Wasserman-Schultz: Since when does illegal mean illegal? [Reader Post]

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What an idiot.

Debbie Wasserman Schultz has shown skills and talent which demonstrate that she is entirely qualified to be the Democrat National Committee Chairperson.

As democrats are wont to do, she tries mightily to convince anyone listening that down is up, night is day, right is wrong, and that illegal is legal. Here she is seen totally oblivious to the fact the illegal aliens are illegal.


via The Blaze

Wasserman Schultz once labeled an Ohio GOP candidate as “extreme” who regularly wears a Nazi uniform during a re-enactments of a WWII battles.

Wasserman Schultz is the same bipolar genius who calls herself both a “relationship builder” and a “minority bomb thrower.”

Wasserman Schultz is the marvel of virtue who recently ripped into the GOP, saying

“If it were up to the candidates for president on the Republican side,” said Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz of Florida, “we would be driving foreign cars. They would have let the auto industry in America go down the tubes.”

So what does she drive? She drives an Infiniti FX 35- a Japanese car.

Wasserman Schultz is a bipolar hypocritical idiot who has no concept of the law.

The DNC is in good hands.

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There should be a law against being so scary looking. I know that may not be nice but who cares.

She is the type of person that thinks the Constitution is meant to be interpreted in multiple ways depending on the situation.

Here’s a test, ask her if fire is hot or ice is cold and see how long it takes her to explain all the different situations it might apply to.

Look into the eyes of a Useful Idiot.

She makes a perfect Cora Hoover Hooper in Anyone Can Whistle. Nuts and dishonest.

“she tries mightily to convince anyone listening that down is up, night is day, right is wrong, and that illegal is legal.”

That is a line right out of Anyone Can Whistle, a show about political loonies.

She is as dumb as she is ugly…looks like she just snorted a few lines.

she need her hands to reenforce her words that are so insignificants that she doubtfully has to touch her hair to make sure her brain is attach to it

What brand of salad dressing does she use in her hair?

My questions is then when does no mean no ? the change from Illegal alien to undocumented worker is just as DUMB as renaming a rapist as an un-requested lover, a drug dealer as an unlicensed pharmacist, bank robber a undocumented account holder withdrawal.

don’t stop there, IT’S GETTING FUNNYER as we go.
I love my blog

The surprise is that the University of Florida alumni group doesn’t send out a hit squad to smack her in the face with a cream pie for being an embarassment to Gator Nation

We are starting to really suffer from the natural outcome of thinking like hers.
Remember, before Debbie, Obama led his supporters to believe that would have their mortgages and rents paid for them.
So, now we see people walking away from paying on homes where they continue to live.
Peace is now war.
Ignorance is now knowledge.

Look at these headlines:


‘I was scared for my life‘…

Poet ‘Da Real One’ Gunned Down In Front Of Miami Poetry Cafe…

Violent crime explodes in Myrtle during Black Bike Week; 8-hour hell

Rib Fest At Rochester beach turns rowdy…

Riot On Long Island…

Urban Melee In Charlotte…

Chaos causes DNC concern for convention…

Unruly urban crowd shuts down Nashville water park…


Summer is 3 full weeks away!
We are going to see riots all over this country.
And why?
Because even hardened criminals are let out of prisons in California.
Because ”illegal” simply does not mean ”illegal” in the USA anymore.

Looks likes a sack full of —holes,pardon my french.

I’m blessed. She’s my congresswomen. I am now writing to her daily.

Another liberal pc word “undocumented person” . God how I despise their language! Even calling a illegal undocumented implies that all is not in order. I was happy to see that she was not relected. And yes she is the perfect choice for the DNCC. Just another Nancy Pelosi clone, but younger. She will no doubt go far in the political profession.

Has she ever combed her hair? It always looks like she styled it with an egg beater.

The Democrat-Socialist policy: Never tell the truth when a lie will work. When we let them call illegal aliens “undocumented immigrants” and get away with it, they’ve already won half the battle.

JOHN SMITH: when you write her tell her she needs a meeting, 90 in 90 lots of them, sending her a NA Where & When for South Florida and/or WashDish metro reminding her to drink coke not snort it.

@John Smith: And I thought that Babs Boxer had issues. This moonbat makes Babs seem sane.

@Coldwarrior57: Hey Cold, sounds like an article I did here at FA

Liberal to English Translation

“Religious right” = Christians who are conservative
“Bipartisanship” = Arlen Specter
“Intolerance” = Opposed to liberal agenda
“Propaganda” = Conservative point of view
“Assault Weapons” = Virtually any firearm
“Rigid Ideologue” = A conservative that stands up for his beliefs
“Compromise” = Only comes about when people agree with liberal agenda
“Freedom Fighters” = Terrorists, Somalia Pirates, Muslim Brotherhood, Hamas, etc…
“Decriminalization” = Legalization
“Regulate” = Ban, as in the moratorium on deep water drilling in the Gulf of Mexico

@Personal Home Inspector:

When we let them call illegal aliens “undocumented immigrants” and get away with it, they’ve already won half the battle.

What they are properly called is “undocumented democrats”

@John Smith: JS, did you forget the sarc/ tag?