Weekly Open Thread – Obama: Never a Leader, Always a Candidate Edition

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Has Obama ever given a bravura performance at a press conference? No wonder he goes three months or so without doing them.

Today he mentioned a tax break for corporate jets six times. He didn’t mention that he signed legislation preserving the tax code provision into law, or that the grand total of the savings of ending that tax break would be about $3 billion over ten years.

The man who flies anywhere he wants, anytime, cost-free, complained at great length that other people’s private jets are insufficiently taxed. Tomorrow, Obama will fly on Air Force One to Philadelphia, Pa., to attend two DNC fundraisers, where he will probably again denounce the current tax rates on corporate jets, without anyone remarking on the irony.

…So even ten questions from the White House press corps can take Obama off his game. Among the highlights of today:

  • Asked about whether the War Powers Act was constitutional, he responded, “I’m not going to put my constitutional law professor hat on here.” Er, wait, wasn’t that a reason folks were supposed to vote for you?
  • Asked whether marriage was a civil right – a yes or no question that obviously put him on the spot about gay marriage – he began talking about separate issues, like hospital visitations.
  • Occasionally Obama’s gaffes would seem strangely honest, like when he said, “I’ll keep on giving you the same answer until I give you a different one,” on gay marriage, or “I don’t even have to get to the Constitutional question,” rather bluntly acknowledging he was ignoring Chuck Todd’s actual question on the War Powers Act.
  • The President constantly infuriated by the perception that he hates the private sector responded to a question, “The business community always complains about regulations.” Unlike unions, trial lawyers, public sector employees, apparently.
  • Asked about the ATF “Fast and Furious” operation, Obama said that Attorney General Eric Holder made very clear that he would have opposed the operation… you know, the one that occurred on his watch.
  • Discussing the DREAM Act, Obama said, “Kids who grow up here and think of themselves as Americans… let’s make sure those kids can stay.” There’s no dispute that many of these children and teens often have heartbreaking stories, and no real emotional or physical connection to their country of legal citizenship. But thinking of yourself as an American is not the same as being an American. Citizenship is not a state of mind.
  • “It’s time to stop playing games,” he concluded, and then ended the press conference for the next event on his schedule: welcoming the WNBA Champion Seattle Storm to the White House Rose Garden.

Obama survives difficult questions by avoiding them and waiting for the world to move on.


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Obama opened his June 13th 2011 speech at a plant in North Carolina by bragging that “I have a better plane” than when I visited the same plant three years ago as a presidential candidate. Later Obama boasted “I travel with a bigger entourage” *than I did as a candidate.

*Remember……the liberal media is part of the president’s entourage.

One day a white women and black man gave birth to a CHILD. That CHILD sleeps in our house, eats our food, fly’s our 747, and spends our money on anything he see’s in TOY’ r US . The CHILD lies and cheats to get whatever he can. This CHILD is SOS (Stuck on STUPID) Today he talked about Corp. Jets, and children who will not be able to get FREE money for college education, (Take back the 2 BILLION dollars you promise to Egypt-that should put a few children through HARVARD), etc. etc. etc. There are almost 20 MILLION people unemployeed, record setting FORCLOSURE’S, business closing in record numbers, Corp properity forclosed, bank closing. The LSM keeps all of this from you NOW because it’s getting close to the CHILD’S judgement day.
There is a WHITE WOMEN and a BLACK MAN that I believe, given your vote in 2012 and 2016 will straighten all problems that this CHILD has caused. PALIN/WEST 2012 & 2016

Of course his hypocrisy will only go as far as the blogs in the MSM never see the light of day.

CURT, hi,
I keep receiving my comment on my gmail as usual,
except for last 3 days there is a message with it, on top by gmail saying:
:this message may not have been sent by:Floppingacescommentnotifier@gmail.com
report phishing
and I get it with all the commentof different names.
thought you would like to know
and how can that message stop. bye
is there anyone other that got the message on their site?

I can hardly wait to see Barrys grades in Constitutional Law. I’ve got even money it wasn’t in the U.S .Constitution which I’m pretty sure he’s never laid eyes on.

He gets treated with such kid gloves by our media. It is sickening. I cannot wait for the presidential debates where he will have to defend his record.

Ya’ll have to head over to MSNBC and catch the Halperin quote that the precedent acted like a dick yesterday. The Morning Schmos could not hit the 7 second delay in time and it went country wide. You should see the mea culpas and damage control scenarios, lol. Its fine to call American Patriots, tea baggers, but to call a real dick, a dick shows no respect. Sorry, to the other dicks out there. I wonder what the slots on The View are going to say about this?


Sure he has. It was most likely in his first class where the professor held up the document and told the students “not to bother learning what it says here, because we don’t care what it says.”

@oil guy from Alberta:

Yet using the slur Teabagger is perfectly ok. Tells you all you need to know about MSNBC

@anticsrocks: If it’s moderated by anyone in the MSM, they won’t ask any questions about his record. They’ll focus on the other person’s negatives.

@johngalt: Heh, that would have been the longest class in the world after he was done dancing around patting himself on the back for being all knowing especially with his ‘intellectual stammer’. I strange how NOBODY has ever come forward to say they were in his class isn’t it.

I just Hope and I continue to Pray…. America is Wide Awake in 2012…. and they have their common sense hats on…

“One of the penalties of not participating in politics is that you will be governed by your inferiors.” Plato

@another vet: True, but a good, fast on their feet conservative will be able to work it in here and there.

This is breaking. Birthers have exposed the White house aide that produced the fraudulent long form birth certificate for the dick in chief. Dereck Douglas pdf file. Note peculiar spelling of Dereck and sure enough, he’s part of the cockroach collection in today’s Whitehouse. Its all at Birther Report.com.

What will it take for liberals to acknowledge the bias in the MSM?

Comcast/NBC VP Hosts Fundraiser for Obama, But Damn Those Fox News Execs are Biased!

President Obama raised more than $1.2 million at two campaign fundraisers here Thursday night, the last events of his money-raising blitz in this early stage of the 2012 campaign.

Campaign officials said about 800 people, each giving at least $100, attended the first event, at a Hyatt hotel. Later in the evening, Comcast’s executive vice president, David L. Cohen, hosted about 120 people in his home for a dinner, each of the attendees giving at least $10,000 for Obama’s reelection campaign.

I suppose that hosting a dinner and raising money for Obama isn’t, actually, a sign of support for liberal policies by Cohen?

An addition to the above post;

Mika: ‘Morning Joe’ Being Pressured To Invite More Pro-Obama Flacks

Read more: http://newsbusters.org/blogs/mark-finkelstein/2011/07/01/mika-morning-joe-being-pressured-invite-more-pro-obama-flacks#ixzz1QscVps2y

Yeah, because they need more people to carry the water for Obama. Other than one commentator’s ‘epiphany‘ on Obama, you’d be hard pressed to find real criticism of Obama.

@anticsrocks: Hopefully his opponent will be good enough to do that. The MSM, or his cheerleaders if you prefer, are going to try and stack the deck in his favor anyway they can because he can’t run on his record and win.