Curt you do it again!!!!! I do not know where you got this from, but I am glad to know someone from the Black community still has his eyes open and his head screwed on correctly! Dr. Walter William is my kind of person…none of us will ever be more than those before us unless we raise up above our own limitations.
The Federal government has in actuality enslaved us all! The modern form of taxation that we endure is a form of direct slavery. Share croppers and bond slaves enjoyed a higher percentage of proceeds from their labor than we do today! Ever thought about how much tax we really pay? Cellular phone tax, Fuel tax, VAT tax, Import Tax, Security tax, Income tax….What we have is about 32% percent of the population supporting the other 68% (Government and welfare & social aid recipients) paying out more than 65% of what they actually earn…..That is slavery!
This fine gentleman is right in all that he is saying! Social aid was never meant to be a mainstay for the life of people and should be returned to the State level and taken out of the hands of the Federal level. Liberals and Socialist want you to be totally dependent on the State (Federal Government) and not have the ability occupy yourself with what they are doing, but rather be focused on what you are getting from them! All of what we are discussing here has taken form in the last 100 years, with the infestation of liberals and progressive thinking in the United States Government! Return much of these matters to the State level while keeping the federal government out of the picture and they will begin to straighten up! However as long as liberals on committees are running things who could care less what is actually happening…well then nothing will change and areas like New York will continue to absorb many times more than what they pay in taxes and the slavery will only get worse!
13 years ago
When the Frankfort School Marxists fled Nazi Germany, they migrated to the U.S., accepting jobs as university professors in schools such as UCLA, and Columbia, Obama’s alma mater. The Frankfort School had designed a set of concepts that would destroy a system in order to rebuild that system as a Marxist one. Joseph, Comte de Maistre, who was followed by the Frankfort School philosphers, said “can a nation not die on its own soil, without resettlement or invasion, by allowing the fires of decomposition to corrupt to the very core those original and constituent principle which make it what it is?” The Frankfort School of thought, called “cultural Marxism” was later sold as “political correctness”.
Some of the precepts of the Frankfort School were:
creation of racism offences
teaching of homosexuality and sex to children (under 12)
massive immigration to destroy a national identity
and the two that have affected black America the most:
dependency on the state or state benefits, and
encouraging the breakdown of the family
Now, black Americans, striving to catch up to their white counterparts, were the most susceptible to the last two. Race baiters, such as Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton, appeared on the scene to convince black America that it was owed more than the desires of their slave ancestors which had simply been that the government should get out of their way and allow them to persue their dreams. They had been harmed, and it was the duty of white Americans, via taxation, to pay reparations for what their ancestors had suffered under slavery. Many uneducated blacks bought into it. LBJ came along and with his “Great Society” told black women “Hey, you don’t need a baby daddy. The government is going to support your kids.” Add to that an concept of “racial grievances” based on the Frankfort School philosopy of “racism offences” and you have a created an atmosphere for the total breakdown of the American value of individual responsibility in at least one segment of the American society. That philosophy has now been expanded to include Hispanics.
Consequently, the segment of our society that was the most religious, and with the strongest family ties of any group, has been reduced to a dependent group that relys on the largess of the federal government for their very existance. Many blacks have been convinced that they do not need to be ambitious or seek personal success as it is the government’s responsibility to take care of them.
Starr Parker wrote a book Uncle Sam’s Plantation that is well worth your time to read it. She understands the chains that come with government dependency. She was a welfare mom who escaped the system, but only after she had aborted at least three of her children. She is now a strong advocate for marriage, religious teaching and anti-dependency.
J V Hoffman
13 years ago
@retire05: retire05 Good commentary and good composition! Thank you I enjoyed it! Having lived abroad most of my life I see things so much more clear and black and white than those who are only living in the States! The differences that I have witnessed and seen in the areas you refer to are breath taking! Like you referred to “politically correct” it makes my blood boil when I hear that term! Just another way for them to say it does not suit the Socialistic-Communistic path they are trying to educate!
