That’s a funny tape compilation of what happens when the teleprompter messes up.
I got something else.
Obama prefaced all his harsh words about Israel MUST go to the table with the unified Hamas/Fatah government and make peace, g-d-it!
So, when will that happen?
Looks like the tenth of never.
June 1st: Who Will Be Included In Fatah-Hamas Cabinet?
June 7th: Syria, Turkey involved in Palestinian unity deal.
June 15th: Fatah, Hamas look forward to overcoming government disputes next week.
Today, June 20th: Fatah-Hamas unity meeting canceled.
Maybe Obama should go light a fire under his friends Hamas and Fatah first.
Then when their ducks are in a row, Obama can come talk to Israel.
Nan G
13 years ago
Eric Holder is coming after your churches.
He called on ACS members and other progressive allies…..
“We’ve also expanded enforcement efforts to guarantee that in our work places, our military bases, in our housing and lending markets, in our voting booths in our border areas, in our schools and places of worship. And I mean all places of worship,” Holder also said.
“The Department filed a record number of civil rights criminal cases,” Holder added
In separate remarks at the same event, ACS Executive Director Caroline Fredrickson challenged those who would misrepresent the Constitution for political purposes.
“We are challenging the right wing’s effort to undermine our Constitution through misleading theories like originalism and hypocritical terms like strict construction,” Fredrickson said. “Today’s right-wing movement has been re-energized by Tea Party activists, who have wrapped themselves in the Constitution. But we all know the Tea Party does not truly support the Constitution – at least not as written.”
Interesting information, particularly those comments from Ms. Fredrickson.
“We are challenging the right wing’s effort to undermine our Constitution through misleading theories like originalism and hypocritical terms like strict construction,”
Really now, Ms. Fredrickson. Misleading theories like originalism? As opposed to what, exactly? The theory of the Living Document?
Apparently, she has little knowledge of the the history regarding the Constitution, and of the meanings of the clauses, phrases, sections, etc.
Justice John Marshall, in Marbury vs. Madison, states;
“[T]he constitution] organizes the government, and assigns to different departments their respective powers. It may either stop here; or establish certain limits not to be transcended by those departments.
The government of the United States is of the latter description. The powers of the legislature are defined and limited; and that those limits may not be mistaken or forgotten, the constitution is written. To what purpose are powers limited, and to what purpose is that limitation committed to writing; if these limits may, at any time, be passed by those intended to be restrained?”
The Constitution is the ‘Supreme Law of the Land‘, and as such, one must consider it the standard to which all legislative law must be compared to, and then determine whether or not a certain law is agreeable with it. With an ever changing “standard”, as is the case if the Constitution is considered a “living document”, there is no continuity of law, and in the end, the Constitution itself is rendered a simple document that means whatever the prevailing sentiment states that it means. In effect, the Constitution becomes null and void, and all law is simply the whims of men, of whichever party, or majority public opinion, wishes them to be.
As for ‘strict constructionism’, that term is often misused when discussing Originalism, and the two terms are not interchangeable. Strict constructionism applies to the thought process that the text of the Constitution must be interpreted strictly by the words used, and the meaning of the words. However, the term is hardly hypocritical, as Ms. Fredrickson states.
Her further statement;
“Today’s right-wing movement has been re-energized by Tea Party activists, who have wrapped themselves in the Constitution. But we all know the Tea Party does not truly support the Constitution – at least not as written.”
Yes, the Tea Party does tend to wrap themselves in the Constitution, but NO, she is wrong when she states that they do not support it as written. This is an entirely ambiguous claim by her, predicated upon her own ideas of what the certain clauses and phrases mean. For example, through reading related documents, such as the Federalist Papers, and some founding father’s quotes, I come to certain understandings of those clauses and phrases that differ quite a bit from the typical liberal politician’s understanding. It doesn’t mean that either myself, nor they, are particularly wrong to interpret the clauses or phrases the way we do. It does mean, however, that one of us extends greater power to the government than the original intent of the founding fathers is, or was.
This is the root of the entire debate between the “living document” crowd, and those who prefer a more original interpretation of the Constitution. In short, what exactly is the power of the government, concerning certain issues? Those who believe more as I do, believe that the federal government is more limited than is typically accepted amongst the liberal politicians. They, on the other hand, believe in expanded powers, and ofttimes read more into the clauses and phrases than was originally intended. And, as I discussed above, when they do that, they cause the standard, the Supreme Law of the Land, to continually change, and law becomes the whims of men, rather than a bedrock to which the laws are based. One side allows easily for tyrannical rule to take root, while the other prevents it by limiting the power the government has at its disposal.
I, myself, am of the originalism crowd, concerning the Constitution. I strive to understand what the founding fathers, particularly James Madison and Alexander Hamilton, say in their persuasive arguments for the adoption of the Constitution.
13 years ago
Palin….I’ll admit she is a master of manipulating the media and the GOP faithful…but Palin is about PALIN first and foremost.
If she is going to throw her hat into the ring, then do it already. Enough of the coy little games like driving a bus around the nation insinuating that you will run for President, but not officially declaring oneself to be a candidate. She is hurting the party, and making fools out of her well-intentioned backers.
If you do, though, like Palin for President then go with the real deal and not the shameless self-promoter and vote BACHMANN. She’s tough, doesn’t run away if a blogger says mean things about her and she’s got the guts to get into the race and answer the tough questions-something the half-governor from Alaska doesn’t seem capable of doing.
Ivan, it’s only the 20th of June. Reagan didn’t announce his intention to run until November. What’s your rush? Just want a lot of long drawn out media BS?
13 years ago
Refresh my memory here. Isn’t it Brazil that His “O”lliness just pumped money into for offshore drilling???
Palin….I’ll admit she is a master of manipulating the media and the GOP faithful…but Palin is about PALIN first and foremost.
I am assuming that you have some proof of this? Also, I’d like to hear your thoughts on why Sarah Palin is NOT the “real deal”, when it comes to conservative women? Possibly something you found going through her emails yourself?
It’s self-evident, don’t you think? She ditches the people of Alaska half-way through her only term to cash in on her celebrity status. Duh!
Also, I’d like to hear your thoughts on why Sarah Palin is NOT the “real deal”, when it comes to conservative women? Possibly something you found going through her emails yourself?
Well…let’s see her step up to the plate and take the tough questions like Bachmann is doing, instead of riding around on her love-bus on her tour only taking questions from Fox reporters.
I could care less about her emails, I just get sick of the sycophants on Free Republic or other blog-sites who worship her like she’s the second comming of Ronald Reagan when she isn’t.
Ivan, it’s only the 20th of June. Reagan didn’t announce his intention to run until November. What’s your rush? Just want a lot of long drawn out media BS?
How dare you even think to utter Reagan’s name in the same sentence as the half-governor from hick-town USA!!!!
Let’s face it, Palin isn’t going to run or she would have got in the race by now.
NOVEMBER??? What are you smoking? This isn’t 1979, Mata, it’s 2011 and if she waits till November she’ll finish third or fourth at BEST in the early primaries.
Ivan, Palin could easily declare in Nov and have no problems. She has name recognition, and serious fund raising abilities. Additionally, she’ll be robbing the MSM of five months of personal smears, and be able to assess the ranks of the competitors. She would be, IMHO, crazy to declare much earlier.
As to Palin’s resignation… you choose your own sordid story to match your venom. Hey… free country and all that. But your tone and reasoning, sans any facts but based your evaluation of her perceived emotions, rob you of any credibility. And apparently, you’ve been even unaware of the legalities fraught with setting up a legal defense fund that others have been allowed to do in the past, but she was prohibited from doing.
The state of Alaska had to spend $300K to $500K on the investigations of the ethics complaints alone… most, if not all, I have documented in the “Alinsky Perfected” series in our archives. That’s cash from the taxpayers coffers for government expenditures that could be best used for other things. That’s on the states’ dime. Additionally Palin was being assailed on a personal level with lawsuits as well. There’s something to be said about the unnessary taxpayer expense because those like you, who hate Palin, were using the system to cast doubt on her.. and using the taxpayers dime to boot.
Secondly, if I had a politician who was costing me extra cash for this stuff, not to mention had to have her time split between doing gubernatorial tasks and tending to sundry personal lawsuits, I would vastly appreciate that politician stepping aside to save me cash, and to allow someone in there who had the luxury of focusing 24/7 on the job of managing the state, and not being distracted with the stress and expenses of personal lawsuits as well.
