DNC Head Wasserman Schultz repeatedly assaults black man [Reader Post]

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Obama says this is "cute"

Debbie Wasserman Schultz is the gaffe-prone head of the Democrat National Committee, appointed by Barack Obama.

In the four weeks since she succeeded Tim Kaine, Wasserman Schultz has been called out by four nonpartisan fact-checkers for mischaracterizing the GOP’s Medicare plan.

She’s accused Republicans of wanting to reinstate segregation and of waging a “war on women.” She has asserted, somewhat nonsensically, that the GOP wants to make illegal immigration — by definition against the law — “a crime.” She’s also been mocked for driving a foreign car after pounding Republicans for not supporting the American auto industry.

A rank-and-file member of Congress typically wouldn’t get noticed for inflammatory language and rhetorical slip-ups. But Wasserman Schultz has a higher profile now — and was hired precisely because of her skills as a communicator.

And there was this beauty:

The congresswoman’s latest blunder came Sunday, when she said on television that Republicans ‘want to literally drag us all the way back to Jim Crow laws and literally — and very transparently — block access to the polls to voters who are more likely to vote for Democratic candidates than Republican candidates.

The equating of state legislatures’ efforts to require voters to show identification with laws that required separate schools and water fountains raised hackles, particularly in racially sensitive Democratic circles, prompting a quasi-retraction from Wasserman Schultz. In a statement, she said, ‘Jim Crow was the wrong analogy to use. But I don’t regret calling attention to the efforts” of GOP legislators “to restrict access to the ballot box.'”

Wasserman Schultz is the pea brained hypocrite who does not understand what “illegal” means and who said

“If it were up to the candidates for president on the Republican side,” said Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz of Florida, “we would be driving foreign cars. They would have let the auto industry in America go down the tubes.”

while she drives a Japanese car.

Wasserman Schultz launched an attack on West on the House floor a couple of days ago after he had left the floor:

“The gentleman from Florida who represents thousands of Medicare beneficiaries, as do I, is supportive of this plan that would increase costs for Medicare beneficiaries. Unbelievable from a member from South Florida.”

West responded with a searing email:

Look, Debbie, I understand that after I departed the House floor you directed your floor speech comments directly towards me. Let me make myself perfectly clear, you want a personal fight, I am happy to oblige. You are the most vile, unprofessional ,and despicable member of the US House of Representatives. If you have something to say to me, stop being a coward and say it to my face, otherwise, shut the heck up. Focus on your own congressional district!

Wasserman Schultz then asserted that the Lieutenant Colonel West had “cracked” under pressure.

Predictably, the Congressional Black Congress was “furious” at Uncle Tom West.

The head of the Congressional Black Caucus told Fox News on Wednesday that members are “furious” about the incendiary email Rep. Allen West sent to the Democratic party chairwoman, saying he’s going to speak with the Florida Republican about the matter.

“It’s unfortunate,” Rep. Emanuel Cleaver, D-Mo., said. He could not say whether the CBC would seek to discipline its only Republican member, but claimed lawmakers were upset the incident has brought “undue attention” to the caucus.

West has refused to apologize, saying an apology is “not happening.”

What one must remember is that West has endured a long history of attacks from democrats. democrats tried to tie West to a biker gang called the “Outlaws.” democrats circulated West’s Social Security number.

Wasserman Schultz organized a goofy protest outside West’s campaign headquarters. She also said West had “jumped the shark of crazy.”

U.S. Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz, D-Weston, issued an unusual press release Wednesday. In it, she labeled one of her constituents “crazy.”

It wasn’t an ordinary constituent.

The man she was referring to is Allen West, a Republican from Plantation. He lives in Wasserman Schultz’ district (the 20th), but he’s the candidate challenging U.S. Rep. Ron Klein, a Democrat from Boca Raton, in the neighboring district (the 22nd.)

So Wasserman Schultz was tweaking West by sending this message: “Please Allen West, don’t vote for me.” (Because of where West lives, he can’t vote for himself. It’s legal, as detailed in previous coverage of his residency.)

“As if Allen West’s desire to privatize Social Security and Medicare isn’t bad enough, he’s recently jumped the shark of crazy,” Wasserman Schultz said.

The Congressional Black Caucus has had nothing to say about any of these attacks on West.

It could be said that Wasserman Schultz clearly has a problem with West leaving the Plantation.

Did I mention that West is from Plantation, Florida?