13 years ago
J V, thank you. Most people are unaware of the Frankfort School and the forces it has shown in changing our social structure. The concept of Cultural Marxism was simple to destroy a nation (society) from within to rebuilt it in their philosophy. Everyday we see how those who subscribe to that premise continue to change society by social “engineering.” The Europeans bought into that philosophy and look where it has gotten them.
When Obama talks about “rebuilding” our nation, you have to first accept one of two things: that it will have to be torn down in order to rebuild, or that it has already been torn down and needs to be rebuilt. Either way is unacceptable.
AMERICA doesn’t need rebuilding, never will, It is builted on strong values encrypted with the blood of the patriots since it’s foundation, and WHO DARE TO TRY AS THEY ARE DOING NOW WILL PAY A BIG PRICE WHEN THE TOLERANCE LIMIT IS ACHIEVE, AND PEOPLE’S POWER WILL BE DISPLAY.
13 years ago
Can we finally toss out the “White Guilt” mime… and change it to “Liberal Guilt”?
If what JV Hoffman #[1] says is true; 32% of population is supporting 68% of the population…you don’t have to be a rocket scientist to know that is a staggering statistic. Not to mention depressing. No wonder the Left demonizes the Rich and Wealthy, almost [demanding] they [pay their ‘fair’ share to the masses] where else is the Government going to get additional [TAXES] to support all the dregs of society who don’t contribute to their own welfare or the Freedoms this Great Country has to offer? All the out of wedlock ‘babies’ without [Fathers]….Liberalism is not only a FAIL But A total Disaster… on Many Many Many levels…
Side Track: Food For Thought…
“If a politician gets elected by the poor on a promise to eliminate poverty, wouldn’t fulfilling his promise destroy his voting base? Wouldn’t he rather benefit from the growing numbers of poor people? Isn’t this an obvious conflict of interests?”
Poverty in itself will NEVER be eliminated…not only is it improbable…but virtually impossible. No matter where you raise or lower the bar, there will always be people at the top – people in the middle people towards the bottom – and people AT the bottom….I think it’s the common sense order of things… competition…Capitalism, Free Markets, and Success….Welfare only perpetuates POVERTY…when are Liberals going to ever learn this?
“How did the “war on poverty” end? Has there been a peace treaty or a ceasefire? Who is the occupying force and who are the insurgents?”
“If the poor in America have things that people in other countries can only dream about, why is there a movement to make America more like those other countries?”
“Why does Hollywood glamorize drug addicts, criminals, Liberal Democrats, and mentally challenged people? What do they all have in common?”
“If there are no absolutes and family is an antiquated tool of bourgeois oppression, why is having gay marriage an absolute must?”
I guess I’ll just try to hang in there until we literally implode Good Luck and God Bless everyone….
J V Hoffman
13 years ago
@FAITH7: The liberals want to perpetuate poverty! They want all of us to be dependent upon the system! Have you ever taken a look at how much money goes into Non-profit Organizations, How much they suck from our tax dollars? Worst off the big majority of them are LIBERAL ORGANIZATIONS! When Katrina hit the Gulf Coast who came to help? Churches, Communities and municipal groups, Contractors, some corporations, and private individuals! Where were all of the Liberal Non profit organizations? Busy helping queers to adjust to living and exceeding in heterosexual society, or providing care and adjustment for the children of Homosexual and Lesbian parents! Among many more! The Red Cross and several other organizations were even sited for misuse of funds and misappropriation as well.
Hollywood they are blowing smoke across the battlefield so we cannot clearly see the enemy!