You present yourself as a capitalist, and yet you have a despicable mean streak with it comes to Sarah Palin. Ergo, the Palins were not particularly flush prior to her arrival on the national scene with the Veep nomination. Not poor, of course, but no where near as affluent as they are now…. thanks, oddly enough, to the mean streak of those like you and the media. Those personal lawsuits were an onus on her family and their fiscal future. Yet you seem to resent someone who actually steps away from a job she hasn’t the luxury to focus on with all the state and personal legal distractions and costs, and instead move the system to her advantage to clear out the defense bills for the failed lawsuits filed against her personally.
So you resent entrepreneurship? Interesting for one who considers himself “conservative”. I guess you only hate entrepreneurship when it benefits someone you don’t like for whatever reason. Me? I think Palin did the Alaskan denizens a great favor by stepping back so the money wouldn’t be drained for frivolous reasons, and letting her successor focus completely – and without distractions – on the needs of the State.
It’s self-evident, don’t you think? She ditches the people of Alaska half-way through her only term to cash in on her celebrity status. Duh!
Nope, not really getting the self-evident feeling on that. What I do know is that she stated her resignation from the governorship of Alaska was to spare the state the expense of the frivolous court cases thrown at her. Being that there was, in fact, numerous such frivolous cases, can you not admit that her stated reason might be, in fact, the truth?
Well…let’s see her step up to the plate and take the tough questions like Bachmann is doing, instead of riding around on her love-bus on her tour only taking questions from Fox reporters.
So let me get this straight. She hasn’t announced a run for the nomination, yet you wish her to stop what she is doing and step up to answer questions from a provably hostile media, all for the sake of proving to the country whether she, or Bachmann, is the better conservative woman? Really, it’s not as if there isn’t room for more than one, or even two. The facts are, Bachmann has announced, Palin has not. So Bachmann then is somewhat obligated to open herself up to the media, while Palin is just, essentially, a private citizen who is traveling the country stirring up the conservatives.
Also, none of what you stated discounts Palin as being a real conservative. Offer us facts that show the contrary, instead of your simple opinion that she isn’t.
13 years ago
Had to post this, as it is just a great line from Holder;
“Politics has no place — no place — in the impartial and effective administration of justice,” Attorney General Eric Holder thundered last week. “Decisions about how, where and when to prosecute must be made by prosecutors, not politicians.”
Really now, Mr. AG, is that why you dropped the case against the NBP thugs, yet the Obama WH is pursuing the case against those truly terrifying Amish with their horrible milk? Or, better yet, is that why you allowed gun sales to Mexican drug cartels in order to tip the scales in the gun control debate? The sooner this abomination is out at AG, along with his boss, the President, the better off the country will be.
13 years ago
@johngalt:” Nope, not really getting the self-evident feeling on that. What I do know is that she stated her resignation from the governorship of Alaska was to spare the state the expense of the frivolous court cases thrown at her. Being that there was, in fact, numerous such frivolous cases, can you not admit that her stated reason might be, in fact, the truth?”
Well, you can include yourself in the cast of FR sychophants then for believing that load of horsecrap. She either:
A. Was chased from office-which it appears you accept.
B. Ditched the American Penal colony (who would in their right mind want to live there full-time?) to cash in on her newly found celebrity status. I accept this explanation.
Dear lord, if you can see that her excuse as a load of crap then you really have lost the ability to engage in critical thinking.
Proof, Ivan, is what I asked for, and yet all you have given is an opinion. When you find it, get back to me. Until then, I will use my fully functional, rational brain to engage in reason and truly critical thinking, rather than accept the unverified opinion of someone I only know from some name on a website.
BTW, I never once stated whether or not I believed her stated reason. You supplied that I have yourself. Now who’s the one who truly does not engage in critical thinking?
13 years ago
John, the “proof” is her lame excuse. No unbiased observer accepts that as her reason for leaving office. Only the most dyed-in-the-wool Palin apologist accepts her excuse.
Poor Ivan…he supported, donated to, and voted for the woman in 2008…yet here he is running her in the ground once again.
Nan G
13 years ago
Ain’t Somebody dumb?….that’s for sure.
Obama pushed his convict-friend’s ObamaCare bill through the Dem-controlled House and Senate then signed the puppy before anyone could read it.
Now it is even keeping his own chief actuary Richard Foster up at night!
Obama’s health care law would let several million middle-class people get nearly free insurance meant for the poor, a twist government number crunchers say they discovered only after the complex bill was signed.
The change would affect early retirees: A married couple could have an annual income of about $64,000 and still get Medicaid, said officials who make long-range cost estimates for the Health and Human Services department.
Up to 3 million more people could qualify for Medicaid in 2014 as a result of the anomaly. That’s because most of their Social Security benefits would no longer be counted as income for determining eligibility. It might be compared to allowing middle-class people to qualify for food stamps.
Pelosi once said, ”we have to pass the health care bill so that you can find out what is in it.”
I guess so.
And we are still uncovering more expensive unintended consequences buried in ObamaCare.
Obama lyingly told the CBO that only 7% of all American employees currently covered by employer-sponsored insurance (ESI) will have to switch to subsidized-exchange policies in 2014.
That was a big fib.
It was obviously based on the Mass. plan that resulted in a 7% drop rate, but the Mass. plan has a completely different arrangement for penalties.
Obama doubled down:
“No matter how we reform health care, we will keep this promise to the American people,” Obama said addressing the American Medical Association. “If you like your doctor, you will be able to keep your doctor, period. If you like your health care plan, you’ll be able to keep your health care plan, period. No one will take it away, no matter what.” He didn’t let up.”If you like what you’re getting, keep it,” Obama said. “Nobody is forcing you to shift.”
But recent studies are finding out just how bad it really is for American workers under ObamaCare.
30 percent of employers will definitely or probably stop offering ESI in the years after 2014.
It gets worse….
Among employers with a high awareness of reform, this proportion increases to more than 50 percent, and upward of 60 percent will pursue some alternative to traditional ESI.
So, you still claim that your “proof” is simply your opinion, based on your belief that her stated reason is a “lame excuse”. Sorry Ivan, but I believe you would fail any debate class in school with that reasoning. Just as you are failing here.
I haven’t said in this thread, anywhere, of my own views on Sarah Palin, yet you push me into some fantasy camp of “sycophants”, “dyed-in-the-wool Palin apologists” who are wrong, based on your unfounded, unproved, unverifiable, OPINION, that Palin isn’t the “real deal”, and shouldn’t be mentioned in the same sentence as Reagan, that she was “chased off”, that she lived in a “Penal colony” for a state, and that her excuse is a “load of crap”, and all of that without presenting any actual proof to support your opinion.
Remind me again who is NOT engaging in critical thinking?
Pelosi once said, ”we have to pass the health care bill so that you can find out what is in it.”
Anyone with common sense should have immediately dropped any support for the bill, if they had any to begin with, at the moment of that utterance from Pelosi. Of course, common sense isn’t so common anymore.
I don’t have any particular problem with Ivan. In fact, we both believe, although he says so more bluntly and somewhat aggressively, that the Republican party is nearly as big a problem as the Democrats are. The one real issue I have is when someone issues a statement that they present as fact, and in reality is merely an expressed opinion that is unsupported. Especially when they continue to fail in giving support to their opinion.
So, you still claim that your “proof” is simply your opinion, based on your belief that her stated reason is a “lame excuse”.
So you actually buy that excuse? she’s innocent of what ever charges are leveled against her, yet she had to resign to “save Alaska (Penal colony) taxpayers some coin”?????
Wow, that’s quite a suspension of disbelief you have going there.
Sorry Ivan, but I believe you would fail any debate class in school with that reasoning. Just as you are failing here.
No, actually, you would fail as all you have is some convoluted “excuse” for some lightweight failing to serve out her term.
If she wasn’t guilty, why did she quit? Where there is smoke, there is fire. Of course, you don’t accept anything negative about the lady so you’ll just say that little saying doesn’t apply.
In the land of the sycophant, all reality is suspended.
So you actually buy that excuse? she’s innocent of what ever charges are leveled against her, yet she had to resign to “save Alaska (Penal colony) taxpayers some coin”?????
