This Passion We Call Hatred

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Some of you might think there is no hatred in Northern Canada, you are wrong. There's plenty of hatred to go around. They just need to look past the normal avenues of hatred; because of the different people that are there.

It is fairly common to hate the native, but most families have native blood and relatives, so it becomes complicated. The different European nationalities often hate one another; except, they often become friends and do business with each other; consequently, a virulent hatred often withers on the vine. The people who live in town and the ones who live in the country are involved in a mutual distrust, but those hatreds are often defused through the necessity of doing business with each other.

One of the most profound and legitimate hatreds in the Peace River Country, is between cattlemen. Some of these ranchers are traditionalists and insist on raising the older European breeds like Hereford and Shorthorn. These guys are regarded with disdain by the more recent European importers of Chaolais and Simmental. These cattle are considered dual purpose cattle (beef and dairy) and are much larger; although, no one but the wild and crazy ones like myself ever try to milk these crazy monsters. Then there are the Angus men. They will often split up into the Polled Angus, Red Angus, and Black Angus sub-groups with animosity directed toward the others.

Now all of this hardly makes any sense at all, except some of the modern European Cattle will have larger weaning weights but require a longer finishing period in the feedlot. The truth is once the cattle are fed at the feed lot and processed, there is not a man alive that can tell the difference between an Angus steak and a Simmental steak, but the ranchers will never admit it. The feedlots are so good at feeding out cattle that they can feed dairy cattle and sell the carcass as US Prime #1, a cut of beef that is usually shipped overseas.

The arguments will rage and the tempers will flare over arguments that are silly and futile, but we as humans, if we are non-productive, need someone to blame for our misfortunes.

The only time I was involved in a hate relationship was in the Peace River Country. I had finished a service in the US military and college, then went back to the Peace River Country to work and try to straighten out my life.

I try to engage my customers in conversation. I have learned a wealth of information from people over the years. One of the men I met was a German millwright at one of the sawmills. I was actually working for his wife and she had already told me that her husband was an avid gun collector. Eventually, I met him. He was about ten or fifteen years older than me with blonde hair and a thick German accent.

He asked me direct questions about my military service and I gave him as much information as he should expect. He then told me if we had met 25 to 30 years earlier in Europe one of us would have died. I told him to the best of my knowledge, there were no Marines in Europe and for sure none of them were wearing diapers, trying to emphasize the difference in our ages. He had no sense of humor and he seemed to have no idea what Marines were and he informed me that he was a former member of the Hitler Youth. I smiled, finished my work and left with my check, while wondering what was wrong with this former Nazi who had immigrated to Canada.

I assumed I would never be called back to that particular job, but his wife called and I went to the job. He show up half way through and started pacing like a wild animal at the zoo. I could see the hatred boiling inside of him, but I worked on the horses and kept up a running conversation with his wife. As I was preparing to leave, he stopped by the truck to tell me if he ever saw me in the bush hunting he would shoot me. I thanked him for the warning and told him most of my shooting was from a distance and that if I ever saw him, in the bush, he would be a dead man. I smiled and never returned.

As luck would have it, my business grew and I was working internationally and no longer had time for the customers around the Peace River. Would I have shot him, yes indeed, he had already threatened me twice, that is more than enough warning for me. I didn't hate the man, but he was consumed with hatred for Americans and especially for me.

This same vile and stupid hatred has run amuck in Israel and the Middle East for hundreds if not thousands of years and the Liberals and our own president are petty enough to embrace it as a cause.

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu lives with millions of senseless haters all around him. He is not one man who can send a well placed round through the center of mass and let the bears and wolves destroy any trace of the incident. No not at all. he is a responsible leader in charge of the welfare of millions, he takes his job seriously instead of being focused on transforming his country according to a failed Socialist ideology.

He established himself as a leading statesman of the world and made Obama appear to be a sniveling amateur when he addressed the US congress. He expressed himself well and concisely laid out his position on the Israeli-Palestinian problem. Unlike Obama's rainbows and lollipops speeches, Ntanyahu dealt with reality and cold hard facts in front of congress and the American people. Without note cards or teleprompter, he showed Americans what a true orator and statesman sounds like.

There are problems in the Middle East and most of them relate to medieval Muslim hatred of the Jew, it is politely called anti-Semitism. The question of the Palestinian and his rightful place in the world is a dubious claim at best. Yet, Netanyahu handled the situation of Palestinian legitimacy and our president's sympathy for the Palestinian cause with grace and tact.