13 years ago
Say what? Welfare did more to destroy black people than slavery and Jim Crowism? Excuse me but folks, American slavery created the first illegitimate family structures in America when white slave masters fathered many mulatto children and walked off because of they had that privilege. Welfare came along later as a political appendage toward the continued hindrance of black socioeconomic achievement in this country. Now that I see that this is coming from the FOX network, I understand why we have such an ignorant black man trying to describe the symptoms of pathology; white supremacy, racism, and the invention of social programs that do not aid but fail by design are the problem. Welfare exacerbated an already desperate predicament among a broken group of people surviving a shameful poverty existence. Certainly people of good will and intention served in these programs with honor and dignity because they wanted to see something good happen, but racial politics and racist ideology and practices never had the intention of fostering the success of blacks. It already knew it was a crippling subterfuge. As far back as the late 1940s, Federal Housing programs in the North were instituted to help address the massive arrival of blacks leaving the south to cities up north like Chicago, New York, and Washington, D.C., because of Jim Crowism and more; in so doing, the Federal Housing project generated what became known as “rampant ghettoization” which was a program designed to suppress enough numbers of blacks from making their socioeconomic climb out of poverty once they arrived; hence, welfare and unemployment became synonymous – so much that welfare seems to be linked to black people, although demographics show that more whites are on welfare than blacks. A real solution to the problem by way of a social program would emphasize on the creation of a stable economy, equinimity and socioeconomic transitions toward that groups own sustainability. It isn’t that these programs can’t work, it is how they are designed not to; and the reasons that become so layered. One cannot argue with the look on a mother’s face when she cannot feed her starving child; and historically, every group of people thought-out the vestiges of time used some social or slave institution system to form the basis of acquiring wealth, power, and stability; America’s slave system was a crime against humanity because it was barbaric. And blacks have yet to be given their full recognition for contributing greatly to the wealth and creation of many great inventions in this country. America can’t have it both ways; use its power to cripple advantages and then blame blacks and others on welfare because the system doesn’t work. When blacks built their own towns and circulated their own wealth, such as in the case of “Black Wall Street” in Oklahoma during the 1920s, black people did not have to leave their own communities for anything. They had their own economic wealth! And even a small percentage of whites lived and worked in the black community and there were no problems – people were civil. The problem did not start until white racist mobs set out to completely destroy a thriving black community of homeowners, businesses, schools, churches, markets, and shop. These people and their life work were set ablaze! Women were also raped and many people were killed. America’s deeply rooted pathology of hatred is its insecurity. Decent folks had their town burnt down to the ground by whites, incensed by the great example blacks were setting. Where was justice? Local or state? There were no programs to give those black people back their town. As long as racism has the power to destroy the well being and livelihood of others, such social programs are warranted. The problem isn’t the social programs; it is the fear of whites over black achievement and empowerment.
Curt you do it again!!!!! I do not know where you got this from, but I am glad to know someone from the Black community still has his eyes open and his head screwed on correctly! Dr. Walter William is my kind of person…none of us will ever be more than those before us unless we raise up above our own limitations.
The Federal government has in actuality enslaved us all! The modern form of taxation that we endure is a form of direct slavery. Share croppers and bond slaves enjoyed a higher percentage of proceeds from their labor than we do today! Ever thought about how much tax we really pay? Cellular phone tax, Fuel tax, VAT tax, Import Tax, Security tax, Income tax….What we have is about 32% percent of the population supporting the other 68% (Government and welfare & social aid recipients) paying out more than 65% of what they actually earn…..That is slavery!
This fine gentleman is right in all that he is saying! Social aid was never meant to be a mainstay for the life of people and should be returned to the State level and taken out of the hands of the Federal level. Liberals and Socialist want you to be totally dependent on the State (Federal Government) and not have the ability occupy yourself with what they are doing, but rather be focused on what you are getting from them! All of what we are discussing here has taken form in the last 100 years, with the infestation of liberals and progressive thinking in the United States Government! Return much of these matters to the State level while keeping the federal government out of the picture and they will begin to straighten up! However as long as liberals on committees are running things who could care less what is actually happening…well then nothing will change and areas like New York will continue to absorb many times more than what they pay in taxes and the slavery will only get worse!
When the Frankfort School Marxists fled Nazi Germany, they migrated to the U.S., accepting jobs as university professors in schools such as UCLA, and Columbia, Obama’s alma mater. The Frankfort School had designed a set of concepts that would destroy a system in order to rebuild that system as a Marxist one. Joseph, Comte de Maistre, who was followed by the Frankfort School philosphers, said “can a nation not die on its own soil, without resettlement or invasion, by allowing the fires of decomposition to corrupt to the very core those original and constituent principle which make it what it is?” The Frankfort School of thought, called “cultural Marxism” was later sold as “political correctness”.
