MSM Liberal Bias – Ignoring Obama’s Gaffes; Pouncing On Republican Gaffes

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Jake Tapper appeared on the Dennis Miller radio show last week and basically admitted to the bias in the MSM. He acknowledges the fact that the media completely ignored Obama’s Medal of Honor gaffe while the media jumped all over Palin’s and Bachmann’s recent gaffes:


Tapper at one point seemed on the verge of admitting the media liberal bias. He allowed, “But the question is, okay, and removing the ideological bias, and I don’t- do not generally disagree that there is-” Unfortunately, Miller interrupted him.

The White House correspondent attempted to shift the issue to one of sexism, suggesting that Hillary Clinton dealt with much harsher criticism than Obama. However, Good Morning America, where Tapper frequently appears, fawned over both.

As Scott Whitlock points out above, the Democrat girls got plenty of love. So Jake’s point that maybe its not ideological bias but instead it’s anti-woman bias doesn’t hold up.

How about this gaffe by Obama, overlooked long ago:

(h/t Verum Serum)

As the author at Verum Serum acknowledges…the gaffe isn’t that big of a deal but it IS a gaffe, just as Palin’s and Bachmann’s were. Minor and inconsequential. But the MSM went apes**t over theirs but they blackout and ignore Obama’s.


They always do this. They will eat razors before they admit to any liberal bias. They will confess to a hundred biases, even some they do not actually have, before they will admit to a liberal bias.

Let me give you an example I always give. If the Black Correspondent’s Association (or whatever) claims the press has a subtle anti-black bias, the media will consider this and meet with that association and consider implementing reforms/safeguards to ensure against such bias continuing. They’ll have a panel discussion on Nightline or Meet the Press to seriously consider this bias.

Same thing with anti-woman bias. Or anti-Muslim bias.

The press is perfectly willing to consider the possibilities it is biased in many ways, and take seriously such complaints.

Except for one, of course. The one bias they will not admit to having, ever, is a liberal ideological bias. (And note– the biases they’re willing to cop to tend to require them, to cure those biases, to adopt even more anti-conservative positions. Biased against women? Include more feminist voices. Biased against Muslims? Make sure the country knows about anti-Muslim “hate” in the form of racial profiling. Biased against blacks? Agitate for preferences, quotas and so on.)

Why? For two reasons:

1. That is the bias they are most flagrantly, obviously guilty of, and no one likes confessing to their real flaws. People will cop to lesser flaws and non-flaws all the time. But not their deep dark dirty laundry.

2. Because they absolutely despise conservatives. Because they hate conservatives so much that they view this entirely as political actors, and if conservatives “win” a little on this point (as a serious discussion about it would represent), then they lose.

They won’t admit it because they are selling a narrative rather than reporting the truth.

As Journolist taught us all, they have an agenda.

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Let’s just admit it that EVERYONE holds Republicans to a higher standard than Democrats because they expect more from them than the Marxists.

I mean if Obama wet himself on national TV during the SOTU address the world would not bat an eye.

I would even argue that the liberal media is disingenuous when they say that they are being more careful, and or how they cannot be careful enough in how they portray minorities. It’s as if they are saying to their listeners “look at us and intelligent, open-minded, and caring we are.” Like immediately following the horrible incident where that wacko killed those people and wounded the politician lady. They started all this crap about how they must be so ever careful in what language we use in everyday conversations. And how we all must avoid language that can incite violence. It was sickening, self-serving and obviously ment only for the republicans. Those cartoons are a great example, and funny. It’s just too bad that they are so true, and such an accurate reflection of our media today.

Obama gaffes as good as any president.
But it is his mis-statements, half-truths and spins on stuff that the media is glossing over that really bugs me.
For instance…..
Last month Obama celebrated the fact that foreign investment was up 49% last year over 2009.
America is, on net, losing, not attracting, growth capital.
The Wall Street Journal:

It is true that foreign direct investment rose to $236 billion in 2010 from $159 billion in 2009.
But that was still well below the $310 billion invested in 2008.
The White House also neglected to disclose that in the first quarter of 2011 foreign investment fell by 51% from the first quarter of last year, according to data released last month from the federal Bureau of Economic Analysis. Foreigners of late have not found the U.S. to be a receptive, high-return home for investment.