This is the land of our forefathers, the Land of Israel, to which Abraham brought the idea of one God, where David set out to confront Goliath, and where Isaiah saw a vision of eternal peace. No distortion of history can deny the four thousand year old bond, between the Jewish people and the Jewish land.

But there is another truth: The Palestinians share this small land with us. We seek a peace in which they will be neither Israel’s subjects nor its citizens. They should enjoy a national life of dignity as a free, viable and independent people in their own state. They should enjoy a prosperous economy, where their creativity and initiative can flourish.

So this is a classic Western — indeed a classic liberal Western — formulation. We have our rights but we also respect your rights. Let’s find a win-win situation that benefits everyone.

They were simply unwilling to end the conflict. And I regret to say this: They continue to educate their children to hate. They continue to name public squares after terrorists. And worst of all, they continue to perpetuate the fantasy that Israel will one day be flooded by the descendants of Palestinian refugees.

My friends, this must come to an end. President Abbas must do what I have done. I stood before my people, and I told you it wasn’t easy for me, and I said… I will accept a Palestinian state. It is time for President Abbas to stand before his people and say… “I will accept a Jewish state.”

These six words, “I will accept a Palestinian state” will alter history and make our president's pleas for the Palestinian cause an impotent argument.

Those six words will change history. They will make clear to the Palestinians that this conflict must come to an end. That they are not building a state to continue the conflict with Israel, but to end it. They will convince the people of Israel that they have a true partner for peace. With such a partner, the people of Israel will be prepared to make a far reaching compromise. I will be prepared to make a far reaching compromise.

In other words, once the Palestinians really acknowledge — which they have not done — the Jewish connection to the land, Israel will know they are a partner for peace and make more compromises.

The response of Abbas:

We say to him [Netanyahu], when he claims — that they have a historical right dating back to 3000 years — we say that the nation of Palestine upon the land of Canaan had a 7000 year history. This is the truth, which must be understood and we have to note it, in order to say: “Netanyahu, you are incidental in history. We are the people of history. We are the owners of history.”

Netanyahu has taken the Liberal approach, he is ready for a Palestinian state and Peace, but the Palestinians must be ready for peace. Abbas and his Palestinians are taking the role of the Fascist National Socialists of WWII and capitulation will be seized as a staging area for the final attack on Israel.

Predictably Abbas declared Netanyahu's speech a declaration of war. In effect, ending Obama's public support for his beloved Palestinians and making further efforts by Liberals at promoting the Palestinian cause seem like a waste of time and a contradiction of common sense.

This is a repetitious scenario that has been repeated in '48, '67, and '73. The Arab Muslims let their hatred of the jew boil over and they meet with biblical retribution. Without a doubt, our president and the Jew haters of the world believe if they hamstring Israel enough, they will be able to mount a successful war and annihilate the Jewish people once and for all.

I fear that many American Jews and our president are willing to risk the destruction of Israel as a form of appeasement or capitulation so that the Muclim fanatic will settle down. This is a fool's vision, the conquest of Europe and America will follow the annihilation of Israel, for no amount of capitulation will satisfy the blood lust of the haters of the Middle East.

Epilogue: Bebe Netanyahu's brother Yoni was killed in the Entebbe Raid, if there was a man who had a justification for hatred, you could say Bebe is that man. Yet, he offers peace, to a man who is consumed with hate. Here are some photos of Col. Yoni Netanyahu. of the Israeli Special Forces.

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That would be very interesting to know.

Please do not misinterpret my remarks and opinions. I refer only to the Israeli government and its relationship with the US government. I have met Israelis almost every month while living in China. Each and every one acted toward me as a brother to the cause of freedom. In Thailand, I often meet Israelis and we do have a lot in common. They are unabashed in their support for Israel and the US.

It is almost the exact same thing I felt while visiting South Korea. I have been there over a dozen times. Each time I come away with an uneasiness and dislike for their culture. The feeling is very similar to what I felt in Israel. These are some serious people. They, too, are under siege from a clear and present danger. The South Koreans are pushing and rude, not just to foreigners but to themselves. The government a few years back even tried to change things by coming out with a smile to the foreigners campaign or some such thing. I understand but I still do not like visiting South Korea

Koreans, outside of South Korea, are magnificent. They are the most like Americans of all the Asians I have met. I have very close friends who are Korean and a niece from Inchon. I have yet to meet a Korean on the road that I did not like. We laugh together and joke together. Inside South Korea, they take on a different attitude.