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Debbie Wasserman Schultz is absolutely correct about there being a coordinated, multi-state effort by republicans to reduce voter turnout among groups that are more likely to vote for democrats.

The progs squeal the loudest when you deny their dead people the right to vote.


among groups that are more likely to vote for democrats

We know, Greg.

Dead people and illegals.

Way to go Greggie. Ignore the entire premise of the article.

What’s her name Shultz is vile and despicable. She reminds me of a certain troll here at FA. Although I believe he has been booted.

@Buffalobob, #2:

What would be the motive for denying college students access to a ballot box where they’re attending school? Might it not be a bit difficult for them to travel hundreds of miles on election day to cast a vote? Is the concern really about the possibility of dead people voting?

What about requiring a valid state drivers license to vote? Has it possibly occurred to someone that poor minority voters living in inner-city areas might be far less likely to have automobiles and drivers licenses than someone out in the suburbs? Or maybe it’s really just concern about imagined hordes of zombie voters again…

The truth of the matter is that, despite many extensive and well-funded investigations, it has never been established that voter fraud at any significant level has actually been taking place anywhere. There have been a few scattered cases, and anecdotal accounts that couldn’t be substantiated. Zombie voters are a recurring hallucination that conservatives find very useful in furthering their efforts to reduce democratic turnout on election day.

If Wasserman Schultz were a man, nobody would say a word about West’s use of the gender-appropriate term “Gentleman” in the an email. Given that Wasserman Schultz has a vagina rather than a penis, (or so we are told), the term “Lady” was the appropriate one for him to use to describe someone who follows the customary rules of decorum expected of members of the House of Representatives. Those who try to make something more of that word choice are engaged in the worst sort of rhetorical sophistry.


What would be the motive for denying college students access to a ballot box where they’re attending school? Might it not be a bit difficult for them to travel hundreds of miles on election day to cast a vote? Is the concern really about the possibility of dead people voting?

This is why God invented absentee ballots. And if one knows one will be away at that time, then one can address the issue now, more than a year in advance.

If one does not find it important enough to address the issue with more than ample time, then one can stick it all up one’s a$$. One does not deserve to vote.

I LOVE this guy! He does not take B.S. from any of these screw-balls. Cain and West; the Liberal’s worst nightmare.

My son who does not have a drivers license, (he lost the privilege due to DUI’s) has photo ID issued by the state. Anyone in my state can vote if they can show approved ID. I do not see that poor inner city people have a problem obtaining photo ID. When I worked at a food bank, those coming in to get assistance had to show photo ID. Photo ID does not hinder people.

Were talking about Democrats here! Simply putting there hand in a pocket it to much trouble so they will not go vote. They vote from prisons housing projects and register to vote at the food stamp office, Acorn etc. Dregs of society is the best way to describe them. Voting has to be so easy a dead man can do it for them. I would drive a hundred miles to vote or walk a bunch of miles if i had to.


You’re woefully off topic here. Apparently you don’t want to engage on the original topic so you’re stuffing the straw man full.

I’ll play your game for a bit since, once again, you don’t know what you’re talking about.

What about requiring a valid state drivers license to vote? Has it possibly occurred to someone that poor minority voters living in inner-city areas might be far less likely to have automobiles and drivers licenses than someone out in the suburbs?

Acceptable forms of voter identification extend above and beyond just a driver’s license.

For example, here in Georgia there are multiple forms of acceptable identification up to, and including, a FREE state issued identification card.

The truth of the matter is that, despite many extensive and well-funded investigations, it has never been established that voter fraud at any significant level has actually been taking place anywhere. There have been a few scattered cases, and anecdotal accounts that couldn’t be substantiated.

Well, not quite. In Georgia, for example there were numerous incidences of non-citizens being registered voters:

Prior to the November 2008 General Election, Secretary Handel sent letters to 4,771 voter registration applicants whose records at DDS indicated they were not U.S. citizens, asking them to provide documentation of their citizenship. As of March 2009, 2,148 of these applicants still have chosen not to resolve the question about their U.S. citizenship.

Furthermore, also in Georgia there are documented cases of non-citizens voting:

She explains that the law was created after evidence that non citizens have voted in past Georgia elections and that more than 2,100 individuals with questionable citizenship have attempted to register.

Finally, Wasserman’s arguments about voter turnout being suppressed by voter ID laws has already been proven false.