Please show me where I said that I accept her reasoning. Further, show me proof that her stated reason is not the truth, other than an unsupported opinion you claim as gospel.
No, actually, you would fail as all you have is some convoluted “excuse” for some lightweight failing to serve out her term.
Actually, Ivan, what I have presented here is a verifiable statement made by Sarah Palin on why she resigned.
Palin offered few clues about her ambitions but said she arrived at her decision in part to protect her family, which has faced withering criticism and occasional mockery, and to escape ethics probes that have drained her family’s finances and hampered her ability to govern.
What you have presented as her real reason is opinion that she was looking out for her own celebrity.
It’s self-evident, don’t you think? She ditches the people of Alaska half-way through her only term to cash in on her celebrity status. Duh!
And your proof? Nothing. Can you remind the readers here exactly how long it was, after she resigned, and before she engaged in any celebrity-driven commercial venture? The mere fact that she released a couple of books and one TV show for one season means absolutely nothing. It doesn’t prove, nor disprove, your opinion that that alone was the reason for her resignation.
So, I give you her stated reason, you give an unsupported opinion, and you think that your case is stronger than mine, simply because of your opinion? As I said, you’d fail in a debate class with that as your only ammo.
Now, are you going to provide facts to back your assertion that Sarah Palin isn’t a “real deal” conservative? Or, do we just have to take your word, and opinion for it?
Nan G
13 years ago
The really dumb person throws his own supporters under the bus.
Obama could have lost two of his main legal team, the top lawyers at DOJ and DOD, after he lawyer shopped to find one who agreed with him, instead of following their advice on his War Powers Act decision.
Now Obama is blowing it again!
Obama is set to reject the advice of the Pentagon by announcing on Wednesday night the withdrawal of up to 30,000 troops from Afghanistan by November next year, in time for the US presidential election.
The move comes despite warnings from his military commanders that recent security gains are fragile. They have been urging him to keep troop numbers high until 2013.
The accelerated drawdown will dismay American and British commanders in Kabul, who have privately expressed concern that the White House is now being driven by political rather than military imperatives.
Nato commanders led by General David Petraeus have set out the risks of withdrawing too many troops too soon, and warned Obama there has been no noticeable dividend from the death of the al-Qaida leader. They had urged him to keep in place the bulk of the extra 30,000 troops he committed to the “surge” until the end of 2012.
The withdrawal has created deep divisions in Washington.
When Obama first became president, he lost out in his first major battle with the Pentagon. But, as he has grown in confidence, he has been more willing to take them on, ignoring Gates’s advice to avoid US military involvement in Libya and now again on Afghanistan.
Your insecurity over the “non-candidate” candidate is frightening.
Projection much?
Nan G
13 years ago
You know why I’ve been ignoring Ivan?
A recent poll showed I was in the majority.
90% of all TEA party members will support and vote for who ever is the Republican nominee.
80% of all Republicans will also do the same.
Ivan wishes to box you into a corner prematurely.
Don’t fall for his ploys….unsubstantiated by facts as his ”arguments” are.
Insecurity? About who? When have I said, within this topic, who I support? I am merely questioning your lack of factual evidence to support your statement of opinion. Have you found any yet?
Who I like at the moment really isn’t a concern here, as the discussion was about your words in relation to Palin, and nothing else. The fact that you cannot provide any info supporting your opinions, or at least, haven’t shown the ability at this point, brings into question on what, exactly, you do know about it. My guess is nothing, and that you are merely parroting what you’ve heard, or read, elsewhere.
I’ll ask again: Can you provide any information that proves Sarah Palin is not a “real deal” conservative? I asked for it in my post #8, and you still haven’t provided anything.
I don’t blame you for ignoring Ivan. I realize that it doesn’t get me anywhere, but I’m not doing it for that. Larry hasn’t been around lately when I’ve been on and Rich is hardly engaging in thoughtful debate, even if he is a somewhat decent guy. I don’t come here merely for the arguments, but it helps to debate topics as it helps one learn much more about them as well as how to answer liberals arguments.
Actually, Ivan, what I have presented here is a verifiable statement made by Sarah Palin on why she resigned.
Palin offered few clues about her ambitions but said she arrived at her decision in part to protect her family, which has faced withering criticism and occasional mockery, and to escape ethics probes that have drained her family’s finances and hampered her ability to govern.
Again, “Duh”. It’s called an excuse, an alibi. Every perp has one.
If someone subjected me to an “ethics probe” I’d be more than happy to drain the state coffers to defend my name- IF I WAS NOT GUILTY.
And you fell for the “Drained my famlies finances” crock-of-shit defense. Ever heard of a “Legal defense fund”???? The Clintons were masters at defending themselves with this perfectly legal vehicle. All Palin had to do-if she was innocent- was set up one of those and have all her lemmings donate their hard-earned cash to it.
It’s called “Hardball politics” and that is what one does in modern politics. Sorry, she’s either too unsophisticated to know about the LDF, thus excluding herself from consideration for the highest office in the nation, or she was guilty as the day is long on the summer solstice-or she wanted to cash in while she was red-hot.
Again, you fall for some simplistic alibi which I shot full of holes in about 2 minutes.
Again, you fall for some simplistic alibi which I shot full of holes in about 2 minutes.
Well, I certainly understand why some people get into very heated arguments with you, Ivan. You’re like a dog who finds a shoe, thinks it’s a toy, and doesn’t let go.
Again, it’s your OPINIONs that you are presenting here, not fact, yet you continue to present them as “proof” that Sarah Palin is somehow a “lightweight” in the political arena. Good luck with that. I presented her stated reason for resignation, you presented opinions based on nothing of that being an excuse, or “alibi”. And you’ve still failed to present any evidence that she isn’t a true conservative in her views and actions. Please tell us, with facts, why Michelle Bachmann is more conservative than Sarah Palin. I’ve been waiting for this since post #8.
13 years ago
The NLRB strikes again!
Oh, snap: NLRB shortens union election campaign period
Most labor elections currently take place within 45-60 days after a union gathers enough signatures to file a petition, a time many companies use to discourage workers from unionizing. The new plan could cut that time by days or even weeks – depending on the case – by simplifying procedures, deferring litigation and setting shorter deadlines for hearings and filings. …
Not surprisingly, the four-member NLRB decided this by a partisan vote of 3 to 1. The only GOP member of the board, Brian E. Hayes, was also the lone objector.
So, not only does the NLRB issue a directive essentially preventing a company from moving one of it’s manufacturing centers to a non-union friendly state, but they now issue an edict that favors the formation of unions within a workplace.
Can someone explain to me exactly where it is located, within the Constitution, the clause or phrase that gives the federal government the power to insinuate themselves into a private companies workplace, that allows them to, in effect, veto any proposed changes or moves by a private company?
The NLRB was set up by presidential edict, an issuance of an Executive Order, in 1934 by FDR after the failure, and striking down, of the National Industrial Recovery Act of 1933. The board has powers that are not granted to the executive branch of the federal government by the Constitution. Their main concern has always been the welfare of unions, ofttimes at the expense of the welfare of non-union workers. As such, it is an organization that is not concerned with the equality of opportunity, but rather, the advancement of pro-union causes, whether they result in equal opportunity or no. In essence, it’s just one more unConstitutional organization within our federal government promoted by progressives, and accepted by today’s populace by the sole fact of it’s longevity, and not it’s actual usefulness, or allowance by the Constitution.
And you fell for the “Drained my famlies finances” crock-of-shit defense. Ever heard of a “Legal defense fund”???? The Clintons were masters at defending themselves with this perfectly legal vehicle. All Palin had to do-if she was innocent- was set up one of those and have all her lemmings donate their hard-earned cash to it.
I’m still waiting for some actual facts about Sarah Palin from Ivan, instead of innuendo and unsupported opinion. Will I have to wait long, do you think?
I’m still waiting for some actual facts about Sarah Palin from Ivan, instead of innuendo and unsupported opinion. Will I have to wait long, do you think?
Always good to chat with you, buddy.
An alibi isn’t “proof” or “evidence”, it’s an “excuse.” You accept her at her word-a politician’s word-and I don’t (she is in fact a politician).
Why is this so difficult to understand? Given how she’s turned herself and her family into a money machine (poor Bristol, so sad how Sarah did that to her), the preponderance of evidence is with me, not her lame alibi.