Kinda sounds like Israel, doesn’t it.


That incident occurred seven years prior to me becoming a Hebe linguist (we were Special Arabic linguist then). I have known about it since first starting out in that career. I know what the word is among us Hebes and what certain people have told me who were actually involved. Do some research on it, come up with your worst fears and then multiply them by 1000 and divide by five and you will probably be close to the truth. I am no expert but . . .

Israel is a sovereign country with legitimate priorities like every country in the world. They are not perfect nor are they guilt free and neither are we. My purpose here was simply to convince people not to blindly follow along with whatever goes down in the ME. Look at the facts and the evidence before jumping on a bandwagon.

Chill ,I misjudged you I’m sorry,I am still going to get back to you as to why my friends were in Israel.

@Chill: You said:

Is this really your argument? You need to give some thought as to what you are trying to imply.

Chill, I wasn’t implying anything, where did you get that?

You are the one who said –

The exaggerated list of destroyed military equipment was presented from one government to another and thus the entire government of Israel is culpable. The list was presented in hopes of strengthening their military at the expense of the American taxpayers beyond what the treaty called for.

What are YOU implying?

Do you think that the decision to exaggerate the equipment numbers went all the way to the top of the government? It seems that is what you are saying.

You said:

I defend Israel but I do not blindly trust them as you seem to. Americans are like that, yes they are!

Putting words in my mouth now? Where did I say that I blindly trust ANY country? Hell, I don’t even blindly trust my OWN government.

All I did was point out that your assertions that Israel was not really an ally of the US were a tad bit “conspiracy theory” for me, that’s all.

You ought to be careful how you word things when you are accusing folks of saying things they did not say.


Two can play your silly little game as well.

Please show me where I stated that Israel was not really an ally of the US. I stated based, on evidence, that they were not as trustworthy as you (people like you) would have them to be. There was no conspiracy theory involved. The equipment list they presented us was signed off by the head of their government – Golda Meir who then resigned in April 1974. The list was fraudulent and we knew it. This is not an implication, it is a fact backed by documentation and personal experiences.

Are you implying that I do not know what I am writing about simply because you disagree with my opinions?

Are you trying to defend the act of lying to an ally to gain more equipment?

Notice you have not written anything about the Liberty incident of 1967 or the Pollard treason. Do the research and then present an argument based on reason and logic so that I can have a shot at changing my opinion, because I want to be wrong.

This has nothing to do with conspiracy. I know and understand what Israel is about. They are not trustworthy in what they present (as in government to government) and their “intelligence” must always be verified. They have a long history of less than honest dialogue with the US (and they know the American political system well enough not to trust the US government). They are an ally but not as trustworthy as most Americans perceive (much like Obama is not a trustworthy allie to them). IMHO, we have no real allies among the rest of the ME.

My challenge to you – Pollard and USS Liberty.

@Chill: My, my you really get your knickers in a twist don’t you? First you accuse me of saying things I did not say, then you get upset when I point it out.

Kind of hard to have an intelligent discussion with you about things when these are your tactics.

I suppose that my pointing out that my opinion was that you were in error when you claimed the entire government of Israel was corrupt was too much for you to bear.

I was not wanting to argue, just wanted to put my two cents in on what you said. It isn’t my fault that you are too thin skinned to listen to opposing opinions.

It is interesting that you challenge me on the Liberty when Skookum, whose opinion I highly trust said this about it:

You are the only human I’ve heard mention the disaster. Do we know what went wrong or is it classified and locked away?

Kind of hard for me to get the facts on something that I do not have access to.

Look, the bottom line is that I offered a differing opinion, if you don’t like that, tough. I really don’t care. Obviously you oppose discussion.


I am more than willing to discuss why I hold the opinions I do. Believe I have presented three pretty strong reasons.

I believe that the biggest difference between a liberal and a conservative is that conservatives hold opinions based on logic, facts and evidence and liberals base their opinions on the DNC and emotions. Conservatives change their opinions when confronted by the truth no matter how painful. I am willing to change my mind if you have strong proof that I should. Are you?

I have challenged you to a discussion to provide logic, facts and evidence about why my opinion about Israel is incorrect. I am looking for a discussion and not insults or childish liberal-like games to avoid presenting why you hold the opinion that you hold. Nothing wrong with have a differing opinion. Something seriously wrong when that opinion causes one to disagree openly without providing the reason for the disagreement. Liberals do it everyday when confronted and then move on or go SCS. Been there, done that.


