Who Is The Owner Of The Boner
Anthony Weiner has himself in a pickle. He maintains the Weiner twitter account was hacked and he is really hacked off about the situation. One of his close followers, a twenty one year old college student is unimpressed, the Weiner photo was for her, but it was shared with the world. The new wife Huma Abedin, a beautiful exotic beauty, is undoubtably confused as well; she thought Weiner was her’s alone.
Without a doubt, New York Congressman Anthony Weiner is having a tough week. There was an erotic photo of protruding underpants sent to a Seattle co-ed’s Twitter account from Weiner’s Twitter Account. The young woman, once referred to Weiner as her “boyfriend”, follows Weiner on her Twitter Account. The offending photo appeared immediately after Weiner had tweeted about his TV appearance airing in Seattle.