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Democrats Hold The Hypocrisy Banner High

We must not forget the heroic words of Nancy Pelosi in 2006, when she vowed that if she became Speaker of The House that she would, “drain the swamp of corruption.” It was a noble phrase that Americans were waiting to hear and Nancy surely paid a speech writer well for his effort. The phrase could have been a pledge to be honored, bringing bothb honor and integrity to a House that has been marred with corruption and scandal. Instead, it became another empty slogan of a campaign, to be forgotten amid wars and an increasingly vulnerable economy. Unfortunately, the dirty Weiner arose from his pulpit of sanctimonious indignation and served to remind the public of the outrageous hyperbole of Pelosi’s proclamation.

Even after the multiple ethics infractions of Rangel, she and the Dems protected both Rangel and Waters, but comparatively speaking, she is utterly impotent and powerless when she comes face to face with the Weiner. Waters and Rangel deserved their day in court, but more importantly Americans deserved to see them in court for those same crimes, lesser Americans often receive prison time. With Rangel, we see ethics charges that amounted to little more than a slap on the wrist and still he claims he was railroaded. Waters’ trial, has seemingly been placed on indefinite hold until she is defeated or it is forgotten.

Now, we have Weiner who refuses to quit when nearly everyone except Rangel has asked him to step down. Rangel in an extraordinary example of Democratic logic and ethics, has stated that since he wasn’t texting little boys, there was no foul. Thank you Congressman Rangel, your sage wisdom will now become a part of history that will be held up as a modern day equivalent of Nathan Hale’s “I only regret that I have but one life to give for my country.”

Still the indomitable Weiner and his refusal to accept rejection is causing an extreme embarrassment for the Democrat Party; an embarrassment that will cost them votes in 2012. Will Pelosi be forced to actually to pull the imaginary plug to get rid of the rotten Weiner. It is a true conundrum (a problem with more than two solutions) for Pelosi. If she ignores his perversions and refuses to act, the Democrat Party may well cease to be a significant force after the next election. If she moves to have him removed there will be political fall out among the Democrat ranks and even more attention will be focused on the scandal. He has now entered “recovery”, a word that by definition implies he will win over his sexual perversions by paying his dues and by being treated; thus he will never be compelled to commit these perversions again and with a few extra sessions they may convince him that lying and making false criminal accusations is wrong as well. It is amazing what a little treatment can accomplish these days. Honesty, integrity, morals, and honor are all available if you just pay for your hourly sessions. It is amazing we even send people to prison these days. There is one slight hitch in this grand giddy-up, Americans don’t like or trust Perverts; especially, lying perverts in positions of leadership. If Pelosi is willing to claim that the Lindsay Lohan cure will make Weiner into a brand new “Member” the American people will laugh at the absurdity of Pelosi and her hare brained logic. Of course the Democrats will suffer serious defeats no matter what direction Pelosi chooses, as a direct result of her indecision in dealing with the corruption she boasted of ending and of not knowing what to do with a misbehaving Weiner. However, perhaps she originally meant to only get rid of Republican corruption.

In 2010, Pelosi maintained that Democrats implemented ‘the toughest ethics reform in a generation’ when they took the house 2006. “Drain the swamp we did, as this was a terrible place” was part of her 2010 speech, but from there her speech became more like Obama without a teleprompter; especially, when she tried to explain “Drain The Swamp” did not include individual ethical violations like those committed by Rangel.

In fairness to Pelosi, she did finally see the corruption in a congressman being caught with a freezer full of cold cash in Louisiana and after an interminable phase of time, she asked Congressman Jefferson to pack up and leave. In sharp contrast to Congressman Lee, whose picture of a “naked” torso made Speaker Boehner tell him to pack his tack the same day. A much tamer photo that appeared on the internet than the famous Weiner photos, that featured a nude Weiner and an out of control ego.

Lee gets an immediate bum’s rush and Weiner gets Pelosi as leader of the Minority calling for another fake ethics investigation while she recovers from an attack of vapors.

The American public is seeing the difference between Republican actions and Democrat hypocrisy. Pelosi and her Weiner Member are taking the brunt of the criticism, but in 2012, there will be plenty to go around.

The clock is ticking Nancy…

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