MK Ben-Ari said, “It would be interesting to know what would happen if Israeli diplomats took photos of activists in the United States. While Jonathan Pollard rots in jail, [U.S. President Barack] Obama shamelessly sends his spies against Israel in the light of day. The activists prove that Obama and Netanyahu can talk all they want, but the People of Israel continue to settle our land.”

Meir Bratler, of the Movement to Build in Judea and Samaria, said, “The strategic area of E-1 must be built as a Jewish neighborhood, and the Likud government should say so. The expulsions following American pressure will not stop us.”

American Embassy officials went to check the activity in that location. This is perfectly acceptable behavior by embassy personnel. This is done all over the world between allies and semi-allies alike. The Defense Attache to the Embassies have a charter to go about looking around on their official visits to various places. In a word, it is not spying nor even reaches a level of “unauthorized snooping.” No one sent spies anywhere and I think that Israeli staffers would be welcome at protests in the US.

Notice the reference to dear beloved traitor Pollard. A convicted traitor is a hero among Israelis. Any comments?

Chill I talked to the daughter she told me her mother taught school in Israel and dad had something to do with the I.D.F.,thats all I know,both are deceased now.but they were great people to know.

WILL, I was trying to organise all that you mentionned, on all your comments,on this
POST CALLED ; THIS PASSION WE CALL HATE; and my thought came to realise that
you are showing and inciting on a PUBLIC FORUM THE HATE YOU POSESS FOR ISRAEL,
BECAUSE YOU CAME SO GRADUALY AT THE TIME, FROM THEIR your negative take out as oppose to CAMBODIANS, to their arrogance, to the beating their CITIZENS PALESTINIANS,
YOU CAME BACK FOR MORE WITH some remarks stating our own views being emotionnal,
on our side, and add up more on the side of ISRAEL, and defending your views with again more ,
of to realy tell the now haters of ISRAEL THAT they are right to HATE AND DISTRUST THEM.
SO my own personal take on it, is that was not appropriate to this POST,
but appropriate to show those who are siding with the JEWISH PEOPLE OF ISRAEL,
i think that you have spent to many times with the haters of ISRAEL, and as a intelligence employee
you have lost the important neutrality needed for an AGENT CAPABLE OF JUDGING A COUNTRY,
AND THEREFOR YOU SHOULD BE RECALL IN YOUR COUNTRY to reconnect with the source of your work

ilovebeeswarzone Thank-you!


What can I write that you will not misconstrue. Must I hug myself and say every minute of my life – Oh how great and wonderful Israel is and Oh how she can never do any wrong and no one has the right to question what she does. To do so would mean that he or she is an anti-semite Sorry, but I am not so emotionally tied.

Let me make myself perfectly clear so that you and anyone else can know my intent.

I stand firmly on the side of Israel against the Palestinian terrorists who have absolutely no desire for statehood but wish only to see every Jew in Israel dead. In fact, every Muslim I have ever met repeats the same trash – Jews should be exterminated from Muslim lands. Hello. Did you read that statement? Do they sound like I am wanting to see Israel destroyed? I have even been called a bigot by some authors of this blog because I “had the nerve” to present my opinions and place the Muslim religion in a negative light. They did not present any evidence to make me change my mind. In fact, they present NO evidence but simply attacked me and my opinions based on their own emotional biases. Sound familiar?

Hello. What is it that you do not understand about the above statements? I take great offense at what you have written. My comments were that we must trust but VERIFY based on three instances (of the many instances) that I presented. Did you even take the time to google the USS Liberty event or the hero image of Pollard in Israel? No, I thought not.

You and people like you were the reason I made my comments and no one, not you, not Skookum nor anyone else have placed the facts that I have presented in a different light to make me change my opinion. Israel has its own priorities and they do not always fit within America’s priority. My opinion now, and unless new facts or new ways of looking at facts are presented, is that we must use common sense, logic and take with a grain of salt everything that Israel says she does, will do or does not do. Trust but verify. Do not blindly believe all that is being written about her as the Gospel truth just because you want it to be. Is this hate or is it common sense?

You are wrong when you make accusations about me or my comments. Go back and read them carefully again. My comments have always consistently stated that I SUPPORT Israel’s right to exist and would gladly travel there to give assistance if asked. I doubt very seriously that you nor very many people on this forum would make that move. You are not just wrong but ignorantly wrong because you are operating under the myth of your own emotions.

