, and fight like h*** for entitlements.
And he has the political class and the press solidly behind him.
We are so screwed!

Mathman, we gave up long ago waiting to see the brilliance of our president. That was just hype to elect an empty suit.

We are left with the lingering question as to why he keeps his grades under lock and key. It’s obvious he was not the brightest bulb in school and embarrassed over his high achievements; that one can’t get traction anymore, but still we wait and ask the opposition why he must keep his college records as top secret files, more closely guarded than top secrets in government. The Liberals have had years to spin this one, yet the silence is deafening.

Since he is unwilling to provide the details, the only reasonable assumption is that he was an Affirmative Action student that squeaked by on political clout and Liberal mindset. Yes indeed, that qualifies you to be president in this alternative universe we have in operation within the beltway.

When mother Russia creates a stamp for him, something stinks.

When he sweeps bombings of our embassy in Gorgia last year under the rug, allows russians to harrass our diplomats, ransacking their houses, fabricationg undereage sex by our diplamats etcc…that stinks even more. Who’s side is this guy on?
Then you add the destruction of our country, and you understand better what he meant when he stated that he’s only halfway done.