Ivan the ridiculous: Given how she’s turned herself and her family into a money machine (poor Bristol, so sad how Sarah did that to her), the preponderance of evidence is with me, not her lame alibi.
Yeah… there’s a statement by a “conservative” who believes in entrepreneurialship and capitalism…. NOT! Joining Greg in the whining about those who are successful now, Ivan? It’s the company and party you belong in, ya know.
Secondly, if I had a politician who was costing me extra cash for this stuff, not to mention had to have her time split between doing gubernatorial tasks and tending to sundry personal lawsuits, I would vastly appreciate that politician stepping aside to save me cash, and to allow someone in there who had the luxury of focusing 24/7 on the job of managing the state, and not being distracted with the stress and expenses of personal lawsuits as well.
Laughable. I had a good belly-laugh at this comment.
IF she was GUILTY you would want her gone, but if she was innocent you, as a member of America’s penal colony, wouldn’t want her gone. You’d direct your animus at the people leveling the charges, wouldn’t you?
You see you have set up a paradigm where the innocent are hailed for leaving office! If she did nothing wrong she should have stayed and fought-even with the money from the taxpayers-and then let the chips fall where they may.
But we’ll never know if she was guilty of the charges as she quit half-way through her only term.
The things you apologists will say to support your non-candidate are breathtaking in the extreme!
Ivan… dearie… I did indeed direct my “animus” towards those that were leveling the false charges. I did two separate series on Palin that are linked in the featured post section in the side bar to the right. You might want to sit down and do some reading. I’m pretty hep the the Palin/complaints antics of those days.
The reason I labeled it “Alinksy Perfected” was the rule to attack and discredit was perfected that the cost of that assault could be borne by the taxpayers themselves, and not the attackers. The Alaskan ethics complaint system is structured so that anyone can file a complaint – without any charges or repercussions – and the state/taxpayers are forced to pay for any investigations of that complaint. How perfect! Use everyone else’s cash for their own smear campaign. Even in our court system, if someone files a frivolous lawsuit, they bear the costs of legal respresentation and the court process. Not so for the ethics complaints in Alaska.
If I were personally to be saddled with multiple lawsuits in my business, both personal and thru arbitration channels for business, I’d be bogged under not only with heavy costs… innocent or not… plus seriously distracted in taking care of my clientele. I do them no good if I am not 100% focused on my tasks at hand. I would be rendered extrememly ineffective. You can be driven out of business with actions such as these. And driving Palin out of office was exactly the goal of those that filed complaint after complaint… all with no justification when investigations were concluded.
You again assume you know what others are thinking, and then pepper your commentary with personal remarks and insults. And you wonder why you are considered a laughstock and an embarrassment to fellow conservatives? Or confused why you are treated with like kind commentary in return? Then it’s laughable you go crawling to Curt, whining about how you’re such a victim. You have far too many liberal traits for me to respect.
Personally, I don’t care about you, your vitriol, nor your rabid emotional hatred for Palin. I haven’t picked a candidate, nor am likely to. The game is over before the team makes it to my playing field, and I’m left with what the few states who genuinely get to pick the candidate give me. I might as well pine for a lottery win where the prize is a private, sovereign island. I’m pretty much an anyone-but-Obama person, save for at least three right now. Romney, Ron Paul and Hunstman, and I’ll either be voting third party, or not participating. Romney and Huntsman are a blanket no. Ron Paul, I cannot abide his foreign policy platform. But when it comes to who I think could stand strong for the looming fight, only Bachmann and Palin make the cut, along with Herman Cain.
I’m still waiting for some actual facts about Sarah Palin from Ivan, instead of innuendo and unsupported opinion. Will I have to wait long, do you think?
Now, having read the spatter that you left in #36 I’ve discovered that have yet to present the facts that John has requested multiple times from you extending all the way back to post #8:
Also, I’d like to hear your thoughts on why Sarah Palin is NOT the “real deal”, when it comes to conservative women?
In short, John is still waiting.
Do try and keep up with the conversation rather than patting yourself on the back for some imagined accomplishment.
I’m still waiting for any piece of evidence, however small it might be, that shows Sarah Palin not to be as strong, or stronger, conservative than Michele Bachmann. You HAVEN’T provided that. You’ve only given me an opinion based on nothing, yet you claim “evidence” to that end is with you? Why don’t you list again what evidence you have provided. I seem to have missed it. Numerous times, it seems. I’ll be waiting patiently.
BTW, whether or not I believe her “excuse”, as you put it, is still up for debate, as I haven’t registered an opinion on that one way or the other. Go back through all of my comments, to #8, and show me where I’ve said anything that states my own position on that particular subject.
For all of your blathering you’ve done here in this topic, you haven’t actually presented any information from an outside source, nor have you actually stated my true position on Sarah Palin, mainly because I haven’t given it here, but also because you tend to exaggerate, and outright lie, about what people state in their comments. Please. I’m waiting for actual substance from you. Not just innuendo, hearsay, and your own, unsupported, opinion.
13 years ago
Alas, poor Ivan.
Can’t (or won’t) read.
Can’t (or won’t) look up sources.
Can’t (or won’t) listen to speeches.
Ivan has the symptoms of being a mind-numbed robot, simply parroting (John Cleese, bless his heart) the Lame-Stream Media and all of their lies, innuendos, and character assassination.
How about fact-checking, Ivan?
What noted journalist bought a home next to the Obama home in Chicago, in order to spy on him?
What collection of journalists went to Chicago to inquire as to his work as a community organizer, law school professor, and Illinois State Senator?
What freedom of information lawsuit was brought to reveal all of the e-mails sent by President Obama, either as a State Senator, United States Senator, community organizer, or law school professor?
All of the above activities have been carried out against Gov. Palin.
Alas, poor Ivan. His mind is made up. Please do not EVER confuse him with facts.
A mind is a terrible thing to waste.
Especially a mind lost in the Media of Yesteryear.
Double especially a mind lost in “all the news fit to slander.”
Two men have been arrested and charged with plotting to attack a military center for enlistees in Seattle with grenades and machine guns, the U.S. Justice Department said on Thursday.
Abu Khalid Abdul-Latif, 33, of Seattle, and Walli Mujahidh, 32, of Los Angeles were arrested on Wednesday evening on a seven-count complaint accusing them of conspiracy to murder officers and employees of the United States, conspiracy to use grenades and other firearms offenses.
If convicted, the two could face up to life in prison.
Plot broken up by a fellow Muslim.
Thank you.
That person, who has a criminal record, became a paid confidential informant.
After being arrested, [Walli] Mujahidh waived his legal rights and told FBI agents that the plot was to prevent U.S. military personnel from going to Islamic lands and killing Muslims, the affidavit said.
Nan G
13 years ago
Nature magazine–not exactly on the top of the sales rack even at Barnes & Noble (I subscribe)–last week reported a bizarre story that is receiving no attention in the U.S. media that I’ve seen: The Eurocrats in Brussels have uncovered a massive organized crime effort that secured $72 million in fraudulent scientific research grants.
An excerpt:
The fraud has been conducted in a “highly sophisticated manner, resembling money laundering”, by means of a cross-border network of fictitious companies and subcontractors, says Pavel Bořkovec, a spokesman for OLAF. Several project coordinators stand accused of having claimed inflated costs, or expenses for non-existent research activities and services, he says.
“The projects were apparently organized with the sole intention to deceive the commission and its control mechanisms,” says Boublil. To make them seem legitimate, grant applications included the names of real scientists, established research institutes and existing companies, he says. But in most cases the alleged project partners were included without their knowing.
The strange part of this story is that it offers no details about what specific areas of government research funding were pilfered, or what “results” may have come of the fraudulent research projects they supported.
Just came back from NYC and witneesed a movie that will even make Ivan a true believer “The Undefeated” everything that I have read in 40 plus statements will be answered in this movie. I saw the XXX rated copy. I wonder if Ivan is from Hollywood?????(He talks like those Zombies) Johngalt-I think you and Mata Harley made Ivan snap, and Mathman your 44 put a bullet into Ivan’s blah-blah-blah. Sarah and my loving wife both had me “AT HELLO” Sarah is your next President-I sleep good at night because I can hold out until 2/13
I heard Barry tell us that we have to re-build, re-invest in the USA the other day. Didn’t Sarah tell Greta that we have to keep our money at home instead of borrowing 2 billion dollars to GIVE to Egypt a few weeks ago. This guy is lying and stealing. Didn’t Barry tell Egypt that they didn’t have to pay us back what they have owed us for the past decade ???? Everyone-see the movie “The Undefeated” you will see this women in a different light.