Quote me where I stated that I HATE anyone or any country. The Zionist I have met were not my favorite people. NOT MY FAVORITE PEOPLE. That is not a hateful statement.

Once again, just because you believe that Israel is perfect does not make it so. Trust but verify. What is illogical about that? What is hateful about that? Do some research especially about the USS Liberty and Jonathan Pollard. Ask yourself why would an ally attack such an unarmed ship not just from the air but by surface ship as well killing 34 US sailors. Ask yourself how an ally could run espionage operations against us exactly the same way they ran espionage ops against Israel’s avowed enemies: Syria, Lebanon and Egypt. Putting your head in the sand is no excuse. Look at yourself, you attacked me, my intention and my integrity just because I dared question the honesty of Israel in some of her dealings.

Right wing fanatic conservatives are just as bad and ignorant as left wing fanatic liberals. Please, deliver me from both (but if given a choice I would take the conservatives!

Now having vented all that, I hope you take a deep breath and realize what you have done. I look forward to you convincing me that what I write was wrong and you can bring to the forum facts and evidence to prove me wrong. Start by trying to explain away USS Liberty and then proceed to explain why the Israelis ran an espionage ops against us. I am willing to change my mind but not by emotional insults or hate-filled diatribes stating I have no business on this forum where I have been since 2005. Thank you for your kind attention to these requests.

Read with a grain of salt and please do not hesitate to attack me as you see fit. It adds spice to the forum. I like you and your writings so continue on.


Wow, it would have been great to get their take on life in Israel, especially if they were not Jewish. Was the gentleman in the US military as an advisor or do you know?

Chill,all I can tell you is she used to tell me how fertile the land was and easy it was to grow things over there.She told me they grow cantalopes as big as our watermelons among other things,I gotta kick out of talking to her about Israel,as for her husband J.T. I just know he was an advisor.He did say that the men he knew were very seasoned,thats all I can tell you.


Thanks. I can safely say that the Israeli Defense Forces are some of (if not the finest) military units in the world. They are real, professional and almost to a man – totally courageous. All the Arab armies in the ME would have a tough time in dealing with the Israeli army and they know it. The only thing that stands between Israel and total destruction is this military – with or without the assistance of the US. Again – a very serious people indeed!

I have started going through my slides from decades ago about Israel. I even printed one out scanning and working to repair it in Photoshop. I forgot just how blue the skies were there. Got a lot to recover so as not to lose them.

Chill,I hope I have helped some.

Chill, I haven’t disputed Pollard, the USS Liberty, or the inflated invoices. So it would be difficult for me to argue with you. Although, the Liberty tragedy has been concealed from the public, I wrote a paper on it, but couldn’t get it published. Part of the reason is, the story is so outrageous that people like me find it hard to believe and figure it must be propaganda or BS; sadly that is not the case, I took your advice before i ever read it and verified the story. Unfortunately, no one is anxious to put all the goods on the table.

The Pollard story is almost as bad and who knows if he caused loss of American lives indirectly.

The inflated invoices are something we see in government and civil court everyday, not exactly the same level of treachery. It’s true, we should expect more from an ally; however if we are known for verifying instead of being rubes, it wouldn’t have happened.

I think we can all learn from your commentary. It is imperative to verify.

We will also find faults with friends and allies, but we shouldn’t throw the baby out with the bath water. In the case of Israel, they are up against such formidable odds it seems reasonably they will be both aggressive and ruthless. The Palestinians don’t want peace despite the Liberal rants,nor do any of their neighbors: they want to kill the Jews, all of them. And anyone who thinks they will stop there should be committed.


Hey, I found Israel to be exactly as advertised in all the movies that I have watched to include: Cast A Giant Shadow, The Exodus and all those documentaries on TV and elsewhere. Most of the Bible stuff we visited were questionable with, as I recall, only Jacob’s well was guaranteed authentic. The rest to include the nativity in Bethlehem and even the Gilgotha site are controversial sites.

The country was vibrant and Old Jerusalem was a dream. My friend and I set out at dusk to check out the Old City. We were staying at the Notre Dame Hotel (Catholic run) across from the Damascus gate. As we walked among the streets that are all stuck together with buildings, we began to enter the Christian area. Arab Christians, I can truthfully say, are some of my favorite people in the world. There are not many of them and they catch crap from both the Jews and the Muslims.