Some of the precepts of the Frankfort School were:
creation of racism offences
teaching of homosexuality and sex to children (under 12)
massive immigration to destroy a national identity
and the two that have affected black America the most:
dependency on the state or state benefits, and
encouraging the breakdown of the family
Now, black Americans, striving to catch up to their white counterparts, were the most susceptible to the last two. Race baiters, such as Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton, appeared on the scene to convince black America that it was owed more than the desires of their slave ancestors which had simply been that the government should get out of their way and allow them to persue their dreams. They had been harmed, and it was the duty of white Americans, via taxation, to pay reparations for what their ancestors had suffered under slavery. Many uneducated blacks bought into it. LBJ came along and with his “Great Society” told black women “Hey, you don’t need a baby daddy. The government is going to support your kids.” Add to that an concept of “racial grievances” based on the Frankfort School philosopy of “racism offences” and you have a created an atmosphere for the total breakdown of the American value of individual responsibility in at least one segment of the American society. That philosophy has now been expanded to include Hispanics.
Consequently, the segment of our society that was the most religious, and with the strongest family ties of any group, has been reduced to a dependent group that relys on the largess of the federal government for their very existance. Many blacks have been convinced that they do not need to be ambitious or seek personal success as it is the government’s responsibility to take care of them.
Starr Parker wrote a book Uncle Sam’s Plantation that is well worth your time to read it. She understands the chains that come with government dependency. She was a welfare mom who escaped the system, but only after she had aborted at least three of her children. She is now a strong advocate for marriage, religious teaching and anti-dependency.
@retire05: retire05 Good commentary and good composition! Thank you I enjoyed it! Having lived abroad most of my life I see things so much more clear and black and white than those who are only living in the States! The differences that I have witnessed and seen in the areas you refer to are breath taking! Like you referred to “politically correct” it makes my blood boil when I hear that term! Just another way for them to say it does not suit the Socialistic-Communistic path they are trying to educate!
J V, thank you. Most people are unaware of the Frankfort School and the forces it has shown in changing our social structure. The concept of Cultural Marxism was simple to destroy a nation (society) from within to rebuilt it in their philosophy. Everyday we see how those who subscribe to that premise continue to change society by social “engineering.” The Europeans bought into that philosophy and look where it has gotten them.
When Obama talks about “rebuilding” our nation, you have to first accept one of two things: that it will have to be torn down in order to rebuild, or that it has already been torn down and needs to be rebuilt. Either way is unacceptable.
AMERICA doesn’t need rebuilding, never will, It is builted on strong values encrypted with the blood of the patriots since it’s foundation, and WHO DARE TO TRY AS THEY ARE DOING NOW WILL PAY A BIG PRICE WHEN THE TOLERANCE LIMIT IS ACHIEVE, AND PEOPLE’S POWER WILL BE DISPLAY.
Can we finally toss out the “White Guilt” mime… and change it to “Liberal Guilt”?
If what JV Hoffman #[1] says is true; 32% of population is supporting 68% of the population…you don’t have to be a rocket scientist to know that is a staggering statistic. Not to mention depressing. No wonder the Left demonizes the Rich and Wealthy, almost [demanding] they [pay their ‘fair’ share to the masses] where else is the Government going to get additional [TAXES] to support all the dregs of society who don’t contribute to their own welfare or the Freedoms this Great Country has to offer? All the out of wedlock ‘babies’ without [Fathers]….Liberalism is not only a FAIL But A total Disaster… on Many Many Many levels…
Side Track: Food For Thought…
“If a politician gets elected by the poor on a promise to eliminate poverty, wouldn’t fulfilling his promise destroy his voting base? Wouldn’t he rather benefit from the growing numbers of poor people? Isn’t this an obvious conflict of interests?”
Poverty in itself will NEVER be eliminated…not only is it improbable…but virtually impossible. No matter where you raise or lower the bar, there will always be people at the top – people in the middle people towards the bottom – and people AT the bottom….I think it’s the common sense order of things… competition…Capitalism, Free Markets, and Success….Welfare only perpetuates POVERTY…when are Liberals going to ever learn this?
