Weekly Open Thread – Lech Walesa Snubs Obama Edition (Bumped)

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“It’s difficult to tell journalists what you’d like to say to the president of a superpower. This time I won’t tell him, I won’t meet him, it doesn’t suit me,”

The Obama administration’s approach to Poland, an important US ally, has been largely dismissive and lukewarm. In contrast to George W. Bush, who went out of his way to build friendships in eastern and central Europe, Barack Obama has paid little attention to ‘New Europe’, and has been far more interested in appeasing the Russians and “resetting” relations with Moscow.

President Obama famously threw the Poles under the bus when he announced that the United States would not proceed with Third Site Missile defences planned for Poland and the Czech Republic, and has largely treated the Poles as an afterthought in his drive to improve ties with the Kremlin and secure the New START Treaty. Obama has at times demonstrated extremely poor judgment when it comes to US-Polish relations, even playing golf during the funeral of Polish President Lech Kaczynski, the Polish First Lady, and 94 senior officials who perished in the Smolensk air disaster.

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Much of the animus could come from the other Chicago, the Poles have been a massive (Polish population larger than Warsaw) but difficult ethnic group to handle especially where “Daley Machine” cult politics has prevailed through other groups in the city. They know, they live and experience the “Polish Joke” constantly. Try to get a fair haired blue eyed 4.0 “sky” with high academic and test scores into Grande Ole Ivie or any of the other elite schools attests to that reality.

the brainless idiot and what one calls a terrorist, anti semitic administration has done noting to foster Eastern European Affairs..nor has the worn out whore, hillary the alleged “slut of state”. The Polish immigrants into this country helped build America. Have they been given credit..no.. At one time in chi., if you were Polish, you could not shop in certain stores. What was worse, was the democrats in the 20-50’s would use Polich names both living and dead for fradulant votors. It was amasing how one democrat voted 10-15 times in one day. Smile America..you got screwed again

A man of honor who personally lived through the savageries of a hard left Socialist regime. What a breath of breath of fresh air! In my view, like “the bitch slap heard around the world” as someone put Bibi’s lecturing the clown prince few days ago we once again see a real leader lecturing our child president. Good for him! If only our leaders and so much of the electorate in general had the balls to stand up for their ideals and rights as Lech Walesa!

Does anyone recall how many Polish citizens died during the nazi occupation of Poland? He invaded Poland and then butchered them. Does any one recall Auschwitz, Belzec, Chelmno, Majpanek, Stotthof, Sobibor, Treblinka? All cities in Poland. Does anyone recall what occurred at these cities? Smile America…pres rossevelt though these were health spas.

From the sounds of it, more will be revealed, it seems Barack “Barry” Hussein O’BabyCakes, from Paris France, lectured Poland and the Polish people. His voice tone was that supercilious slide down the nose academic pomp threatening a vulnerable student with a Big-F if you keep it up.

To our Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen, Marines, Coast Guard we express our full appreciation for your services protecting us all this Memorial Day.


It never ceases to amaze me how certain groups who have done [very little if anything] in the building of this great America are endlessly proclaiming victim hood, spewing hate and anti American rhetoric – while those who came here seeking a new life and by the sweat of their brow tirelessly worked and labored to build and shape [in many ways] our America. And have done so happily because in America they knew they were truly free…. Yet those same people [Polish, Italian, Irish, Hungarian, Greek, Czech’s and other Eastern Europeans] are put on a shelf never to be mentioned or even though about again…. How does that happen?? It’s truly stunning…

I for one support ‘your’ good judgement toward Mr Barry Lech Walesa. I was as stunned as you were when Barry made his announcement regarding the Third Site Missle Defense for Poland… My jaw dropped… So, Mr Walesa you understand what Barry is all about…now I wish you could convince some others in America ….. and too what freedom and democracy really means…

I am with The Soothsayer in extending my appreciation and gratitude to our Service Men and Women of the Navy – Marines – Army – Air Force. Thank you for your Courage and Strength and for Keeping me and my fellow Country Men and women Safe. God Bless those here, and those who are gone but Never Forgotten. God Bless the Families of these honorable Service Men and Women… Be Safe always.

We must not forget our Police men and women, Fire Fighters, Our Border Patrol Agents and all others in a perilous fight between good and evil, who also work tirelessly and are also in danger everyday in order to keep us safe … Thank You and God Bless you and your Families… Be Safe Always.

J.E. Dyer:
Obama’s 2009 decision to cancel the (BUSH) ground-based interceptor (GBI) deployment in Poland was not enough to reassure Russia about American missile defense plans.

Obama’s concept for deploying tactical assets instead is meeting with the same resistance from Moscow.