Yes MataHarley I am the sniper from ben liden PALIN/WEST 2012 & 2016
Ivan sounds exactly like one of the liberals whom are absolutely terrified of Palin. This is my impression from this thread. I know many whom are so vicious and so devoutly anti-Palin, that when questioned about why, you literally see snarling, bared teeth, and sophmoric attestations to her presumed lack of intelligence, greed, or, and this is incredibly common with lefties, attacks on her for leaving the governors office when she had many lawsuits seeking to do a wealth transfer from alaskan citizen to liberal lawyers.
Instead of looking into these people in greater depth, the snarling lefty masses (SLM) viciously attacks her. Damned if she does, damned if she doesn’t enter the race. Reading the dispatches from the LSM during her east coast bus tour were a riot. The acrimony was self evident, in their reporting of excessive speed, of running red lights. Reading the dispatches from the live tweeting of her emails was even more grotesque.
Those emails seem to have revealed an intelligent, an organized mind, a capable leader, someone willing to work hard on behalf of her constituents.
The emails also revealed the depth of depravity to which the LSM and the SLM would go to attempt to defame her. It revealed the core truth that they are profoundly biased, in a way which cannot be trusted, to report news, or even facts, in a meaningful manner.
This all fits into the narrative from the left. And its why we see these SLM descend upon those whom would be popular on the right. My gosh … they so viciously attack the real threats, that all we are left with are RINOs and wannabes.
I do hope that Ms. Palin does decide to join the race. So far the words that I have found most encouraging have come from Pawlenty, and some not running like Christie, Paul Ryan, and others. Blanket no for me on Romney, Newt, Ron Paul, Huntsman, etc. Not sure about Cain. He’d need a good running mate, who is a real hardcore foreign policy wonk, and they’d have to be a team (not like Obama-Biden). Cain isn’t the complete package. I think the guy needs time in an administration or a Senate job for a few years before running to round out some of his weaknesses.
Folks I would like to see in the race include Palin, Christie, Alan West (there’s a guy with a clue, and knows how to talk … would vote for him in a second). Not so sure on Perry.
I know the anti-Palin crowd is large, and many are of the opinion that those of us who like her are “as dumb as her”. I dunno. I have a Ph.D in a hard physical science. I run a computer company, we deal with customers on most of the continents. I wouldn’t characterize me as dumb. I would characterize people who jump to conclusions based upon Tina Fey skits as dumb though.
If she tosses her hat in, I’ll happily not just contribute to her, but see if I can help with volunteering for her. I can’t say the others have me as interested in the race as she does. If she’s not in then it is to our collective loss.
13 years ago
Very nice write-John Galt. Just got done reading everything I could find about Barry’s Amnesty for Illegal’s. Last Week PR this week every ILLEGAL in the world. How long will it take to get back this country. Once again, I have seen The Undefeated, if there is one person out there that doesn’t think Sarah can bring this country back after you see this movie (You need HELP) A white women & a black man gave us the KILLING MACHINE. A white women and a black man will need 8 years to repair the damage. PALIN/WEST 2012 & 2016
That’s a funny tape compilation of what happens when the teleprompter messes up.
I got something else.
Obama prefaced all his harsh words about Israel MUST go to the table with the unified Hamas/Fatah government and make peace, g-d-it!
So, when will that happen?
Looks like the tenth of never.
June 1st:
Who Will Be Included In Fatah-Hamas Cabinet?
June 7th:
Syria, Turkey involved in Palestinian unity deal.
June 15th:
Fatah, Hamas look forward to overcoming government disputes next week.
Today, June 20th:
Fatah-Hamas unity meeting canceled.
Maybe Obama should go light a fire under his friends Hamas and Fatah first.
Then when their ducks are in a row, Obama can come talk to Israel.
Eric Holder is coming after your churches.
He called on ACS members and other progressive allies…..
“We’ve also expanded enforcement efforts to guarantee that in our work places, our military bases, in our housing and lending markets, in our voting booths in our border areas, in our schools and places of worship. And I mean all places of worship,” Holder also said.
“The Department filed a record number of civil rights criminal cases,” Holder added
In separate remarks at the same event, ACS Executive Director Caroline Fredrickson challenged those who would misrepresent the Constitution for political purposes.
“We are challenging the right wing’s effort to undermine our Constitution through misleading theories like originalism and hypocritical terms like strict construction,” Fredrickson said. “Today’s right-wing movement has been re-energized by Tea Party activists, who have wrapped themselves in the Constitution. But we all know the Tea Party does not truly support the Constitution – at least not as written.”
Read more:
Also link to video.
Great compilation, and it does not even have some of Obama’s more famous gaffs.
@Nan G:
Interesting information, particularly those comments from Ms. Fredrickson.
Really now, Ms. Fredrickson. Misleading theories like originalism? As opposed to what, exactly? The theory of the Living Document?
Apparently, she has little knowledge of the the history regarding the Constitution, and of the meanings of the clauses, phrases, sections, etc.
Justice John Marshall, in Marbury vs. Madison, states;
The Constitution is the ‘Supreme Law of the Land‘, and as such, one must consider it the standard to which all legislative law must be compared to, and then determine whether or not a certain law is agreeable with it. With an ever changing “standard”, as is the case if the Constitution is considered a “living document”, there is no continuity of law, and in the end, the Constitution itself is rendered a simple document that means whatever the prevailing sentiment states that it means. In effect, the Constitution becomes null and void, and all law is simply the whims of men, of whichever party, or majority public opinion, wishes them to be.
As for ‘strict constructionism’, that term is often misused when discussing Originalism, and the two terms are not interchangeable. Strict constructionism applies to the thought process that the text of the Constitution must be interpreted strictly by the words used, and the meaning of the words. However, the term is hardly hypocritical, as Ms. Fredrickson states.
Her further statement;
Yes, the Tea Party does tend to wrap themselves in the Constitution, but NO, she is wrong when she states that they do not support it as written. This is an entirely ambiguous claim by her, predicated upon her own ideas of what the certain clauses and phrases mean. For example, through reading related documents, such as the Federalist Papers, and some founding father’s quotes, I come to certain understandings of those clauses and phrases that differ quite a bit from the typical liberal politician’s understanding. It doesn’t mean that either myself, nor they, are particularly wrong to interpret the clauses or phrases the way we do. It does mean, however, that one of us extends greater power to the government than the original intent of the founding fathers is, or was.
This is the root of the entire debate between the “living document” crowd, and those who prefer a more original interpretation of the Constitution. In short, what exactly is the power of the government, concerning certain issues? Those who believe more as I do, believe that the federal government is more limited than is typically accepted amongst the liberal politicians. They, on the other hand, believe in expanded powers, and ofttimes read more into the clauses and phrases than was originally intended. And, as I discussed above, when they do that, they cause the standard, the Supreme Law of the Land, to continually change, and law becomes the whims of men, rather than a bedrock to which the laws are based. One side allows easily for tyrannical rule to take root, while the other prevents it by limiting the power the government has at its disposal.
I, myself, am of the originalism crowd, concerning the Constitution. I strive to understand what the founding fathers, particularly James Madison and Alexander Hamilton, say in their persuasive arguments for the adoption of the Constitution.
Palin….I’ll admit she is a master of manipulating the media and the GOP faithful…but Palin is about PALIN first and foremost.
If she is going to throw her hat into the ring, then do it already. Enough of the coy little games like driving a bus around the nation insinuating that you will run for President, but not officially declaring oneself to be a candidate. She is hurting the party, and making fools out of her well-intentioned backers.
If you do, though, like Palin for President then go with the real deal and not the shameless self-promoter and vote BACHMANN. She’s tough, doesn’t run away if a blogger says mean things about her and she’s got the guts to get into the race and answer the tough questions-something the half-governor from Alaska doesn’t seem capable of doing.
BACHMANN is the rea deal.
Ivan, it’s only the 20th of June. Reagan didn’t announce his intention to run until November. What’s your rush? Just want a lot of long drawn out media BS?