Anyway we spent too much time with these people and it was getting very dark so we started to find our way back out. An old Arab gentlemen approached us and said “Come. Come,” so we followed him. He went into a little room with a bunch of adobe-looking furnaces and trash piled up high on all sides. He opened one of the furnaces and threw in a bunch of trash and had us follow him around the other side of that building. As we walked in following the old Arab, two guys followed us in. These two guys were serious, very scary serious but seemed friendly enough. As the five of us walked into what appeared to be a maze, the two guys identified themselves as Israeli detectives “baloshim.” They realized we were Americans and they wanted to know why we were not scared.

“Scared of what?” I asked.

At that point the old Arab gentlemen sat down and kind of did a Voila! thing. The two detectives said that the Arab guy was showing us a 1500 year old Turkish bath and was wanting some tips. No problem. He got lots of tips from us.

On the way out, the two detectives offered us a ride back to our hotel and said that a bus had just blown up at the Damascus Gate and they were checking anybody who was moving around. This was the first time an Arab bus had been bombed. Now we know why they kept wondering why we were not scared?

Never forget this incident as the older Arab gentlemen kept saying Israel is good to me. Israel is good to me.

Israelis – very serious people to be sure.

Chill,do you also recall,The Tragedy of life dies in a man while he lives,J.T.,told me the Israel I.D.F told him to all ways remenber that.


There is simply, IMHO, no argument with what you wrote. The USS Liberty did occur as did the Pollard affair. Other things have happened which have been kept away from public and even from people on the inside such as I was a long time ago. One only hears whispers and stray talks. I do know people who have had to “watch their wallets’ when they work with Israeli intel types.

I completely agree with your assessment on Israel. They have absolutely no wiggle room in their dealings with the terrorists that surround them.

How obnoxious can one be when the Imams try to palm off the concept that God gave them Israel 7000 years ago. Israel came into being in 1400 BC and that is a factual date proven by writing from Egypt and the northern Hittites. There has been a Jewish presence in Israel throughout that entire time. It is real, it is historical and now it is very much legal. The title of your article was HATE and that is the name of the game in the ME among the Muslims.

How about a sweet young girl from Qatar studying English in the US making the statement that her greatest hero was Hitler because he killed the Jews. She had never really met a Jew in her entire life (except the professor who was Jewish without her knowledge). She hated the Jews because . . . now go back and reread your article for the reason for her hate.

Chill, I reread the article, after several days. I liked it better than I did originally. The young college student was consumed with rage because she had been taught to hate from an early age, but her hatred was baseless. She didn’t hate her instructor, even though he was Jewish. Her hatred couldn’t define a Jew; unless she was given a Jewish identity to hate. To a degree, the hatred was prejudicial in the sense that her hatred could not distinguish a Jew on its own, but was perfectly capable once a positive Jewish identity was determined. Otherwise, she might have loved this teacher.

Mindless and senseless hatred for people she had never met is absurd, but it is the tradition of her culture and family.


This true story was told to us by one of our professors in the graduate English department at Oklahoma State University. At the time she was teaching intensive English at (if I recall correctly) Columbia or some big name school in the East. We all wanted to know why she did not gently tell the student that she had a Jewish professor. The professors response was logical – it would have done no good.

It is too late for too many of these people. They will find out just how too late it is when they all meet the real creator of their lives IMHO. Hate such as this has no place among civilized people.

WILL, yes, I reacted mostly because ISRAEL was pin against the wall by OBAMA’S DEMANDS,
and put in a situation of having to react, in front of all the WORLD insulted
and humiliated by the demands being strongly force on them to favor their neighbord which vow to exterminate them, that should have not happened,
they react the right way but where wounded by this event,, now we are still on a public forum taking a stand for the man which is down to show his ennemies that he [ISRAEL I CALL THE MAN AS A IMAGERIE FOR YOU TO UNDERSTAND]!!! to show I repeat his ennemies that he is down hurt but is not alone, he has friend,
that is important when you’re down to acknowledge that your friends are on your side,
complete support not half support, with half negatives.

@ilovebeeswarzone: @ilovebeeswarzone:

One again, you are operating from pure emotion and that is what liberalism is all about. Israel stands by herself in the ME but not in the world. You refuse to address the incidents I laid out and continue to close a blind eye to what I am writing. There are 34 American sailors dead as a direct result of an attack in international waters on an unarmed ship, not just bombing and strafing but a surface attack by an Israeli torpedo boat. This, by itself, should give you a moment to pause and ask why. Blind trust, blind belief, blind support will get you in trouble every time. Support Israel. Support Israel but be wary and protect our interests in that support.

