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The Curious Justification Of Perversion By The Left

Diogenes Searches For A Human Or Perhaps An Honest Man

How Beautous Mankind Is! O Brave New World That Has Such People In’t

The Tempest, The Bard

Oh Praise Be The Weiner, at least until he has disgraced himself beyond levels of acceptability. Lies and false accusations of criminality are acceptable to a point, but eventually, even a Democrat reaches a point too far. Now that the hounds of reality and truth have treed the dark haired spokesman for Progressivism and all things Socialist, within the tree of accountability, there is but one option open.

Weiner now must fall upon the blunted sword of mental illness; in a move meant to gather a sympathetic army of witless Progressive Socialists around him, he now feigns a disease that no one has heard of, but one that guarantees him time and an excuse for his degenerate behavior. He is no longer considered a wretched pervert: he is now a victim of a terrible disease that made him helpless to resist the horrible symptoms of the disease.

It would be considered inhumane to unseat a congressman who is in therapy to recover from an addiction. We Americans are always willing to offer help to those seeking to help themselves. The more skeptical among us will view his sudden realization of an affliction of mental illness as a shrewd political maneuver, but we realists are considered cynics and therefore unworthy to pass judgement on such delicate matters.

Now Weiner is poised between the sheets of semi-respectability and he waits; for in this game, timing is critical. If he can present himself in tights and cape and Weiner in hand at a critical moment, the world or at least the Democrat Party may forgive those minor indiscretions of the past and welcome a deciding vote with open arms. With his party behind him once more, he only has those evil and cynical Republicans to contend with and they can be so partisan.

Diogenes The Cynic Searched With A Lantern In Daylight For A Human

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