[N]umerous academic studies show that voter ID had no effect on the turnout of voters in prior elections. The plaintiffs in every unsuccessful lawsuit filed against such state requirements could not produce a single individual who didn’t either already have an ID or couldn’t easily get one.

Second are the figures emerging from the November election. If what liberals claimed was true, Democratic voters in states with strict photo ID requirements would presumably have had a much more difficult time voting, and their turnout dampened in comparison to other states. Well, that myth can finally be laid to rest.

The two states with the strictest voter ID requirements are Indiana and Georgia. Both require a government-issued photo ID. According to figures released by Prof. Michael McDonald of George Mason University, the overall national turnout of eligible voters was 61.6%, the highest turnout since the 1964 election.

Voter Suppression Bills Sweep the Country

“A wave of voter suppression legislation is emerging from newly elected GOP governors and Republican legislators that would make it much more difficult for traditional Democratic constituencies to vote — just in time for the 2012 election. About a dozen states are are actively considering legislation that would make voting much more difficult for college students, minorities, the elderly and the disabled. In some states, like Ohio, it is estimated that close to one million people would be affected by these changes.”


Surely you are not as stupid as you want to appear? Any registered voter who is going to be out of town on election day can request an absentee ballot (that is unless you are military and then the Democrats will sue to prevent counting your ballot). And poor minorities seem to have no problem finding their way to the welfare offices, but you are saying they can’t find their way to a state office for a state issued I.D.?

The truth of the matter is that the only real survey on voter fraud was done by two Democrats from NYU. But then, knowing how the Dems operate, I am sure we can assume they were honest in their assessment that there was really no voter fraud. That is why 11 people were convicted of voter fraud in St. Louis alone, all ACORN workers. And thousand of illegal votes in Kansas City, Missouri. Not to mention the wide spread voter fraud in Bexar County, Texas. John Fund has written a book on rampant voter fraud, if you are interested, which I am sure you are not.

What I would really like to see implemented for voter ID for EVERY prog democrat would be for them to place their hand on an anvil and allow a precinct captain (republican of course) whack their middle knuckle with a 8 oz. ball peen hammer. This would accomplish two very important things. One they would be readily identified as having voted. Two they might consider changing their party affiliation in the future.

It’s always gratifying when someone on the other side of the line reveals where they’re really coming from.

The next step would be a brief comprehension test. Like where does the government get its money? Then maybe the 52% morons that voted for the disastrous community organizer in chief would be reduced to 10%.


Voter Suppression Bills Sweep the Country

That hysteria laden headline, and it’s complete disconnect from reality, were enough to dismiss your skewed source outright before even considering what they had to say.

There’s not one shred of evidence to support the contention that voter ID laws result in voter suppression. As I linked in #11, reality is the complete opposite of what you’re trying to sell:

[N]umerous academic studies show that voter ID had no effect on the turnout of voters in prior elections. The plaintiffs in every unsuccessful lawsuit filed against such state requirements could not produce a single individual who didn’t either already have an ID or couldn’t easily get one.

Second are the figures emerging from the November election. If what liberals claimed was true, Democratic voters in states with strict photo ID requirements would presumably have had a much more difficult time voting, and their turnout dampened in comparison to other states. Well, that myth can finally be laid to rest.

The two states with the strictest voter ID requirements are Indiana and Georgia. Both require a government-issued photo ID. According to figures released by Prof. Michael McDonald of George Mason University, the overall national turnout of eligible voters was 61.6%, the highest turnout since the 1964 election.

@retire05, #13:

Granted, ACORN had a well-documented problem with voter registration; unscrupulous temporary employees completed false registration forms as an easy way to earn wages. In some instances ACORN itself detected the problem and flagged the registrations before turning them in to local voters registration boards as required by law.

Where is the documentation that any of this actually led to fraudulent votes being cast? Did Mickey Mouse or Jimmy John actually show up an any polling place to vote? Were 1,000 phony votes really cast in Kansas City, Missouri, as is implied? I’ d like to see any documentation that this actually occurred.

What is well documented is the deliberately misleading, deceptively edited video tapes that FOX News ran 24/7 to discredit the entire organization.

Valid identification is a vital part of American life. You need it to get a job, rent an apartment, cash a check, apply for public assistance, enroll your kids in school and, of course, legally drive a car. And it’s easy to come by. Just contact the state that you were born in and ask them to send you a copy of your birth certificate, and let them know that you know the information that nobody else is supposed to know. Costs about 15 bucks. Even the poorest of the poor can afford that. If you don’t have a valid, state-issued ID card, then you have handicapped your entire life. And if that’s the case, then you have no business voting anyway.