“How did the “war on poverty” end? Has there been a peace treaty or a ceasefire? Who is the occupying force and who are the insurgents?”
“If the poor in America have things that people in other countries can only dream about, why is there a movement to make America more like those other countries?”
“Why does Hollywood glamorize drug addicts, criminals, Liberal Democrats, and mentally challenged people? What do they all have in common?”
“If there are no absolutes and family is an antiquated tool of bourgeois oppression, why is having gay marriage an absolute must?”
I guess I’ll just try to hang in there until we literally implode Good Luck and God Bless everyone….
@FAITH7: The liberals want to perpetuate poverty! They want all of us to be dependent upon the system! Have you ever taken a look at how much money goes into Non-profit Organizations, How much they suck from our tax dollars? Worst off the big majority of them are LIBERAL ORGANIZATIONS! When Katrina hit the Gulf Coast who came to help? Churches, Communities and municipal groups, Contractors, some corporations, and private individuals! Where were all of the Liberal Non profit organizations? Busy helping queers to adjust to living and exceeding in heterosexual society, or providing care and adjustment for the children of Homosexual and Lesbian parents! Among many more! The Red Cross and several other organizations were even sited for misuse of funds and misappropriation as well.
Hollywood they are blowing smoke across the battlefield so we cannot clearly see the enemy!
Say what? Welfare did more to destroy black people than slavery and Jim Crowism? Excuse me but folks, American slavery created the first illegitimate family structures in America when white slave masters fathered many mulatto children and walked off because of they had that privilege. Welfare came along later as a political appendage toward the continued hindrance of black socioeconomic achievement in this country. Now that I see that this is coming from the FOX network, I understand why we have such an ignorant black man trying to describe the symptoms of pathology; white supremacy, racism, and the invention of social programs that do not aid but fail by design are the problem. Welfare exacerbated an already desperate predicament among a broken group of people surviving a shameful poverty existence. Certainly people of good will and intention served in these programs with honor and dignity because they wanted to see something good happen, but racial politics and racist ideology and practices never had the intention of fostering the success of blacks. It already knew it was a crippling subterfuge. As far back as the late 1940s, Federal Housing programs in the North were instituted to help address the massive arrival of blacks leaving the south to cities up north like Chicago, New York, and Washington, D.C., because of Jim Crowism and more; in so doing, the Federal Housing project generated what became known as “rampant ghettoization” which was a program designed to suppress enough numbers of blacks from making their socioeconomic climb out of poverty once they arrived; hence, welfare and unemployment became synonymous – so much that welfare seems to be linked to black people, although demographics show that more whites are on welfare than blacks. A real solution to the problem by way of a social program would emphasize on the creation of a stable economy, equinimity and socioeconomic transitions toward that groups own sustainability. It isn’t that these programs can’t work, it is how they are designed not to; and the reasons that become so layered. One cannot argue with the look on a mother’s face when she cannot feed her starving child; and historically, every group of people thought-out the vestiges of time used some social or slave institution system to form the basis of acquiring wealth, power, and stability; America’s slave system was a crime against humanity because it was barbaric. And blacks have yet to be given their full recognition for contributing greatly to the wealth and creation of many great inventions in this country. America can’t have it both ways; use its power to cripple advantages and then blame blacks and others on welfare because the system doesn’t work. When blacks built their own towns and circulated their own wealth, such as in the case of “Black Wall Street” in Oklahoma during the 1920s, black people did not have to leave their own communities for anything. They had their own economic wealth! And even a small percentage of whites lived and worked in the black community and there were no problems – people were civil. The problem did not start until white racist mobs set out to completely destroy a thriving black community of homeowners, businesses, schools, churches, markets, and shop. These people and their life work were set ablaze! Women were also raped and many people were killed. America’s deeply rooted pathology of hatred is its insecurity. Decent folks had their town burnt down to the ground by whites, incensed by the great example blacks were setting. Where was justice? Local or state? There were no programs to give those black people back their town. As long as racism has the power to destroy the well being and livelihood of others, such social programs are warranted. The problem isn’t the social programs; it is the fear of whites over black achievement and empowerment.