Americans are taking their investment dollars abroad at a faster pace than foreigners are bringing capital to these shores.
In 2010, for example, U.S. investment abroad was $351 billion—$115 billion higher than foreign investment here.
Economic recoveries are periods when investment capital usually surges into a country, but since this weakling rebound began in the middle of 2009 the U.S. has lost more than $200 billion in investment capital.

So, you cannot call Obama a ”liar,” on this spin.
He is finding the only tiny limited way to take a fact out of context so that he looks good, and he is pushing that spin.
If we chose to be uninformed about the bigger picture, we fall for Obama’s spin easily.

Both we at home and our foreign investors from abroad are acting out of enlightened self-interest.
Thus, instead of investing in America’s next ”Google” or “Wal-Mart,” we are buying US Treasury bonds.
Real economic growth is crowded out, government borrowing is rewarded.
The money invested here is going to pay for more 99 weeks of unemployment, more Food Stamps, more Tesla-type electric cars and bridges to nowhere.

But the American and foreign money invested elsewhere is building foreign-based state-of-the-art production systems in all manner of fields.

I still don’t understand why conservatives are surprised when the propaganda media does what it has been doing for years. It’s ONLY purpose today is to SUPPORT the liberals. They even go along with the liberal politician’s lies, like all of the jobs Obama has created and that we need another stimulus to help get the economy going. In my opinion, anyone who subscribes to any of the propaganda media is helping bring the USA down.

Nan said: “So, you cannot call Obama a ”liar,” on this spin.
He is finding the only tiny limited way to take a fact out of context so that he looks good, and he is pushing that spin.
If we chose to be uninformed about the bigger picture, we fall for Obama’s spin easily.”

You keep giving Obammy too much credit — remember that he is only reading off the teleprompter — look closer at the 70+ czars — it isn’t just Obammy that is the enemy — it is the whole vast left wing conspiracy/machine / demo-Rat party that is taking US down —

The “worst” part of the MSM bias is that they get to choose what is and what isn’t newsworthy. By making that choice they choose what we, the public, get to see/hear.

I guess what is most amazing is that they continue to WONDER why they are losing readers/watchers.

Thank God for the Internet and alternative media.

Warren, you said It, the BLOG are getting into their busynesses and they don’t like it, because it provide a definite growing pressure for them to tell the truth,
this blog here FA, is power for the people to see the other side of the coin ,
and it forces the people to see the difference and think twice,at words and bias from the media,
they now acknowledge the liberal bias from some so obvious but there was no counter balance
before, but now the people don’t have excuses for their elected ones, they just ran out of it,
because of the blog power to tell the truth, and expose the liars, the real racists, the dividers of this GREAT NATION, AND THE PROMOTERS OF HATE.

A new book is coming out this week.
Our media will probably be pretty silent.

Boston Globe reporter Sally Jacobs wrote, “The Other Barack: The Bold and Reckless Life of President Obama’s Father.”
One little bombshell Obama Jr. probably didn’t learn from his family as it raised him:

A memo from Lyle H. Dahling, an administrator in the Honolulu office of the U.S. Immigration and Naturalization Service, noted that according to Obama Sr., his wife, “Miss Dunham is making arrangements with the Salvation Army to give the baby away.”

Subject got his USC [United States citizen] wife ‘Hapai’ [Hawaiian for pregnant] and although they were married they do not live together and Miss Dunham is making arrangements with the Salvation Army to give the baby away,’’ according to a memo describing the conversation with Obama written by Lyle H. Dahling, an administrator in the Honolulu office of what was then called the US Immigration and Naturalization Service.

More at Boston Globe.
(Note it is the same paper that employs the author. Where’s the rest of the media?)

you said it well, and It still hold today as continued bad habits from DONE them DEMS,

on your 1, I think he still wet himself in his campaigning
to this last month of 2011