Why does the LSM only show Debbie Blabbermouth Shultz from the waist up?


What is well documented is the deliberately misleading, deceptively edited video tapes that FOX News ran 24/7 to discredit the entire organization.

Wow. You’re desperate aren’t you?

The ACORN expose videos did nothing but lay bare what that organization was all about. The supposed “editing” didn’t change the facts that were reflected on the tapes. In fact, all of the raw video footage is out there if you care to go view it.

Where is the documentation that any of this actually led to fraudulent votes being cast? Did Mickey Mouse or Jimmy John actually show up an any polling place to vote? Were 1,000 phony votes really cast in Kansas City, Missouri, as is implied? I’ d like to see any documentation that this actually occurred.

Meet Darnell Nash:


[A] cross-dressing Ohio male escort whom ACORN registered multiple times to vote was convicted of full-fledged vote fraud in addition to the lesser crime of voter registration fraud. A spokesman for Cleveland prosecutor Bill Mason confirmed yesterday that a local investigation of ACORN remains wide open.

The conviction of Darnell Nash, apparently known by several aliases including Serina “Sexy Slay” Gibbs, is hugely significant for several reasons, not least of which is the fact that ACORN has long maintained that vote fraud, as opposed to the lesser crime of voter registration fraud, essentially never happens.


Greg, why must you play the simpleton? How hard do you think it is to register in another name, using another address and be able to vote using that registration card? Let me give you a few examples: on the votor registration cards summited in Missouri by ACORN, there was no proof of residency required, no proof of you legitmate name required. You could simply fill it out, and if you used the address of your mother, brother, sister, friend or baby daddy, you could pick up the card after Missouri counties sent them out. Do you think I could not call my friend and say “Hey, man, there’s a thing coming in the mail addressed to Jeremiah Wright. Save it for me.”
Voter I.D. is NOT required in Missouri to be able to vote if you have a registration card or are on the list for that precinct.

Where does it require, ON ANY VOTER REGISTRATION FORM, that you prove who you are and that you are a legal citizen? Where? Why do you think Clinton pushed for the MotorVoter Act?

But seeing the simpleton you are, not willing to do your own research about illegal voting, you use the strawman “but, but, but Fox.” If you are an example of the intellect of the Democrat voter, no wonder we have Obama for president.

I just wish people like Debbie would ‘come out’ and join the party they really have affinity for – the Communist Party. I’m no Dem, but I think Dems should at least try to take back their party.

No evidence of voter fraud? How old is this person. 1998 election for the federal house, the opponent of J.D. Hayworth received 2000 more votes than registered voters, he won anyway so he dropped his complaint. Now answer one question. Can you name one contested election that was won by the Republicans in court other than GW. Do you remember in New Jersey the state supreme court changed the law to allow Lautenburg to replace that crook on the ballot. Can you name one instance of the reverse being true. How did Al Franken make it to the Senate, oh yeah I remember it was a bag of votes that magically appeared during the recount, and magically they were 98% in Frankens favor. How many more do you want.

I hope that he doesn’t weaken and give in because she is as vile as her husband Ed….To think I felt so bad for her when she was fighting cancer…..These dems are getting soooo vicious…………

In 2006, Republican Henry Bonilla, a sitting Congressman, ran for Congress in a newly formed Texas district. Bonilla ran against two Democrats in a special election, one of them being Ciro Rodriquez. When returns came in, Bonilla had taken 48.1% of the vote compared to Rodriquez’ 20.3%, but as they were the top two a run-off was required since no one had gotten a 50+% majority. After the special election, Rodriquez, who had been trailing badly, beat Bonillia by a faily narrow margin.

In 2010, a woman by the name of Dora Gonzales testified that she had been hired by the Democratic party to vote “harvest.” Gonzales was informed of the day absentee ballots where sent out and she would go to nursing homes and tell seniors she was there to help them fill out their ballots, although she was the one doing the picking of candidates. . She also testified that she knew other vote “harvesters.” Gonzales said that although she harvested votes for Rodriquez in the past, she mostly harvested votes for local elections. Everyone knew that Rodriquez had stolen the election from Bonilla. But paybacks are a bitch, and Rodriquez (D) lost to Francisco Canseco (R) in 2010.