Refresh my memory here. Isn’t it Brazil that His “O”lliness just pumped money into for offshore drilling???
And here’s another good question:
I am assuming that you have some proof of this? Also, I’d like to hear your thoughts on why Sarah Palin is NOT the “real deal”, when it comes to conservative women? Possibly something you found going through her emails yourself?
It’s self-evident, don’t you think? She ditches the people of Alaska half-way through her only term to cash in on her celebrity status. Duh!
Well…let’s see her step up to the plate and take the tough questions like Bachmann is doing, instead of riding around on her love-bus on her tour only taking questions from Fox reporters.
I could care less about her emails, I just get sick of the sycophants on Free Republic or other blog-sites who worship her like she’s the second comming of Ronald Reagan when she isn’t.
How dare you even think to utter Reagan’s name in the same sentence as the half-governor from hick-town USA!!!!
Let’s face it, Palin isn’t going to run or she would have got in the race by now.
NOVEMBER??? What are you smoking? This isn’t 1979, Mata, it’s 2011 and if she waits till November she’ll finish third or fourth at BEST in the early primaries.
You should stop living in the past, me lady.
Ivan, Palin could easily declare in Nov and have no problems. She has name recognition, and serious fund raising abilities. Additionally, she’ll be robbing the MSM of five months of personal smears, and be able to assess the ranks of the competitors. She would be, IMHO, crazy to declare much earlier.
As to Palin’s resignation… you choose your own sordid story to match your venom. Hey… free country and all that. But your tone and reasoning, sans any facts but based your evaluation of her perceived emotions, rob you of any credibility. And apparently, you’ve been even unaware of the legalities fraught with setting up a legal defense fund that others have been allowed to do in the past, but she was prohibited from doing.
The state of Alaska had to spend $300K to $500K on the investigations of the ethics complaints alone… most, if not all, I have documented in the “Alinsky Perfected” series in our archives. That’s cash from the taxpayers coffers for government expenditures that could be best used for other things. That’s on the states’ dime. Additionally Palin was being assailed on a personal level with lawsuits as well. There’s something to be said about the unnessary taxpayer expense because those like you, who hate Palin, were using the system to cast doubt on her.. and using the taxpayers dime to boot.
Secondly, if I had a politician who was costing me extra cash for this stuff, not to mention had to have her time split between doing gubernatorial tasks and tending to sundry personal lawsuits, I would vastly appreciate that politician stepping aside to save me cash, and to allow someone in there who had the luxury of focusing 24/7 on the job of managing the state, and not being distracted with the stress and expenses of personal lawsuits as well.
You present yourself as a capitalist, and yet you have a despicable mean streak with it comes to Sarah Palin. Ergo, the Palins were not particularly flush prior to her arrival on the national scene with the Veep nomination. Not poor, of course, but no where near as affluent as they are now…. thanks, oddly enough, to the mean streak of those like you and the media. Those personal lawsuits were an onus on her family and their fiscal future. Yet you seem to resent someone who actually steps away from a job she hasn’t the luxury to focus on with all the state and personal legal distractions and costs, and instead move the system to her advantage to clear out the defense bills for the failed lawsuits filed against her personally.
So you resent entrepreneurship? Interesting for one who considers himself “conservative”. I guess you only hate entrepreneurship when it benefits someone you don’t like for whatever reason. Me? I think Palin did the Alaskan denizens a great favor by stepping back so the money wouldn’t be drained for frivolous reasons, and letting her successor focus completely – and without distractions – on the needs of the State.
Nope, not really getting the self-evident feeling on that. What I do know is that she stated her resignation from the governorship of Alaska was to spare the state the expense of the frivolous court cases thrown at her. Being that there was, in fact, numerous such frivolous cases, can you not admit that her stated reason might be, in fact, the truth?
So let me get this straight. She hasn’t announced a run for the nomination, yet you wish her to stop what she is doing and step up to answer questions from a provably hostile media, all for the sake of proving to the country whether she, or Bachmann, is the better conservative woman? Really, it’s not as if there isn’t room for more than one, or even two. The facts are, Bachmann has announced, Palin has not. So Bachmann then is somewhat obligated to open herself up to the media, while Palin is just, essentially, a private citizen who is traveling the country stirring up the conservatives.
Also, none of what you stated discounts Palin as being a real conservative. Offer us facts that show the contrary, instead of your simple opinion that she isn’t.
Had to post this, as it is just a great line from Holder;
Really now, Mr. AG, is that why you dropped the case against the NBP thugs, yet the Obama WH is pursuing the case against those truly terrifying Amish with their horrible milk? Or, better yet, is that why you allowed gun sales to Mexican drug cartels in order to tip the scales in the gun control debate? The sooner this abomination is out at AG, along with his boss, the President, the better off the country will be.
@johngalt:” Nope, not really getting the self-evident feeling on that. What I do know is that she stated her resignation from the governorship of Alaska was to spare the state the expense of the frivolous court cases thrown at her. Being that there was, in fact, numerous such frivolous cases, can you not admit that her stated reason might be, in fact, the truth?”
Well, you can include yourself in the cast of FR sychophants then for believing that load of horsecrap. She either:
A. Was chased from office-which it appears you accept.
B. Ditched the American Penal colony (who would in their right mind want to live there full-time?) to cash in on her newly found celebrity status. I accept this explanation.
Dear lord, if you can see that her excuse as a load of crap then you really have lost the ability to engage in critical thinking.
Proof, Ivan, is what I asked for, and yet all you have given is an opinion. When you find it, get back to me. Until then, I will use my fully functional, rational brain to engage in reason and truly critical thinking, rather than accept the unverified opinion of someone I only know from some name on a website.
BTW, I never once stated whether or not I believed her stated reason. You supplied that I have yourself. Now who’s the one who truly does not engage in critical thinking?
John, the “proof” is her lame excuse. No unbiased observer accepts that as her reason for leaving office. Only the most dyed-in-the-wool Palin apologist accepts her excuse.
Poor Ivan…he supported, donated to, and voted for the woman in 2008…yet here he is running her in the ground once again.
Ain’t Somebody dumb?….that’s for sure.
Obama pushed his convict-friend’s ObamaCare bill through the Dem-controlled House and Senate then signed the puppy before anyone could read it.
Now it is even keeping his own chief actuary Richard Foster up at night!
Pelosi once said, ”we have to pass the health care bill so that you can find out what is in it.”
I guess so.
And we are still uncovering more expensive unintended consequences buried in ObamaCare.
Obama lyingly told the CBO that only 7% of all American employees currently covered by employer-sponsored insurance (ESI) will have to switch to subsidized-exchange policies in 2014.
That was a big fib.
It was obviously based on the Mass. plan that resulted in a 7% drop rate, but the Mass. plan has a completely different arrangement for penalties.
Obama doubled down:
But recent studies are finding out just how bad it really is for American workers under ObamaCare.
It gets worse….
So, you still claim that your “proof” is simply your opinion, based on your belief that her stated reason is a “lame excuse”. Sorry Ivan, but I believe you would fail any debate class in school with that reasoning. Just as you are failing here.
I haven’t said in this thread, anywhere, of my own views on Sarah Palin, yet you push me into some fantasy camp of “sycophants”, “dyed-in-the-wool Palin apologists” who are wrong, based on your unfounded, unproved, unverifiable, OPINION, that Palin isn’t the “real deal”, and shouldn’t be mentioned in the same sentence as Reagan, that she was “chased off”, that she lived in a “Penal colony” for a state, and that her excuse is a “load of crap”, and all of that without presenting any actual proof to support your opinion.
Remind me again who is NOT engaging in critical thinking?
@Nan G:
Anyone with common sense should have immediately dropped any support for the bill, if they had any to begin with, at the moment of that utterance from Pelosi. Of course, common sense isn’t so common anymore.
I don’t have any particular problem with Ivan. In fact, we both believe, although he says so more bluntly and somewhat aggressively, that the Republican party is nearly as big a problem as the Democrats are. The one real issue I have is when someone issues a statement that they present as fact, and in reality is merely an expressed opinion that is unsupported. Especially when they continue to fail in giving support to their opinion.
So you actually buy that excuse? she’s innocent of what ever charges are leveled against her, yet she had to resign to “save Alaska (Penal colony) taxpayers some coin”?????
Wow, that’s quite a suspension of disbelief you have going there.