Too many Israelis in and out of government take our support for granted and think they can do whatever they want, whenever they want and the support will remain. That should not be the attitude of a mutual partner.

Of course, as you well pointed out, the US government has appeared to change the course, which will be a disaster for freedom and truth throughout the world.

Trust but verify.

Oh, BTW, I remembered that the Damascus Gate incident happened in 1978 so I looked it up. It was actually on June 2, 1978 that it occurred so I can now recount when and where I was doing that visit to Israel.

Jun 02, 1978 – A PLO terrorist bomb blows up in a bus in Jerusalem killing 6 people and wounding 19.

Funny how the brain remembers things, isn’t it?

WILL, this is not emotions, to take a stand on an ALLYE NATION,on a subject completly diffrent from what you refer to, you are mixing the purpuse of why we take a stand, I listen to what you are mentionning,
that has no place in this forum , unless you ‘re aim is to hurt them more, and humiliate them further giving tools to their ennemies. there is a time for each thing and subject, yours was out of place.

was that ship in their waters without having ask for right to entry,
what make you so sure it was an act deliberated,
could it not have been an error done from a NATION CONSTANTLY ATTACK


Blindly support. Don’t bother you with the facts, your mind is already made up. I am not asking you to NOT support Israel. I am simply saying that there are problems that you and others should be made aware of.

This is a good place to start. Many of the people who set up this website were actually on the unarmed ship in INTERNATIONAL waters or are people who were involved. Not even Israel denies that it was some place else. One does not have to ask permission to traverse international waters. I know the answers to your questions but you need to find them for yourself or not, depending how honest a conservative you are.

Google also Jonathan Pollard and read all the junk that Israel and her supporters put out there trying to get him released. He took money from an Israeli handler and provided Israel with some of the most secret information available. Way, way beyond what he claimed Israel needed. No court, no hearing simply because of the absolute damage that his espionage caused. Israel to this day refuses to disclose what and who they gave these secrets to.

Oh, Chill you are trying to turn everyone against Israel, how dare you!!

No, I am trying to relay information so we are not dumb stupid liberals all blindly following whatever our leaders or like-minded people tell us. THINK for yourself. Look at the good, the bad and the ugly so that your support is intelligent support.

I still support Israel even though I think we should never fully trust her. Support her with our treasure and our soldiers if necessary. Not blindly but with eyes wide open.

You and others like you are a major problem in dealing with the situation. You refuse to look at all sides. Do that and if you are honest you will continue to support Israel but you will do so with eyes open and not shut as they are now.

Google (if you dare) USS Liberty and Jonathan Pollard.

@ilovebeeswarzone: Couldn’t have said it better myself, beezy. I tried to have a discussion with Chill, but all he wants to do is insult anyone who has the balls to call him on any aspect of what he says.

He keeps bringing up an incident that according to Skookum is not public knowledge and then if anyone says anything about it, they are an “emotional liberal.”

If being called that by him, puts me in your company, then so be it. I am proud to be lumped in with you, beezy!

Skookum and you both hit the nail on the head, you with your comment #76, and Skooks with his warning not to throw the baby out with the bath water. Israel IS our ally, but they, like us are human. That means they will have their faults and to repeatedly call them out on said faults, only to say, “But I stand with the Jews!,” is an odd way to show support of an ally.

As Skookum said, inflation of invoices occurs every day, all over the world. We ought to have caught it, but there also might have been greed on our side because those munitions and equipment were manufactured privately, therefore someone profited. Who knows? All I know is that to hold that up and say that means we cannot trust Israel is pretty shaky IMHO.


I see that you really are not interested in TRUTH. Not my truth but the truth of reality. You need to go back and reread what Skookum wrote before you put words in his mouth. He found out about it, wrote a paper on it but could not get it published. Do not believe he would be wasting his time writing about something that did not happen.

Forget about me or your dislike for me or how I write. Do the research and find out for yourself if the incidents are true.

The invoice issue happened on my watch and was really minor just blatantly inflated. Forget about it. Do the research on USS Liberty and the Jonathan Pollard espionage case. If you do not want to find out about the truth then, admit that you are not interested in the truth. Neither you, Skookum or anyone else have yet to prove that what I am writing are lies. They are not.