Voting fraud is rampant in Texas counties that run along the Mexican border. But that will be helped by our newly enacted Voter I.D. law. No I.D.? No vote.

@Greggie: No voter fraud???

From the Santa Fe New Mexican: New Mexico Secretary of State Dianna Duran has turned over about 64,000 cases of what she calls possible voter fraud to the State Department of Public Safety for investigation.

That’s more than 10 percent of the 607,700 people who voted in the 2010 general election in New Mexico — and it’s way more than the 37 cases of foreign nationals illegally voting that Duran mentioned at a legislative hearing earlier this year, the newspaper reported. – Source

Let’s not forget those Democratic Congressmen and Senators that had town hall meetings the summer before Obamacare was passed. A fair number of them were checking ID’s at the door before these meetings, but if asked about using ID for voting? Nah, they are against that…

I think the better question is this:

Why are you against insuring that only registered voters actually get to vote?

I’m not. I’m against creating politically calculated obstacles to registration that clearly target specific populations.

There is another big potential vote fraud problem with allowing college students from other states to vote in the state polls where they go to college. If the states are close enough, they could vote once in their collage state polls, then cross the state border and vote again in their home polls (or mail in an absentee vote home).

That would mean that in 2012 Democratic students could possibly vote twice for Obama. You’d like that, wouldn’t you Greg?


And what “politically calculated obstacles” would those be, Greg? A person can register at their local county’s election office, the post office and in many states, at the welfare office. I find it hypocritical that you on the left seem to think that it is OK to ask for I.D. when boarding a plane, renting a movie at Blockbuster, writing a check, using a credit card, and a thousand other activities, but not when you vote.

And if anyone is guilty of targeting specific populations, it would be Obama who worked for ACORN and Project Vote, by creating registration drives in exclusively black neighborhoods.

@Greg: Buy anything on credit, cash a check, buy a six pack of beer all require ID submission. Wonder why? Why is it not needed to vote when Democrats have proven through their unions that illegal votes are made without proper ID.

@Greg: I asked:

Why are you against insuring that only registered voters actually get to vote?

To which you answered:

I’m not. I’m against creating politically calculated obstacles to registration that clearly target specific populations.

So how does the idea of presenting valid identification to vote create an obstacle to registration clearly targeting specific populations?


Ever hear of a state id card? It’s a photo id for someone that doesn’t drive.
Now tell me again why people that don’t drive are overly burdened for getting a state id card.

@John Cooper:

Because she has hips as wide as a Clydesdale.
Even wider than me!chell, the alleged female half of the first grifters..


Ever hear of a state id card? It’s a photo id for someone that doesn’t drive.
Now tell me again why people that don’t drive are overly burdened for getting a state id card.

It could be a burden if you have to get a new drivers license or state ID every time you move in order for it to be considered valid evidence to vote.

The Wisconsin State Legislature is considering a new proposal that would increase the difficulty of college students to register to vote, by requiring them to present identification with an up-to-date address on it. The plan, which according to Republicans would curb voter fraud, has been raising eyebrows of young people all across the state. By voiding student IDs and other proofs of residence as a legitimate source of identification, the potential law would require constituents to obtain IDs through the local DMV. Not only would this law be costly for students, but it would need to be a yearly commitment. Students are a mobile group, as they continuously look for more reliable and economic places of living, a change on their ID cards would need to accompany the already-burdensome process of moving. A reliable Democratic vote, the student voting bloc would be reduced to those willing to change their ID cards repeatedly.”

@sablegsd, #34:

Because she has hips as wide as a Clydesdale.

Debbie Wasserman Schultz

GREG, DARE to say what she SHULT is not right about,
now that you said what she’s right about,
I think she would deserve a kick in the but by ALLEN WEST,

@Greg: Well Greg, you ignored my question. (big surprise there)

But you did say:

It could be a burden if you have to get a new drivers license or state ID every time you move in order for it to be considered valid evidence to vote.

So let me understand this. In order for folks to vote, we must remove the burden? What burden? It is called civic responsibility, Greg. If someone wants to vote, they have to register at present, do they not? Could you not twist that and consider the act of actually having to register to be a burden? Why not just have an American Idol type internet election?

Look, there is absolutely nothing wrong with requiring a valid ID in order to vote. If I want to purchase cigarettes or alcohol at my local Wal Mart I have to show an ID, even though I am 47 years old. Their policy is to card everyone. Is that a burden?