No, actually, you would fail as all you have is some convoluted “excuse” for some lightweight failing to serve out her term.
If she wasn’t guilty, why did she quit? Where there is smoke, there is fire. Of course, you don’t accept anything negative about the lady so you’ll just say that little saying doesn’t apply.
In the land of the sycophant, all reality is suspended.
Please show me where I said that I accept her reasoning. Further, show me proof that her stated reason is not the truth, other than an unsupported opinion you claim as gospel.
Actually, Ivan, what I have presented here is a verifiable statement made by Sarah Palin on why she resigned.
What you have presented as her real reason is opinion that she was looking out for her own celebrity.
And your proof? Nothing. Can you remind the readers here exactly how long it was, after she resigned, and before she engaged in any celebrity-driven commercial venture? The mere fact that she released a couple of books and one TV show for one season means absolutely nothing. It doesn’t prove, nor disprove, your opinion that that alone was the reason for her resignation.
So, I give you her stated reason, you give an unsupported opinion, and you think that your case is stronger than mine, simply because of your opinion? As I said, you’d fail in a debate class with that as your only ammo.
Now, are you going to provide facts to back your assertion that Sarah Palin isn’t a “real deal” conservative? Or, do we just have to take your word, and opinion for it?
The really dumb person throws his own supporters under the bus.
Obama could have lost two of his main legal team, the top lawyers at DOJ and DOD, after he lawyer shopped to find one who agreed with him, instead of following their advice on his War Powers Act decision.
Now Obama is blowing it again!
More at the Guardian
Your insecurity over the “non-candidate” candidate is frightening.
If you like Palin, who isn’t running and will probably not run, just support Bachmann.
If Palin doesn’t run, who do you intend on supporting?
Projection much?
You know why I’ve been ignoring Ivan?
A recent poll showed I was in the majority.
90% of all TEA party members will support and vote for who ever is the Republican nominee.
80% of all Republicans will also do the same.
Ivan wishes to box you into a corner prematurely.
Don’t fall for his ploys….unsubstantiated by facts as his ”arguments” are.
Insecurity? About who? When have I said, within this topic, who I support? I am merely questioning your lack of factual evidence to support your statement of opinion. Have you found any yet?
Who I like at the moment really isn’t a concern here, as the discussion was about your words in relation to Palin, and nothing else. The fact that you cannot provide any info supporting your opinions, or at least, haven’t shown the ability at this point, brings into question on what, exactly, you do know about it. My guess is nothing, and that you are merely parroting what you’ve heard, or read, elsewhere.
I’ll ask again: Can you provide any information that proves Sarah Palin is not a “real deal” conservative? I asked for it in my post #8, and you still haven’t provided anything.
@Nan G:
I don’t blame you for ignoring Ivan. I realize that it doesn’t get me anywhere, but I’m not doing it for that. Larry hasn’t been around lately when I’ve been on and Rich is hardly engaging in thoughtful debate, even if he is a somewhat decent guy. I don’t come here merely for the arguments, but it helps to debate topics as it helps one learn much more about them as well as how to answer liberals arguments.
Actually, Ivan, what I have presented here is a verifiable statement made by Sarah Palin on why she resigned.
Again, “Duh”. It’s called an excuse, an alibi. Every perp has one.
If someone subjected me to an “ethics probe” I’d be more than happy to drain the state coffers to defend my name- IF I WAS NOT GUILTY.
And you fell for the “Drained my famlies finances” crock-of-shit defense. Ever heard of a “Legal defense fund”???? The Clintons were masters at defending themselves with this perfectly legal vehicle. All Palin had to do-if she was innocent- was set up one of those and have all her lemmings donate their hard-earned cash to it.
It’s called “Hardball politics” and that is what one does in modern politics. Sorry, she’s either too unsophisticated to know about the LDF, thus excluding herself from consideration for the highest office in the nation, or she was guilty as the day is long on the summer solstice-or she wanted to cash in while she was red-hot.
Again, you fall for some simplistic alibi which I shot full of holes in about 2 minutes.
Well, I certainly understand why some people get into very heated arguments with you, Ivan. You’re like a dog who finds a shoe, thinks it’s a toy, and doesn’t let go.
Again, it’s your OPINIONs that you are presenting here, not fact, yet you continue to present them as “proof” that Sarah Palin is somehow a “lightweight” in the political arena. Good luck with that. I presented her stated reason for resignation, you presented opinions based on nothing of that being an excuse, or “alibi”. And you’ve still failed to present any evidence that she isn’t a true conservative in her views and actions. Please tell us, with facts, why Michelle Bachmann is more conservative than Sarah Palin. I’ve been waiting for this since post #8.
The NLRB strikes again!
So, not only does the NLRB issue a directive essentially preventing a company from moving one of it’s manufacturing centers to a non-union friendly state, but they now issue an edict that favors the formation of unions within a workplace.
Can someone explain to me exactly where it is located, within the Constitution, the clause or phrase that gives the federal government the power to insinuate themselves into a private companies workplace, that allows them to, in effect, veto any proposed changes or moves by a private company?
The NLRB was set up by presidential edict, an issuance of an Executive Order, in 1934 by FDR after the failure, and striking down, of the National Industrial Recovery Act of 1933. The board has powers that are not granted to the executive branch of the federal government by the Constitution. Their main concern has always been the welfare of unions, ofttimes at the expense of the welfare of non-union workers. As such, it is an organization that is not concerned with the equality of opportunity, but rather, the advancement of pro-union causes, whether they result in equal opportunity or no. In essence, it’s just one more unConstitutional organization within our federal government promoted by progressives, and accepted by today’s populace by the sole fact of it’s longevity, and not it’s actual usefulness, or allowance by the Constitution.
Are you saying that no LDF was established?
Talk about being shot full of holes.
I’m still waiting for some actual facts about Sarah Palin from Ivan, instead of innuendo and unsupported opinion. Will I have to wait long, do you think?
Yeah…you’re gonna have quite a wait.
Might want to go ahead and schedule a haircut.
Always good to chat with you, buddy.
An alibi isn’t “proof” or “evidence”, it’s an “excuse.” You accept her at her word-a politician’s word-and I don’t (she is in fact a politician).
Why is this so difficult to understand? Given how she’s turned herself and her family into a money machine (poor Bristol, so sad how Sarah did that to her), the preponderance of evidence is with me, not her lame alibi.
Yeah… there’s a statement by a “conservative” who believes in entrepreneurialship and capitalism…. NOT! Joining Greg in the whining about those who are successful now, Ivan? It’s the company and party you belong in, ya know.
Laughable. I had a good belly-laugh at this comment.
IF she was GUILTY you would want her gone, but if she was innocent you, as a member of America’s penal colony, wouldn’t want her gone. You’d direct your animus at the people leveling the charges, wouldn’t you?
You see you have set up a paradigm where the innocent are hailed for leaving office! If she did nothing wrong she should have stayed and fought-even with the money from the taxpayers-and then let the chips fall where they may.
But we’ll never know if she was guilty of the charges as she quit half-way through her only term.
The things you apologists will say to support your non-candidate are breathtaking in the extreme!
Ivan… dearie… I did indeed direct my “animus” towards those that were leveling the false charges. I did two separate series on Palin that are linked in the featured post section in the side bar to the right. You might want to sit down and do some reading. I’m pretty hep the the Palin/complaints antics of those days.
The reason I labeled it “Alinksy Perfected” was the rule to attack and discredit was perfected that the cost of that assault could be borne by the taxpayers themselves, and not the attackers. The Alaskan ethics complaint system is structured so that anyone can file a complaint – without any charges or repercussions – and the state/taxpayers are forced to pay for any investigations of that complaint. How perfect! Use everyone else’s cash for their own smear campaign. Even in our court system, if someone files a frivolous lawsuit, they bear the costs of legal respresentation and the court process. Not so for the ethics complaints in Alaska.
If I were personally to be saddled with multiple lawsuits in my business, both personal and thru arbitration channels for business, I’d be bogged under not only with heavy costs… innocent or not… plus seriously distracted in taking care of my clientele. I do them no good if I am not 100% focused on my tasks at hand. I would be rendered extrememly ineffective. You can be driven out of business with actions such as these. And driving Palin out of office was exactly the goal of those that filed complaint after complaint… all with no justification when investigations were concluded.