The original (BUSH) GBI plan, besides defending Europe, would have given the US a defense against ICBMs launched across Europe from Asia.

The (OBAMA) new plan, involving only tactical interceptors, provides no defense for North America; it can only intercept medium-range theater missiles targeted at Europe.
But even that is more than Russia will accept.

The Russians have been perfectly explicit as to their concern. Even supposing that the purpose of the missile defense plan is to defend Europe against missiles from Iran, Russia is unwilling to have defenses deployed that might conceivably prevent Russia from launching nuclear missiles at Europe.

That’s why the Russians proposed last month that they have a “red button” veto over the use of a joint NATO-Russian missile defense system.

It’s why they are threatening to withdraw from the New START agreement that took effect in February. It’s why they are threatening a new “MAD arms race.”
And it’s why they have conducted two launches of their new-generation Sineva ballistic missile (modified SS-N-23 SKIFF) from the Barents Sea in the last month.

Obama is going MAD. (mutually assured destruction)

Going back down the path of MAD because Russia wants it and Americans don’t bother to understand that it’s happening is a terrible idea.

Russia isn’t the only nuclear-armed non-ally out there.

China, India, Pakistan, and North Korea are all nuclear armed; Iran is moving heaven and earth to become so;
and unstable nations like Burma and Venezuela are hanging out with just the rogue elements that can put them on the list as well.

In 2011, we should be putting everything we can behind establishing missile defense, rather than MAD, as the global basis for security.

Obama, MAD and Iran

If we don’t think missile defenses will deter Iran, in particular, then clearly the threat of a massive counterstrike won’t deter Iran either; the two go together.

The argument that a missile defense won’t deter Iran is not an argument for MAD; it’s an argument that Iran is undeterrable under her current leadership.

Regime change is the remedy for that condition – ideally, the regime change the Iranians themselves are more than willing to undertake.

MAD is the last thing we should rely on.

So, what one nation has Obama NOT tried to help move into an ”Arab Spring?”
And what nation has Obama snubbed?

Obama might hate America enough to set it up for obliteration.


Several weeks ago I found a Youtube video showing how healthy and vibrant Poland was before the war. I made a comment about Hitler and I was quickly corrected. Stalin was a worse enemy than Hitler. Have a look. Be sure to watch the video. Fun, but sad what happened next.


From the photo, Mr. Walesa gives the impression that he’s enjoying his golden years. Love to have a beer with him.

@ilovebeeswarzone: God Bless You Bees…:)

And Lech is whom again? Oh yeah, he was a big deal in the early 1980s.

Look, Lech is a stand up guy, but he’s not relavent.

That’s funny.
It was Obama who wanted the photo op with Lech Walesa, not the other way around.
And, had Obama gotten that photo, I am sure he’d have used to for vote-getting purposes.
(You know….the Polish vote.)


If you have a world globe handy, stretch a string from Tehran to Washington, D.C. . The flight path of an ICBM launched from Tehran would pass directly over Poland. Iran doesn’t have any missiles capable of 5511 NM (9,700km) yet, but with Russian/North Korean help, they probably will soon.

Hey Ivan – You just hate Lech Walesa for the same reason you hate Ronald Reagan: They were both instrumental in bringing down the country you most admired (and your vision for America if you had your way), the Soviet Union.

Well, Ivan is a Russian name after all…

Let’s not ignore how Chavez has cozied up with Iran, will eventually have missiles that can hit the U.S. in his country, has been helping drug cartels smuggle drugs into the U.S./Mexico, and destabilizing Honduras.

Obama even helped Chavez back Zelaya, his puppet when he attempted the coup.
Obama is incompetent at best.

Don’t underestimate the Poles, they know all about tyrants. Check out the Polish Squadrons that flew for the RAF and their army. They were known for ramming Nazi bombers to knock them out of the sky when their guns jammed or they ran out of ammo. One of my relatives died a few years ago who was one of the few who survived the war and even though he had been shot down three times and was nearly blinded he was still trying to fly missions at the end of the war. Walesa has that same spirit and is a symbol of that spirit. Hoooorah for Walesa, he recognizes a Marxist phony and makes Obama look like a fool.

Lech’s snub of O should not be a surprise to any “freedom” loving people. This man truly loves his country. O, not so much.

The taking of Monte Cassino took the final efforts from Polish, Ninja (American Japanese) and Indian Troops. We are deeply indebted, some of these troops were straffed by Allied planes.

THAT MAN, succeded to rally all the POLISH PEOPLE TO DEFEAT A TYRAN,
what a brave men can do is incredibly powerfull