Come on Greg, answer my question. Please.

So how does the idea of presenting valid identification to vote create an obstacle to registration clearly targeting specific populations?

@anticsrocks, #38:

Look, there is absolutely nothing wrong with requiring a valid ID in order to vote.

I agree. The issue is what document or combination of documents should be considered sufficient.

Not accepting a valid school ID as in #33 doesn’t seem to you as an example of a burdensome requirement targeting a specific population?

I don’t actually see how requiring a state-issued ID card provides a higher degree of protection, assuming identity has already been confirmed with a valid school photo ID. A student from out of state attending a Wisconsin school might get a Wisconsin ID and still have a valid out-of-state driver’s license. Maybe it’s a roundabout poll tax–a way to get around the 24th Amendment.

I’m pretty much burned out on this particular topic. I agree there’s a need to establish voter identity. I suspect that need is being used as a cover for a variety of changes that result in voter suppression.

@Greg: School IDs are sooooo easy to falsify. State issued IDs, not so much.

A standard needs to be established, and that is why state IDs are the most practical. In the cases of students attending out of state colleges, well absentee ballots take care of that problem.

@Greg #39

I don’t actually see how requiring a state-issued ID card provides a higher degree of protection, assuming identity has already been confirmed with a valid school photo ID. A student from out of state attending a Wisconsin school might get a Wisconsin ID and still have a valid out-of-state driver’s license.

You “don’t see” because you chose to pretend ignorance. You have yet to address the potential for voter fraud I raised in #29. You support every Democratic measure that ACORN has abused that have resulted in voter fraud. In this case, you applaud a system whereby a student could register to vote in two different states and then vote in both state’s elections. Another problem with accepting a student ID, is that the student may not be eligible to vote in the United States, either because they are foreign nationals or because of federal convictions. (And, as Antirocks mentions, It is very easy to make fake student IDs.) With early voting and same day voting, a student could very possibly vote early in their “home” state, then with go to their “college” state and register to vote on election day. Admit it Greg, you intentionally support systematic undermining of the security of our voting system for your own political gain, by any underhanded method possible.

As an Atlanta television station noted, voting in multiple states is easy, and people do it. In the famous Iraqi elections of 2000, voters dyed their fingers to prevent repeat voting. We don’t have that, and we don’t have any sort of computer database that matches votes among states to prevent multiple votes.

Clearly Greg, you are “burned out on this topic” because you know full well that many Democrats (just as you do here,) have been fully in support of measures that aid in the commission of vote fraud.

More Reading on the very real problem of vote fraud:


“An estimated 25 percent of African Americans and 18 percent of seniors wouldn’t have the right kind of photo ID under HB 159.””

A quote from the openly Progessive website article you linked to…so, wouldn’t it behoove that putative 25% and 18% to acquire any of the “right” kinds of photo ID? The forms of ID acceptable are quite generous…so much so that one may be forgiven for asserting that the percentages quoted to be grossly inflated, if not outright contrived.

@Greg: When you talk about “hordes of phantom voters”, you seem to think this is not a common occourance among ‘Crats- but you ignore the people who “rose from the grave” in Duvall County, Texas, so that LBJ could become Senator by 28 votes- see, it REALLY DOES happen, and it’s always the progressive socialist liberals who do this.

@Greg: If you want good shark repellent, just wear a mask of Schultz-( I do not believe, nor trust people with hyphenated names. Pick one-).


I suspect that need is being used as a cover for a variety of changes that result in voter suppression.

And this is what your argument boils down to. That you believe any attempt at normalizing voter registration, and making a state-issued ID a requirement for that registration, is a way to suppress votes.

In reality, it makes the requirement to register to vote a standard that everyone must live up to. State’s issue free ID cards in place of driver’s licenses, so cost is not a factor. Most license branches in most states are close enough , and public transportation is available to and from them, that traveling isn’t a big issue. There is no valid argument against such requirements. There is only ad hominem attacks on supporters of such requirements, and rhetoric dumbed down to the general populace that is patently false. You, and Ms. What’s-her-name, have absolutely no ground to stand on.

Wasserman Schultz is nasty, vile, foul, a parasite – never had a real job, career political hack community organizer. She’s a liar -too many to count.
Bat sh!t crazy.

@Renee: But Obama thinks she’s cute…