Does the truth frighten you so much that you stick your heads in the sand and say no, no, no? Do not waste time attacking me, it won’t change the truth. The USS Liberty is available to the public if you look for it ( Jonathan Pollard and his espionage is public record. Forget about me or anything about me. Look for the truth, if you dare.

WILL I never tought it was a lie, I wonder why the DEPARTEMENT OF WAR CRIMES DECIDED TO DISMISS,
THAT , instead of reacting, now they should be pursue to give an answer,so that is where you should push your energy, if you want answers, there is an unanswered question that seem to take away the responsability of ISRAEL IN THIS and the department are under top secret seem to me, so we’ll never know

@Chill: I read up on the Liberty incident, and was reminded that I had actually heard about it long ago. Where, I cannot say anymore. But in any event, you are the one who keeps dredging that up, I am not. My only comment was about the inflated invoices, which you eventually even said yourself, was minor.

You make a lot of assumptions about me and others on this board, and it only goes to show that you have no idea who we are. Call me all the names you want, but it doesn’t change my stance on the invoice issue; which was all I commented on. I make it a habit to only debate about topics I am at least familiar with. Since I have never been in the intelligence community, it would be ludicrous for me to challenge you on such issues, now wouldn’t it? But no, you keep saying for me to prove you are lying. Funny, but I never said you did lie.

Tell you what, let’s have a debate on Tetralogy of Fallot, or Chest Wall Syndrome or Congestive Heart Failure, or Child Development – all areas that I have expertise in. I will make a statement about one of those subjects and then challenge you to prove I lied.

That would be kinda dumb, and that is exactly what you are doing.

Now for the record, I never said you lied. I never said you were wrong. I merely questioned aspects of the invoice issue. You brought it up, I didn’t. I was evidently under the false assumption that by bringing it up, you were open to debate on it. Looks like you are only open to debate with folks who agree blindly with you, but like your mistrust of Israel, I don’t blindly trust you.

If you don’t like that, tough shit.


I made no assumptions. I have said throughout that we should trust and verify, trust and verify and gave you reasons to do just that. I do not necessary distrust Israel. I probably understand where they are coming from better than the normal American conservative.

You were challenging me on my opinions of tempered support. Ms. Breezy stated directly that I should not be on this forum. You evidently agreed with her in #79. I never said anything about supporting Jews as there are also Arab Muslims, Christians and Druids within the border of Israel. I support Israel but I do it with an open mind understanding the past and the present. Never fear the truth.

The government of the United States has covered up many things throughout its history. Truth is buried for the sake of diplomacy – happens all the time on the international arena. It still does not alter that fact that we lost 34 sailors in an illegal, unprovoked attack from a “close” ally. Unprovoked and 34 US sailors dead.

Trust but verify.

CHILL, you cannot verify, so you cannot accuse ISRAEL,
maybe there was those civils you mentionned that where agents for the cCOUNTRY THE SHIP WAS HEADING TO,
AND your link mentionned of some weaponerys in the front cabins they mentionned to deter entrys.
how about arm dealer stuff going on that ship that is hijacked, I’m just assuming ,
but there is unanswered question for sure maybe that could become embarrassing for the department of war crimes to let out


The USS Liberty was much like the USS Pueblo of North Korean fame. No arms on board. It was chocked full of radio equipment. Get it. Radio equipment. The incident was covered up because it would do severe damage to the US public image of Israel. It was not an accident as several aircraft had come out for recon several times before the attack occurred. They knew what ship it was and what it was doing there in INTERNATIONAL waters.

Jamming a ships communications especially when sending out an Sos is an act of war in itself. Strafing a ship from the air and dropping bombs on it for thirty minutes is an act of war. Bringing in three torpedo boats to try to torpedo a boat and sink it is an act of war. The USS Liberty was not at fault so do not try to lay blame on her and her crew members.

I believe that your eyes are now open. Who knows why the Israelis did what they did? They have not said why. I have read several books trying to give the reason but none were conclusive. The idiot Muslim terrorists try to point a finger and say see the Zionists are soooo bad, but these people have done things a million times worse and on all the continents of the planet.

No matter the reasons, I still support Israel and I still believe that Bibi Netanyahu is one of the greatest leaders of our time. I am searching hard through my old slides to see if I have a picture of him but I think the picture is actually of Rabin when I along with my fellow Hebrew students were invited to the White House to meet the Israeli delegates. I will find the picture that I took myself.

Your eyes are open and you asked the right questions. That is all this little exercise was about. Thank you very much.

CHILL okay, best to you