You again assume you know what others are thinking, and then pepper your commentary with personal remarks and insults. And you wonder why you are considered a laughstock and an embarrassment to fellow conservatives? Or confused why you are treated with like kind commentary in return? Then it’s laughable you go crawling to Curt, whining about how you’re such a victim. You have far too many liberal traits for me to respect.
Personally, I don’t care about you, your vitriol, nor your rabid emotional hatred for Palin. I haven’t picked a candidate, nor am likely to. The game is over before the team makes it to my playing field, and I’m left with what the few states who genuinely get to pick the candidate give me. I might as well pine for a lottery win where the prize is a private, sovereign island. I’m pretty much an anyone-but-Obama person, save for at least three right now. Romney, Ron Paul and Hunstman, and I’ll either be voting third party, or not participating. Romney and Huntsman are a blanket no. Ron Paul, I cannot abide his foreign policy platform. But when it comes to who I think could stand strong for the looming fight, only Bachmann and Palin make the cut, along with Herman Cain.
Do you never tire of flaunting your ignorance? The investigations were completed, and their outcomes are documented in my Alinsky Perfected series.
Breathtaking perfectly describes your pure hormonal emotions and unmitigated stupidity.
Yeah, sorry I have a vibrant life outside of FA.
I did get to it though, in a nice, timely manner.
Another “bad” by a Palin apologist.
You did? Are you sure?
Let’s review, shall we? Here’s what John said:
Now, having read the spatter that you left in #36 I’ve discovered that have yet to present the facts that John has requested multiple times from you extending all the way back to post #8:
In short, John is still waiting.
Do try and keep up with the conversation rather than patting yourself on the back for some imagined accomplishment.
Aye pretty much addressed to you my thoughts.
I’m still waiting for any piece of evidence, however small it might be, that shows Sarah Palin not to be as strong, or stronger, conservative than Michele Bachmann. You HAVEN’T provided that. You’ve only given me an opinion based on nothing, yet you claim “evidence” to that end is with you? Why don’t you list again what evidence you have provided. I seem to have missed it. Numerous times, it seems. I’ll be waiting patiently.
BTW, whether or not I believe her “excuse”, as you put it, is still up for debate, as I haven’t registered an opinion on that one way or the other. Go back through all of my comments, to #8, and show me where I’ve said anything that states my own position on that particular subject.
For all of your blathering you’ve done here in this topic, you haven’t actually presented any information from an outside source, nor have you actually stated my true position on Sarah Palin, mainly because I haven’t given it here, but also because you tend to exaggerate, and outright lie, about what people state in their comments. Please. I’m waiting for actual substance from you. Not just innuendo, hearsay, and your own, unsupported, opinion.
Alas, poor Ivan.
Can’t (or won’t) read.
Can’t (or won’t) look up sources.
Can’t (or won’t) listen to speeches.
Ivan has the symptoms of being a mind-numbed robot, simply parroting (John Cleese, bless his heart) the Lame-Stream Media and all of their lies, innuendos, and character assassination.
How about fact-checking, Ivan?
What noted journalist bought a home next to the Obama home in Chicago, in order to spy on him?
What collection of journalists went to Chicago to inquire as to his work as a community organizer, law school professor, and Illinois State Senator?
What freedom of information lawsuit was brought to reveal all of the e-mails sent by President Obama, either as a State Senator, United States Senator, community organizer, or law school professor?
All of the above activities have been carried out against Gov. Palin.
Alas, poor Ivan. His mind is made up. Please do not EVER confuse him with facts.
A mind is a terrible thing to waste.
Especially a mind lost in the Media of Yesteryear.
Double especially a mind lost in “all the news fit to slander.”
Skookum, thought you might get a kick out of this:
Did Shakespeare Smoke Weed? Let’s Dig Him Up and Find Out
Or response to a call to jihad…..
Plot broken up by a fellow Muslim.
Thank you.
That person, who has a criminal record, became a paid confidential informant.
Nature magazine–not exactly on the top of the sales rack even at Barnes & Noble (I subscribe)–last week reported a bizarre story that is receiving no attention in the U.S. media that I’ve seen: The Eurocrats in Brussels have uncovered a massive organized crime effort that secured $72 million in fraudulent scientific research grants.
An excerpt:
The strange part of this story is that it offers no details about what specific areas of government research funding were pilfered, or what “results” may have come of the fraudulent research projects they supported.
You are one hurtin’ unit.
Just came back from NYC and witneesed a movie that will even make Ivan a true believer “The Undefeated” everything that I have read in 40 plus statements will be answered in this movie. I saw the XXX rated copy. I wonder if Ivan is from Hollywood?????(He talks like those Zombies) Johngalt-I think you and Mata Harley made Ivan snap, and Mathman your 44 put a bullet into Ivan’s blah-blah-blah. Sarah and my loving wife both had me “AT HELLO” Sarah is your next President-I sleep good at night because I can hold out until 2/13
I heard Barry tell us that we have to re-build, re-invest in the USA the other day. Didn’t Sarah tell Greta that we have to keep our money at home instead of borrowing 2 billion dollars to GIVE to Egypt a few weeks ago. This guy is lying and stealing. Didn’t Barry tell Egypt that they didn’t have to pay us back what they have owed us for the past decade ???? Everyone-see the movie “The Undefeated” you will see this women in a different light.
Yes MataHarley I am the sniper from ben liden PALIN/WEST 2012 & 2016
Where is Ivan now?
Hi johngalt, Aye, Mata and others
Ivan sounds exactly like one of the liberals whom are absolutely terrified of Palin. This is my impression from this thread. I know many whom are so vicious and so devoutly anti-Palin, that when questioned about why, you literally see snarling, bared teeth, and sophmoric attestations to her presumed lack of intelligence, greed, or, and this is incredibly common with lefties, attacks on her for leaving the governors office when she had many lawsuits seeking to do a wealth transfer from alaskan citizen to liberal lawyers.
Instead of looking into these people in greater depth, the snarling lefty masses (SLM) viciously attacks her. Damned if she does, damned if she doesn’t enter the race. Reading the dispatches from the LSM during her east coast bus tour were a riot. The acrimony was self evident, in their reporting of excessive speed, of running red lights. Reading the dispatches from the live tweeting of her emails was even more grotesque.
Those emails seem to have revealed an intelligent, an organized mind, a capable leader, someone willing to work hard on behalf of her constituents.
The emails also revealed the depth of depravity to which the LSM and the SLM would go to attempt to defame her. It revealed the core truth that they are profoundly biased, in a way which cannot be trusted, to report news, or even facts, in a meaningful manner.
This all fits into the narrative from the left. And its why we see these SLM descend upon those whom would be popular on the right. My gosh … they so viciously attack the real threats, that all we are left with are RINOs and wannabes.
I do hope that Ms. Palin does decide to join the race. So far the words that I have found most encouraging have come from Pawlenty, and some not running like Christie, Paul Ryan, and others. Blanket no for me on Romney, Newt, Ron Paul, Huntsman, etc. Not sure about Cain. He’d need a good running mate, who is a real hardcore foreign policy wonk, and they’d have to be a team (not like Obama-Biden). Cain isn’t the complete package. I think the guy needs time in an administration or a Senate job for a few years before running to round out some of his weaknesses.
Folks I would like to see in the race include Palin, Christie, Alan West (there’s a guy with a clue, and knows how to talk … would vote for him in a second). Not so sure on Perry.
I know the anti-Palin crowd is large, and many are of the opinion that those of us who like her are “as dumb as her”. I dunno. I have a Ph.D in a hard physical science. I run a computer company, we deal with customers on most of the continents. I wouldn’t characterize me as dumb. I would characterize people who jump to conclusions based upon Tina Fey skits as dumb though.
If she tosses her hat in, I’ll happily not just contribute to her, but see if I can help with volunteering for her. I can’t say the others have me as interested in the race as she does. If she’s not in then it is to our collective loss.
Very nice write-John Galt. Just got done reading everything I could find about Barry’s Amnesty for Illegal’s. Last Week PR this week every ILLEGAL in the world. How long will it take to get back this country. Once again, I have seen The Undefeated, if there is one person out there that doesn’t think Sarah can bring this country back after you see this movie (You need HELP) A white women & a black man gave us the KILLING MACHINE. A white women and a black man will need 8 years to repair the damage. PALIN/WEST 2012 & 2016